
Konoha Hypocrite (TL)

Passing through the Naruto world, Uchiha Tunan obtained the inheritance system. As long as you obtain the recognition of others, you will be able to obtain all the abilities of others after they die. Hence... "Since Konoha's higher-ups treat our Uchiha clan so differently, I've decided to lead the Uchiha clan in three years." "Ding! Obtain the recognition of the Uchiha clan." Two years later. "Tunan, this is the evidence of the Uchiha clan's betrayal. After all, it is your clan. I want to hear your opinion." "I will always stand on the side of the village." On the night of extermination, Uchiha Tunan stood on the Hokage Rock and looked coldly at the extermination of Uchiha's clan. He opened his hands and thanked the gifts of his clansmen. The next day. “Hokage-Sama, I have shed blood for Konoha, and I have suffered a lot for Konoha.” “This is how you treat the meritorious clan, didn't you agree, Tunan?" "I don't know what you are talking about. The hatred of clan extermination is irreconcilable. Today, I will destroy Hiruzen and Sarutobi clan to comfort the spirits of the clan in heaven." High-end hunters often used camouflage to lower the defense of their prey. Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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428 Chs

Secret Art

The shopkeeper was an old Uchiha clansman with white hair.

Clearly, the old man knew about Uchiha Tunan. After all, to be able to open a pharmacy in Uchiha's territory, his strength and status wouldn't be too low.

He knew a little about what had happened last night.

He immediately greeted him and revealed a forced smile.

"Welcome. May I ask what you need?"

After all, he was a member of the Uchiha clan. Even if he opened a shop to do business, it was difficult for him to show a flattering smile to others.

Uchiha Tunan handed the list that Ape Demon gave him to the boss and said, "This list of medicinal herbs, the weight of each is ten times more than the previous one."

The boss took the list and looked at it. His eyes lit up and the smile on his face became much more natural.

He quickly ran to the store to get the medicine for Uchiha Tunan.

Five minutes later, the boss came out with a storage scroll and handed it to Uchiha Tunan.

"This is your medicine. Because it is big enough, the storage scroll is a gift for you."

The change was a total of six million and five hundred thousand taels.

Uchiha Tunan took the scroll and did not check it. He took out another list and handed it to the boss,

"I will double the amount according to this list.

By the way, each of the herbs should be separately packed."

The boss took the list and looked at it. His originally sincere smile naturally carried a trace of flattery.

This couldn't be blamed on the boss losing the backbone of the Uchiha clan. It was just that this deal was too big.

This one was worth the profit of his pharmacy for the past two years.

After all, the Uchiha clan had almost no secret arts that needed medicine, so the sales had never been very good.

After the boss went to the warehouse, Uchiha Tunan handed the scroll in his hand to Saruten and said,

"Saruten, this is the reward for you."

Saruten was stunned for a moment. He took the scroll and said with a touched face, "Tunan, I haven't helped you yet. You just gave me so much..."

Saruten's hand that was holding the scroll was trembling, and he was very excited in his heart.

Although this thing had to be handed over to the clan, when it was time to cultivate Jin Gang, he could use it at will.

Unlike before, he still needed to wait in line at a fixed time.

Uchiha Tunan smiled and said, "You are not only worth this bit of money. You are my partner. In my heart, you are priceless."

Saruten only felt a warm feeling rising in his heart. For some reason, he wanted to cry. He had never been treated so well by anyone.

The second list that Uchiha Tunan gave him was the medicinal materials needed to cultivate the soft body transformation.

The amount did not need too much, and the price would not be too expensive.

However, Uchiha Tunan used a small trick and added an extremely expensive medicinal herb on the list.

This medicinal herb was useless, but its influenza was still relatively good.

When he needed money, he would find an opportunity to sell it without losing much.

As for why he did this...

Naturally, he was lying to the ignorant Saruten.

This allowed Saruten to clearly understand how much he was worth if he was right.

