
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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143 Chs

Chapter 143: White Zetsu "Can you even take a crap?"

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Flesh and blood are weak, but machinery ascends?

What's that supposed to mean?

Sasori was stunned, and even the chakra thread he was using to stitch up his wound paused for a moment.

Suzuki sat down cross-legged and slowly said, "Disease, aging, decay... This is our human body. It seems to have evolved to a very perfect state, but in fact, it has many flaws that are difficult to solve."

"Eyes, neck, heart, brain..."

"Many of the human body's organs are extremely fragile. They can be damaged by even a tiny bit of external force. They are the fatal weaknesses of our bodies!"

"Influenza, plague, blood disease... Even the most skilled medical ninja wouldn't dare say they can cure all diseases."

"Aging. Even those as strong as Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha will still face the onslaught of aging, eventually dying miserably and rotting away!"

"The fragility of flesh and blood is something that even chakra can hardly save."

As he spoke, Suzuki paused, looked down at Sasori, who was listening intently in the sandpit, smiled, and continued, "However, a mechanical body doesn't have any of these problems. Machinery doesn't get sick, doesn't age, doesn't decay. At most, it will rust, but even if it does, you can just replace that part. If a gear breaks, replace the gear. If a joint breaks, replace the joint..."

"By constantly repeating this cycle, so-called immortality and undeath are just a snap of the fingers."

A mechanical body...

It was as if a bolt of lightning flashed through his mind, dispelling all the fog!

Yes, that's right...

How could mere flesh and blood possibly reach the end? Only machinery can become truly eternal!

Having only recently come into contact with human puppetry techniques, Sasori, who was just beginning to explore the art of eternity, suddenly had an epiphany!

"Yes, yes! That's it!" Sasori seemed a little excited. "Puppets are machinery. Human puppets are modified mechanical bodies. They don't age, they don't die, they don't decay. This is the supreme art that can lead directly to eternity!"

However, Suzuki glanced at Sasori and shook his head. "Eternity? Heh, I'm talking about immortality, Sasori."

Then he continued to mercilessly attack him. "Moreover, the human puppets you speak of do not exist in eternity!"

"..." Sasori frowned, not understanding why Suzuki, who had just spoken to his heart, was now saying such things.

Eternity... doesn't exist?

How is that possible? As long as the mechanical body keeps replacing its parts, can't it reach eternity?

Sasori immediately retorted, "Impossible! Human puppets are definitely the only art that can achieve eternity!"

Suzuki stood up, looked down at Sasori in the pit, and said calmly,

"Your body may be fine, but what about your soul? You must know that souls can also dissipate."

This question struck Sasori like a bolt of lightning, and he was instantly stunned.

That's right... The body may be fine, but what about the soul?

Sasori fell into deep thought, and for a moment, he couldn't even feel the pain from his bleeding wound.

Looking at the genius puppet master of the Hidden Sand Village who was in distress, Suzuki stepped out of the sandpit and sat down beside him.

With a hint of mystery in his eyes, Suzuki said, "Sasori, have you ever heard of digitization?"

Sasori pondered for a moment, then said with a puzzled expression, "Are you talking about that thing called a computer that's been popular in the ninja world lately?"

Suzuki nodded with a smile and continued,

"Compared to the flesh, compared to the soul, in fact, human consciousness is the most resilient thing,"


Suzuki talked a lot about systems and the concept of consciousness uploading.

He wanted to see if Sasori of the Red Sand could take a different path, not like in the original story where he stopped after turning himself into a human puppet.

After all, a genius, once their mind is opened, might be able to do something unexpected.

You must know that compared to the soul core that Sasori would create in the future, the楔 of the Otsutsuki clan was what really interested Suzuki.

"And... hmm?" Suzuki suddenly stopped talking and looked into the distance.

Sasori was listening intently, and when he saw Suzuki suddenly stop, he quickly asked anxiously, "What about it? What else?"

Just then, a Psyduck wearing full body armor appeared in the yellow sand in the distance.


Hearing the duck's cry, Sasori turned his head and said in surprise, "Little Tail?"

"Quack quack quack..."

"Little Tail, why are you here? Haha, stop messing around~"

Psyduck sensed its master's aura and quickly ran over, rubbing its head affectionately against Sasori.


Suzuki looked at this heartwarming scene with a strange expression. This was something he had not expected.

Seeing this, Sasori smiled in embarrassment and then revealed a reminiscent expression as he told Suzuki the story of him and Little Tail:

"Back then, White Fang..."

