
Loss and Gain


"In each loss there is a gain, As in every gain there is a loss, And with each ending comes a new beginning." - Someone wise————————————————————————————————————

Well covid-19 had certainly made life difficult and today was one of said difficult situations, you see I was on my way to college for my final exams. I for some reason thought my train arrives on platform 3, when it actually arrives in platform 1. So I was there standing on platform 3 waiting for the train to arrive, I looked towards the board that showed the train routes and saw that the train on platform 3 goes the opposite direction of my college, I started to panic so I checked the other routes and remembered that the train I need to catch will be on platform 1. I decided to run as fast as I could but I was standing close to the tracks and it was rainy season, Just as I was about to run my leg slipped and I fell towards the track, Instead of landing on my legs I landed head first, my head hit the train track. I felt my world go dark.

I opened my eyes at first i was confused where I was, then after a minute or so I started seeing images and quickly realised these were from my point of view (first person p.o.v.) but what left my mind completely baffled was whom these memories belonged to, they were not my memories but that of a MC, a MC I absolutely adored and looked up to. Naruto Uzumaki. The memories that were being showed to me, where like a movie. I literally saw his whole life, from birth to genin exams. It was like I was him and at the same time I was also me, as I still had my memories.

After I synced with all his memories, I sat up straight thinking it was probably a dream and I was in the hospital but after sitting up I saw that this was very much not a dream, I got up and dashed towards the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and the brightest set of sky blue eyes looked back, I had messy golden-blonde hair and tree whisker marks on each cheek. From the memories I had just passed the genin exams last night and have team placements in a week.

I went out to the living room and sat on the chair, everything hit me, my mom, dad, brother, friends. Everyone and everything I had in my life was gone and now I was to play the role of a person who has the heart and soul of gold. How could i do it? Naruto Uzumaki was a once in a lifetime person. I was not like naruto, Don't get me wrong I am not a mean or a rude person, but my life was quite normal, I was loved and cared for, I had people. Naruto had been through a lot and still forgave everyone, I don't think I could've.

I sighed, Now is not the time to think of this. I looked at the clock on my nightstand and saw it was 10 Am. I looked around and saw the mess.

"*sigh*Time to clean this shithole up, I don't wanna change a lot but if I am here might as well change a few things." I said to myself. One of the top 10 lies uttered in the multiverse.

Then I went on to make 10 Shadow clones and had 5 of them to clean up my apartment, 1 of them go to the clothing store, 1 to got to the market to get food supplies, 2 to go to the library and 1 to make some food.

I just sat on my couch as the clones did everything. After every clone was dispelled, I cried, I sat there and cried. I wanted to change things and train to bring naruto's no, my dreams to reality, I am naruto. I will stop the akatsuki, obito, madara, orochimaru, danzo and kaguya. Then become hokage and achieve all the dreams naruto had and go even beyond but I'll start that from tomorrow. Today I lost too much so just for today I allowed myself to cry.

I didn't know when I fell asleep, but I did know it was 6 pm on the same day, it was sunday, October 14, year 78 , team placements were on the 21st coming week. I went over to the shopping bags and stacked all the food and put all my clothes in the washing unit, which was surprising to see, I thought sarutobi wouldn't even have given naruto an address to a laundromat. I did not feel like eating so I picked up the books and scrolls the 2 naruto's got from the library. They had got books on history, geography, shinobi tactics and conduct, a taijutsu and kenjutsu style. For taijutsu it was the absolute basic, academy style and for kenjutsu it was the leaf style, just the basic kata's for a sword. That is all I needed for now. I needed to start with and master the basics.


The next day.


I woke up at 8 Am. Brushed my teeth, used the toilet and took a bath. Then I put on my clothes, a chainmail undershirt for basic protection, a full sleeves black jacket, it had the uzumaki symbol on the back and the uzumaki symbol on the upper sleeves. A black anbu style pants, with ankle wrapped in white shinobi tape. I wore black shinobi pants and switched the blue cloth under my headband to black. As to not change too much I kept the jacket open and wore an orange T-shirt. I had two shinobi pouches on my waist the left one had kunai, shuriken and paper bombs. The right one had medical supplies and ninja wire. My left leg had a scroll attached to it which had a sleeping bag and a set of clothes. My right leg had a kunai holster with of course a kunai it. Why was I dressed up you ask and carrying my shinobi supplies, well, I had to submit my shinobi registration form and had to meet the sandaime.

Other than that, I was going to spend the after noon meditating or trying to find a way to contact kurama.

