
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

Un1que · Anime & Comics
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143 Chs

Suzuki's Doppelganger on the Deserted Island

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Announcement: I will mass release 15 chap of each book on Patreon for every five patrons I receive on my Patreon before 31st January


On the other side, along the coast of a deserted island surrounded by the vast sea, Suzuki's doppelganger contemplated while gazing at the endless ocean.

Suzuki pondered, "Now, it's time to explore the specific conditions of this world. Hopefully, I can find useful information on this deserted island."

Later, Suzuki returned to the island, searching for potentially valuable information.

Leaving the coastline, Suzuki headed towards the center of the deserted island.

The island wasn't very large, approximately three kilometers in diameter, lacking even a decent mountain peak, except for a forest in the center.

Entering the forest, Suzuki felt surprised, "Are these fruit trees? Why are there no leaves, only fruits? Could those round ones be leaves instead of fruits?"

Suzuki used chakra to climb a tree, effortlessly picking a few fruits resembling apples. Unsure if they were edible, Suzuki took only a few and continued walking.

Soon, within the forest, Suzuki encountered unique creatures: three-legged beings resembling rabbits that hopped away upon seeing him, fast-running fist-sized bees, stone-eating ants, and a bird with wings spanning nearly two meters.

Unconsciously, Suzuki reached the opposite shoreline, finding a rocky area with occasional waves washing over. Additionally, there was a severely damaged sea vessel, seemingly a small portion of the stern, perhaps stranded due to storms or simply an unwanted old boat brought by the waves.

Nevertheless, this confirmed the presence of civilized beings!

Approaching the rocks, Suzuki closely examined the small, partially submerged ship trapped in the sandy mud.

Suzuki started dismantling the ship, searching carefully. Among mostly useless items like rotten wooden boxes and worn-out ropes, he made a remarkable discovery.

"This is…"

In a wooden box, Suzuki found a newspaper, possibly used as padding. The information on the newspaper startled him:

"Sea Circular Calendar, May 17, 1495 Report — Grand Pirate Admiral 'Flying Lion,' leading the Sky Pirates, clashed with Roger Pirate Crew in the Edwo Sea of the New World!

After days of battle and a sudden superstorm, Flying Lion suffered a devastating defeat, with the Sky Pirates facing heavy casualties, and nearly a thousand members captured. The Sky Pirates might face extinction! The Roger Pirate Crew escaped, and their current whereabouts remain unknown!"


"Flying Lion??? Roger??? And the Navy??? So, this is the world of pirates," Suzuki thought, realizing the newspaper's wear suggested the Edwo Sea battle occurred not long ago.

Squinting his eyes, Suzuki carefully stored the newspaper, sitting on the rocky shore, contemplating, "In the world of pirates, Devil Fruits are a known specialty! The abilities of Devil Fruits are quite unique."

"And there are skills like Haki, swordsmanship, and physical techniques that can be trained. Hmm… the difference between the pirate world and the ninja world might not be significant. If the basic rules are similar, abilities like Haki and swordsmanship could potentially be used in the ninja world. And as for Devil Fruits, if I understand the principles, could I replicate them in the ninja world?"

"But perhaps I don't need to go through that trouble."

"My current body seems somewhat similar to Shadow Clone Jutsu. So, when it's recalled, I should be able to bring back certain things, similar to Shadow Clones."

Suzuki contemplated the differences between the two worlds and the benefits he could gain.

"If I can learn Haki, swordsmanship, and other abilities here and bring them back…"

"In that case, my potential will be much higher, and my growth rate will be faster!"

Based on some assumptions, Suzuki stood up, jumped off the rocks, and walked along the shoreline, pondering.

Suzuki thought, "First, I need to survive on this deserted island. It's simple; I have chakra, there's food in the sea, plenty of plants on the island, and making a simple water filter is not difficult."

As for leaving the island, Suzuki planned to wait a few days to see if any ships passed by. If there were ships, he would catch a ride. However, if it was a pirate ship, he preferred caution.

His current strength was weak, not even reaching the level of a regular Leaf Village genin due to limited chakra. In the pirate world, though, Suzuki speculated he might have a bounty of a million Berries.

Above ten million Berries, pirates usually possessed special talents and abilities. Direct confrontation with them had low chances of success.

In the original work, there was a female pirate with a wolf-tooth club named Alvida. If her performance was similar to the anime, Suzuki believed he could handle her now.

If a ship didn't arrive soon, Suzuki planned to build a simple raft — as long as it didn't sink.


Suddenly, a crab almost two meters long emerged from the sand, its massive claws seemingly capable of severing limbs.

Startled by Suzuki's movements, the crab lifted its claws and charged.

Reacting swiftly, Suzuki channeled chakra to his feet, leaping backward, covering nearly a hundred meters in seconds. He reached the edge of the forest, searching for a useful weapon.

Suzuki picked up some stones, broke a few branches, and as the crab approached with its massive claws, Suzuki turned, chakra flowing to his arms. He hurled the stones at the crab's eyes like shuriken, hitting its giant eyes and causing blue-yellow blood to flow.

In pain, the crab changed direction, heading back to the beach. Suzuki pursued, occasionally throwing stones at its leg joints. Finally, he thrust a branch into the crab's head.

Before long, the crab lay motionless.

Unhurriedly, Suzuki prodded the crab's brain with a branch. Seeing no reaction, he grabbed one of its small legs and dragged it to the edge of the forest.

Later, Suzuki explored the forest, gathering dry branches and hay. He also caught some different animals: three-legged rabbits, sparrows, and duck-like creatures.

Taking out the previously obtained fruits, Suzuki fed the animals cautiously, observing their reactions. Satisfied that there were no adverse effects, Suzuki sighed in relief. He took a small bite of the fruit, finding it similar to an apple. Was this the apple of the pirate world? It remained uncertain, given the vastness of that world.

After finishing the apple-like fruit, Suzuki proceeded to make fire by friction.

Enduring the difficult trial-and-error process, Suzuki, determined to eat cooked crab as soon as possible, resolved to learn Fire Release as quickly as possible.