
Konoha Collector, Get The Whirlpool Sage Body At The Beginning

Qian Xuan traveled through the world of Hokage and became a descendant of Senju who integrated into the common people. He awakened Su Hui and activated the Great Collector System. If you collect things recognized by the system, you can get rewards. [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Senju Chakra Refining Technique". Reward: Top Chakra Control Talent. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Three Body Technique". Reward: Talent·Quick Mastery. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Low-level Space Seal Scroll". Reward: personal small world and space props refining method. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Whirlpool Kushina". Reward: top-grade whirlpool Sage Body, longevity pill (10-year version)*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Uchiha Mikoto". Reward: top-level Uchiha blood successor, Zhuyan Dan*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the legendary collection "Super Large Tenseigan". Reward: top-level Ōtsutsuki blood successor and a pair of Tenseigan. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the god-level collectible "Dragon Vein". Reward: Talent·Gateway of Time and Space, Chakra 1 million. 】

dick_balls_1837 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 20

"Yeah too!"After hearing this, Minato touched the back of his head and felt that it made sense. He pushed the ninjutsu scroll in front of him to Qian Xuan and stood up and said: "Here! It's all for you! Copy it as soon as possible! I'll go back and get the wind first. Cut Technique's Ninjutsu Scroll!"After saying that, Minato left quickly.Qian Xuan didn't waste any time, ran to the study and took out a few blank ninjutsu scrolls and pen and ink, and immediately started copying them."It's a pity that there is no copying ninjutsu, otherwise we wouldn't have to go to such trouble!"While copying, Qian Xuan complained in a low voice.During the copying process, his mind was also running rapidly, learning and analyzing these ninjutsu, and he soon had a certain understanding of these ninjutsu.After he finished copying them all, he felt that he had initially mastered these ninjutsu.The specifics will only be known after it is used."Here! Minato, return the originals to you!"When Qian Xuan returned the originals to Minato and picked up his copied ninjutsu scrolls, a system prompt sounded in his mind:[Congratulations to Host for obtaining the ordinary collectible "Fire Style·Haoyanhuo Technique", reward: top fire attribute affinity. ][Congratulations to Host...."Wind Style·Great Breakthrough", reward: top wind attribute affinity. ][Congratulations to Host...."Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique", reward: Chakra+50, 100,000 taels of money. ][Congratulations to Host...."Fire Style·Haolong Fire Technique", reward: Chakra+50, 100,000 taels of money. ][Congratulations to Host...."Wind Style Vacuum Sphere", reward: Chakra+50, 100,000 taels of money. ][Congratulations to Host...."Wind Style·Vacuum Wave", reward: Chakra+50, 100,000 taels of money. ][Congratulations to Host...."Wind Style·Fengqi Technique", reward: Chakra+50, 100,000 taels of money. ].."Haha! Sure enough! It's done!"Qian Xuan felt so happy when he saw the first two prompts. If Minato wasn't still here, he would have even jumped up and shouted!"Now, my five attributes have been completed! Even my Yin Escape talent has reached the top level, and I only need the Yang Escape talent!""Hmm! Once you get Senju or Whirlpool Sage Body, your Yang Escape talent should also be maxed out, right?"Qian Xuan thought to himself."System! Receive all rewards!"The next moment, streams of warmth flowed from the center of his eyebrows throughout Qian Xuan's body, and he felt extremely comfortable.When the warm current passed, he could clearly feel that his cell vitality had more than doubled?At the same time, his mind became clear for a while, and he clearly felt that his thinking was more active and faster.Moreover, the mental power has more than doubled.In addition, his fine control of mental power has also improved many times.I also have more ideas and understanding of Fire Style and Wind Style Ninjutsu.If he hadn't always activated his aura concealment talent, Minato on the side would have noticed his changes no matter how slow he was.Of course, he won't hide all his aura forever.At least, in terms of vitality and chakra, he will gradually reveal part of it.Let his growth trajectory become more normal and reasonable.To avoid the attention of some interested people."System, open the properties panel!"