I left my home and started my walk towards the hokage tower, a few people glared at me, some were surprised at my change of clothing. I just smiled and picked up my speed, I reached the office to see a lot of my classmates, I didn't really wanna socialize so I just waited in the corner, waiting my turn. Due to my new look, few of my classmates that were there didn't even recognise me.

'I could've just come late.' I thought.

20 minutes later, I was done with the picture and got it pasted on my form.

I was about to leave when I heard footsteps behind me and a very shy and small voice call out, "Na-naruto-kun?".

'Oh fuck, what do I do now!? Well greeting her would be a start, I guess.' I thought.

"Hello Hinata-chan. How are ya?" I asked in a calm tone coupled with a foxy smile that naruto was blessed with.

Now contrary to popular belief, hinata was kind of a pervert, so when she saw her naruto in a different outfit that instead of the usual happy, bright orange, sunshine vibe gave a apathetic and cool vibe which made him look like the kind of guy you could show-off to your friends and make them extremely jealous. She fainted.

On him.

"What do I do now?" I asked myself as I held a passed out hinata but the most surprising part was the bit of blood coming out of her nose.


I carried hinata to the hyuga compound by hopping roofs, so the ci-villans didn't see us. After reaching there I sat on a bench across the compound putting hinata by my side and started writing a note. I sent a clone for a branch member. Once he came he picked the smiling yet passed out hinata up, giving me a look that asked what I did.

"I did nothing, she just passed out after greeting me, here give please give this note to her once she wakes up. Now I'll take my leave as I still have to give my form to Hokage-sama." I said with a small bow and made my exit.


It took me around 5 minutes to reach the old man's office, I knocked and asked for permission to come in and opened the door when i got a "Yes, come in." His tone was kind but had a stern edge to it.

I walked in and saw Hiruzen Sarutobi the Third Hokage of Konohagakure a powerful ninja, hailed as a "God of Shinobi".

"Hey ji-chan or should I say ji-sama, as I am a shinobi working under you my lord." I said in an amused tone.

"Hahaha, very funny my boy. Nice clothes by the way, I see you changed a lot, I mean you asked for permission, you of all people being polite. Hell might have just frozen over" Sarutobi said sarcastically.

"Well this can go on forever. Here's my form to become a shinobi for Konoha, Now gramps I have to tell you something." I said. When sarutobi looked at me, as if telling me to go on. I spoke up again. "Important and alone." I said with a serious face.

Sarutobi looked at me with a blank face for 15 seconds then did a few hand signs and gestured me to speak.


Author Style: Flashback Technique.

It was an hour after I had woken up that I truly felt in sync with the memories and there was something that was not settling well with me. The memories showed that naruto was a bad at testing, he wasn't dumb, he just didn't know a good way to study, take notes or memorize. It also showed him being good at taijutsu, now he wasn't the best but he wasn't the worst either. Same goes for Kunai and Shuriken practice. Due to him being placed in a class full of clan heirs in his final years, he fell off. Not to the bottom but out of the 30 in class he stood at 24. Reason being, naruto failing written tests, not submitting any given homework or assignment and finally ninjutsu. He was good at transformation technique but always used his own devised sexy transformation, Substitution was a skill he could pull of but would fail a lot, bad chakra control and finally clone technique, as we all know, it was an utter failure no matter what day or what try. Anyways the thing to note was, this naruto wasn't a yelling orange ball of failure.

Why this concerned me, well if naruto already is different than I could all but say goodbye to canon. I don't know if that was good or bad but it didn't matter, as starting tomorrow I am naruto uzumaki no matter what.

Author Style: Flashback Technique Release.


"Jiji, I have been hiding my self, more so my personality, my skills are nearly the same level. I also know not only about the kyuubi but also why the fourth sealed him in me." I said. I looked at sarutobi and saw him go from shock to guilt and finally he laughed.

"How?" Asked the sandaime completely baffled.

"Well it's not that hard to figure out, I was born on the day nine-tails attacked and everyone always called me the demon-brat or just avoided me like I was a disease. I had read in a book that tailed beasts are constructs of chakra and chakra cannot be destroyed ergo tailed beasts cannot be killed. So I guessed the fourth sealed it in me. As to why he sealed him in me well lets just say he was a kind and noble man." I ended with a smile.

"Well my boy, you ought to be the most unpredictable person I have met." Chuckled the old man. "And yes minato was definitely kind and noble." He stated.

"So you know of your parents-" he was interrupted by naruto, "Parent, I know my dad I don't know much about my mom." I said in fake innocence and curiousity.