As Sasori spoke, Suzuki gradually understood.

Back when White Fang died, Chiyo gave Sasori a Psyduck to help ease the pain and hatred he felt over the death of his parents. Sasori then named it "Little Tail," after the tail of a scorpion. This duck was his only playmate in the Hidden Sand Village.

"He's always been very clingy to me. During the time when White Fang died, Granny was busy with village affairs, and that cowardly Kazekage didn't dare start a war. To be honest, I almost went crazy at that time."

"It was Little Tail who kept comforting me, giving me companionship during those difficult days."

As he spoke, Sasori looked at the Psyduck beside him, his eyes filled with a tenderness he had never shown before.

Although it was a bit unexpected, it was an interesting change that he was happy to see.

"That's good." Suzuki smiled and commented.

Then he stood up, patted the dust off his body, and said goodbye to Sasori, "Alright, we've talked for quite a while. I should be going."

Then, he took out a Den Den Mushi and said with a gentle smile, "By the way, my name is Suzuki. If you ever have nowhere to go, you can press the button on it to find me."

After saying that, Suzuki put the Den Den Mushi in Sasori's hand and turned to leave.

"Wait, you haven't... about digitization..."

Sasori looked at Suzuki, who was getting up, with a dumbfounded expression. However, before he could finish speaking, Suzuki had already disappeared thousands of meters away.

"Quack quack quack..."

In the empty and silent desert, only the sound of a duck's call could be heard. Sasori held the Den Den Mushi, staring blankly at the figure that had once again become blurry in the yellow sand.


Not long after, Suzuki had returned to the base.

"Lord Suzuki!"

"Lord Suzuki!!"

"Lord Suzuki!!!"

There were many more members in the base now, most of whom were sent by the Land of Iron and the Hyuga clan.

Suzuki walked along, nodding and smiling gently in response.

He first went to the laboratory to inquire about the progress of the artificial Devil Fruit technology.

"Lord Suzuki, although we have made some progress, I'm afraid it will still take some time before we can fully understand it." Yakushi Nonou, wearing a white coat that revealed her impressive figure, reported seriously.

Suzuki glanced at the busy researchers. The petite Hanako was also wearing a white coat and was studying and researching alongside them.

"Well, it's good to have progress. Keep up the good work." Suzuki said with a smile.

"Yes, we will continue to work hard!"


After returning to the observation room, Suzuki welcomed his twenty-second return after a period of training and developing his abilities.

That morning.

Suzuki was alone in the observation room, quietly waiting for the moment of his return.

Moments later, a terrifying and powerful aura emanated from the room, causing the calm sea outside the base to ripple with waves.

However, in the blink of an eye, this aura subsided.

The hundreds of members of the Ark Proverbs base were all frightened by this sudden and terrifying aura.

Yakushi Nono even called, her clear voice trembling slightly: "Su... Lord Suzuki! What was that just now..."

"It's nothing, don't worry, it's me."


After briefly explaining the situation, Suzuki hung up the phone and carefully sensed his own strength.

Now, his physical fitness had reached an extremely terrifying level!

So terrifying that...

In the next second, Suzuki's figure disappeared from the room and appeared outside.

He stood on the sea and threw a punch towards the surface of the water!

In an instant, the air exploded with a sonic boom!

The fist wind tore through the air, even creating sparks, and struck the sea hundreds of meters ahead.


In an instant, water splashed everywhere!

A large whirlpool, dozens of meters wide, was created on the surface of the sea.

Suzuki calmly retracted his fist.

This attack was already comparable to the Morning Peacock of Might Guy when he opened the Six Gates in the future.

However, this punch of his wasn't powered by chakra or Armament Haki. It was all just his raw physical strength. What an incredible physique!

After experimenting with the increase in strength brought by the fusion, Suzuki glanced at the coast dozens of kilometers away with an inexplicable smile on his face.

There, a White Zetsu disguised as a normal human was haggling with a fishmonger at the pier.

"Boss, I only have this much money..."


Suzuki chuckled softly, retracted his Observation Haki, and then returned to the observation room, sending his clone back to the One Piece world.

Only then did he begin to examine the items his clone had brought back this time.

It was another dozen or so Devil Fruits.

However, there was one Natural-type Devil Fruit among them - the Yuki Yuki no Mi!

This was the fruit that would have been eaten by Monet, a future subordinate of Donquixote Doflamingo, but it had now been obtained by his clone.

It was a surprise, one had to say.

