
Konoha Hypocrite (TL)

Passing through the Naruto world, Uchiha Tunan obtained the inheritance system. As long as you obtain the recognition of others, you will be able to obtain all the abilities of others after they die. Hence... "Since Konoha's higher-ups treat our Uchiha clan so differently, I've decided to lead the Uchiha clan in three years." "Ding! Obtain the recognition of the Uchiha clan." Two years later. "Tunan, this is the evidence of the Uchiha clan's betrayal. After all, it is your clan. I want to hear your opinion." "I will always stand on the side of the village." On the night of extermination, Uchiha Tunan stood on the Hokage Rock and looked coldly at the extermination of Uchiha's clan. He opened his hands and thanked the gifts of his clansmen. The next day. “Hokage-Sama, I have shed blood for Konoha, and I have suffered a lot for Konoha.” “This is how you treat the meritorious clan, didn't you agree, Tunan?" "I don't know what you are talking about. The hatred of clan extermination is irreconcilable. Today, I will destroy Hiruzen and Sarutobi clan to comfort the spirits of the clan in heaven." High-end hunters often used camouflage to lower the defense of their prey. Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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428 Chs

Crisis Averted

In the dim Konoha village.

Most of the ordinary civilians had already been arranged into the underground fallout shelter.

Of course, the Ninja Clan had their own fallout shelters, so they naturally wouldn't be with the civilians.

On the streets, from time to time, the recently graduated Genin would shout the latest order from the Hokage building.

These Genin did not have enough Chakra, so they could not provide effective help to the barrier.

They did not know the layout of Konoha, so they were not suitable for the task of evacuating civilians. They could only help run errands and shout.

The Hatake Clan.

Kakashi was sitting in his seat, quietly watching the two little guys doing their homework.

After all, as the head of the clan, it was his duty to educate the younger generation.

However, the two little guys did not dare to raise their heads. They sat on their knees in front of the table and practiced calligraphy with their pens.

In the Ninja Realm, children who wanted to learn to read were generally taught by their elders.

The Ninja School would not spend the time to teach these things.

Generally, children would pass the exam at the age of five or six and enter the Ninja School.

Therefore, those basic things would start to study when they were one or two years old.

There was no other way, the Ninja World had always been like this.

It had to be said that Kakashi was not always dignified in front of children.

Especially with a cold face at any time, this made Yi and Yanbo feel fear for this clan leader.

"Quick, emergency notice, all Konoha Ninjas go to the sealed class to help maintain the operation of the barrier."

An anxious shout came from the street outside the courtyard.

Kakashi frowned slightly when he heard this.

It seems that the situation has become serious. Isn't it just a natural disaster?

He immediately got up and went to the wall to remove his white fang.

He ordered the two little guys, "I'll go out first. You guys do your homework at home."

The two little guys widened their eyes and nodded at Kakashi. "Ok!"

Kakashi nodded slightly and hung his white fang on his back. He passed by the courtyard and came to the gate.

"Mr. Kakashi, as the captain of the Anbu, do you also need to go?"

When Kakashi heard this, he turned around to look.

He saw Hatake Dou standing in the corridor with a tea tray.

Kakashi raised the mask on his face and said in a lazy tone,

"The Anbu is also a Konoha Ninja.

Tunan said that the position only represents the difference in our work, but it does not mean that we are superior in other aspects. "

Dou smiled slightly and said in an inexplicable tone,

"Mr. Kakashi, I hope that you will protect yourself at all times. The clansmen need your protection."

Kakashi was stunned for a moment. He glanced at the room that had just walked out and turned to push open the door.

" Don't spoil Yi too much.

In the end, people have to rely on themselves.

No one can protect anyone forever. "

After saying that, he walked out of the courtyard and closed the courtyard door.

Looking at the tightly closed gate of the courtyard, Dou's lips moved slightly as he muttered,

"There are."

The moment the gate closed, the two little fellows in the room who were immersed in practicing calligraphy immediately cheered.

"Yes, Lord Clan Leader has left."

"We can play."

At this moment, Yi saw Dou walk in with a tea tray and immediately said with a face full of joy,

"Do you want to play Dou?"

