
Konoha Collector, Get The Whirlpool Sage Body At The Beginning

Qian Xuan traveled through the world of Hokage and became a descendant of Senju who integrated into the common people. He awakened Su Hui and activated the Great Collector System. If you collect things recognized by the system, you can get rewards. [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Senju Chakra Refining Technique". Reward: Top Chakra Control Talent. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Three Body Technique". Reward: Talent·Quick Mastery. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Low-level Space Seal Scroll". Reward: personal small world and space props refining method. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Whirlpool Kushina". Reward: top-grade whirlpool Sage Body, longevity pill (10-year version)*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Uchiha Mikoto". Reward: top-level Uchiha blood successor, Zhuyan Dan*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the legendary collection "Super Large Tenseigan". Reward: top-level Ōtsutsuki blood successor and a pair of Tenseigan. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the god-level collectible "Dragon Vein". Reward: Talent·Gateway of Time and Space, Chakra 1 million. 】

dick_balls_1837 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 26

"In addition, this knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine will also be of great help to my subsequent research on blood evolution potions! It came so timely!"Qian Xuan thought to himself.After just roughly digesting this knowledge and information, he felt that he had been touched and gained a lot. If he studied it in depth, he would definitely gain a lot.As Qian Xuan has gained more and more control over the Senju Chakra refining technique and his body, he is now refining Chakra and realizing his own Chakra potential faster and faster.In just over half an hour, Qian Xuan completed the practice of Chakra and realized his potential;The amount of Chakra has also climbed to 3330 points, which is considered above average among Chūnin.Then, he formed a seal to create a real Shadow Clone;Then, with a thought, I took out several space seal scrolls from the small world that I had made in the past while, studying the basic sealing techniques, and handed them to the real Shadow Clone (well! I will call him Shadow Clone No. 1 from now on) .And warned: "The task of going to the Kingdom of Whirlpool is left to you! How to control it depends entirely on you!""Get the biggest bang for your buck!""If you have anything, just pass it to me directly through the ninja dog!"Although White Wolf and the others are still a bit reluctant to fight, if they are just summoning to convey messages, there will be no problem."Okay! Leave it to me! Let's go!"Shadow Clone No. 1 nodded, put away these space seal scrolls, and then with a thought, directly cast the Transformation Technique, turning into an ordinary adult;Then, turn on the breath concealment talent to its maximum effect.If you don't look carefully at all times, you will be ignored.Then, Shadow Clone One quickly left home.Ignored by countless people along the way, I arrived somewhere on the avenue more than a hundred meters away from the village gate, and patiently and quietly observed and waited."Huh? That's it!"More than ten minutes later, Qian Xuan stared at a caravan with four or five carriages heading towards the gate of Konoha.He immediately used the Transformation Technique and turned into a stone that splashed out from the roof of the building next to the street and fell directly into the cargo pile of a freight carriage.Several ninjas responsible for the escort mission just glanced at the changing stone No. 1, then retracted their gaze without caring, and continued to move forward with the convoy.Not just because it's just a stone.And because of their breath concealment talent, they subconsciously chose to ignore it."Tsk tsk! This talent is really powerful! It reminds me of Kato Megumi! It's a replica!""Next, let's see if we can deceive the barrier detection at the entrance of the village!"No. 1 thought a little worriedly.If you can't deceive the perception barrier, your plan will be impossible to carry out.Fortunately, everything did not exceed No. 1's expectations.The stone he turned into followed the caravan and passed the Konoha gate inspection without any danger;Then, he walked away from Konoha leisurely.However, No. 1 did not rush to leave the caravan. Instead, he hid in the caravan and advanced for more than ten kilometers. After thoroughly understanding the surveillance range of Konoha, he pretended to roll off the carriage inadvertently and fell to the side of the road. In the grass.After the caravan had gone away, No. 1 released the Transformation Technique and transformed into an ordinary young man. He judged the direction and used the Body Flicker Technique to quickly rush towards the general direction of the Kingdom of Whirlpool.Obviously, his more than a month was not in vain. Since he was preparing to intervene in the incident in the Kingdom of Whirlpool, he sent his own Shadow Clone to the Ninja School and went to the school library from time to time to check a lot of information.He has a certain understanding of the geography of the ninja world.It is naturally not difficult for him to determine the location of the Whirlpool Kingdom....Hokage office,Third Generation looked at the gate of Konoha through the office window, and seemed to see the scene of Tsunade and others leaving Konoha and heading to the Kingdom of Whirlpool."call..."After a long while, he took a puff of dry smoke, turned to Danzo, who was also in Hokage's office, and asked: "Are you sure that the news that Cloud Shinobi, Mist Shinobi, and Rock Shinobi have secretly connected together and are preparing to attack the Kingdom of Whirlpool is accurate?""Ah!"Danzo listened and immediately sneered: "What else? You have already sent someone to pick them up! Why are you still doubting here? When have I been vague about important things?""This time, the Kingdom of Whirlpool will definitely be destroyed, and it is irreparable!"Danzo's tone was full of indifference, as if he was not talking about Konoha's allies, but just an unrelated force."Why!"After hearing this, the Third Generation couldn't help but sigh: "Everyone is not guilty of harboring the jade. The sealing technique mastered by the Whirlpool Country has threatened all the major ninja villages;""At the same time, it is also coveted by the major ninja villages, so being targeted is inevitable;""It just so happens that they don't know how to keep a low profile, and they also treat us Konoha aloofly;""It's a pity that the situation in the ninja world is getting more and more tense, and we in Konoha can't spare much power to help them;""One bad move can easily lead to a huge conflict, or even a new ninja war!""We can only sacrifice them!"Looking at Third Generation's pitiful and unbearable hypocrisy, Danzo felt extremely sick.But he couldn't say anything yet.However, in Danzo's perception, isn't that the Third Generation?Hypocrisy and compromise are his two biggest characteristics."I really don't understand why the teacher chose him to be the Hokage in the first place. Am I not much better than him?""If I were Hokage, I would never compromise like this!""I will directly choose to use this to force the Uzumaki clan to completely merge into Konoha;""Or, use the Kingdom of Whirlpool to set up a trap and deceive the three major ninja villages."Danzo thought with disdain and dissatisfaction.When he first received the news that the Three Great Ninja Villages were going to take action against the Country of Whirlpool, Danzo had suggested this to Third Generation.But Third Generation refused. He did not want to anger the other three major ninja villages because of the Kingdom of Whirlpool, causing a new ninja war to break out."Danzo, are your arrangements okay?""We must ensure that Tsunade and the others can bring back an excellent Jinchūriki candidate safely;""Also, we also need to get a large part of the sealing techniques from the Country of Whirlpool, and try our best to ensure that other ninja villages get less, do you understand?"Third Generation didn't know what Danzo was thinking, so he asked instead."certainly!"Danzo nodded affirmatively: "Everything has been arranged! However, this matter is very important. I am going to host it in person. If there is nothing else, I will leave first.""good!"The Third Generation naturally had no objection, but in the end, he glanced at Danzo and pretended to inadvertently whisper: "That's right! Among the people escorting Tsunade, there are more than ten backbones of the Senju clan, let them take good care of Uzumaki. Let's all help as a family!"