"Ah I see, well my boy your mother was Uzumaki Kushina, she was an high A-Rank bordering S-Rank kunoichi, I still believe if she had not stopped taking as many mission's as she did in her teens and third war, she would have been an S-Rank for sure. She had long bright red hair and always smiled, she was exuberant like you, honestly you get your personality from her, well that is what I thought up until now but like you said you have been hiding under a mask. I am truly sorry for the life you have lived Naruto and I know a few apologies won't make up for everything, so I give you 3 favours as the sandiame, as long as they are in my power." I could feel the guilt in his heavy voice as he finished speaking.

I smiled at him and said "Well I have 2 things you can do, 1- I want my parents jutsu scrolls, bank accounts, property and well everything they owned. 2- You will reveal my heritage and I'll hold on to the third one for now. Do you accept Lord Third?." I said in a serious voice.

'Oh my god! It's an anime moment. Is that a tumbleweed!?' I thought as I saw one roll behind me and then disappear into the light.

Sarutobi looked at me for 2 minutes, there was dead silence. Then he sighed and said "Sure my boy, those are within my limits." He got up and walked toward the fourths portrait but before that he handed me a picture from his drawer.

It was mom when she was pregnant and dad crouching in front of her. They looked so peaceful.

Sarutobi walked back to me and handed me a big scroll (Size of jiraya scroll that he carries on his back).

"Well my boy, I'll get you the bank and houses in a few days, is there something else I can do for you?." Asked the old man.

"Nope gramps, I'mma go and start training, uhh gramps do you have affinity paper?." Asked naruto.

Took a paper out of his drawer " Take this piece of paper and send some chakra to it. Fire: the paper will ignite and turn to ash. Wind: the paper will split in two. Lightning: the paper will wrinkle. Earth: the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away. Water: the paper will become wet/damp."

I sent some chakra and the paper split instantly.

"Hmm wind is an attacking affinity dare I say the strongest, so I guess the opposing is earth, what do you think naruto?" Asked sarutobi

"Umm jiji I'm gonna master all five, just wanted to see which will be quickest" Stated naruto as if it was an everyday thing.

"Well you leave me shocked again my boy, go on then good luck. Bye naruto." He said waving to me.

"Bye bye gramps, see you around." I said with a wave.


Konoha Council Room

Konoha suffered greatly after The Third Shinobi World War (第三次忍界大戦, Daisanji Ninkai Taisen), The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Attack (九尾の妖狐襲来, Kyūbi no Yōko Shūrai) during which countless shinobi gave up their lives for the sake of the village and to uphold the Will of Fire (火の意志, Hi no Ishi) but nothing hurt konoha more than the passing of the Fourth Hokage (四代目火影, Yondaime Hokage), Minato Namikaze.

The scary image Minato had created of himself, that of a mindless butcher, kept the other villages well in line for a year and a half under his reign. As soon as he passed, the other villages obviously started acting up if only to confirm that the "Butcher" was really dead. Some *ahem* Iwa *ahem* even threw a celebration.

The upper echelon of Konoha knew that had Sarutobi Hiruzen perished during the kyuubi attack, konoha would have war with Iwagakure and Kumoakure maybe even Kirigakure but sarutobi's image had saved them after all not anybody becomes the God of Shinobi.

That didn't mean konoha didn't suffer, the first 3 years had been the darkest years in konoha history. For the first time in certain remote districts of Konoha, people killed each other for basic needs such as food and water. Konoha's economy reached an all time low, the reconstruction, medical bills and mission failure fees practically emptied the vaults. The daimiyo gave them as much as he could but than again, you gotta understand konoha needed the fire lord, the fire lord didn't really need them. He could hire mercenaries or make a new Village. Which ofcourse would be a lot of work hence the amount of funds he gave them just saved konoha from starving, the general populace of Konoha not the nobels.

The civilians or merchants really had filled konoha's coffers and in return had gotten a seat on the council. So the civilian head had a vote and a small council of his own.

Than comes Minato and Kushina's legacy, their legacy comes in the form of a child, a jinchūriki child. Uzumaki Naruto, the son of the great Yondaime Hokage and the Akai Chishio no Habanero.

He was the topic of today's meeting and in all honesty hiruzen would rather die than be here.

'Well we don't always get what we want.' Thought Hiruzen as he looked at the now filled council room.

At the head of the table sat Sarutobi Hiruzen, Konoha no Sandaime Hokage.

