
Konoha's Sinful Masquerade

Behind Konoha's virtuous mask lies a world of debauchery and deceit. In an illicit movement of betrayal, partners who are trapped by forbidden desires give in to lust. Moonlit meetings and secret interactions cause relationships to fall apart as desire surges. "Konoha's Sinful Masquerade" peels back the layers of virtue, baring the relentless pursuit of desires in a web of calculated actions. This tale unearths the brutal intricacies of power, painting a portrait of a village unchained from morality, where every action is a step towards dominance in a dance of shadows and debauchery. "Konoha's Sinful Masquerade" exposes the never-ending pursuit of desires in a web of planned activities by removing the facade of morality. This story reveals the harsh complexity of power while presenting a picture of a society free of morals where every move is an attempt to gain control in an act of depravity and darkness. Tags- hentai, naruto ntr, netorae, smut, yuri, cheating, debauchery, hinata, tsunade, gang bang, loli, sakura, betrayel, milf, mother son, orgy. Join Discord - https://discord.gg/d7YbAG4b Want early access of chapters. Then Visit- https://www.patreon.com/Ekatra

Ekatra · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs


After escorting daimyo to the Fire nation, Naruto returned to Konoha village. He did not went to the Hokage building as his 4 days were still remaining of his 7 days leave. He decided to rest for today and give Hinata a surprise tomorrow at the resort. 

Coming home from a tiring, if not exactly challenging day of "official Hokage business", Naruto was surprised to find someone waiting for him outside his front door-both for who it was and because Naruto was used to finding women waiting for him in his bedroom, at least some of the ones he knew well.

Anko Mitarashi was standing in his doorframe, leaning to one side with her hands behind her. She grinned at Naruto, teeth like a shark's. 

"Hello there." She said, voice darkly cheerful. 

Naruto narrowed his eyes at her, not quite sure what to expect. 

"Well?" Anko raised one leg to lean against the doorframe, her thighs on full display in her lewd outfit, her mesh top doing little to conceal her breasts, which were so large they made it impossible for her coat to close, showing off her legs in her skirt, which was only slightly larger than some belts Naruto had seen. 

"Aren't you going to invite me in…" Her brown eyes went to Naruto's hat, a symbol of the Hokage. Her grin seeming more wicked by second, grew wider.

"H-o-k-a-g-e-sama~" She made the lewd action appear as natural as if she were arranging her hair by crossing one arm across her chest while pushing her tits up. Her voice sounded like a young child who was pretending to respect an adult but was actually expressing ridicule.

Naruto stared openly at her, deciding if she wanted to show off her goods like some corner whore, he'd help himself to a nice big eyeful. Naruto, who is not known for his manners, made it clear he was eyeing Anko up while he admired the hourglass shape of her body, her trim stomach and small waist, all of it covered by her fishnet suit. Anko didn't quite preen for Naruto, but she clearly didn't mind being looked at, pushing her chest out to the point that her coat covered absolutely nothing but her nipples her snake fang pendant hanging in between them and just daring the eyes to fall squarely at the center of those huge tits. Her posture also allowed her coat to sag across her hips, exposing her bright orange skirt, which only reached her thighs by a few inches.

Naruto had seen plenty of hot women in his life, but few of them seemed at once proud of their bodies and as unconcerned with anyone looking their way or not as Anko. She oozed sex appeal and arrogance in equal measure. 

"Listen, Anko, I'm not sure why you're here, but maybe you should make an appointment to see me in the office of the Hokage. I'm a busy guy, but I'm sure you won't mind waiting around to sit under-I mean, before my desk, you-" 

"Oh, yeah, I'd love to do that, but you know, I was worried your schedule might be too packed." Anko crossed her other arm beneath her breasts, pushing them up so high they were in danger of hitting her chin. 

"To see me, so I thought I'd take a little initiative. Soooo…" Anko raised her arms up behind her head, showing her body off in all its glory, languidly stretching like a feline. Her messy hair fell past her forehead protector and into her eyes, casting her face into a somewhat sinister shadow. 

"Let's talk, big boy." 

Naruto reached by her and opened the door to his house, nodding for her to follow. "Fine, this way it's just-" 

"Yeah, you don't need to draw me a map, blondie." Anko said, strutting right past Naruto. She was flaunting her body, making sure Naruto could see her fat ass cheeks, just managing to swirl her coat over to one side but making the action look unintentional. With a few long, sensual steps, it was clear that Anko's ass and rocking hips were the envy of almost any other woman in the world-she could rival Tsunade in her prime. 

What's more, with these long steps, Anko's skirt was riding up her thick thighs and in a quick flash before her coat swirled back behind her body (concealing and yet hugging her firm asscheeks), Naruto could actually see that she wasn't wearing any panties. Her ass and pussy, barely concealed at all even from this angle on full display for anyone who cared to look. A lot of girls like to dress and talk like they were cock hungry fiends, but Anko quite literally walked the walk as well. 

In the main room of Naruto's home, he waved a hand towards the couch and chairs. 

"Please, make yourself at home." He offered, voice a bit more encouraging than would be considered normal courtesy. 

Anko waved him off with one disinterested hand, walking around the place, eyes roaming around like she was casing the room for valuables. "Do you know hokage sama~ where was my last mission"

"Well, I am on leave so I am not sure about it."

"Then let me make it clear to you, it was the land of iron. I was sent there to protect Hokage sama~ secretly." Anko said with a mischievous smile.

Hering her words Naruto said "What are you trying to say Anko."

"Don't be so stiff hokage sama~ while your sound proof warrior worked on samurais but it cannot fool an experienced jonin. Even though I did not see anything but I heard many things loud and clear."

"Oh, really" Naruto said amusedly. This whole conversation was amusing for him.

Anko wasn't bothered by his reaction and turned around to face Naruto, prodding him in the chest with one slender finger.

"You know, I laughed so hard I actually cried a little when I heard the screams of Tsuchikage begging for dick and her muffled moans, and do you know how rare it is for me to actually shed a tear? Funny or not, is it true though, did you make…'her' your little spermbag?"

Naruto nodded. "Oh you better believe it."