
Konoha Collector, Get The Whirlpool Sage Body At The Beginning

Qian Xuan traveled through the world of Hokage and became a descendant of Senju who integrated into the common people. He awakened Su Hui and activated the Great Collector System. If you collect things recognized by the system, you can get rewards. [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Senju Chakra Refining Technique". Reward: Top Chakra Control Talent. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Three Body Technique". Reward: Talent·Quick Mastery. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Low-level Space Seal Scroll". Reward: personal small world and space props refining method. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Whirlpool Kushina". Reward: top-grade whirlpool Sage Body, longevity pill (10-year version)*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Uchiha Mikoto". Reward: top-level Uchiha blood successor, Zhuyan Dan*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the legendary collection "Super Large Tenseigan". Reward: top-level Ōtsutsuki blood successor and a pair of Tenseigan. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the god-level collectible "Dragon Vein". Reward: Talent·Gateway of Time and Space, Chakra 1 million. 】

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Chapter 22

But Qian Xuan is not complacent at all, and he and Minato will still go to the forest every afternoon to hunt beasts with Chakra for collection.At this time, the system reward obtained by collecting beasts with Chakra within the ordinary Genin level has been reduced to 1 point of constitution per beast.However, the first collection of poisonous insects with Chakra gave him a small surprise.[Congratulations to the Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Genin Level Poisonous Spider". Reward: Constitution +10, talent·Danger Sense, low-level poison resistance. ]..[Congratulations to the Host for obtaining the ordinary collectible "Genin Level Poisonous Lion Majesty". Reward: Physique +5. ].....After three times, the collection rewards for the poisonous insect collection category were all reduced to 1 point of constitution.better than nothing.But Qian Xuan still insisted on hunting.In this way, after more than a month,His [Physique] increased to 164 points.[Chakra] has also been increased to 1640 points, and it is no longer at the bottom among Chūnin.Of course, it is still far away from the 5,000 perception points required by Jōnin.Among them, not all system rewards have been improved.Another part is the physical improvement of Qian Xuan's Senju blood inheritance, and the influence of the top water and soil attribute affinity talent, which leads to the continuous replenishment of Senju blood and the benefits brought by the improvement.There are a few other points that are the results of his insistence on exercising for more than a month, plus the growth of his body with age.In addition, during this period, the Shadow Clone sent to the school by Qian Xuan also encountered Danzo twice.What makes Qian Xuan a little confused is that Danzo is not very hostile to him, but seems to have a good impression of him.Moreover, it makes him feel that he is really valued.These were all fed back to him by Qian Xuan's newly acquired danger perception talent, so there was absolutely no way he could go wrong."What the hell is this guy Danzo doing?""Not only does he not have any ill intentions toward me, but he also has good intentions. It's simply inexplicable!""However, no matter what his intentions are, I still have to be careful. It will never go wrong to be on guard against him!"Qian Xuan thought to himself.People change.He is destined to be different from Danzo.Although, it is unclear what disease Danzo is suffering from at this time, and there is no harm done to him.But that's just because he doesn't currently threaten Danzo, and may have great value in Danzo's eyes.In the future, he and Danzo will take the initiative to become opposites and become mortal enemies."However, this is fine for the time being! Let Shadow Clone deal with Danzo first, keeping a distance that is neither far nor close, and delay it as long as possible!""Just give me a peaceful period of growth to get through the most vulnerable and dangerous period;""When my strength improves, even if Danzo suddenly turns against me and is disadvantageous to me now, I won't be afraid anymore! Hehe!"Qian Xuan thought analytically.In addition, during this period of more than a month, Qian Xuan also went to the ninja shop owned by the Inuzuka family and purchased three puppies.The three puppies alone cost him 600,000 taels.Add in the dog food and other things that follow every month, and the expenses are overwhelming."Fortunately, my parents left me a pension of more than 2 million yuan. In addition, the monetary rewards I received from collecting ninjutsu and other things these days can support me. Otherwise, I really can't afford it!"Qian Xuan thought as he left the Ninja Dog Shop with three puppies in his arms and a large bag of dog food on his back, and walked home.[Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "A Ninja Dog Puppy". Reward: Beast Taming Contract Technique, Constitution +20. ][Congratulations to Host for obtaining the ordinary collectible "A Ninja Dog Puppy". Reward: Beast Controlling Bloodline Evolution Potion Formula*1, Constitution +10. ][Congratulations to Host for obtaining the ordinary collectible "A Ninja Dog Puppy". Reward: Ninja Dog Bloodline Evolution Potion*1, Constitution +5. ].....[Beast Controlling Contract Technique]: By entering into a contract with a controlling beast, you can share part of the talent, physique, and life of the master and the controlling beast, influencing each other, promoting each other, and achieving each other's achievements.The higher the favorability of the controlling beast, the better the sharing effect. . (The number of beast-control contracts is related to the master's spirit and soul level)[Beast Royal Bloodline Evolution Potion Formula]: It records the pharmaceutical formula that can increase the blood concentration of the Royal Beast and promote the evolution of its bloodline."Huh? These rewards are very good! Especially this beast control contract, can it actually achieve the effect of the beast masters in some beast control novels in previous lives? It's so developed!""With this magical power and secret technique, as long as I find a few excellent beast masters, my physique, chakra amount and even mental strength will be greatly improved!""It's a pity that the number of contracts is limited. Otherwise, if I just made a lot of contracts, I would really take off right on the spot!"Qian Xuan thought excitedly and a little regretfully."I just don't know how many I can contract now!"With this thought in mind, Qian Xuan rushed home as quickly as possible and chose to receive all the rewards.Suddenly, a large amount of information about the beast-controlling contract technique and the beast-controlling bloodline evolution potion formula poured into his mind.He quickly closed his eyes and tried his best to digest and understand."call!"After a while, he opened his eyes, rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers, and thought with a headache: "Sure enough, it's not that simple!"According to the information feedback given by the Beast Controlling Technique, with his current soul and mental strength, he can only contract with 2 Controlling Beasts."Currently, I don't have any channels to contact better beast control targets. Maybe I can choose one of these three puppies to contract!""The remaining two can only use the contract summoning spell to make ordinary contracts for the time being.""There happens to be a bottle of beast-controlling bloodline evolution potion among the rewards. If you feed it to the puppy who wants to sign the beast-controlling contract, you should be able to get a ninja dog with good bloodline qualifications, right?"Qian Xuan thought in his mind.It's not like he hasn't thought about finding an opportunity to obtain Katsuyu's Summoning contract qualification from his teacher Tsunade.At least, Katsuyu's qualifications are definitely far beyond this ordinary ninja dog.But after thinking about it for a moment, he gave up.Because among the three major summoning holy places in the ninja world, only the Shimogun Forest is special!Because, there is actually only one Katsuyu in the entire Shigun Forest, and the rest are Katsuyu's clones.If he chooses to contract Katsuyu with the beast control contract, wouldn't many secrets be exposed to Katsuyu seriously?Katsuyu's loyalty is not yet guaranteed.So, this option PASS.Of course, with his current soul and mental strength, it is obvious that he cannot contract with a boss like Katsuyu.The soul and spirit are not strong enough.As for Mount Myōboku and Ryūchi Cave, they are temporarily unfamiliar and inappropriate.Secondly, forget about Ryūchi Cave, and maybe try to tame a few potential ninja snakes in the contract in the future;But as for Mount Myōboku, Qian Xuan didn't have a good impression of that old toad that was talking about a certain place.No idea of ​​contact at all.I always feel that he is making some prophecies and has an impure purpose in deceiving Jiraiya.