
Konoha's White Wolf

So basically, MC reincarnates as a civilian in Naruto world to find himself and strive to be strongest without any op cliche wishes. • MC looks like Merlin from FATE • Personality : Gentle and calm • OC x Ino shipping English is not my first language so grammar Nazis please have some mercy.As I promised earlier guys the book cover art is drawn by yours truly!

Crimsoneyes · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

14. Kakashi-sensei and the bell test

The very next day of the meeting, the newly graduates from Ryu's class including Ryu and Ino are gathered in a classroom waiting for their team formation and jounin sensei which is to be allotted to the team.

While waiting, students now freshly minted ninjas were making promises to be the best out there and to never forget their friendship even if they are in different teams and so on. All the students were occupied in their own discussion and suddenly door opens, Sasuke enters with his usual brooding face. Seeing Sasuke the horde of fan-girls surrounds him asking for his well being and promising themselves to be faithful to him even if they are in different team.

Hearing this Ryu sweat-drops at the level stupidity shown by these girls while Ino makes annoyed face muttering, Sasuke won't even spare a glance at them and they are talking about being faithful what are they, his wives or what? Ryu hearing this smiles wryly and thinks if I was not here as an oddity, you too would make such silly promises and sighs.

All these was happening, and again the door opens and Naruto enters with leaf shinobi headband on his head, seeing this everyone gapes at him because as far as they know he failed the exam so how come he has the headband. Some of them asks him and he replies he graduated at the night of graduation day and given the headband by Iruka-sensei himself, this shuts them up.

While he was talking, he glances at sasuke with annoyed expression and walks to his seat to wait for his team allotment, but he didn't notice a certain stalker of his is too happy to speak and admires him from far away.

Ryu and Ino also observes him, Ryu smiling his gentle smile while Ino is surprised at his sudden graduation and looks at Ryu for answer, who shrugs saying he don't know anything about it. When Ino and Ryu were discussing about Naruto's sudden graduation, the only remaining No.1 fangirl of Sasuke arrives too. Ino gives her usual annoying look to Sakura which is telling that have some self respect already we are officially ninjas now,while Sakura as usual sits next to Sasuke to annoy him by asking for a date after team allotment.

Finally the wait is over as Iruka sensei arrives and announces that they will be now allotted to a team and will be given their very own jounin sensei.Then he starts announcing the name of students team wise.

Iruka sensei,"Team 8- Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka, and Hinata Hyuga."

Hearing this all the three members have different reactions , Hinata is happy while disappointed not having Naruto in her team, Shino is still stoic as ever and Kiba is shouting to all that his team is best because he is leader of his team.

Iruka sensei,"Team -7 Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki and Ryu Shirokami."

Hearing Sasuke-teme is in his team, Naruto groans a while but then becomes happy when Ryu's name is announced and shouts 'yatta' giving thumps up to Ryu, while surprised Ryu smiles at his enthusiasm, Sasuke is having altogether different reaction to his teammates name, while feeling annoyed that Naruto the dobe is in his team but hearing Ryu's name there is competitive fire in his eyes and smirks in Ryu's direction as if he is issuing a challenge to Ryu declaring he is still stronger than him, Ryu seeing this gives a determined nod proving he will show him exactly what he wants. Ino meanwhile sighs and congratulates him.

Iruka-sensei," Team-10 Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi."

Hearing her teammates' name Ino sighs another time while shaking her head and Shikamaru and Choji stands up walking in her direction muttering troublesome blond, hearing this Ino scowls in his direction shutting up Shikamaru, while Ryu also congrats her for having such understanding and good team mates.

Iruka- sensei,"Team-11 is still active so Team-12 Sakura haruno, Yamamoto Kyota and Ryugami Touki."

Sakura hearing this sulks in a corner while Ino is rolling on the floor laughing hard, meanwhile Ryu is holding her so that she don't fall down while laughing again. Sakura's other two teammates gives an understanding nod and walks towards her to introduce themselves.

Iruka Sensei,"That is all for now, please wait till your Jounin sensei picks you up for further instructions, I am very proud to name you all the Shinobi of Konoha and wish you all best of luck for your Shinobi career."

All the students while giving a bow,"Hai Iruka sensei, Arigato Gozaimasu for your teaching."

Iruka nods happily and walks out of the room and again the chaos starts as now assembled teams introduces themselves to each other.

Ryu walks towards Sasuke and Naruto to make himself familiar with those two.

Ryu," Sasuke, Naruto lets have a good teamwork and competitive streak between us to improve ourself further for our own goals."

Hearing Ryu, Sasuke grunts,"hn, I have very great expectations from you Ryu, while nothing can be said about dobe here."

Naruto while growling," Why you temeee", while giving Ryu a thumps up and replies," Of course Ryu you will see the greatness of Naruto Uzumaki because I will be becoming hokage-ttebayo, believe it."

One by one all jounin arrive asking their team to leave with them. Ino too goes with his team when Asuma arrives asking for them with Kurenai asking for Team-8.

