
Konoha Hypocrite (TL)

Passing through the Naruto world, Uchiha Tunan obtained the inheritance system. As long as you obtain the recognition of others, you will be able to obtain all the abilities of others after they die. Hence... "Since Konoha's higher-ups treat our Uchiha clan so differently, I've decided to lead the Uchiha clan in three years." "Ding! Obtain the recognition of the Uchiha clan." Two years later. "Tunan, this is the evidence of the Uchiha clan's betrayal. After all, it is your clan. I want to hear your opinion." "I will always stand on the side of the village." On the night of extermination, Uchiha Tunan stood on the Hokage Rock and looked coldly at the extermination of Uchiha's clan. He opened his hands and thanked the gifts of his clansmen. The next day. “Hokage-Sama, I have shed blood for Konoha, and I have suffered a lot for Konoha.” “This is how you treat the meritorious clan, didn't you agree, Tunan?" "I don't know what you are talking about. The hatred of clan extermination is irreconcilable. Today, I will destroy Hiruzen and Sarutobi clan to comfort the spirits of the clan in heaven." High-end hunters often used camouflage to lower the defense of their prey. Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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428 Chs

Danzo Had Begun To Move

Root base camp.

A ninja wearing a cat face mask knelt down on one knee and said, "Greetings to Lord Danzo."

Danzo sat in his seat and looked down at the ninja below. He said coldly,

Aburame Ryosuke, your assessment mission is to bring Uchiha Tunan back.

If the situation is necessary, you can also choose to kill and dig out his Sharingan.

But this will lower your assessment evaluation.

Only by passing the assessment can you officially become a member of Root.

But if you fail, you know the consequences.

"Yes, Lord Danzo." Aburame Ryosuke responded, turned around and walked out.

After Aburame Ryosuke left, Danzo knocked on the armrest with his finger.

Another Root Ninja walked out from the shadows and knelt down on one knee in front of Danzo.

"Shihei, watch from afar. If you alert the Anbu or Uchiha Clan, immediately trigger the seal of the curse."

"If this matter were to spread out, it would be very troublesome."



The moon in the middle of winter was clear and cold, pouring down a silver light like ice towards Konoha.

At this time, Uchiha Tunan had fallen into a deep sleep.

Outside the quiet land of the Uchiha clan, two or three groups of patrolling people were chatting while patrolling.

The war had just ended, and it was inevitable that the Ninjas in Konoha would relax a little.

"Have you heard about that Uchiha Tunan?"

"Which matter are you referring to?"

"Of course it is about him passing the graduation exam ahead of time."

"I remember that he is only six years old, and he will only be seven in a few months."

"Now he's going to be a Genin, really powerful."

"Well, his talent was given to him by the Uchiha clan."

"But he kept a distance from his clan and was close to the higher-ups of Konoha. "

"In fact, I don't think it's all his fault. After all, no one can bear the things that happened to him."

"Those things have nothing to do with Uchiha's family."

"You don't know about this, right? This is top secret news. You two must not spread it."

"I heard that his parents have been extremely harsh to Tunan since they were young because they were not strong enough."

"This also made Tunan unable to get paternal love and maternal love."

"Later, Tunan finally got close to Amao, but in the end, Amao was killed by Tetsuo."

"Naturally, he would be dissatisfied with Uchiha's family."

"When his parents were buried, I saw that little devil was very sad, and I wanted to cry."

"No matter what, he is his biological parents. If he is a little more strict, he will only ask for concern in other places, but it does not mean that he will hate his parents."

"That seems to be the reason."

"By the way, where did you hear this top-secret news?"

"The day before yesterday, my mother mentioned it to me during lunch. She said that this was the insider news she got from a friend of Konoha's top management."

"The day before yesterday... the morning before yesterday, wasn't your mother buying vegetables with my mother?"


"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. A bug just flew over."

Above the heads of the three people, a stream of bug flowed into Uchiha's territory under the cover of the night.

Uchiha's territory was divided into two areas, both inside and outside.

The inner area was like a small town. It was convenient for business and had high housing prices.

The outer area was just like the countryside, with large fields and narrow roads.

Small courtyards dotted here and there, most of which lived the civilians of Uchiha's family..

Uchiha Tunan's courtyard was also here, and it belonged to the border area.

It was not that Uchiha Tunan's parents could not afford to buy a house in the center of the clan.

However, his father was naturally proud and wanted to buy the best place.

Unfortunately, Konoha developed a little fast, and the price of the house rose faster.