Dou gently put down the tea tray and looked at Yi with a smile,

"No, I'll let you go."

In the depths of Konoha's barrier class.

At this time, a group of Konoha's higher-ups had gathered here.

A large number of Konoha Ninjas took turns under the finger of the monitor, injecting Chakra into the barrier.

Under the corrosion of the chakra poison, an average group of people could only last for about five minutes.

At this moment, an Anbu came to the front of Hiruzen Sarutobi and knelt on one knee,

"Hokage sama, the snow on the barrier surface has begun to melt."

Hearing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi frowned and kept smoking.

Danzo's face was ugly:

"Damn, once the poison enters the water, the contact with the barrier will increase."

Hiruzen Sarutobi exhaled a long breath of smoke and said in a low voice: "What did the medical department say?"

The Anbu replied in a deep voice,

"The Medical Department Ninja said that they have never seen the principle of this poison.

If they want to develop the antidote, it will take a long time.

However, through experiments, they found that this poison will not kill, and the most serious will only paralyze people.

The more Chakra there is, the stronger the paralysis effect will be."

Won't die? That's good news. At least those civilians will be fine.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was relieved. He glanced at Danzo who still had an ugly expression on his face. He patted Danzo on the shoulder and said,

"The ninjas in this round are not bad. They actually lasted for so long and still haven't exhausted themselves.

If I remember correctly, there are a few of your newly recruited Root Ninjas here.

It seems that all the good seedlings of the new generation of Konoha have been taken by you."

Although Hiruzen Sarutobi's words were simply to ease the dignified atmosphere.

But after Danzo heard this, he was slightly stunned. He smiled stiffly and shook his head:

"What good seedlings? They are all commoners, and they are not young anymore."

At this moment, the monitor of the sealer class suddenly shouted in surprise,

"Hokage sama, the consumption of the barrier has returned to normal."

Hearing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi raised his eyebrows and said in disbelief,

"What's going on? Is the poison no longer eroding the barrier?"

The leader immediately made a seal and communicated with Konoha's barrier to sense it. Her face was full of excitement: "The poison seems to have completely disappeared."

Hiruzen Sarutobi narrowed his eyes and muttered, "It's too strange..."

Danzo pondered for a moment and said in a low voice, "Could it be that the shelf life of this poison is relatively short?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi shook his head and looked up at the ceiling. His gaze seemed to be able to see the world beyond the ceiling. He muttered,

"It is possible that this is the poison released by some kind of ninjutsu.

If I am not wrong, Tunan defeated the opponent. "

At this time, the battlefield was full of devastation.

Dressed in a black coat, Uchiha Tunan walked leisurely on the snow.

However, there was not a single footprint left in his path.

After the snow storm, the nearby forest had completely disappeared.

The nearby trees were all covered by a thick layer of snow.

When Uchiha Tunan arrived not far from the original cabin, he immediately saw Boruto and Sasuke who were lying in the snow.

The position of Boruto had changed, and it should have been pushed a distance away by the snow storm.

But the position of Sasuke was still in the same place.

But Uchiha Tunan's expression did not change, he bent over to put Boruto on his shoulder and then stopped in front of Sasuke.

The eyes under the bandage gradually narrowed.

The breathing of Uchiha Sasuke in front of him was very weak, as if he would die after lying in the snow for a while.

However, how could such a clumsy disguise escape Uchiha Tunan's eyes?

Although Uchiha Tunan could not see if Uchiha Sasuke was really unconscious at this moment.

However, the snow storm had already buried those big trees, it was too illogical for them to not bury the two people who had fainted.

The person on their shoulders was weak and could not fool Uchiha Tunan.

Then the only person who could fool Uchiha Tunan here was Uchiha Sasuke.

After a few moments of silence, Uchiha Tunan finally decided to give each other a chance.

After all, whether it was the Eternal Mangekyo or the Six tomoe Rinnegan, they were both irresistible temptations to Uchiha Tunan.

As long as there was a sliver of a way out, if they could not turn against each other, then they would not turn against each other.

A relieved expression gradually appear on Uchiha Tunan's face. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, it's fine."


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