Suzuki put away all the Devil Fruits with a serious expression.

Then, his figure instantly disappeared from the room.

Land of Waves, west coast.

A White Zetsu disguised as an old woman was walking happily along the coast, carrying a bag of fresh fish.

"Lord Madara should be able to eat it, right? The boss said the fish is very tender."

"Hmm... speaking of which." White Zetsu brought the bag to its eyes and looked at the small fish swimming weakly inside. Its eyes were filled with curiosity.

"Can you poop?"

However, the small fish did not speak. It was just startled and swam around frantically in the transparent bag.

Just when White Zetsu was a little disappointed, a chuckle came from behind it.

"Hehe, it won't answer you."

"But why did you come here to buy fish, and the kind that's practically dead at that? It'll be rotten by the time you get it home! Is Lord Madara struggling financially now that he's eating spoiled fish?"

Two meters behind White Zetsu, Suzuki stood silently, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Huh? It won't live that long?" White Zetsu subconsciously widened its eyes and looked at the small fish in the bag in disbelief.

Suzuki nodded with a smile.

The distance between the Land of Waves and the Land of Grass was very far. Even with White Zetsu's Ephemeral technique, it would take quite a while to get there.

"Wait, do you know Lord Madara too? Who are you?"

Although White Zetsu wasn't the brightest bulb, it still had a basic sense of caution. It picked up on the key point in Suzuki's words.

Suzuki looked at White Zetsu, who seemed to be about to burrow into the ground and escape with the bag at any moment. As he replied, he raised his right hand and pointed it at its brow.

"Me? I'm just a passerby who saw that Lord Madara was living in such a difficult situation and wanted to give him a gift."

In the next moment, before White Zetsu could even react, Suzuki's fingertip touched its brow.

Its movements froze instantly, and its expression turned blank.


Suzuki frowned as he heard the sound of lightning.

White Zetsu was a product of humans who had fallen after being immersed in Kaguya's Infinite Tsukuyomi in ancient times. Although the genes of these creatures had changed, they should still be considered half-human.

However, Suzuki now discovered that not only had White Zetsu's genes changed, but its soul had also undergone a great transformation!

Suzuki narrowed his eyes and pulled out White Zetsu's soul with a jerk.

He saw a tree-shaped soul the height of an adult being pulled out and floating in the air.

Strangely, there was a tiny, human-shaped soul about the size of a palm in the center of the trunk. It looked dazed and confused, its eyes vacant.

"Tsk, the change is too great."

Suzuki looked deeply at White Zetsu's soul, his brows furrowed in thought.

Could it be that the God Tree could not only extract energy and genes, but also absorb souls? Or was it because it had been immersed in the Infinite Tsukuyomi for too long, causing its soul to mutate?


After thinking for a long time, Suzuki collected his thoughts.

He slightly adjusted White Zetsu's memories and then stuffed its soul back in.

"Huh? Lord Suzuki?" The White Zetsu that had regained its senses said in surprise.

Suzuki nodded calmly and said:

"Let's go, follow me, and bring some really delicious seafood to Lord Madara. Oh, and throw away that bag of dead fish."


Not long after, Suzuki led White Zetsu to find a Sea King near the waters of the Land of Waves.

Suzuki flicked his index finger lightly, and a bolt of lightning shot out from his fingertip, transforming into a lightning blade that cut off a piece of meat from the Sea King swimming in the ocean.

A moment later, on the beach.

Smoke gradually rose.

White Zetsu smelled the fragrant roasted meat and asked curiously, "Lord Suzuki, are you hungry?"

Suzuki sat on the ground, carefully roasting the meat in his hand, and shook his head.

"It's not for me. You'll put it in a scroll later and take it back for Lord Madara to eat."

As he spoke, Suzuki smiled, as if he was recalling something. "Mizunami, the new leader of the Land of Iron, you know him, right? He's an old-school aristocrat. He can't stop praising the food I make."

"Hehe, Lord Madara used to fight all the time, and now he's old and living in a cave. I don't think he's eaten anything good."

"My barbecue is not only delicious, but it's also so tender that it melts in your mouth. It's even nutritious. You can take it back and give it to Lord Madara to help him recover. Oh, and don't say I gave it to you. Just say you bought it yourself, okay?"

"Hmm... I understand~" White Zetsu nodded as if it understood, but then it twisted its body with a troubled expression and asked shyly:

"Lord Suzuki, can you poop?"

"Get lost!!!"

(End of chapter)