The matter of buying a house was thus delayed.

A large black stream of insects used the dense trees on both sides of the road as a cover, lurking all the way to the vicinity of Uchiha Tunan's house.

In the end, at the top of a lush tree, the insect stream gathered together.

The Aburame with a cat face mask, Ryosuke, crouched slightly and looked around.

According to the information, the little brat's home should be there.

In the end, Aburame Ryosuke shifted his gaze to a small courtyard near the edge of the clan.

In the next instant, Aburame Ryosuke used the Body Blink technique and disappeared without a trace.

The moment Aburame Ryosuke appeared, Uchiha Tunan, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up. The three magatama in his eyes spun rapidly.

Is that... the Anbu or the Root?

The Anbu was still okay, but it should be that Hiruzen Sarutobi had something to talk to him about.

But if it was the Root...

Uchiha Tunan remembered the Sharingan soaked in the test tube.

In the middle of the night, more than half of them came with ill intentions.

The next moment, the white pigeons that were scattered all over Konoha opened their Sharingan at the same time.

With the support of the white eyes, they swept through several key positions like searchlights.

There was no one in the Hokage building!

It was not Hiruzen Sarutobi looking for him.

At this time, there was no time to think.

Because Aburame Ryosuke had already appeared at the door of Uchiha Tunan's house.

Aburame Ryosuke reached out and slowly pushed the door open.

All of a sudden, a black shadow attacked, and a sharp wind hit Aburame Ryosuke's face, giving him a tearing pain.


At the critical moment, Aburame Ryosuke raised the Kunai to block the Kunai.

Just as Aburame Ryosuke was about to release the parasite to subdue Uchiha Tunan.

Uchiha Tunan was stunned and took a few steps back. He put his hands on his knees and said apologetically,

"I'm sorry, Sir Anbu. I thought it was a spy from the enemy village."

Do you recognize me as an Anbu? It seems that this kid used to deal with the Anbu.

This is also good, saving me a lot of effort.

Aburame Ryosuke thought for a while and said in a deep tone,

"Uchiha Tunan, the Hokage-Sama wants to see you."

"Then I'll have to trouble the Anbu." Uchiha Tunan put away the Kunai, and his hands naturally drooped down, as if he was not on guard.

Aburame Ryosuke walked over with vigilance and stretched out his hand to press on Uchiha Tunan's body.

On the surface, he was preparing to use the instant-cast technique to take Uchiha Tunan away, but on the inside, he was communicating with the parasite to sneak into Uchiha Tunan's body.

This mission was really smooth.

However, the parasite in Aburame Ryosuke's body suddenly emitted a strange chakra fluctuation, warning Aburame Ryosuke.

Something was wrong!

This was an illusion!

The experienced Aburame Ryosuke reacted in an instant and broke free from the illusion in just an instant.

Aburame Ryosuke was standing at the door, and Uchiha Tunan's hand was just about to touch Aburame Ryosuke's body.

"I caught you." Uchiha Tunan's eyes were cold. The moment his palm touched Aburame Ryosuke, he used Ninjutsu.

Lightning Release: Earth Walk!

The best way to deal with the Aburame clan was fire and lightning release.

Uchiha Tunan planned to use Lightning Release to paralyze it, and then use Fire Escape to take it away.


The moment Uchiha Tunan released it and left, Aburame Ryosuke's figure disappeared, and a piece of substitute wood fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, Aburame Ryosuke's original body had already appeared on the tree branch in the courtyard that had been burnt to a bare.


The sound of air being torn apart rang out in the surroundings.

This little ghost moved so quickly.

Aburame Ryosuke focused his gaze and used the Insect Transformation Secret Technique. His body transformed into a stream of insects and quickly flew into the sky.

The Fuma Shuriken whistled through the four directions, cutting off the branches of the big tree, and then stabbed into the walls and houses around the small courtyard.

What a strong little demon.

Aburame Ryosuke landed on the roof and looked down at Uchiha Tunan who had appeared in the courtyard at some unknown time.

The Fuma Shuriken had almost blocked his escape route. If not for the Insect Transformation Secret Technique, he would have fallen into the enemy's trap.

In just a moment of confrontation, Aburame Ryosuke had already completely taken Uchiha Tunan seriously, treating him as an enemy of the same level.

He immediately formed a few seals with his hands.

Secret technique, Insect Tide.

A large wave of Rotten Bugs gushed out from Aburame Ryosuke's body and condensed into a black wind that pounced towards Uchiha Tunan.

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