
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

Un1que · Anime & Comics
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143 Chs

Young Might Guy

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Announcement: I will mass release 15 chap of each book on Patreon for every five patrons I receive on my Patreon before 31st January


Konoha Village, Snack Street.

The faint morning light shone on the street, and there was still a slight cold wind.

The breeze blew the banners used by the shops on the street to advertise, and the people who got up early enjoyed the cool feeling.

At that time, the Naruto world had already reached the end of August, which was the last hot period of the year.

Many shops on Snack Street had already opened, and the shop owners who sold breakfast were probably the first group of people to get up in Konoha.

Suzuki, as usual, walked on the streets of Snack Street.

From time to time, hawking sounds came from his ears.

"Fresh Dumplings, a must-have for breakfast~ Come and have a look~" This was Hanako's favorite Dumplings.

It was also one of the three giants of Konoha Snack Street, and the other two giants were Ichiraku Ramen and Yakiniku.

And the store was open from morning till night!

Anyway, Suzuki had never seen it closed, maybe the business was so good that it was open 24 hours a day.

"Freshly made miso soup, come and have a look~" A certain miso soup vendor shouted, but the business seemed average.

There were also rice, rice balls, bread, and the like.

In fact, there were also noodles, but there were very few, most of them were not nearby, like Ichiraku Ramen, which was a few kilometers away from here.

Closer to Konoha Ninja School.

Suzuki still preferred to eat rice in the morning, of course, for convenience, so he bought rice balls.

As usual, Suzuki came to the shop selling rice balls. Before he could speak, the owner of the rice ball shop saw Suzuki and said with a smile:

"Yo, little Suzuki! You got up so early again today, are you going to train?"

Suzuki smiled and said to the owner of the rice ball shop:

"Which one is earlier than you, boss, training can be done anytime, let's eat first!"

"By the way, I want five rice balls~ and a glass of soy milk."

The owner of the rice ball shop skillfully packed the rice balls while laughing:

"Hahaha, it's normal to do business, it's early. Here, take it, 110 ryo~"

This rice ball shop was an old shop on this street, and the price was very affordable. The palm-sized rice ball only sold for 20 ryo, and the soy milk was only 10 ryo.

As cheap as Ichiraku ramen.

The cheapest rice at Ichiraku Ramen was also 15 ryo, and ramen was only a few dozen ryo.

Suzuki took out the silver ryo from his pocket and handed them to the boss.

It was still early, and there were still about two hours before school.

But today Suzuki was not preparing to train.

The main reason was that his usual training was to run around Konoha Snack Street in the morning.

Now, his body had suddenly improved a lot, and it was not good to do it as usual, it was too conspicuous.

Many people nearby knew him. In the past, he always completed the goal in a certain amount of time. Now that he suddenly reduced a lot of time, someone would definitely notice it.

So Suzuki got up so early that morning, just to find a new training place,

It was best to be far from home!

Thinking of this, Suzuki walked along the Snack Street, ready to go to the edge of Konoha Village to have a look.

Suzuki ate the rice ball while thinking about the items brought back by the clone that were still stored at home.

Like the meat of the sea kings, Suzuki hadn't tasted it yet, and he planned to grill it for lunch. If the effect was good or the taste was good, he could ask the clone to bring more back in three months.

The clone brought back nearly a hundred catties this time, eating one catty a day, it was enough for him to eat for a hundred days, basically realizing the freedom of barbecue.

There was also gold, so he had to find an opportunity to sell it and then buy some scientific research equipment. Those various biological tissues in the pirate world had to be studied and studied.

The last one was the dagger. He had to say that the workmanship of this dagger was indeed excellent.

At least even in the Naruto world, except for those special weapons mixed with chakra metal, it could be regarded as the top.

But in fact, he didn't need it very much at the moment, on the contrary, the clone needed it the most.

But considering that he earned money in the Naruto world was difficult, and his family was not very wealthy, he still left it to him.

As for the clone, he could earn a lot by killing a few more pirates in the pirate world.

In the pirate world, the bounties given by the world government, the navy, and various countries were actually quite a lot.

At least much more than Hokage, even an S-level mission in Konoha was only about one million ryo, which was the same as ten million Berries in the pirate.

But the difficulty of earning was simply a world of difference...

Soon, Suzuki arrived at the edge of Konoha Village.

Konoha Village was surrounded by mountains on all sides, so the edge was the mountain rock wall.

Suzuki didn't come to the Forest of Death.

There were relatively few trees here, and there was a lake, which looked very much like the place where the Uchiha family moved later.

This lake was exactly the same as the place where Itachi Uchiha took Sasuke to train in the original work!

Generally speaking, there were very few people coming here. Even for ordinary ninjas, more training was done near the Forest of Death.

But what surprised Suzuki was that he heard someone here, no, the sound of a child training.





Suzuki walked over to take a look, a child was doing push-ups in the open space by the lake.

Although he was young and looked only two or three years old, he was wearing green tights, which made it hard to recognize him...

The future Konoha Canglan Beast - Might Guy!


"Sixty-four~ eh???"

Seeing someone coming, the young Might Guy seemed a little shy and accidentally fell to the ground.

Then he propped himself up on the ground with his short limbs, and quickly climbed up, then sat on the ground again...


Suzuki twitched the corners of his mouth, a little speechless.

He didn't expect to meet Might Guy for the first time in this scene.

But it was normal, after all, he was so young.

A gentle smile appeared on Suzuki's face, and he looked at Might Guy and said:

"Boy, are you okay?"

Might Guy waved his arms, his little face flushed red, either from exercise or shyness:

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay~"

Suzuki rarely had any interest and rarely had anyone he wanted to know, but Might Guy was naturally an exception.

Suzuki walked to Might Guy's side, sat down on the ground with him, and asked casually:

"Boy, what's your name, which family are you from? My name is Suzuki, a fourth-year ninja student at Konoha Ninja School."

Might Guy looked at Suzuki who didn't seem to be very old, and heard that Suzuki was a student of the ninja school, he looked at Suzuki with some envy, and then lowered his head with some lost voice:

"Uh, my name is Gay, Might Guy, my father is Might Duy..."

"Duy ah~" Suzuki said with a sigh.

Might Guy raised his head in surprise:

"Do you know my father?"

He thought that his father was very inconspicuous in the village, after all, he was just a Genin, and he was in his thirties, and he still did those very low-level tasks all day long...

"Ah, I know. Duy is a very good person, and I respect him very much!" Suzuki didn't lie, he did know Might Duy, but he didn't know if Might Duy knew him.

In Konoha Village, especially among some villagers who were not ninjas, Might Duy's reputation was actually very good.

Might Duy always did some low-level tasks, but those tasks did indeed help others.

Might Guy looked at Suzuki suspiciously, and couldn't help pursing his lips:

"Don't lie to me, I know about my father's situation, he is that kind of person..."

Might Guy, who was still very young, didn't understand his father Might Duy. He knew that his father worked very hard, but he also knew that his father was looked down upon by many ninjas.

Suzuki touched the head of the young Might Guy and said with a light smile:

"What's wrong with Duy? I think Duy is very good. Do you want to say that you saw Duy being looked down upon by many people, right?"

Without waiting for Might Guy to answer, Suzuki patted him on the head again and said with a smile:

"Don't worry about this kind of thing, Guy~ Your father is a very powerful person, those who laugh at him are just fools who can't see the future."

"Those who work hard should not be laughed at, and any dream that is being persisted is worthy of respect!"