Only Team-12 and Team-7 waits for their sensei, meanwhile Sakura again tries to flirt with Sasuke and Naruto growls annoyingly at Sasuke while he also trying to ask out Sakura who is ignoring him in favour of Sasuke's response (if gives any).

And all of a sudden window breaks and a figure arrives rolling on the floor and quickly standing up introducing herself.

Ryu remembering the scene and also the person who performs it and shouts surprisingly,"Nee-chan, what are you doing here?"

Hearing familiar voice Anko just teleports next to Ryu.

Anko while hugging almost suffocating him,"Ryuuu-kunnn your nee-chan missed you, you know."

Others seeing this gaps at the scene of Ryu's red face and Anko's eccentricity.

While Naruto asks loudly,"Ryu, this crazy lady here is your nee-chan?" hearing this Sasuke and Sakura open mouthed nods while Ryu shouts at him defending his nee-chan,"Oi, don't call her crazy ok, she is bit eccentric but still she is my nee-chan so don't."

Hearing this others nod while Anko hugs him more tightly, seeing over-protectiveness of her otouto.

Finally finishes her episode of Ryu-hugging, Anko replies Ryu,"I am here for my team, before you get excited no I am not your sensei someone else is, and he is also powerful Shinobi so no worries Ok, says while patting his head."

Ryu hearing this groans and nods at her explanation, while Anko asks for Team-12.

Anko,"Alright Team-12 Gaki-domo, follow me at training ground- 12 in 10 minutes, and don't be late or you will be punished, says with sadistic smile."

Hearing and seeing her, Team-12 members shivers and answers,"Hai Sensei."

Anko,"alright follow me, Bye Ryu-kun and best of luck." Ryu nods and gets back to his position waiting for his sensei.

While waiting his team mates asks about Anko and he replies some of the question such as she is his adopted sister and she trained him for sometime and all that.

One more hour passes and Kakashi finally arrives.

Kakashi,"Alright Team-7 follow me upstairs."

Seeing lazy Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke are disappointed while Ryu knowing him is ecstatic.

Seeing happy smile of Ryu, Kakashi nods in his direction and shunshin's on the terrace of the academy.

Sasuke also notices and asks,"Why are you so happy Ryu, after getting a lazy bum of a sensei?"Naruto nods at this.

Ryu smiles and replies with stars in his eyes," He is exactly what we need, He is a genius, Kakashi Hatake son of White fang of Konoha .He was a chunin at 6, a jonin at 10, and joined ANBU Black Ops at 13 years of age."

Hearing this Sasuke and Naruto gets shocked and nods happily, even Sasuke too as he thinks now Itachi, I can finally catch up to you.

On upstairs Kakashi while reading his book and waiting, thinks about Ryu's smile, thinking he knows about me, hmm that's interesting, lets see how good you are Ryu Shirokami.

When three of them arrives, kakashi briefs them about they being a team until their chunin promotion and asks to introduce themselves saying likes and dislikes and goals etc.

He Begins first as an example, introducing himself to his students for the first time," I am Hatake Kakashi. I have no intentions of telling you my likes and dislikes. As for my dream... I have few hobbies."

All of them sweatdrops at his half-assed intro and begins their introduction.

Kakashi points at Naruto and says you first blondie, hearing Naruto frowns for a moment and introduces himself loudly while holding his headband,"I am Naruto Uzumaki and I like Ramen, especially Ichiraku ramen, and hate the three minute wait for the water to boil (to cook ramen). My hobbies are eating and comparing ramens and my dream is to become a Hokage and have everyone recognise me"

Kakashi while nodding, points at Sasuke and asks now you Emo, Sasuke too frowns and answers with stern voice," I hate a lot of things and doesn't like many things. My dream is to revive my clan and to kill certain someone, also it isn't just a dream, Because I intend to do just that."

Kakashi then pointing at Ryu and says you finish it shiro, hearing his nickname Ryu sweat drops and answers,"I am Ryu Shirokami. I like my nee-chan and my friends, I hate those who abandon others for their own selfish reasons and my dream is to be strongest shinobi out there. "

Kakashi then ends the introductions and tells them that they are going for a Survival training mission, and suggests them not to eat anything otherwise they might throw up of what they might encounter. He also informs them that only 9 of the 27 graduates can officially become Genins. Saying his piece he disappears but not before informing place and time for meeting.

Hearing this Sasuke and Naruto stands up to part on their ways, but before that Ryu calls them.

Ryu,"Sasuke, Naruto a minute please."They stops and moves towards him.

Ryu,"Thanks for hearing me out, I just wanted to confirm my doubts. You see a ninja never goes on a mission without enough energy i.e without eating so I doubt Kakashi sensei's reasoning, also he just 'suggested' to not to eat so I think we should eat before the mission. What do you say Sasuke, Naruto?"

Sasuke cursing himself for such an obvious flaw and answers,"Good thinking Ryu, I am glad that some one the team knows about ninja tactics unlike some others."

