
Konoha Collector, Get The Whirlpool Sage Body At The Beginning

Qian Xuan traveled through the world of Hokage and became a descendant of Senju who integrated into the common people. He awakened Su Hui and activated the Great Collector System. If you collect things recognized by the system, you can get rewards. [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Senju Chakra Refining Technique". Reward: Top Chakra Control Talent. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Three Body Technique". Reward: Talent·Quick Mastery. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Low-level Space Seal Scroll". Reward: personal small world and space props refining method. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Whirlpool Kushina". Reward: top-grade whirlpool Sage Body, longevity pill (10-year version)*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Uchiha Mikoto". Reward: top-level Uchiha blood successor, Zhuyan Dan*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the legendary collection "Super Large Tenseigan". Reward: top-level Ōtsutsuki blood successor and a pair of Tenseigan. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the god-level collectible "Dragon Vein". Reward: Talent·Gateway of Time and Space, Chakra 1 million. 】

dick_balls_1837 · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 40

Seeing this increasingly chaotic scene, the old man stood up during the intermission and suppressed everyone's comments first;Then, he said: "I think Aoki is right, indeed! Don't let yourself mess up your position! Take it step by step steadily!""First of all, we can take advantage of this incident of being ambushed by Genbe and Danzo to secretly attack the Third Generation and force him to agree to terminate Senju's plan to integrate into Konoha;""The village must no longer force us Senju to integrate into the common people;""Then, evacuate our clan members from key departments in the village, especially the main battle department, and transfer them to the idle department;""This is not only to show weakness to the enemy and weaken the hostility and targeting of the Third Generation, but also to prevent these tribesmen from being sacrificed by the Third Generation who send them to perform various extremely dangerous tasks for various reasons for various reasons;""Also, from now on, the clan members should try to reduce their outing missions as much as possible;""At least, don't accept a mission that is too dangerous!""Otherwise, if everyone is dead, can the family still exist?""Anyway, we Senju have a large number of industries and shops in Konoha. These alone are enough to support all the clan members;""Finally, we will secretly re-count the tribesmen who have integrated into the village civilians over the years, re-compile the list, and secretly provide and increase resource investment to cultivate them based on the talents of these tribesmen and their descendants;""When the time is right, we will absorb them all again;""At that time, it will be time for us to re-establish the Senju name and gather all the clan members to re-establish Konoha. What do you think?"Of course, these words and thoughts are not all the thoughts of the old man in the middle of the scene.But recently, he communicated with Qian Xuan from time to time, talking about Senju's problems and the future, and the two of them discussed it.Of course, this plan actually has many loopholes and problems.But no plan is perfect.Especially when Senju Konoha is in a weak and passive position.The old man and Qian Xuan never expected that this plan could be successfully completed step by step.This plan was just to delay time, confuse and paralyze Third Generation and Danzo, and give Qian Xuan time to grow.Qian Xuan believed in his talent, and so did the old man between the scenes.They all believe that as long as Qian Xuan is given two or three years of stable growth time, Qian Xuan will definitely be able to improve his strength to Kage-level or even stronger.At the same time, in their plan, they must also work hard to cultivate Minato and help him grow quickly.In addition, Tsunade is also a key.We should try our best to have Tsunade break through to Kage-level within two or three years.By that time, even if Mito-sama is not included in the clan, there will be at least two Kage-level combatants;In this way, they have the confidence to say no to Third Generation.Only then did he have the confidence to reestablish the Senju surname and reunite his clan members.Then, gradually begin to recuperate, increase the number of new generations, cultivate new generations, and rebuild the glory of the family.There is also the issue of Uzumaki Mito.It would be best if Uzumaki Mito could persist for a few more years, but the worst would be to train Kushina before Uzumaki Mito passed away.At the same time, let her fully integrate into Senju and not be abducted by the Third Generation and the others.After hearing the words of the elder in the intervening scene, everyone fell into deep thought.Soon, most people nodded:"I agree with the elder's plan, this is the safest!""That's right! We are weak now and cannot withstand the tossing. It's best to stay steady!""Seconded!""...."Of course, there are also different voices:"That's true, but this plan is too idealistic;""Since the Third Generation have already begun to weaken our Senju clan step by step and continue to consume our vitality, they cannot stop because of any of our plans.""Indeed! But it seems that apart from what the elders said, other plans are even more unreliable!"..."Why don't we directly fight against the Third Generation and the others! Directly expose to the whole mask that the Third Generation sent Danzo to ambush Temu and the others, and then unite many ninjas to fight against the Third Generation and the others;"...."Stupid! In the past, we were strong, fair in dealing with things, and willing to share our interests with other ninjas. They naturally believed in us and were willing to support us;""But what do we have now? Our rights in Konoha are almost taken away by the Third Generation! Our strength has also been weakened to the extreme;""Most of the ninja clan in Konoha have also been won over by the Third Generation and others with their interests;""Under such circumstances, why do you think others will choose to support us against Third Generation?"...."That's right....".....In the end, after everyone discussed and discussed, they still felt that the plan of the elders in the intervening period was the safest and most feasible.The sound gradually became unified.Then, Uzumaki Mito finally spoke up and said with finality: "Since everyone agrees with the plan of the elders, let's follow the plans of the elders!""After that, I will call the Third Generation to come over and have a good talk with him, and use the incident of Tsunade and the others being ambushed by Danzo to force the Third Generation to make concessions and terminate Senju's plan to integrate into Konoha;""At the same time, we will implement the retreat-to-advance plan, discuss with Third Generation, and adjust the positions of clan members serving in various departments;""As for the follow-up support and training plan, you should come up with a charter and implement it as soon as possible!""I hope the family can grow again in the few years I'm here, and by then, I can leave with some peace of mind.""I will try to hold on for as many years as possible!""That's it! Let's break up the meeting!"After saying that, Uzumaki Mito canceled the barrier and took the lead to leave....Over here at the Hokage office,"You know everything, right? Senju has held a clan meeting for all clan members! The last time they held a clan meeting of this level was four years ago, right?"Third Generation smoked a dry cigarette, stared at the crystal ball, and spoke to Danzo, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura on the side.I saw that what was shown in the crystal ball was somewhere within the Senju tribe.But the picture is blurry.It was obviously disturbed by the barrier."It's not all your fault, Danzo, Hiruzen, you, you were too impulsive this time! You actually let Danzo lead the root to ambush Tsunade and the others!""The key is, it would be fine if you succeeded, but you still failed!""Isn't it normal for Senju to react?"Utatane Koharu's face was full of hatred.Weakening Senju Over the years, the four present and the families behind them have gained a lot of benefits.It was naturally impossible to really oppose the plan to weaken Senju.But after all, Senju is the First Generation and their teacher's family, and it's not as extreme or as threatening as Uchiha.Therefore, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura actually do not agree with the extermination of the Senju clan.It's too much.Especially, this time the attempt to kill them all failed."really!"Mitokado Homura also nodded in agreement: "You have passed this time! Senju's glory is long gone, and most of the benefits that should be given away have been given away. It is no longer possible to threaten us, why can't we just let it go?""In comparison, Uchiha and even Hyuga are more threatening than the current Senju, right?"Even Mitokado Homura feels that the current comprehensive strength of the three Ino-Shika-Chō families has surpassed the current Senju.Um! After removing the vortex Mito.As long as Uzumaki Mito doesn't die for a day, she alone can hold up half the sky.