
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

Un1que · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Wapol with Anorexia

Join my patreon to be 25 chapters ahead of the webnovel along with weekly chapters mass release:


Announcement: I will mass release 15 chap of each book on Patreon for every five patrons I receive on my Patreon before 31st January.


The sea was not always calm.

At this moment, Suzuki had already brought all his belongings and was following a merchant ship on the way to Drum Island.

Today was already the fifth day of the voyage. They would soon reach their destination, Drum Island.

Drum Island was an island in the seven initial routes that was even closer to Reverse Mountain than Alabasta.

Starting from the Twin Capes of Reverse Mountain, if the first stop was Whiskey Peak, the second stop would be Little Garden. Then, one could choose to go to Jaya Island or change routes to Drum Island. One could even go directly to Alabasta.

In the past few days, Suzuki seemed to have experienced the change of four seasons in just a few days, from the clear skies when he first left Alabasta, to the stormy weather halfway through the voyage, and now to the rain, snow, and hail.

However, it was also normal. Drum Island was a winter island, while Alabasta was a sunny island. Just by the names, one could tell that it was a summer island.

Although Drum Island and Alabasta were one after the other in the initial route of the first half of the Grand Line, the distance between the two islands was far greater than it seemed on the map.

Not long after, they arrived at Drum Island.

Suzuki put on the down jacket he had bought in advance and bid farewell to the people on the ship before stepping onto this snowy island.


"Heh... phew~"

Suzuki walked on Drum Island. The ground was covered with thick ice and snow. Every step he took would leave a deep footprint, and every breath he exhaled would turn into white mist. The weather here was indeed very cold!

Suzuki walked unhurriedly on the road to the royal capital of the Drum Kingdom. The reason he chose to come here this time was for the Devil Fruit that existed here - the Paramecia Swallow-Swallow Fruit.

As early as when he was in Alabasta, Suzuki had received news about Drum Island.

Other than the ice and snow commonly seen on winter islands, this island was most famous for its doctors. Why did so many doctors gather on Drum Island?

This had to be attributed to the current king of the Drum Kingdom, Wapol. He was the father of the tyrannical king Wapol that Luffy and his crew would meet more than twenty years later.

Wapol's personality was not very good, but he was an ambitious and far-sighted king.

Dozens of years ago, Wapol obtained a batch of extremely precious medical books from an unknown source. He then used these books to attract many doctors to Drum Island.

After that, he successfully joined the World Government. Later on, his son even dared to bully Princess Vivi of Alabasta. If the current king was arrogant and ambitious, then the later Wapol was cruel and stupid.

Suzuki had his own guess about the origin of those books:

There was a doctor on Drum Island who was over a hundred years old, Dr. Kureha. Although this doctor was relatively low-key, Wapol still found out about her.

Then, he tried to persuade her to come out of retirement. Although he did not dare to use force because he was afraid of this old monster's strength,

He did not succeed in inviting Dr. Kureha to come out of retirement. However, he still took advantage of Dr. Kureha's sense of responsibility as a doctor and obtained almost all the medical books.

Of course, Suzuki did not care much about the twists and turns in this matter. His goal was the Devil Fruit.

Not long ago, Suzuki, who was still in Alabasta, received a piece of news that the king of Drum Island, Wapol, had spent a lot of money to buy a Devil Fruit. It was said that it was to cure his son Wapol's anorexia.

This news surprised Suzuki, but he was not sure if it was true. Moreover, by the time he received the news, the Devil Fruit might have already been eaten by Wapol.

However, he had been too conspicuous at the port some time ago, so Suzuki decided to come and take a look.

"Hello, is there an inn here?"

Suzuki had already walked to the village at the foot of the royal capital in the snowstorm. He asked a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties who was also wrapped in a cotton-padded coat.

The middle-aged man's face was filled with surprise:

"An inn? I am the inn!"

"Ah? This is?"

Suzuki looked at the wooden house in front of him in confusion. It was ordinary and no different from the other houses in the village.

Seemingly seeing Suzuki's doubt, the middle-aged man also looked at it. Then, he smiled in embarrassment:

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The snow is too heavy, and the signboard of my inn fell down and was covered."

After saying that, the middle-aged man walked to the door of the wooden house and scratched at the ground covered in thick snow with his right hand. Not long after, he found a wooden signboard and forcefully inserted it in front of the door.


Suzuki silently watched him rearrange the signboard. At the same time, he thought about how to start asking about the Devil Fruit.

"Young man, do you want to stay at the inn?"

The middle-aged man turned around and asked Suzuki.

"Ah, yes, I want to stay at the inn. How much is it per day?"

"Hahaha, it's not expensive, not expensive. It's five hundred Berries per day. If you stay for a month, it's only ten thousand Berries, and it includes three meals!"

"Okay, boss, I'll stay for a month."

"Hahaha, come in, young man. I'll pour you a cup of hot water."

Then, Suzuki followed the boss into the inn. The first floor of the inn was decorated like a restaurant. Suzuki randomly chose a seat by the window and sat down.

Not long after, the innkeeper brought a cup of hot water to Suzuki with a smile on his face. He said,

"Here, warm yourself up. If you want wine, I can also heat it up for you."

Suzuki took the hot water, thanked the innkeeper, and held it in his hands to warm them. At the same time, he seemed to say casually:

"Boss, you have so many doctors here. Do many people come here to seek medical treatment?"

The innkeeper smiled and replied:

"Of course. Ever since a few decades ago, there have been more and more people here. Many of them have been cured of their illnesses and stayed here."

Suzuki appropriately revealed a curious expression:

"That's great, boss. Do you locals never get sick, or if you do, can you easily cure it?"

At this moment, the boss revealed a look in his eyes as if to say, "How can you be so naive?" He shook his head and said:

"How is that possible? We do get sick, but it's cheaper for us. However, there are also many difficult-to-cure diseases here. Many of those patients have to stay on the island for long-term treatment. There are also some diseases that even those doctors can't do anything about, just like..."

The boss looked at Suzuki and hesitated. Suzuki saw his worry in time.

"Don't worry, boss. I'm not a reporter. Besides, how can there be a disease that can be cured in this world? Otherwise, there wouldn't be the term 'incurable disease', right?"

The boss thought about it and agreed. Moreover, there was nothing he could not say. Even if he did not say it, Suzuki would find out after staying here for a few days. So, he continued:

"Just like that old pirate in the west of the village. When he came, he was very strong. Now, half a year has passed, and he has become skin and bones."

"Also, there was a merchant who lived in the house in front. He was not very old, only in his thirties or forties. I don't know what strange disease he had. He left a few days after he came."


The boss became more and more excited. Suzuki cooperated with him by showing expressions of seriousness, sympathy, or exclamation. Until the boss started to say:

"Also, our prince, you know, has anorexia. So many doctors can't cure him. Not long ago, the king even bought a Devil Fruit back, but he still won't eat it."

"Tsk, this person. When his appetite is bad, his mood is also bad. Moreover, the prince has a bad temper to begin with. Now, he's even more irritable. I heard that he even beat a servant who delivered the Devil Fruit to death."

When Suzuki heard this, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes...