
Konoha's White Wolf

So basically, MC reincarnates as a civilian in Naruto world to find himself and strive to be strongest without any op cliche wishes. • MC looks like Merlin from FATE • Personality : Gentle and calm • OC x Ino shipping English is not my first language so grammar Nazis please have some mercy.As I promised earlier guys the book cover art is drawn by yours truly!

Crimsoneyes · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

10. Title at the end.

Author's note{ hey guys! thanks for reading my story, um ahem, can you guys please post a review kindly! thanks in advance. Here's your new chapter cheers!!!!!!}

Hearing about learning kenjutsu from Ryu was a bit of surprise to Anko as he in his previous years training, never mention or showed any interest about learning any kind of weapon of course other than kunai and shuriken.Thinking a bit about it, she decided that she will contact her long time friend and request him to teach the way of sword.

Hearing about learning from kenjutsu expert about the way of sword, Ryu was so happy that he gave Anko a big hug, which made Anko more determined to get him his kenjutsu sensei.

So, the following day Anko visited his long time friend to request him for teaching her otouto the way of sword. Hearing about Anko having little brother was a surprise to Hayate as he knew that Anko was a an orphan too and was not seen with any little kid let alone her brother, so he asked her about this little brother of hers.

Thinking about Ryu made Anko smile, which surprised Hayate, as he was not expecting to see a genuine smile from Anko after so much time, he knows that she often smiles like that, so this little brother of hers must be some one special. As Hayate inquired about Ryu, Anko began her tale of meeting Ryu and adopting him as her cute little brother and all those previous training and his talent about ninjutsu as well as taijutsu.

As Hayate hears about Ryu being a genius, he is convinced that he will definitely like to see her otouto and then after some testing of Ryu's talent, he will decide whether to teach him or not. Hearing this Anko becomes happy and thanks Hayate profusely for taking his time to test Ryu, which shocks Hayate even more as Anko never thanks anybody and decides to see the deal with his own eyes.

Meanwhile the person of the talk decides to roam around the forest of death, as Anko was busy on her mission (getting him kenjutsu teacher) and Ino is at her flower shop to help her mom, So being alone and bored Ryu decided to roam around more wild part of the forest which Anko had told him during his training that, he is forbidden to venture in to that part of forest as he is not able to defend himself from wild beasts residing there. But now Ryu was pretty sure that he can defend himself quite decently, so here he is.

While glancing around for any danger, he hears painful howling and decides to look for the reason of the noise. He then follows hearing sense as he moves swiftly from tree to tree and finds a small bush from where the noise was coming.

He then goes in to bush to find injured small white wolf with same amber eyes as him looking straight in to his eyes. Seeing the little wolf in pain Ryu decides to help the little wolf. He carefully closes the distance between them without blinking and looking straight into cub's eyes, indicating that he means no harm and reaches out his had to carry the cub.

As he carrys the cub, he sees that cub's leg is injured and needs immediate attention as blood is flowing from the wound very rapidly.

Ryu manages to find roll of band aids from his emergency kit and quickly but gently wraps around to close the wound and seeing that everything is alright now, the cub sleeps soundly without any care.

Ryu decides to sit with and watch over him, as he watches the cub he hears loud foot steps and sees a large white wolf with blue eyes glaring at him and speaks to him.(yes! this wolf can talk)

Wolf," Human what have you done to my child,"(with low growl)

Ryu while terrified of the beast in front of him can't tell the difference that the wolf in front of him just talked and asked him in feminine voice, thinking she must the cub's mother.

Ryu bowing slightly out of fear," I am sorry but I am not responsible for your child's wound, I found the cub wounded and bleeding, so I decided to help."

Hearing this the now female wolf growls," Do not lie to me, you humans come with greed and definitely wanted to take my child away from here."

Ryu was about to answer, the injured cub speaks in feminine voice," Kaa-chan, he is right he saved life my from bleeding, don't accuse him of lying instead of thanking him."

Hearing the large wolf comes closer to her child and looks the wound and band aid around it and stares at Ryu unnervingly.

Ryu while being stared smiles gently at the little cub and answers her mother," look I know humans are greedy but not every human comes with intent to harm, I heard her voice in pain so I decided to look and found her injured and helped her without any motive."

The cub slowly walks away from her mother and towards Ryu and sits on the ground staring him.

Ryu smiles at her and also sits in front of her and pats her head gently and the cub begins to purr in delight and says," Thank for saving me, can I know your name?"

Ryu smiles and answers," Of course little one, my name is Ryu Shirokami."And asks,"what's yours?"

Little cub,"My name is Rai, please to me you." Bowing her cute little head.

Ryu can see the resemblance of his nature in Rai and instantly takes liking to her, as Rai too.

Seeing this the mother wolf smiles(if thats what you call),and asks,"Young Ryu, thank you for saving my child and sorry for misunderstanding as you see we don't trust humans easily but what are you doing here in this forest so deep?"

While the cub nodes at her mother's words, Ryu still patting Rai answers,"I train here daily but on the opposite side, I just visited today this side and met you and Rai."

Seeing the bond between her child and young Ryu, she decides to asks him if he wants to form a contract with Wolf clan.

Mother wolf," Well young Ryu my name is kira and I am of the wolf clan and I would like to offer you wolf summoning contract on behalf of wolf clan, if you wish to sigh the contract, you need to write your name with your blood in this scroll and with a poof a gaint scroll appears."

Meanwhile very shocked Ryu," Why me though? Why would you give me the summoning contract?"

Hearing this kira says," It is decided by our clan boss Fenriru-Sama, that contract is only offered to those who are destined to be great in future and I can see it in your eyes that you will be one the strongest if not strongest and so, what is your answer young one?"

Ryu smiles at kira then looks at Rai and answers," Hai Kira-san I would like to sign the contract."

Kira hearing this she howls happily that a strong summoner finally signing a long due wolf contract, and opens the scroll for Ryu, which Ryu signs with his blood and forms the contract.

As the contract is signed Rai jumps on Ryu and plays with laughing Ryu. Seeing this Kira happily nodes and tells Rai that its time to go home.

Rai although reluctant agrees with her mother, seeing this Ryu sighs and says good bye, while going home Rai in her childish voice says," You can summon me anytime Ryu-sama."

Ryu hearing this happily shakes his head and says," Rai there is not need of sama, you can me Ryu as we are now a family."

Hearing this Kira laughs happily and says," Right Ryu-kun, we are indeed a family now but my child is very stubborn one so that will hardly change anything."

Meanwhile Rai pouting (If thats what you call it) says," Right Ryu-sama , we are family but Ryu-sama is Ryu-sama that's it, so bye." And she hurriedly runs towards her mother and they went of with a poof.

Seeing they are gone Ryu also runs off to Anko's hideout, where he finds that Anko and Ino both are sitting there and waiting for him.

While Ryu arrives with a bright smile from opposite side they began to scold him that he needs to be careful and not to run off to that area of forest. Ryu while smiles wryly and agrees.

Anko and Ino narrows their eyes and asks," So, tell me Ryu-kun, why you seem so happy?, what happen in the forest hmm? tell me, tell me NOW!" and looks towards each other's face with a smirk.

Hearing this, Ryu tells them his encounter with little Rai and her mother Kira and of wolf contract.

On hearing wolf contract their eyes go wide and hugs him happily and congratulates him for getting a contract so powerful at a young age.

Anko praises him and thinks in her mind finally after a long time wolf clan will resurface and with a powerful summoner that is. She also tells him not to disclose this to anyone for now, wait for right time and Ino agrees with her about secrecy.

10. Kenjutsu And Meeting Rai.

YO!! I want a REVIEW pleaaaasseeeeee!!!! *sighs, hey guys New chapter AGAIN! Now lets talk about reviews please can anybody, anyyyybodyyyy post a decent REVIEW of the story. Thanks! Janeee!!

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