
Konoha: I was reborn as an Uchiha

In the 51st year of Konoha, Tobio Uchiha watched as Uzumaki Kushina's belly grew larger each day, and his heart filled with unease, fear, reflection, and sadness... Even though the child wasn't his... Because... He was an Uchiha. With Naruto's birth, Obito would release the Nine-Tails, Danzo Shimura was already preparing to become a beast, and Itachi Uchiha, the filial son, was an even greater beast in the ninja world. Tobio was in Konoha, his luggage was packed, and a kunai was pointed at his forehead protector, ready to decide whether to cut horizontally or vertically. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/cortez10

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Chapter 26: You Need a Father Who Can Open the Eight Gates

Chapter 26: You Need a Father Who Can Open the Eight Gates

The brief commotion didn't affect the normal lives of Konoha's inhabitants. Under the scorching sun, the shouts of vendors, negotiations, and provocations echoed through the street.

"Challenge me, Kakashi!"

"I don't want to!"

Kakashi looked at Might Guy with dead fish eyes, then moved to the left while walking, saying, "Guy, I'm in the Anbu now, and I deal with death every day. I have no desire to compete with you in such a simple way."

"Then regain it, regain the passion to compete with me."

Hearing this, Kakashi looked up at the sun. The bright light made him squint.

That passion for competition... When I went to the bathroom, he was on the wall; when I bathed, he came out of my bathtub; even when I slept, I felt someone under my bed...

Thinking of those days when Guy forced him to compete, he looked into Guy's burning eyes, pondered for a moment, and then, with a resigned tone, said, "Rock, paper, scissors! Best of five."

"Kakashi, you're deceiving Guy again."

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind them.

Hearing that familiar voice, Kakashi frowned, showing his dead fish eyes again and looking at the ants crawling on the ground.

That person is really hard to please.

"Kakashi, a man who never forgets youthful passion is always the most beloved."

Kakashi turned around to look at Tobio Uchiha and lazily replied, "Actually, not being beloved is also fine."


Seeing the kunoichi on Tobio's back, Kakashi's expression changed, and his attitude became serious.

A ninja from the Sand?

Is she Pakura?

What happened to her?

At that moment, Pakura was covered in dirt, with large drops of sweat falling from her forehead and soaking Tobio's clothes. With her chin resting on Tobio's shoulder, she was breathing heavily, her arms hanging limp in front of Tobio's chest as if they were broken.


Tobio arrived next to the two, adjusted Pakura on his back, and with his hands holding her thighs, looked at Guy with some difficulty and said, "Guy, remember, youth is priceless. Use the Eight Gates now. In today's competition, you will surely win."

This made Kakashi pale. Looking at Guy, who was trembling with excitement, he quickly moved to Tobio's side, trying to change the subject:

"Why is Pakura here?"


Tobio moved his eyes a bit, looked at Pakura resting on his shoulder, and said casually, "She came from Sunagakure to negotiate in the village. This person took advantage of a momentary lapse and kicked me several meters away, and then we started fighting in the forest outside the village.

"The result of the fight is evident... I won. I couldn't leave her there, but I couldn't heal her on the spot, so I'm taking her to the hospital to be seen by a doctor."


Pakura muttered through her teeth while still breathing heavily.

"Hey, who told you all the jounin of the Uchiha clan were combat ninjas?"

Hearing this, Pakura's eyes widened. She felt breathless, as Tobio carried her in such a way that it made it even harder for her to breathe.

When I recover, I'll definitely kill him...

"Is your power that great?"

"No, it's that this person is too confident in her abilities. She didn't bother to investigate before the fight. I cut some muscles in her limbs and the intercostal muscles of her chest... now it's hard for her to breathe, how can she fight like this?"

Saying this, Tobio waved at the two while heading to the hospital, and shouted to Guy:

"Guy, youth only lasts three thousand days. Every day counts, make the most of it."


Guy clenched his fists, his eyes burning as if fueled by natural gas. Watching Tobio's figure moving away, he turned to Kakashi, excitedly:

"Kakashi, while youth is not over today, let's decide who wins!"


Before he could finish, Kakashi felt a large hand grab his shoulder, lifting him off the ground. The sound of the wind roared in his ears.

