
Konoha Collector, Get The Whirlpool Sage Body At The Beginning

Qian Xuan traveled through the world of Hokage and became a descendant of Senju who integrated into the common people. He awakened Su Hui and activated the Great Collector System. If you collect things recognized by the system, you can get rewards. [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Senju Chakra Refining Technique". Reward: Top Chakra Control Talent. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Three Body Technique". Reward: Talent·Quick Mastery. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the rare collectible "Low-level Space Seal Scroll". Reward: personal small world and space props refining method. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Whirlpool Kushina". Reward: top-grade whirlpool Sage Body, longevity pill (10-year version)*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the treasure collection "Uchiha Mikoto". Reward: top-level Uchiha blood successor, Zhuyan Dan*10. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the legendary collection "Super Large Tenseigan". Reward: top-level Ōtsutsuki blood successor and a pair of Tenseigan. 】 [Congratulations to Host for obtaining the god-level collectible "Dragon Vein". Reward: Talent·Gateway of Time and Space, Chakra 1 million. 】

dick_balls_1837 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 13

"Oh?"Mito nodded affirmatively after listening to him: "If his performance is really the same as you described, then this child's talent and brain are probably much better than Tobirama!" "You may not know yet, this child has only extracted Chakra for more than a week, and has been learning ninjutsu for almost the same amount of time!" "But in such a short time, he has already achieved this level.Even your second grandfather was far less outstanding than him at this age!" "It seems that my Senju clan is going to have a super genius!" "We have to protect this child!" "Tsunade, bring the child to me tomorrow morning! I have to insure him."She knew very well that Tsunade's assessment of Qian Xuan would definitely not be hidden from the Third Generation, Danzo and other people who were interested! In order to prevent Qian Xuan from having any accidents, she had to stand up for Qian Xuan in advance and cut off the tentacles that might reach Qian Xuan in advance. "Huh?"Tsunade was surprised for a moment, then reacted, his face gradually became serious, nodded seriously and said: "Okay! I'll bring him to see you tomorrow morning!""Also, I'll go to the Hokage's office now and tell the teacher that I'm accepting Qian Xuan as my apprentice!"Let's first settle the status, so that Qian Xuan will be the grand-disciple of the Third Generation in the future.The Third Generation will not be bad for Qian Xuan, and will even protect Qian Xuan to a certain extent.At least, this is the case before Qian Xuan really grows up and threatens the Third Generation.At the same time, the Third Generation can help Qian Xuan block the threat from Danzo."Okay!"Uzumaki Mito nodded with relief: "It's good that you can consider this! It's just right, you can just tell Hiruzen for me to come to my place tomorrow morning.""Okay!"Tsunade squinted and smiled, she already understood what her grandmother wanted to do, and naturally had no objection.With her grandmother backing her up, she felt at ease and relaxed.Tsunade left home immediately and came to the Hokage's office soon.Coincidentally, at this time, the Third Generation heard Anbu report that Tsunade tested Qian Xuan and accepted him as a disciple."Bang!"Just after listening, the door of the Hokage's office was pushed open. Tsunade walked in carelessly with the Third Generation's eyes twitching slightly, glanced at Anbu, and then said to the Third Generation: "Old man! I accepted a disciple named Qian Xuan, come to report to you."The Third Generation took a puff of dry tobacco and said helplessly: "Okay! I already know! Remember to bring him to see me tomorrow!""Also, can you knock on the door first next time you come? You make me so helpless!"It seems that none of his three disciples is normal.Sometimes, the Third Generation is also very distressed about this.Is this his teaching problem?It shouldn't be!"That's not necessary!"Tsunade waved her hand and refused: "It just so happens that grandma is going to meet Qian Xuan tomorrow morning, and she asked me to say hello to you and ask you to go to her tomorrow morning;""By then, you can just meet Qian Xuan, and I won't have to make an extra trip, right?"This kind of thing should be omitted if it can be omitted.She is not interested in listening to the old man and Qian Xuan talking nonsense!"Oh?"The Third Generation heard this and looked at Tsunade in surprise and asked doubtfully: "Mr. Mito is actually going to meet this Qian Xuan? Does he have another identity that I don't know?""Speaking of which, with your personality, it is unlikely that you will suddenly test a student who has just enrolled in the ninja school;""So, what is the identity of this child?"Because the incident happened suddenly, although Third Generation had just learned about Tsunade's assessment of Qian Xuan through Anbu.After all, the noise during the previous assessment was quite loud, alarming Anbu nearby, who happened to observe it.But Third Generation really didn't have time to investigate Qian Xuan's identity."It's nothing special!"After hearing this, Tsunade waved his hands carelessly and said: "His grandfather is from the Senju clan, one of the first members to integrate into the common people of Konoha. He is considered a descendant of the Third Generation Senju;""However, his grandfather died in the war a long time ago, and his parents also died in the war more than a year ago. He is just an ordinary orphan with good talents!"Third Generation heard the previous words and nodded understandingly, but when he heard the last part, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly, and looked at Tsunade speechlessly: "Just now Anbu reported to me the process of your assessment of him. !""With the talent this child has shown so far in ninjutsu, he is not just a little talented, he is extremely talented!""To be honest, I'm a little tempted and want to accept him as my disciple!""Why don't you, Tsunade, think about it?"He meant it."ha?"After hearing this, Tsunade looked at Third Generation with a speechless expression, made an "X" gesture with both hands, and firmly refused: "I refuse! It's not easy to be tempted to accept a disciple, but don't try to steal it from me!""Besides, if the apprentice you promised turns into a junior disciple the next moment, what will happen?"Therefore, she firmly opposed it."Is that so?"After hearing this, Third Generation shook his head and said, "You... forget it! I was a step too late! If you can't become my disciple, it's the same as becoming my disciple."In fact, Third Generation knew that the second reason Tsunade mentioned was the real reason for her refusal.As for whether she is a disciple or not, given Tsunade's character, she doesn't care that much.Because, Tsunade is actually a character who is afraid of trouble."Haha! This is right!"After hearing this, Tsunade smiled happily and said: "Since I am your disciple, teacher, please remember to bring a greeting gift tomorrow. Don't be too shabby!""Also, if you have time in the future, please remember to help me teach this kid Qian Xuan. I believe his talent will not let you down."The status was decided, and if Third Generation was still willing to teach, Tsunade would be happy to do so."You..."After hearing this, Third Generation didn't know what to say to Tsunade. He shook his head helplessly and said, "I know! I will consider the gift carefully. As for the teaching, let's talk about it later!"It mainly depends on the value shown by Qian Xuan and his mood.Of course, Third Generation is not afraid of Qian Xuan just because he is a descendant of Senju.Not to this extent yet.Anyway, judging from the current situation of the Senju clan, it is basically a foregone conclusion that it will completely dissipate and integrate into the common people.When the next ninja war happens, he will secretly operate a wave and consume a wave of Senju's backbone. Senju's influence in Konoha will be almost over.When Uzumaki Mito passes away, Senju will become a thing of the past.At that time, his Sarutobi clan's real take-off began.As for the Uchiha clan?He believed that with Danzo's efforts and the targeting and rejection of many ninja clans, it would only be a matter of time before his future would gradually disappear and he would not be able to pose a threat to the Sarutobi clan.However, Uchiha's Mangekyō Sharingan is a huge hidden danger.Therefore, Third Generation is not prepared to over-stimulate Uchiha before it is absolutely sure.Instead, he would choose to boil the frog in warm water, weakening and forcing Uchiha step by step.