
Konoha Hypocrite (TL)

Passing through the Naruto world, Uchiha Tunan obtained the inheritance system. As long as you obtain the recognition of others, you will be able to obtain all the abilities of others after they die. Hence... "Since Konoha's higher-ups treat our Uchiha clan so differently, I've decided to lead the Uchiha clan in three years." "Ding! Obtain the recognition of the Uchiha clan." Two years later. "Tunan, this is the evidence of the Uchiha clan's betrayal. After all, it is your clan. I want to hear your opinion." "I will always stand on the side of the village." On the night of extermination, Uchiha Tunan stood on the Hokage Rock and looked coldly at the extermination of Uchiha's clan. He opened his hands and thanked the gifts of his clansmen. The next day. “Hokage-Sama, I have shed blood for Konoha, and I have suffered a lot for Konoha.” “This is how you treat the meritorious clan, didn't you agree, Tunan?" "I don't know what you are talking about. The hatred of clan extermination is irreconcilable. Today, I will destroy Hiruzen and Sarutobi clan to comfort the spirits of the clan in heaven." High-end hunters often used camouflage to lower the defense of their prey. Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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428 Chs

Looking for Suitable Partner

Huaguo Mountain.

It was towering like a pillar that held up the sky.

On the mountainside, there were colorful clouds and rays of light. It was like a dream realm.

The huge waterfall poured down from the cliff at the top of the mountain and smashed into the deep pool at the foot of the mountain.

The sound of water rumbled, and the splashing mist spread in all directions. The grass at the foot of the mountain was shrouded in mist all year round.

Uchiha Tunan only felt the scenery in front of him blur, and then he appeared on the grass. He could not help but mutter, "How magical."

Enma beside him crossed his arms over his chest, and a hint of pride appeared on his face.

"Reverse Spirit Art isn't that easy to use. Apart from Huaguo Mountain, only the formations of the other three holy lands have this ability."

Uchiha Tunan noticed the crux of the matter and raised his eyebrows. "Formation?"

"Do you think the Psychic Art is as simple as a time-space ninjutsu?" Ape Devil stomped on the ground.

"There was a special space-time magic array under the Flower Fruit Mountain, which could transfer the life or items on the Flower Fruit Mountain to the contracted person.

The Inverse Spiritual Art is more troublesome, and I can't explain it to you clearly.

Let's go. I will take you to see the strongest young warriors of the ape clan first. Choose one.

After all, I am not young. I can't fight with you all the time, and I can't adapt to your fighting style."

Uchiha Tunan reached out his hand and adjusted his glasses. He bowed towards Ape Demon and said, "I'll have to trouble Senior Ape Demon."

Then he followed behind Ape Demon and naturally opened his Sharingan to observe the beautiful scenery of Huaguo Mountain.

Since Uchiha Tunan was able to absorb the power of nature, he could naturally feel that the power of nature in Huaguo Mountain was much denser than in Ninja World.

Ape Demon didn't have any reaction to Uchiha Tunan opening his Sharingan.

After all, everyone knew that the Sharingan enhanced dynamic vision.

Just like this, Uchiha Tunan secretly used the eye-roll ability to secretly observe the real situation of Huaguo Mountain while continuously praising, "So beautiful ---"

Through observation, Uchiha Tunan saw the huge and complicated magic circle under the fruit mountain, which made people dizzy.

Moreover, there was no trace of chakra on this magic circle.

Uchiha Tunan boldly guessed that the energy used by the summoning spell was actually natural energy, and the chakra was only equivalent to navigation.

This magic circle reminded Uchiha Tunan of the Heaven sending skill of Hidden Cloud Village.

After all, Uchiha Tunan was pretending to look at the scenery, and it was not good to keep staring at the ground. Most of the time, he still looked around.

As his vision kept getting closer, Uchiha Tunan found that there was a large group of monkeys sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

These monkeys did not use the chakra in their bodies, but their bodies were becoming hard at a slow speed.

