
Konoha: I was reborn as an Uchiha

In the 51st year of Konoha, Tobio Uchiha watched as Uzumaki Kushina's belly grew larger each day, and his heart filled with unease, fear, reflection, and sadness... Even though the child wasn't his... Because... He was an Uchiha. With Naruto's birth, Obito would release the Nine-Tails, Danzo Shimura was already preparing to become a beast, and Itachi Uchiha, the filial son, was an even greater beast in the ninja world. Tobio was in Konoha, his luggage was packed, and a kunai was pointed at his forehead protector, ready to decide whether to cut horizontally or vertically. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/cortez10

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28 Chs

Chapter 28: Root Questionnaire

Chapter 28: Root Questionnaire

In a small house far from the center of Konoha, within the Nara clan territory, the atmosphere was surprisingly quiet.

Under the dim light, one could see the simple and old-fashioned furniture of the house. The contrast between the slightly moldy ceiling and the white walls was very noticeable.

In a corner, a tall figure stood motionless in front of a closet door. Tobio Uchiha, with his arms crossed and fingers tapping his arm, had a thoughtful expression on his face.

There were five people in the room, and it was likely they wouldn't be able to find the "real culprit," since the "real culprit" was standing in the same room. However, it wasn't appropriate to reveal that now. If he did, he could end up immobilized by the Nara clan's shadow technique, strangled by a bulky member of the Akimichi clan, and manipulated by a member of the Yamanaka clan to do humiliating things.

Yes, the possibility of social death was too high. Tobio shuddered at the thought and remembered Nara Ryoko's strange behavior. Now he understood what was wrong.

Probably, the Yamanaka clan had used a technique to control "Nara Ryoko" and use her as bait. And now, the fish was in the house...

He sighed. Staying here tonight would be a waste of time. He should go treat the child.

With this determination, Tobio approached "Nara Ryoko."

Knock, knock.

The sound of soft knocking on the door made Tobio stop, looking at the door with curiosity.

Could it be that Nara Ryoko really had another man?

A large male hand appeared at the door, and Tobio quickly looked for a place to hide.

Darn it!

Realizing the bed was too far, he brought his hands together, and his chakra began to flow.



Feeling a surge of chakra in the room, the man at the door quickly slipped inside.

Seeing Nara Ryoko looking at him with an alert expression and a child standing stunned, the man relaxed a little.

That surge of chakra must have been Ryoko's instinctive reaction to seeing an intruder.


He called her alias, adjusting the fox mask on his face and speaking in a deep voice.

"The boss needs you!"

The boss needs me?

Seeing the man's mask and his tone of voice, "Nara Ryoko" began to understand who he was.

A subordinate of Danzo? What a nuisance.

She had always opposed Ryoko joining that "ANBU training division." But Ryoko was stubborn and wouldn't listen, even going to Danzo on her own.

A ninja's missions were already dangerous, but Danzo's were even more so.

Entering was easy, but leaving was not so simple.

Thinking that she now occupied Ryoko's body, and that she wouldn't wake up until the next morning, she fixed her hair and, with Ryoko's tone, asked.

"What mission?"

"Ryoko, you first need to pass the last mental test. If your mind is in order, we'll meet tomorrow at the usual place."



The Root ninja looked at the child and hesitated.

"Don't you take your child?"


"Ryoko" looked at the ninja, then at the child, confused.

Mental test? Why take the child?

The Root ninja frowned and explained.

"In the last two mental tests, your child cried when separated from you, distracting you and barely passing. This has annoyed the boss."

"It's okay, he won't cry now."

After all, that child was Tobio Uchiha in disguise. If he wanted to cry, it was his problem.

The Root ninja thought for a moment and said decisively.

"Take him with you. Let's not waste time."


"Ryoko" hesitated, but seeing the determination in the ninja's eyes, she had no choice but to obey.

Using Ryoko's body, she couldn't risk being exposed. Danzo was not someone to play with.

Sighing, she lifted the child, who looked at her angrily. Then she headed to the hall for the mental test.

A questionnaire.

Still confused by all the events of the night, Tobio resigned himself. Pulling on "Ryoko's" hair and receiving a pinch on the thigh, he accepted reality.

Watching the ninja prepare the questionnaire, Tobio hugged "Ryoko's" neck and whispered.

"Can't you do it alone?"

"Ryoko" ignored him and wrote on his back with a finger: Shut up. Don't get involved. Danzo is not easy.

Then, she took the questionnaire and calmly said.

"I'm ready."

"Let's begin!"

Tobio looked at the questions curiously.

Question: If you are a member of the ANBU Training Department and the village is attacked by a powerful ninja, what would you do first?

Rescue and evacuate the villagers.

Gather other ninjas and fight with all your might.

Gather information about the enemy and send it to the Hokage.

Go to the Root base, follow Danzo's orders, and prepare a surprise attack.

Tobio raised an eyebrow. This question...

Since entering the ninja academy, he had always been taught to defend the village first, evacuate civilians, and then counterattack with all available force.

But "Ryoko" chose option 4 without hesitation. Tobio sighed and looked at the next question.

Question: If the Hokage is fighting a powerful enemy, what would you do?

Rescue the villagers trapped in the combat.

Protect the Hokage from possible sneak attacks.

Gather nearby ninjas and surround the enemy.

Trust the Hokage and Danzo, and head to the Root base to prepare.


"Ryoko" again chose option 4 without hesitation, and Tobio hid his face in her shoulder.

There was no need to keep looking. The key was always to choose Danzo.

Despite everything, Tobio wondered who was possessing "Nara Ryoko." Wasn't Mrs. Yamanaka in the closet?

(End of chapter)

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