That Tobio Uchiha is really hard to please. He always manages to put Guy in this state.


Pakura heard the noise behind her and chuckled coldly, breathing heavily.

"There are many weirdos in Konoha... that guy even wears a tight suit... and it's green! Now not only do my muscles hurt, but also my eyes."

"Well, well."

Tobio shook his head, sighing a bit.

"The weirdo you see is the best standard ninja. When all ninjas fall, that 'king of endurance' will rise, turning into a red beast and attacking relentlessly.

"Maybe you haven't heard his name now, but his father is somewhat known in the ninja world.

"His father is the one who destroyed three of the first Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and even killed the fourth."

Hearing this, Pakura recalled a shocking rumor from last year. In her Sand Village, they also had a great enmity with the Mist Village and knew something of their trump cards.

It was said that the first Seven Swordsmen of the Mist were going to confront their village. But unexpectedly, just a few days after leaving the village, right when they planned to announce the cruelty of the Mist ninjas, they were destroyed by a Konoha ninja.

"The Eight Gates... Might Dai?"

"So you know."


Nodding, Pakura fell silent while resting on Tobio's back.

It seems Konoha is always blessed with exceptional ninjas who emerge in times of need. And in our Sand Village, not only are we financially constrained by the feudal lord, but our military strength is on a completely different level from Konoha. Not to mention that kind of abnormal level ninja.

This time, she accompanied Ebizo to sign a negotiation agreement. On the way, Ebizo revealed some details of the negotiations.

In short, Konoha is unbeatable for us, and the negotiation baseline of the Sand Village is very flexible.

"Hey, can you tell me about Konoha?"

Seeing that Pakura had been silent for a long time and suddenly said this, Tobio stopped his steps and then continued walking normally. Thinking they were still a bit far from the hospital, he asked:

"What would you like to know?"

"I don't know."

Pakura shook her head, looking at the streets of Konoha, which were several times more prosperous than the busiest street in the Sand Village, and felt a bit disheartened.

"Talk about yourself first."

"What can I say about myself?"

"When you fought against me, you must have kept many cards up your sleeve.

I remember that the Sharingan of the Uchiha can copy any ninja technique, and the Eight Gates of that man is such a powerful ninja technique that you can't not know how to use it."

"Hey, hey, the Uchiha are not as impressive as you think. The copying also has its limits. My Eight Gates can only open up to the First Gate. And the leveling requirements of that technique are really tough.


Practice until late at night with great effort.

Wear a tight suit and don't bulk up.

Have the determination and faith to not fear making a fool of yourself.

And you need to have a father who can open the Eight Gates.

Without any of these four conditions, you couldn't open the Eight Gates."

After saying this, Tobio smelled the slight scent of lavender in the air and his eyes seemed distant.

I don't know why those predecessors who travel through time chose that Eight Gates ability. That thing is really hard to train.

With the arrival of night, Tobio appeared once more in the territory of the Nara Clan.

"How much longer will it take for my son to become a normal person?"

Hearing the anxious voice of Narako Nara near his ear, Tobio looked down at the child sleeping deeply on the bed, pondered for a moment, and answered:

"After six more treatments, your son will be like any other person. But we will still need to closely observe him afterwards. If Tsunade returns to the village, you might spend money to have her see him."

Narako looked at her son, pale and colorless in the face, with a touch of pain in her eyes.

"From the day my son was born, Lady Tsunade has never returned to the village."

"Don't worry, that person has almost lost all her money. She'll probably come back in half a year or so."

Thinking of the last letter he received, Tobio felt a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.

The letter only had a few words in total. The general meaning was something like: "You're a good person, but since the creditors came to collect, I don't have time to write more. Goodbye."

The granddaughter of the imposing Hashirama Senju, the leader of the Senju Clan, one of the Three Greats of Konoha, owed money and ran away after hurting the creditors.

The thinking of these ninjas in the ninja world is really baffling.

Did those creditors who lent money to Tsunade not do it in the hope that she wouldn't return it?

Should I, under the name of Uchiha, go out and borrow money too?

After all, the reputation of the Senju is already so bad...

(Fin del capítulo)


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