
Konoha's White Wolf

So basically, MC reincarnates as a civilian in Naruto world to find himself and strive to be strongest without any op cliche wishes. • MC looks like Merlin from FATE • Personality : Gentle and calm • OC x Ino shipping English is not my first language so grammar Nazis please have some mercy.As I promised earlier guys the book cover art is drawn by yours truly!

Crimsoneyes · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

3. Meeting Ino

Ryu sees a little blond girl around his age crying in the corner, seeing this he decides to help her out. He bends down to her level and asks gently,"Hello! who are you and why are crying?". The said Girl looks up and finds an adorable gently smiling boy with snow white hair which is pretty in her sight. She continues to stare for few seconds and the boy asks again, then she realizes her state blushing furiously she answers him.

Ino,"um, My name is I-Ino Y-yamanaka aa-and I'm not crying!" Meanwhile Ryu trying his best not to pinch cute cheeks. Thinking he met her favorite girl and find her so adorable ,then sighs. Ryu," ofcourse you are crying see these tears down your cheeks, anyways why are you crying I can help if you let me know."

Ino," I am crying because my best friend left me because she likes the same boy as me." Hearing this Ryu sighs again and says,"Its Ok to like someone but we are only 4 years old, is it not too early to like someoone, and besides to like someone one has to know that said person for some years, do u know the person that you and your friend likes?"

Ino then blinks and stares at him considering his point and says," you are right i dont even know Sasuke-kun i just assumed that i like because other girls like him." and looks down tearing up again for being so stupid.

Ryu meanwhile lifts her face and wipes the tears and gives her thousand watt smile and says," Look its not good for a pretty young lady like yourself to cry over such matters, mistakes happen but one must correct it before its too late to correct one."

Hearing this Ino blushes furiously repeating he called me pretty in her head. And replies," H-Hai, I keep that in mind." while staring at him with blushing face.

Ryu," Well then, lets go to the park and play, ohh right where are my manners I forgot to introduce myself, "Hi, I am Ryu Shirokami, 4 years orphan." said with bright smile. Ino seeing this looks upto him with awe while thinking he is orphan still knows so much more than her.

Ino," Hello Ryu-kun, may I call you Ryu kun right?"

Ryu," Ofcourse why not and I call you Ino-chan right?"

Blushing Ino," H-hai"

Ryu seeing this, smiles and says," Ok Ino-chan why not we go ahead and play with friends in the park btw you are my very first first friend outside orphanage, so thank you for being my friend Ino-chan."

Ino smiles while thinking repeatedly <I m his first friend> and says," Thank as well Ryu-kun for being here for me and cheering me up, I'll introduce you to some of friends as well, You'll like them there are boys as well, Shikamaru and Choji, they are my childhood friends, so lets go."

Ryu and Ino reaches the park where they find shikamaru and choji lying around and watching clouds and at some distance sakura and some sasuke fan girls discussing sasuke.

Ino with Ryu calls them and introduces Ryu to all of them.

Seeing Snow-White haired adorable Ryu, girls squeal "white prince" meanwhile Ryu sweat-drops due to name calling. In background Ino gets angry because according to her they are trying to steal HER Ryu-kun too.

All this happening while Ryu introduces himself to shikamaru and Choji. Shikamaru," troublesome White hair" Choji nodes at the comment. Ryu again sweat drops at the comment.

Shikamaru," Nice to meet ya, I am Shikamaru Nara and this boy here is Choji akimichi"

Ryu," Nice to meet you Shikamaru and Choji, I can call you by first name right?"

Shikamaru," Its too troublesome to not to call, Ryu"

Meanwhile sakura and Ino fighting over who is more cool sasuke or Ryu.

And then begins the weird yet amicable friendship between them.