
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

Un1que · Anime & Comics
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143 Chs

The Silent Warehouse

Join my patreon to be 25 chapters ahead of the webnovel along with weekly chapters mass release:


Announcement: I will mass release mass release 15 chap of each book on Patreon for every five patrons I receive on my Patreon before 31st January.


Drum Rock, the royal capital of the Drum Kingdom, which is more than five thousand meters above sea level.

Suzuki followed Robbie, who was transporting food, here. He watched Robbie greet various guards and servants of the kingdom along the way.

Yes, Suzuki was an apple now.

As early as when he heard Robbie and the few people in the tavern joking, Suzuki had guessed that he was a greedy and avaricious person.

Then, he watched Robbie buy food and also bought a kind of food that Robbie had bought—an apple.

Then, he deliberately bumped into Robbie and took advantage of his inattention to run to the end of the corner, threw the apple away, and transformed into an apple to stay in place.

Although there was a threatening scene that he had expected, it was impossible for him to give Robbie money. What if Robbie was afraid of being scolded by the king for getting the food dirty and really went to buy it again? That would not be worth it.

Suzuki had already followed Robbie to the warehouse next to Wapol's room.

As the prince of Drum Island who was also ill, his safety naturally had to be taken seriously.

At this moment, a strong guard of the kingdom was guarding the door of Wapol's room.

"Ah, Captain, hello, hello. I'm here to deliver food to the prince~"

Robbie said with a flattering and fawning smile.

"Wait? Stand still and let me see."

This was the captain of the Drum Kingdom's royal guard, Arsala Kolmi, a Zoan-type Snow Leopard Fruit ability user with considerable strength.

"Ah? Captain? Okay, okay."

Robbie stood at the door at a loss.

Suzuki silently restrained his aura. It was still very difficult for him to defeat someone of this level, not to mention that this was in the palace of the royal capital of Drum Island.

At this moment, Arsala Kolmi inexplicably felt that something was wrong, but he did not know where it was.

So, he let Robbie stand there while he stepped forward to carefully examine Robbie and the food he had delivered. However, he still did not find anything unusual.

Arsala Kolmi frowned and observed for almost a minute. In the end, he felt that he might have been thinking too much. He waved his hand and let Robbie take the food into the warehouse next door.

The reason why Suzuki did not transform into Robbie was also because of this.

The current Drum Island was different from more than twenty years later. Whether it was in terms of prosperity, military strength, or the strength of its experts, it was slightly stronger than during Wapol's time.

During Wapol's time, there were only three Devil Fruit ability users in Drum Island. One was Wapol's own Swallow-Swallow Fruit, one was Wapol's cousin Musshuru's Mushroom-Mushroom Fruit, and the other was the Drum Kingdom's royal guard captain Dalton's Ox-Ox Fruit.

However, in the current Valkyrie period, although there were only two Devil Fruit ability users, the strength of these people was much stronger than that of Wapol's period.

Whether it was the current captain of the royal guard, Arsala Kolmi, or another ability user who was even stronger than him, they both had the record of single-handedly defeating a pirate group with a bounty of 30 million Berries that had attacked Drum Island.

After all, it was a kingdom, and it was also a great medical country. Suzuki was not surprised that it had this kind of strength. In fact, he had expected it long ago.

However, it was only the first half of the Grand Line after all. Although the captain of the guard did not know Haki, he still noticed something amiss, but he could not find out what was wrong.

Just like that, Suzuki successfully infiltrated the royal capital and was right next to Wapol.

However, he could not relax too much. The warehouse and the guard captain outside were only separated by a wall. Once there was any strange movement, he could rush in at any time.

The warehouse was silent, and Suzuki, who was inside the warehouse, also quietly maintained his Transformation Technique.

With his current chakra volume, transforming into an apple did not consume much chakra. He could maintain it for about several hours.

Recalling the innkeeper's message about returning to eat dinner at around seven o'clock, Suzuki silently estimated the time. It should be around seven o'clock in an hour or so.



Time passed slowly. Suzuki had already transformed into an apple for more than two hours. He had transformed into an apple at around six o'clock, and now, it was already eight-thirty.

Suzuki finally heard movement outside the door.

At this moment, the guard captain seemed to be talking to someone.

"Reed, you guys stay here for a while. I'm going to eat dinner. I'll be back later."

This was the voice of the guard captain, Arsala Kolmi.

"Yes, Captain!"

Several different voices answered in unison.

Suzuki cautiously waited for another two or three minutes. There were only a few different guards talking outside the door.

Just when Suzuki felt that he could deactivate the transformation technique and rest for a while, the door of the warehouse suddenly opened!

Guard Captain Arsala Kolmi walked into the warehouse. He frowned and looked around the silent warehouse and the mountains of food piled up everywhere. A relaxed smile appeared on his face:

"It seems that I was indeed thinking too much."

Then, the guard captain, Arsala Kolmi, walked out of the warehouse and closed the door.

Outside the door, there were only the voices of a few people talking in different accents.

Suzuki was a little surprised and a little appreciative. This guard captain of the Drum Kingdom was indeed a very good person.

However, Suzuki still had some speculations about whether this departure was another one of his tricks.

Some people might think that they definitely had to stay quiet, because the guard captain might still be there.

Or some people might think that the guard captain had really left, but he just wanted to scare the unknown abnormality.

However, Suzuki knew that not only did this guard captain not leave, he did not even leave the warehouse!

Although he heard the sound of footsteps leaving, the sound of the warehouse door closing, and even the sound of laughter outside the door getting louder...

Although Suzuki had been transforming into an apple and restraining his aura, he had already formed a character profile of this guard captain in his mind.

Thinking about the surrounding environment and Arsala Kolmi's position, the answer was actually very obvious~

This guard captain's three meals a day were actually solved in this warehouse that stored a lot of food. He would not go to any dining hall to eat at all!



Time continued to pass slowly. Almost five minutes had passed, and the warehouse was still silent.



"Hmm~ This frozen melon is actually quite delicious."

Guard Captain Arsala Kolmi's voice sounded in the warehouse.

Then, there was the sound of him sitting on the ground, followed by a series of rapid chewing sounds. After a while, a burp sounded, followed by the sound of footsteps leaving. Finally, the door of the warehouse opened and closed again...