Naruto hearing this growls at Sasuke-teme and answers,"Whatever you say Ryu, your idea has a merit, so we will show up at training ground at 5 am after eating our breakfast."

All three nods at each other and parts their ways, to meet tomorrow at early morning.

Ryu visits Anko's place finding both Anko and Ino already there waiting for him, after he arrives they discuss their day and decides to part.

As Ino leaves, Ryu too decides to leave but Anko stops him nervously.

Ryu worries seeing this and asks,"Nee-chan, what happen?"

Flustered Anko asks Ryu,"N-Nothing Ryu, Just wanted to ask you that t-that um.."

Ryu taking her hands into his and replies,"Nee-chan, you can speak freely, I am your otouto, so just speak your mind"

Anko closing her eyes taking a deep breath and blurts rapidly,"Ryu-kun, would you like to stay with me like family at my house."

Hearing this Ryu gets shocked to speak and Anko sees his face wryly.

Ryu smiling tearfully,"Hai Nee-chan, Thank you so much for this, I-I really wanted ask you first but I have nothing no money or anything so I thought after few missions and mon-" before he finish Anko hugs him tightly and says,"Silly Ryu, of-course I am your Nee-chan and what non-sense you are talking about money, what is mine is yours now, so don't worry Ok."Ryu nods in her neck while tears freely falling.

After the episode they celebrate their bunking together by cooking feast and after that decides to sleep early for their own ordeals tomorrow.

The next day Ryu wakes up at 4 am while Anko is still sleeping in her room, Ryu wakes her up after preparing breakfast and calls her to eat it with him, Anko happily obliged while hugging him with her antics and eats together. After that Ryu decides to leave, while leaving she kissed her otouto on his cheek further embarrassing him by teasing that he better get used to it.

They meet at the training grounds at 5am, after eating food as they discussed. They wait for many hours until Kakashi shows up, late again. He tells them that the training is to get the bells that are tied to him before 12pm. The punishment for not getting them before the time runs out is that they get tied to a log, and Kakashi will eat lunch in front of the failed victim. The three figure out why he told them not to eat breakfast. Naruto asks why there is only two bells, which Kakashi responds that at least one of the three will go back to academy after failing the test.

Hearing this Ryu remembers that this is where he tested teamwork of team 7.

As they were about to separate themselves and think about attack strategy, Ryu calls them.

Ryu,"Sasuke, Naruto wait a minute and lets discuss what sensei said."

Sasuke was about to get annoyed but remembers Ryu's warning yesterday and obeys,"What is it this time Ryu, hurry up."

Ryu,"Just think about it Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi sensei is a jounin and we are just genin how does he think that we can beat him separately. I think he wants us to attack together while testing team work don't you think that's the case?"

Surprised Sasuke and a serious Naruto nods and confirms it while figuring out finally. Sasuke while he hates to admit but Ryu is pretty capable and witty ninja and decides to listen him.

Sasuke,"So what you think we should do?Do you have any strategy?"

Ryu nods and replies,"In fact I have one, but first I want to know do you two know any ninjustsu?"

Sasuke replies proudly,"Hn, I have a fireball justu."

Naruto while giving a thumps up,"You can count on me, I have shadow clone jutsu."

Ryu while thinking replies,"alright, Naruto you will make as many clones as you can and distract him by close combat, when I signal Sasuke will use his fireball jutsu while simultaneously I will too use my water jutsu and create a mist while retrieving the bells. So ready guys?"

Both,"You got it." "Yes."

Kakashi seeing them smiles and thinks, hmm impressive Ryu you figured it out after all huh, guess they pass the test and are officially genin now lets see their actual team work.

Naruto,"Shadow clone justsu" and attacks randomly to distract him, while Ryu and Sasuke observes him.

Ryu,"Naruto stand back, Sasuke now."

Sasuke,"Fire release: Great fireball jutsu." Surprised Kakashi rapidly uses substitution jutsu and looks around for any more surprise as couldn't find Ryu.

Meanwhile Ryu," Water Release: Hiding in Mist Technique."

Again Surprised Kakashi by this technique looks around to find Ryu, He is looking around Ryu appearing from the ground and tries to snatch the bells but Kakashi quickly handles him by stepping back and blowing away the mist by wind jutsu.

Kakashi watching them in new light, orders,"OK that's it, the test is over.You all passed congratulations we are officially team 7 now."

Hearing this they are shocked and Ryu asks,"But sensei we were not able to take the bells from you so how we passed?"

Kakashi smiles his eye-smile and replies," Well test was about team-work and you guys did wonderful for first time. As we leaf shinobi values team-work above all, " Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."

So, lets meet tomorrow at Hokage tower for first mission, see ya and he disappears.

While Naruto is grinning like a loon and Ryu and Sasuke smirks at each other and nods.

Ryu,"Great work guys, lets meet tomorrow ok and discuss about our abilities Ok."They all nods and departs to their own houses.