
Konoha Collector, Get The Whirlpool Sage Body At The Beginning

Qian Xuan traveled through the world of Hokage and became a descendant of Senju who integrated into the common people. He awakened Su Hui and activated the Great Collector System. If you collect things recognized by the system, you can get rewards. [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Senju Chakra Refining Technique". Reward: Top Chakra Control Talent. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Three Body Technique". Reward: Talent·Quick Mastery. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Low-level Space Seal Scroll". Reward: personal small world and space props refining method. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Whirlpool Kushina". Reward: top-grade whirlpool Sage Body, longevity pill (10-year version)*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Uchiha Mikoto". Reward: top-level Uchiha blood successor, Zhuyan Dan*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the legendary collection "Super Large Tenseigan". Reward: top-level Ōtsutsuki blood successor and a pair of Tenseigan. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the god-level collectible "Dragon Vein". Reward: Talent·Gateway of Time and Space, Chakra 1 million. 】

dick_balls_1837 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 16

Although Qian Xuan behaves very evilly, but for some reason, Jiraiya likes Minato more.Not only because of his personality and warm smile, but also because Minato is relatively normal.Students who are too talented are actually not a good thing.Because, if you teach like that, not only will you not achieve any success as a teacher, I am afraid that you will continue to be hit.At least, that brat Qian Xuan mastered several advanced ninjutsu in a few days, and he didn't have the ability to improve these ninjutsu and make them look fancy."I can tell you are really happy with this kid named Minato!"After hearing this, Third Generation nodded in understanding and thought: "Did Tsunade introduce it? So, this child should also be a Senju descendant, right?""Um!"Jiraiya listened and nodded affirmatively: "I heard what Tsunade said. In addition, Minato is also an orphan. He grew up with Qian Xuan. The two have a good relationship. They often work hard to practice together. They are both good. child!""Okay! I understand!"The Third Generation listened and nodded: "It's a good thing that you are willing to accept disciples! In this way, the three of you will also have disciples, and my lineage will be considered to be spreading!""In this case, you can go to Mito-sama's place for him tomorrow morning!""It just so happens that Mr. Mito is going to see me and Qian Xuan tomorrow morning, so we might as well come together!"He had thought about not letting Minato have contact with Uzumaki Mito, lest he get too involved with Senju.He still knows Jiraiya.Although this guy is often unreliable, his vision is still good.Then since Minato can be favored by him, his talent must not be bad.But in the end he gave up.Judging from the whirlpool Mito's attitude towards Qian Xuan and the relationship between Qian Xuan and Minato.Sooner or later, Minato will come into contact with Uzumaki Mito and be trained by Senju's resources.There is no need for you to be a villain in vain.That would easily lead to estrangement."Is that so? It seems that Master Mito values ​​that kid Qian Xuan very much!"Jiraiya was a little surprised when he heard this, and then nodded: "Okay! I understand! That's it! I'm leaving first!"With that said, Jiraiya went straight to the window again, and turned over and climbed out of the window under the silent gaze of the Third Generation.....Early the next morning,"Qian Xuan, little devil! Are you up? Give a squeak when you are up!"Qian Xuan and Minato were having breakfast when they heard shouts from outside the yard.The two looked at each other, and Qian Xuan immediately stood up and walked out, while responding: "Here he is!"Then, he quickly opened the courtyard door, and found that not only Tsunade, but also Jiraiya came with him. He was a little surprised and said: "Teacher Tsunade! Master Jiraiya is here too! Have you had breakfast? Why don't you come in and have something to eat?" ?""oh?"Tsunade raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Are you already having