
Konoha's Sinful Masquerade

Behind Konoha's virtuous mask lies a world of debauchery and deceit. In an illicit movement of betrayal, partners who are trapped by forbidden desires give in to lust. Moonlit meetings and secret interactions cause relationships to fall apart as desire surges. "Konoha's Sinful Masquerade" peels back the layers of virtue, baring the relentless pursuit of desires in a web of calculated actions. This tale unearths the brutal intricacies of power, painting a portrait of a village unchained from morality, where every action is a step towards dominance in a dance of shadows and debauchery. "Konoha's Sinful Masquerade" exposes the never-ending pursuit of desires in a web of planned activities by removing the facade of morality. This story reveals the harsh complexity of power while presenting a picture of a society free of morals where every move is an attempt to gain control in an act of depravity and darkness. Tags- hentai, naruto ntr, netorae, smut, yuri, cheating, debauchery, hinata, tsunade, gang bang, loli, sakura, betrayel, milf, mother son, orgy. Join Discord - https://discord.gg/d7YbAG4b Want early access of chapters. Then Visit- https://www.patreon.com/Ekatra

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38 Chs

Anko 7

Anko shook her hips from side to side, thighs clenched around him as she shook, the aftershocks of orgasm speeding through her body like an electric charge. "So, are you done now? I mean, three loads is a lot for any guy, especially one with balls as big and fat as yours. You must be tired by now Naruto." 

She traced one fingernail slightly down her chest, idly enjoying the feeling of pawing all over him. Already she was starting to think of Naruto as her very own bull-dick stud, to milk dry whenever she wished 

"I have to admit, you're pretty good..for a kid." 

Naruto nearly growled up at her, fox-like and feral. "I'm not a kid. I am your Hokage, and you...you will be my little bitch. Forever." 

His eyes began to burn crimson, and Naruto's body suddenly felt reinvigorated. The power of the Nine Tails coursed through him, and Naruto used that chakra, for once in his life truly wanting to give into the raging voice of Kurama in the back of his head. 

Fuck this bitch! 

He agreed completely. 

Anko just cooed above him, playfully covering her mouth with one hand. "Ooh, now that's more fucking like it! Show me what you got." 

In moments, Naruto was back on his feet, bending her over a nearby table. Anko groaned, feeling her tits hit the hard wood as her hips smacked the edge of the table. Naruto thrust into her pussy without pause, tearing her pussy up from behind. His hips bashed into her fat ass, sending the meat rippling and jiggling with every mighty thrust. He put all the speed and power of his ninja training to the single purpose of reducing this fat-assed whore to a mind-fucked ruin. 

"Fuck yes!" Anko said, face pressed flat to the table. Naruto held her down with one hand while he pinned her other arms behind her back, rutting into her with ferocity. Anko's legs were spread wide, leaving her aching pussy wide open for Naruto to slam into as he mated with her like an animal. 

"Yes! Yesyesyes!" Anko yelled, ass jiggling as she threw it back against Naruto, feeling his cock hit deep inside her overwhelmed cunt. 

"Harder! Fucking harder! I used your cock as my own personal jizz tank, now use my little fuckhole to get off!" 

The two of them were fucking like mindless dogs, with Naruto's thrusts leaving marks on Anko's fat ass as well as bruising her hips from constantly crashing into the table. Her tongue lolled out of her head, wagging eagerly. 

"Take me, Naruto! Take me, yeah, give me more cock! More fucking come, beat that fucking pussy up!" 

Naruto's fingers pressed her harder against the table, grinding her face from side to side. "I'm going to own this little pussy, Anko." 

Her tongue lashed out, trying to lick and suck at his fingers as he held her down, pussy practically gushing from the brutal treatment. 

"If you want to own my fucking cunt, you better goddamn earn it! You donkey dick bast-aaah!" 

Naruto's cock suddenly rammed so hard against her stomach it shook Anko's entire body, causing her to squeal. With a sudden THUD, a fat wide bulge could be seen once more, as wide as a cannon as Anko was fucked hard against the table like a disobedient servant being beaten by her master. 

"Fuuuck!" Anko yelled, her cheekbone smashing against the table as Naruto twined his fingers in her hair, gripping her like a dog that needed to be reprimanded. 

"I'm fucking coming from this huge fucking cock! God you're wrecking my fucking cunt!" 


Naruto was unyielding, his cock bashing away at the spongy back of Anko's womb, pushing her insides terribly out of alignment and threatening to dislocate her fucking hips if he kept this up for too much longer. Anko threw her head back, even as Naruto tugged harder on her hair, forcing her body into a rough bow shape, curving up even as her bulged out from constant thrusting cock. 

"It hurts so GOOOOD!!" She was smiling like a mad person, her pussy splattering out around Naruto's cock, spilling onto the floor. 

Naruto didn't let up for a second, leaning down to bite her bare shoulder. 

"Ah, you bastaaard!" Anko was coming again, the pain and the pleasure feeding one another and driving her over the edge again and again. Naruto's cock began to explode in her pussy again, but this time he didn't stop to fill her up, he just keep pounding, thrusting inside her. Sperm and her own pussy juices exploded out of her cunt as she was stirred up by his dick, used and abused by a dick nearly as wide as a keg stuffed deep inside her. 

Anko's hands slapped the table weakly as Naruto released her arms, more focused on gripping her hips hard enough to make her body creak and groan under him. Her nails scratched and clawed at the table, leaving clear desperate marks and getting bits of wood underneath her fingernails. She looked over her shoulder at him, smiling cockily desperate being plowed so thoroughly. 

Naruto took that opportunity, with her eyes looking up at him with such passion, to hwwark deep in the back of his throat and spit full in Anko's face. She gasped, cheeks red. 

"Ah, you dirty motherfucker!" 

He spat in her face a second time, a wet glob of bubbly saliva that marked her from forehead to nose. Her tongue raced out of her mouth to scoop it up, waiting to taste his spittle. Only one word formed in her mind and left her lips, a harsh demand like someone forcefully begging for life-saving water. 


Soon Anko was held up in Naruto's arms, her legs hooked over his shoulders as he smashed inside of her, her back crushed against a wall. Her ankles and feet bounced bonelessly as Naruto rutted inside of her, her entire body shaking. He was growling, burying his face in her neck and biting and sucking-she was certain to have all sorts of welts and marks once this was over...whenever that would be. Sweat ran down her forehead like an athlete pushing themselves to new heights, but Anko just wrapped her arms around Naruto's strong shoulders, letting him hold her body up like a weak child as he railed her senseless. 

"Oh god yes...harder! Fucking harder! Yeah yeah yeah, give it to me right in my dirty fucking cunt!"