[Host: Qian Xuan][Talent]:...Slightly...five attribute affinity (top level), top sealing talent, breath concealment, top Yin Escape affinity, top illusion talent[Blood Successor]: Senju Blood Successor (extremely incomplete, affected by the top water and soil attribute affinity talent, purified and completed)[Chakra attributes]: water, earth, thunder, wind, fire, yin[Physique]: 79 (normal adult Genin is 10)[Chakra]: 340 (potential 790)[Ninjutsu]: Slightly.... Fire Style·Haoyanhuo Technique....[Items]: Detailed explanation of making detonating talisman, complete collection of elementary sealing techniques, personal portable small world, refining method of space props,....."I will practice the Chakra refining technique well in the next few days and fully realize my potential as soon as possible! By then, my Chakra will be upgraded to the Chūnin level, although I am still almost at the bottom among the Chūnin.""By then, there won't be such a shortage of Chakra!"Qian Xuan thought to himself.In this way, he will have more Chakra to practice Ninjutsu every day."It's still early, why don't you go practice?"Qian Xuan calmed down the thoughts in his mind and said to Minato."Okay! I haven't finished my daily practice today! If you don't tell me, I'm going to tell you! Let's go!"Minato naturally couldn't ask for it.Immediately, the two packed up the ninjutsu scrolls and set off to the secret training base. They first completed the daily physical training before starting to practice ninjutsu.....Early the next morning,"Minato! I'll go to the Ninja Hospital to find Mr. Tsunade first! Do you plan to continue using Shadow Clone to go to school and practice as a body, or go to school directly as a body?"Qian Xuan finished his breakfast and asked Minato while forming a Shadow Clone.Minato thought for a moment, Kaidō: "I'd better use Shadow Clone to go to school!""The effect is the same anyway!""Besides, my talent is not as good as yours, so I can only spend more time trying to catch up with you! I won't lose to you! Hum!"Minato raised his fist, and then formed a shadow clone.This time, without Qian Xuan and Minato's orders, their Shadow Clone consciously rushed to the Ninja School together.Qian Xuan: "...."Minato: "...."The two looked at each other, and Qian Xuan said amusedly: "They are really tacitly obedient! They don't even need to give orders!""yes!""Let's go! Let's go!"Immediately, the two set off and separated at the street entrance. Minato went to the secret training base, while Qian Xuan went straight to the Ninja Hospital."Excuse me, sister, where is Tsunade-sensei?"Qian Xuan walked into the lobby, looked around, then walked to the front desk and asked a young lady who looked to be in her twenties."Eh?"After hearing this, the young lady was slightly startled. She looked at Qian Xuan in surprise and said warily: "Teacher Tsunade? Are you Master Tsunade's disciple? Why haven't I heard of it? Has Master Tsunade accepted a disciple?"If it weren't for Qian Xuan's young age, she would have called someone else.Who knows if he is a spy?"OK!"Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively: "I just received it the day before yesterday! If you don't believe it, just let me know! By the way! My name is Qian Xuan!""That's it! Then let me report it!"The young lady couldn't be sure for a moment, so she immediately nodded to her colleagues and quickly left the lobby. She ran to Tsunade's office on the second floor to find Tsunade and reported Qian Xuan's situation."Tsunade-sama! Is that kid really your disciple?""Um!"Tsunade nodded affirmatively and said: "They are the disciples I took in two days ago! I forgot to tell you! You can inform other people in the hospital later, and there is no need to inform him when he comes to me in the future!""By the way, help me bring the boy over.""Yes! Tsunade-sama! I'm going right now!"After saying that, the young lady left quickly.After a while, he returned to the first floor. After greeting him, he brought Qian Xuan to Tsunade's office and announced: "This is it! Mr. Tsunade, I have brought you!""Okay! Go and do your work first!""yes!"The young lady immediately left quickly to convey the news that Tsunade had accepted a disciple."teacher!"Qian Xuan greeted Tsunade."Um!"Tsunade continued to work on the documents in his hands. At the same time, he nodded slightly and pointed at the hundreds of books on the bookshelf beside him. He said to Qian Xuan: "In the next three months, you will first read these techniques. Let's talk about it later!""Eh?"After hearing this, Qian Xuan was stunned for a moment, turned to look at the wall of books, his eyes shone slightly and said, "Really?"