At this time, the boss separated the medicinal ingredients into a bag. Then, he placed them into a storage scroll and handed them to Uchiha Tunan.

"Please keep them well. The price of this medicinal ingredient is 13.6 million taels.

The two of them added up to 20 million."

Uchiha Tunan took the storage scroll and put it away, happily paying the money.


"Welcome back next time."

Behind the man and the monkey, the boss warmly sent them off.

On the way, Saruten, who was still immersed in his emotions, asked Uchiha Tunan,

"Why is the medicinal herb you bought so expensive? What is it for?"

Although Saruten did not know what the price of materials in human society was, he knew that the medicinal herbs needed in the clan were extremely precious.

The ten-year-old medicinal herbs in the clan were not as expensive as the medicinal herbs that Uchiha Tunan bought.

Uchiha Tunan said casually, "This is for the two of us to cultivate secret arts."

"Us two? This..."

Saruten was dumbfounded. He knew that Uchiha Tunan was good to him, but he did not expect it to be so good.

Not only did he have to teach him precious secret arts, but he was also willing to spend so much on him.

For a moment, Saruten had forgotten how to walk and was stunned on the spot.

Uchiha Tunan turned back to look at Saruten and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and come home with me to cultivate together."

Saruten came back to his senses. The way he looked at Uchiha Tunan had completely changed. His face was filled with a smile as he said, "Alright!"

Ding! Obtain Saruten's recognition.

Hearing the system notification, Uchiha Tunan slightly outlined it.

Monkey, who knows how to feel guilty, is really easy to deceive.

I heard that monkeys have a great brain, especially when they are directly cooked with boiling oil, they eat like tofu.

I don't know if it is true...

Ten minutes later.

Uchiha Tunan led Saruten to Uchiha's home.

As soon as they entered the room, Uchiha Tunan took out the scroll that had been modified by the soft body and placed it in front of Saruten to open the way.

"Learn it first. After you memorize the content, I will take you to cultivate together."

Saruten first looked at the introduction of the secret art in front of the scroll and muttered,

"This secret art is really strange. The secret arts of our ape clan all train the body hard, but this secret art actually strengthens the body."

Ape Kong scratched his head. He really did not understand what this secret art was used for.

Uchiha Tunan said indifferently, "This is Orochimaru's strongest secret art. Remember not to tell anyone. After all, it is too precious, and it will make people jealous."

When Yuankong heard this, he immediately nodded his head heavily and stared at the scroll with a fanatical expression on his face.

If it was according to what Uchiha Tunan said, then this scroll must have a special meaning.

That Orochimaru can make ten thousand snakes as spirit beasts. Its strength must be very strong. His strongest secret technique might even be stronger than Unbreakable Diamond.

Tunan is really too good to me.

Saruten's aptitude was indeed a little poor. Uchiha Tunan could remember the content after reading it once, and he read it for two whole hours.

After he finished reading it, Uchiha Tunan took him directly to the pool in the bathroom.

He turned on the hot water and poured the medicinal materials needed for the transformation of the soft body.

The color of the water quickly became green, dyeing the tiles on the edge of the pool.

"Take off your clothes and soak in it."

After Uchiha Tunan finished speaking, he took off his clothes and entered the pool.

After all, the other party was a monkey and a male monkey, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

He saw Uchiha Tunan sitting cross-legged in the pool, his hands slowly and rhythmically forming seals, controlling the chakra in his body to circulate according to the special meridians.

Saruten also took off the fur clothing on his body, entered the pool, and began to cultivate as well.

Time flew.

Half an hour passed.

Uchiha Tunan opened his eyes and felt that his current body seemed to be different from before.

He raised his hand and placed it in front of his eyes. He saw that Uchiha Tunan's fingers unexpectedly bent backwards and finally stuck to the back of his hand.

This is just the beginning, and the effect is already so strong. It seems that it will take at most a month to completely complete the transformation.

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