
Konoha: I have a clone in One Piece

Leaf Village's 36th year, 24 years after Naruto graduated. Simultaneously, it's the 1496th year of the Sea Round Calendar, marking 24 years since Luffy set sail. In this year, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki have just graduated, the Three Ninja Guardians are alive, and Haku hasn't died. Meanwhile, Shanks and Buggy are still Roger's ship interns, and the Oro Jackson is nearing the final island. Also, Suzuki, a fourth-grade student at the Leaf Ninja School, enters the unfolding story. "A 10 billion Beri bounty on the ultimate creature!" "The nameless puppeteer manipulating the fate of the ninja world!" The great and ineffable civilization shepherd – God Suzuki – gazes at the distant stars... --------- Power Stone Goal: 100PS = 1 CHAP 500PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

Un1que · Anime & Comics
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143 Chs

Chapter 115: Danzo, Come and Take the Blame!

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Sarutobi Hiruzen watched Shimura Danzo's departing figure with an indifferent expression.

Not until he saw his old friend of decades completely disappear did the indifference and sternness on his face vanish, replaced by a hint of vicissitudes and exhaustion.


"Yes, Lord Hokage!"

A dark figure suddenly appeared in the office.

Asuma Sarutobi looked at his father with some heartache, as if he wanted to say something.

But the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, waved his hand and immediately gave an order:

"That Ninja World News Report, go and investigate it!"

"Yes! Lord Hokage!"

Asuma Sarutobi immediately lowered his head and replied.

However, just as he was about to turn and leave, he still couldn't let go of his worries and comforted him softly:

"Father, don't overwork yourself, take care of your health!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a touch of warmth in his heart and forced a kind smile:

"Alright, I know, Asuma, you also need to pay attention to your safety."


After his eldest son, Asuma Sarutobi, left, the Third Hokage sat down on the chair with a face full of worry. His slightly trembling right hand was about to take out his pipe, but he failed to do so several times in a row...

"Sigh - Sakumo..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart was filled with guilt!

Hatake Sakumo's death had hit him hard, and now the consequences that Konoha was facing made him feel even more powerless.

The old man, who was nearly fifty years old, finally took out his pipe with a heavy heart. Amidst the clouds and mist, his once tall and strong figure seemed to gradually become hunched.

At the same time, in a small courtyard on a snack street.

Suzuki was slowly stir-frying shredded pork with fish flavor in the kitchen when suddenly, his cooking movements paused.

"What's wrong, Lord Suzuki?"

On the stool in front of the dining table, Mifune, who was a little restless, couldn't help but ask.

He didn't expect that on his first visit, he would be able to enjoy a meal cooked by his boss himself. When he saw this scene, he immediately felt that it might be better to go out to eat.

"Nothing, I just heard something interesting."

Suzuki smiled gently, and the spatula in his hand quickly started moving again.

He had just sensed the conversation between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo through his Observation Haki. He had heard everything they had talked about!

"Sarutobi Shinosuke~"

Suzuki thought to himself while pouring the dish into a plate.

He didn't know much about this Sarutobi Shinosuke. He only knew that he was the eldest son of the Third Hokage of Konoha Village and also the father of Naruto's future subordinate, Konohamaru. He was currently the leader of the Anbu and his strength could be considered elite among the Jonin.

Then, Suzuki put away his thoughts, carried the fully loaded plate to the dining table, and said to Mifune with a gentle expression:

"Lord Mifune, you eat first."

"I'm going to make a phone call."

Without waiting for the guest to reply, Suzuki walked out of the kitchen and took out a telephone bug to call his female secretary:

"Beep beep beep beep."

"Hello, Lord Suzuki, what can I do for you?"

"Noyagi, there may be a lot of ninjas going to the Land of Waves to investigate recently. Tell Obito Uchiha to pay attention. Kill those who should be killed, and capture those who should be captured."

"In short, the base and the news report can't have any problems."

"Okay, Lord Suzuki! Don't worry, I'll inform Lord Uchiha right away!"

"Well, you've worked hard."   

"Beep beep."

Suzuki hung up the phone and returned to the kitchen to look at the untouched food on the table, and couldn't help but smile.

Not long after, an exclamation sounded in the small courtyard.

"Hmm~ It's so delicious, it's amazing. There's obviously no fish meat, but it's full of fish flavor after eating it!"

"Lord Suzuki! I didn't expect that not only are you skilled in swordsmanship, but your cooking skills are also so excellent!"

"Mifune is truly honored to be able to eat such delicious food!"

"Hahahaha, you're too kind, you're too kind."

"Lord Suzuki, what's the name of this dish?"

"Shredded pork with fish flavor."

A few days later, at the Konoha Hero Cemetery.

Hatake Sakumo's funeral was being held here.

Originally, this White Fang couldn't enjoy the treatment of a hero. Even his funeral was only attended by his close friends, the Sannin, and his son, Kakashi.

However, after the report by the Ninja World News Report, the Konoha high-level officials immediately changed their decision!

When they realized that continuing to suppress public opinion would only have a negative effect, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other high-level officials decisively decided to let Shimura Danzo take the blame!

"Sakumo's death is undoubtedly a pity!"

"He was an extremely outstanding ninja, and he was also a hero of our Konoha!"

"I am here"


The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, stood in front of the tombstone, his expression full of regret as he delivered the funeral eulogy.

In front of White Fang's tombstone, there were also nearly a hundred other ninjas who were mourning.

Konoha's high-level officials, Shimura Danzo, Koharu Utatane, Homura Mitokado, and the Sannin of Konoha, Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Jiraiya, as well as the patriarchs of the various ninja clans in the village, all came to attend the funeral at this moment!

Whether they were sincere or not, they all showed expressions of grief and regret on their faces.

However, Hatake Kakashi, who was wearing mourning clothes in the crowd, felt disgusted when he saw this hypocritical scene!

Hatake Kakashi originally thought that his father's death was because of cowardice.

He chose to commit suicide after failing the mission, and he ruthlessly abandoned him all alone.

In the beginning, Kakashi didn't understand Hatake Sakumo's choice. In addition to sadness, he even felt a trace of resentment towards his father.

However, after reading the Ninja World News Report, Hatake Kakashi instantly understood the reason why his father committed suicide, as well as the filth behind the power struggle!

Shimura Danzo!!!

Hatake Kakashi looked at Shimura Danzo, who was also standing in front of the tombstone with his head lowered, and his eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

Just then, Jiraiya, who was beside him, suddenly pressed his head down.

"Don't show such a look to that person at this time, brat!"

Jiraiya softly reminded Hatake Kakashi, hoping that he, who was young, could understand what kind of occasion this was and the huge gap in strength between the two.


Hatake Kakashi clenched his teeth, lowered his head, and said nothing. His lowered hands couldn't help but clench into fists!

"So, we have come here with a heavy heart!"

"Sakumo's death is not only the loss of a hero, but also a loss to our Konoha!"

"I represent all the villagers of Konoha to express our deepest sorrow and regret for this!"

"Sakumo, may you rest in peace!"

At the forefront of the crowd, after the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, finished his long eulogy, his gaze immediately turned to Shimura Danzo beside him, preparing to let him explain the news in the newspaper in front of everyone:

"Some time ago, a newspaper published some false information."

"Next, let the person involved respond to it."


(To be continued)