
Konoha's Sinful Masquerade

Behind Konoha's virtuous mask lies a world of debauchery and deceit. In an illicit movement of betrayal, partners who are trapped by forbidden desires give in to lust. Moonlit meetings and secret interactions cause relationships to fall apart as desire surges. "Konoha's Sinful Masquerade" peels back the layers of virtue, baring the relentless pursuit of desires in a web of calculated actions. This tale unearths the brutal intricacies of power, painting a portrait of a village unchained from morality, where every action is a step towards dominance in a dance of shadows and debauchery. "Konoha's Sinful Masquerade" exposes the never-ending pursuit of desires in a web of planned activities by removing the facade of morality. This story reveals the harsh complexity of power while presenting a picture of a society free of morals where every move is an attempt to gain control in an act of depravity and darkness. Tags- hentai, naruto ntr, netorae, smut, yuri, cheating, debauchery, hinata, tsunade, gang bang, loli, sakura, betrayel, milf, mother son, orgy. Join Discord - https://discord.gg/d7YbAG4b Want early access of chapters. Then Visit- https://www.patreon.com/Ekatra

Ekatra · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Sakura's Solitude at Sunset

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over the village of Konohagakure, the bustling streets gradually emptied as people made their way back to their homes. Amongst the crowd, a lonely figure stood at the gate of the Konoha Hospital, she had bright pink hair, large green eyes and fair skin. She was wearing a long scarlet dress that did not hide her tight waist at all, where her delicate skin could e clearly seen and visible muscles of the press next to her pretty navel.

It was Sakura Haruno, her emerald eyes filled with a profound sadness that seemed to weigh heavily upon her heart. Having just completed her shift at the hospital, she stood there, her gaze fixed on the entrance, as if hoping for someone to emerge and fill the void that had consumed her.

The bustling crowd around her seemed to fade into the background as Sakura's thoughts turned to her husband, Sasuke. It had been more than five months since he had left on a mission, and the absence of his presence had left an indelible mark on her soul. The ache of missing him grew with each passing day, and the loneliness she felt amidst the bustling crowd only served to amplify her longing for his return.

As the evening sky painted vibrant hues of orange and pink, Sakura's heart yearned for the comfort and warmth of Sasuke's embrace. She longed to share her day, her triumphs, and her sorrows with him, knowing that his presence had always been a source of strength and solace.

With a heavy sigh, Sakura finally tore her gaze away from the hospital's entrance and began her journey home. The once-familiar streets now seemed unfamiliar and cold, mirroring the emptiness she felt within. The echoes of laughter and companionship from the passing villagers only served as a stark reminder of the void in her own life.

As she walked, Sakura's steps grew slower, her heart heavy with the weight of her emotions. Memories of their shared moments flooded her mind, reminding her of the love they had built together. She clung to those memories, finding solace in the hope that they would be reunited soon.

Reaching her home, Sakura opened the door to an empty house, the silence enveloping her like a suffocating embrace. The absence of Sasuke's presence was palpable, and tears welled up in her eyes as she longed for his return.

Tears were threatening to pour out of her eyes when she heard an immature voice calling her "mom". She hurriedly wiped her tears and turned around and gave a big smile to her. She was Sakura's daughter Sarada Uchiha.

Sarada is a short, pretty girl who can immediately draw attention of any man to herself. She had thin and attractive curves, with petite tightened breasts.

Sarada's sexuality was already impressive, even though her body was just beginning to form into the perfect female figure. However, even now she could call herself a stunning beauty.

She was a young brunette with a beautiful face, slender shoulders with slender waist, stunning hips and perfect legs. She was wearing a sleeveless red qipao shirt and long dark stockings, that showed him all her luxurious curves and dignity. Also cute glasses nicely emphasized her attractive appearance.

She had returned from ninja school and saw her mother standing at the door of house, so she gave her call. Her mom turned around and when Sarada saw her mother's smile, she also smiled at her and jumped towards her.

When Sakura saw Sarada jumping towards her, she panicked and quickly hugged her. Her daughter was the only warmth left in her life. Sarada started telling about her day at ninja school and she just listened patiently with a warm smile on her face. They both entered the house while one chattering and other listening.

Sakura made the dinner for three people and called Sarada to eat. Sarada noticed an extra portion of food on the table as usual. She once asked her mom about the extra portion, that time her mom became very sad, so from then on she never asked about it again.

Sakura also noticed Sarada's gaze. So se decided to satisfy her daughter's curiosity. She said looking at the extra food on table "that extra portion is for your father. No one knows when will he return, so I always prepare an extra portion for him." After hearing Sakura's word, Sarada also became very sad. She had not met her father since long time. She can count the number of time she spent time with her dad on her hands. She started crying and asked Sakura "mom when will dad return." Seeing her daughter's tears something inside Sakura broke. Till now she only had disappointment towards Sasuke but now she started resenting the man who left his family alone, the man who made her daughter cry.

She comforted Sarada and made her sleep using her medical ninjutsu. After laying Sarada on her bed she returned to her room.

To be continued....