To his left and right sat his two teammates turned advisors, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharo.

Sitting in the first seat on the left side Nara Shikaku, Jonin commander and Head of the Nara Clan.

Next to him sat Yamanaka Inoichi, Head of the Intel Division and Yamanaka Clan.

Next was Akimichi Choza, Head of the Akimichi Clan (One of the 4 Nobel clans.)

Next was Inuzuka Tsume, Head of the Inuzuka Clan.

Next was Yasobu Tatsuma, Head of R&D.

On the right side, the first seat was taken by Hyuga Hiashi, Head of the Hyuga clan (One of the 4 Nobel clans.)

Next to him was Aburame Shibi, Head of the Aburame clan (One of the 4 Nobel clans.)

Next to him was Shiouto Akusa, Head Banker at KSB (Konoha State Bank.)

Next to him was Shimura Danzo, "Ex" Leader of the now "banned" Shadow Anbu Division, Root.

Next to him was Haruno Takeo, Civilian Head.

"So, What is the problem my amazing council has faced this time and how can I be of your help?" Asked Hiruzen with a straight face.

"Not the time hiruzen." Koharu whispered a bit sternly.

Hiruzen just discreetly pointed towards homura who was trying his best not to laugh looking at danzo and takeo.

"Hokage-sama is it true you have given that kid some training scrolls?" Asked takeo in a annoyingly smug tone.

Hiruzen hearing him could barely control his laughs, you see takeo had a high pitched voice and a lisp so he sounded pretty funny with a serious face. Other than that hiruzen had this civilian right where he wanted him.

"Oh and pray tell Haruno-san, how did you know that I gave him those scrolls, when even my own Anbu weren't in the room." Hiruzen said putting emphasis on the 'own'.

The civilian's face lost it's color. He got the information from Danzo but the man was sitting next to him. He could feel danzo's gaze if he ratted him out, he will lose his life and if he didn't, well you see hiruzen was giving him the same look.

'What the fuck do I do!? If I throw Danzo under the carriage, he'll kill me. If I lie to the hokage and he finds out, he'll kill me.' He thought, panic evident on his face. After 10 seconds who couldn't take the pressure anymore, so he fainted.

"Damn it!" Everyone heard homura yell. They kept looking as homura pulled out a wad of bills and handed it to hiruzen. Who had the same smug look the unconscious civilian had a minute ago.

Danzo got what he wanted, Takeo played his role perfectly.

"Hiruzen was the civilian's Intel true?" He asked putting the best innocent face he can.

'Is this little shit playing cute with me!!" Thought hiruzen.

"Ah yes, yes it was, Naruto-kun has figured out his heritage and so he asked for a few things that I didn't mind giving him. Now is that all?" Asked Hiruzen as he got up to leave.

"Why do we even come?" Asked Choza to no one in particular as he watched the hokage leave. Everyone was too shocked to argue, well those who knew of naruto's heritage.

"Eh, what did hokage-sama mean by heritage is Uzumaki a nobel or summin?" asked the R&D head as he looked at shikaku. While a few more who looked confused turned to Shikaku as well.

"Ah, Troublesome kage's. Golden blonde hair, blue eyes and the name Uzumaki. Who do you think his parents are?" Answered the shadow user with a question.

"Oh my god, he was right in front of us!" Yelled the banker.

"We are so fucking foolish, the kid is literally a prince." Yelled Tatsuma.

"Haa, it makes sense. Wait Kushina's kid is alive! She's sooo gonna kill me

again when I go up there. Is that possible!?" Tsume yelled turning to choza. Who just shrugged his shoulders and continued to stress eat knowing the long clan meetings and outrage this is going to cause.

"You are making a mistake hiruzen but don't worry I'll save konoha very soon." Thought Danzo and he decide to accept the team invite someone had sent him not so long ago.

Unknown to others the civilian head had gotten up when the hokage had left and heard everything.


I was leaning on my balcony and sipping on my tea as a butterfly flew in front of me, I put my finger up and smiled as the fly perched on. Soon the butterfly flapped its wings and left.

'Time to get to work, Starting with you fuzzy.' I thought and sat in a meditative state.


Yo babies,

New fic coming threw, I know I didn't finish the other one but this fic was left on fanfiction.net collecting dust so I thought why not give this try again.

Hope you liked the first chapter! What is Danzo planing and who is his new fuckbuddy, is it:


B)Pedomaru and Meanie Gold-Man


D) Controlled Water Boy

Next chapter: Training and Meeting Sensei.

Next chapter