breakfast? It seems you got up very early?""But no need! We all drank...ahem...eated! Hurry up and follow me to meet someone."Qian Xuan curled his lips after hearing this. If he hadn't smelled the strong smell of alcohol from Tsunade, he would have believed it."Meeting someone?"Qian Xuan was a little surprised and curious, wondering who Tsunade was going to take him to see?It shouldn't be Third Generation, otherwise Tsunade would have just said it."So, is it Uzumaki Mito?"Qian Xuan guessed this in his mind, and then said to Tsunade: "That's no problem! But have you forgotten that school starts today and we still have to go to school!"After hearing this, Tsunade couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "Don't talk nonsense! Isn't your boy Shadow Clone Technique very good? He deceived me yesterday. You can just send a Shadow Clone over to the school. ""Stop talking nonsense! Hurry!""You little kid Minato in the house, please come out quickly!""Yes! I'm coming!"When Minato heard Tsunade's shout, he ran out quickly and greeted Tsunade and Jiraiya respectfully: "I've met Tsunade-sama, hello, Mr. Jiraiya!""Haha! No need to be so polite!"Jiraiya smiled heartily and said: "Let's go! Minato, come with me. I will take you to meet someone today, and by the way, meet Master Third Hokage!""By the way, do you know the Shadow Clone Technique? If so, let's get a Shadow Clone to go to school instead of you!""yes!"Minato naturally had no objection. He learned the Shadow Clone Technique from Qian Xuan and immediately created a Shadow Clone.Then he looked at Qian Xuan.Qian Xuan shrugged, raised his hand to form a seal, and also created a Shadow Clone, and said to the Shadow Clone: ​​"The school will leave it to you!""learn!"Shadow Clone Qian Xuan nodded, and then greeted Shadow Clone Minato: "Let's go!""good!"Immediately, the two shadow clones dodged and left here."Let's go too!"Seeing this, Tsunade called Qian Xuan, Minato and others, and spent a few minutes arriving at a core courtyard of the Senju tribe.He opened the door and walked in.Qian Xuan and Minato directly saw Third Generation and a kind old lady... uh... aunt?Qian Xuan was sure that the aunt's blood-red hair was Uzumaki Mito.But Uzumaki Mito's youth was beyond his expectation.He looks like he is in his thirties.If it weren't for the vicissitudes of life in her eyes that didn't belong to her appearance, Qian Xuan would have almost thought she was really a young man."Did Hundred Healings Mark bring any effect? ​​It was unexpected but not unexpected!"Qian Xuan thought to himself.What rewards can I get if I get the Hundred Healings Mark?"Grandma! Teacher! I'm bringing Qian Xuan and Namikaze Minato here!"Tsunade was the first to speak, first introducing Qian Xuan and Minato, and then introducing Qian Xuan and Minato: "Qian Xuan! Minato! This is Lord Third Hokage, and this is my grandma, Lord Uzumaki Mito, who is also my grandfather. First Hokage's Wife.""I've met Lord Third Hokage, I've met Lord Mito!"Qian Xuan and Minato listened and quickly bowed respectfully."Yeah! They are indeed good kids!"Third Generation and Uzumaki Mito looked at the two of them and nodded with satisfaction.Not to mention anything else, at this age, these two children already had such an amount of Chakra within 2 weeks of extracting Chakra, which is really good.My physical strength seems to be okay, and my mental outlook is also good.His eyes are firm and firm, neither humble nor arrogant."Teacher! There's a gift!"At this time, Tsunade winked at Third Generation and directly reminded him.Third Generation: "....."Can I still have this apprentice?He shook his head dumbfounded and said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah! You don't have to remind me in such a hurry! I brought it!"With that said, he took out two scrolls from his arms and handed them to Qian Xuan and Minato respectively: "Come! This is a meeting gift for you as the master! I hope you like it!"Qian Xuan and Minato saw this, looked at each other, and then looked at their teacher."The old man gave it to you, just take it! He's got this!"Tsunade waved his hands carelessly."agree!"Jiraiya also smiled and nodded.At the same time, he secretly gave Tsunade a thumbs up: "Well done!"He actually forgot about it. Fortunately, Tsunade was prepared.Indeed, as a Hokage, my teacher's wool is neither white nor gray.