
Chapter 2: Resentful Shadow Spirit.

(Pov: first person)

I thought a lot about the results of my tests, it seems that I have no connection with the story created, even if I meditate I don't find anything, first I think it's best to summarize what I learned.


1- There are many restrictions when creating a story, it must be based on an existing event.

2- The story's rating levels determine some of its strength and risks involved.

3- The 'creator' holder of the Stories has no control over their creations. ]

" After all, I don't think I achieved much... better rest a little, tomorrow I'll go back to ninja school"

(TimeSkip) – The next day in the morning.

Along the way, I met several students with their parents and among them I saw a familiar figure, it was Hayate and Iruka.

"Okay... I suddenly had an idea"

I thought as I walked into my classroom, I sat in the back away from everyone, I don't want to get involved with brats.

" Let's shake this village a little "

[Page 2:

Story Name: Resentful Spirit of Shadows

Description: There are good and bad ways in this world, when it is dark everything can be seen differently, a small figure lurks in the shadows waiting for her beloved, after her death all who see her will be engulfed by the shadows, there is room for all evil .

Note: The evil one dwells in the shadows, beauty will deceive the innocent, but water will give strength to persist in the light.

Effect: (A small memory from the past haunts the future from the shadows, deceiving whoever finds it)

Rating: F factor ' five stars ' ]

"Hmm? F factor only? Too bad, but it can still handle most of the newly formed genin"

" Let's see how stories can influence the material world "

Closing the book in his mind, the old former sense of loss surrounds him, it must be said that it is not pleasant at all...

(Pov: Akame)

"Hey Saiko! It's your turn to catch us"

"Okay, let me show you my elite ninja! "

"What a fear Hahaha, run"

I'm ready to win this game, it's fun to be a ninja, Dad told me he'd get me a brand new toolkit if I graduated with good grades, I'm still only 7... should I persuade him to give it to me sooner? Hehehe my skills proved how good I am.

" What are you doing there stunned Akame! We have to run away"

" Oh yes! Sorry I got distracted Hahaha"

" Let's go! Don't let me take them, I don't want to win out of pity! "

"Saiko is furious, run away hehehe"

" Tsk... damn, I'll get you all, just wait "

As we all ran in different directions, I passed a dark alley, I saw something amazing there, a beautiful girl.

" H-hello! My name is Minori

The girl says shyly, I feel a little embarrassed...she's so cute ahhh, hurry up Akame! Say something.

" H-hello! I'm Akame, hmmm what are you doing there alone? Want to play with us? "

" Yes! I would love! But first, could you help me find my friend? "

" That... Right, but we have to be quick, I'm in the middle of a game "

"Thank you, this makes me very happy"

Damn, I feel my face flushing, so beautiful... where does she come from? I've never seen her before, better finish soon, maybe I can impress her with my ninja skills hehehe.

I approached the alley where she was, it was much darker than before, I've passed by there a few times, I feel kind of gloomy...

"Let's go Akame! She must be crying alone, I'm a little worried"

"Ahhh yes, sorry distracted me again, let's go"

When I stepped into the shadow of the alley, 'Minori' grabbed me tightly by the hands, I was confused as I was pulled into the dark.

" Hmm M-Minori-san? "

I felt a sudden pain in my feet, were there…hands? I was horrified when they pulled me suddenly, I ended up falling and was dragged like a doll, I looked on in despair as 'Minori' watched me with a crooked smile, her eyes were dark as night.

"Oh! S-Help! Help me, help me! "

(Pov: Third person)

There were strange sounds coming from the alley, as if something was being broken, desperate children's screams came from there, scaring the children who were nearby.

" Mommy! Really hurts! Help me... 'Cry, cry', Daddy! "

The scene was disturbing as Saiko cautiously approached the alley, he could swear he had never seen such a bloody scene, at the same moment he started vomiting and running away asking for help.

" H-Help! Help! A-Akame is injured"

He said as he ran with all his might, then collapsed to the ground crying, the shock seems to be beyond what he could bear, leading to his fainting.

"Hey stop! Quick call someone

Screams sounded everywhere, in the alley lay unrecognizable pieces of flesh and blood... it was frightening such barbarity, some villagers regretted the event.

Soon ninjas dressed in black with strange masks appeared, such confusion drew the attention of these lurkers.

" Hmm this looks like the work of a wild animal... poor boy..."

" A little strange don't you think? The kids said he just walked into the alley and started screaming for help but there was nothing there."

" Eh who knows, many things happen in times of war, chaos employs many crazy people... "

" He arrives! You two, this is not the time to think about unresolved problems, we have to find the culprit of the incident, we can't leave everything to the hokage"

"Yes, you are right, let's work hard"

"Okay, okay, I think you should take a look at this."

" Hmm did you find something Hiro-san? "

"Hey don't call me by my stupid name! We are ninjas under hokage-sama, our identities are hidden bastard"

" Take it easy... I'm just kidding "

" You! Really carefree! Don't you see this horrible scene? "

"Relax, we'll be at war any second, there are psychopaths everywhere"

" Is that a consolation? "

"Hahaha, well I guess so"

After looking closer, they saw a crumpled kunai, it looked like handprints... that's pretty tough, isn't it? Bare hands can do this?

" Incredible! Our culprit looks pretty dangerous, what do you guys think? "

" A small fight seems to have taken place here... by the traces the evildoer's strength must be around a chunin expert in taijutsu "

" You're right, but it looks like our poor boy barely managed to fight back, his name was Saiko right? "

"Yes, he was a little genius in ninjutsu"

" We can't leave it like this, each leaf must give all its value! Burn all your will and light up the village's future"

"Right, right the will of fire, isn't it? It's good that you understand, but that makes it seem scary Hahaha "

"Come on, clear the scene! I will notify the hokage of this matter"

" Yes! x2 "

(Pov: First person)

- At the ninja school.

I'm surprised, the income for a few hours was amazing! At least 300 points, killing generates more gains... that's a little disturbing, but I think it's normal, isn't it? Like in books, everything is just stories... only this time I'm the protagonist.

" Alright, now the next part of the test continues, I must kill this little monster and observe its limitations "

"How am I supposed to induce these brats to curiously solve the mystery of the dark alley Hahaha"

After a few hours, rumors were spread around the school, they say that a villain torments the dark alleys by attacking helpless children, it seems like a drama plot, doesn't it? Unfortunately, we won't have a happy ending.

" What an interesting story... it's a shame to have to finish it "

I think while listening to the teacher's lecture, honestly it's pretty boring and reminds me of school days from my past life, luckily tomorrow we'll learn how to extract chakra! Finally that day has come.

"Let the hunt...begin! "

A strange smile was portrayed on my face, my dreams will come true sooner or later... whether they like it or not, maybe I'm a little selfish? I don't think so, just realistic... I hope? Haha ha.

To be continued...