Uchiha Tunan guessed that the apes and monkeys should not have a way to master immortal energy, but they would strengthen their bodies with the power of nature.

It seemed that the Unbreakable Diamond Physique was not innate, but cultivated.

If the Force of Nature was regarded as the Spiritual Qi in the cultivation world, then the three holy lands were equivalent to Qi Condensation, while the ape clan was refining the body.

In this way, the cultivation method was the most important.

Ape Devil took Uchiha Tunan all the way up the mountain, while introducing the monkeys who practiced ninjutsu or physical skills alone on the way.

"This is Sarusuke. His body is the hardest among the younger generation of the ape clan."

"This is Saruko. He has the strongest understanding of the unique ninjutsu of the ape clan. After transforming into the Adamantine Staff, he can split sixty of them in one go."


Suddenly, Uchiha Tunan noticed a thin figure in the distance. It was a monkey that was a little shorter than him.

The monkey was as thin as firewood, and the rough clothes made from animal fur almost could not be hung.

The exposed arm seemed to be just skin and bones, not even a hair.

The monkey was constantly hitting the hard boulder with its body.

The stone was so huge, and there were no cracks on the smooth surface. The thin body of the monkey was like an egg striking a rock.

But the monkey did not consider this and still hit the stone hard, as if he was using all his strength.

His body was drenched in blood, but he still turned a blind eye to it.

However, judging from the sound of the collision, the monkey wasn't that strong.

Uchiha Tunan couldn't help but point at the monkey and say, "Senior Ape Demon, who is he?"

Ape Demon, who was walking in front, stopped and looked in the direction of Uchiha Tunan's finger. He sighed and said,

"His name is Saruten. There was an accident when he was born. His natural constitution is too poor. Now he can't even beat the little monkey."

Ape Demon's tone was full of helplessness.

Uchiha Tunan nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Can I go talk to him?"

Enma seemed to have guessed Uchiha Tunan's thoughts. He could not help but frown.

"Tunan, you have to know that we are choosing partners for you now. We need to help you in battle.

At this time, sympathy and kindness were important. During the battle, they were cruel to themselves.

Moreover, no matter who you find to be your partner, the amount of medicinal materials you have agreed on can not be less."

In Ape Demon's opinion, with Uchiha Tunan's strength, he should choose an even stronger partner.

Not because of his emotions, but because he chose a weak one.

Uchiha Tunan nodded and said, "I understand, but I still want to say a few words to him."

Enma waved his hand and said, "Up to you. I will go to the Water Curtain Cave to teach those little monkeys. You can come to me after you have chosen."

After saying that, Enma disappeared into the forest in a few leaps.

Uchiha Tunan looked at Saruten in the distance, his eyes narrowing slightly as he rubbed his chin.

Since the Unbreakable Diamond was only a special way to strengthen the body with the Force of Nature, then Uchiha Tunan's goal would be to aim at the monkeys that he recognized conveniently.

After all, Enma was the Ape King, so its mind was definitely not so simple and it was difficult to fool.

As for the powerful monkeys, most of them were rebellious and unruly.

Uchiha Tunan wanted to maintain his human image again and needed to be gentle.

Perhaps those monkeys would push their luck and finally ride on his head to bully him.

He still had to pick the soft persimmons.

After thinking about it, Uchiha Tunan picked a banana from the roadside and walked over with it in hand.

The first time they met, it was better to bring a symbolic gift than empty hands.

Uchiha Tunan came behind Saruten and stood quietly, not bothering him.

Just watching him hit the stone again and again, his tireless appearance was heart-wrenching.

Soon, Saruten stopped exhausted and sat on the ground, breathing heavily with his head down.

Suddenly, a banana appeared in front of Saruten.

Saruten was slightly stunned and looked up.

He saw a smiling... human standing in front of him?

It should be a human, similar to what Lord Ape Demon had described.

As for the appearance of this human... it was not very good-looking, mainly because he had too little hair.

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