
Konoha's Sinful Masquerade

Behind Konoha's virtuous mask lies a world of debauchery and deceit. In an illicit movement of betrayal, partners who are trapped by forbidden desires give in to lust. Moonlit meetings and secret interactions cause relationships to fall apart as desire surges. "Konoha's Sinful Masquerade" peels back the layers of virtue, baring the relentless pursuit of desires in a web of calculated actions. This tale unearths the brutal intricacies of power, painting a portrait of a village unchained from morality, where every action is a step towards dominance in a dance of shadows and debauchery. "Konoha's Sinful Masquerade" exposes the never-ending pursuit of desires in a web of planned activities by removing the facade of morality. This story reveals the harsh complexity of power while presenting a picture of a society free of morals where every move is an attempt to gain control in an act of depravity and darkness. Tags- hentai, naruto ntr, netorae, smut, yuri, cheating, debauchery, hinata, tsunade, gang bang, loli, sakura, betrayel, milf, mother son, orgy. Join Discord - https://discord.gg/d7YbAG4b Want early access of chapters. Then Visit- https://www.patreon.com/Ekatra

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38 Chs

Anko 2

She turned her eyes to Naruto and said "Fuck yeah, that's what I'm talking about!"

She drew a little closer to him. "So, How did you do that, big boy?" 

Anko was so close now, her breasts were crushed against his chest, her massive tits almost grinding into his shirt and the strong muscles beneath. Anko put her hands on her hips, leaning forward cheekily to look into Naruto's eyes and not coincidentally popping her fat ass behind her as well. 

Naruto smirked at her, looking as smug and cocky as he ever had-which was saying something. "You could say it's a talent of mine."

Anko lewdly swiped her tongue around her lips, the appendage very long and snake-like as she showed absolutely no sense of decorum, spittle flying about her face. Striking suddenly, her hand reached out and grabbed Naruto by the crotch, her hand crudely and openly cupping his bulge right there in the living room. 

"Oh yeah, you seem very talented indeed." She stared at him with dark intensity, stroking his crotch lazily yet openly, like it was the most normal thing in the world. She poked her tongue out again, this time in a manner as playful as it was sensual. 

"Oh come onnn, big boy." Her stroking grew faster, her grip tighter on Naruto's rapidly growing bulge. 

"There was to be more to it than that. Tell me, huh? Tell me all the nasty details. Tell me. Tell me how you fucked fucked her. Tell me that you fucked her till she came. Tell me how you made her your bitch. Tell me." Her words dripped with flirtation, utterly bold in her usual lack of concern for social rules or basic decency. A nasty big titted flirty punk bitch. 

Naruto's face was smug, but quiet for a moment. "Oh, I won't tell you, I'll show you."

His hands sprung into action, fingers forming a number of hand seals. There was a pink flash, and for the second (and certainly not last) time Naruto unleashed the Sexy Jutsu: Bimbo Technique on Anko. Her body was briefly surrounded by the field, and then it was gone. Anko looked bored. Scarcely reacting, she looked down at her chest. Naruto watched as well as her breasts suddenly grew by at least one cup size, if not two, and her as and hips also suddenly seemed to plump up. 

Anko didn't bat an eye, though as she glanced down, she saw that her breasts were now so large her coat could no longer contain them, and her nipples were now exposed, nearly all of her fat titflesh visible. She smiled at Naruto with a taunting edge. 

"Is...that it? Are you done now? You made my tits a little bigger and fattened my ass. Thanks and all, but I could have done the same thing with some exercise and the right diet-seems a little silly to use a Jutsu for that. Still..." She glanced down at her fatter tits, playful for a moment. 

"Tsunade 'who?' you know?" 

Anko waggled a finger in Naruto's face, who wore a strange, confused expression. 

"No fair trying to alter my mind with your little Jutsu, oh mighty Hokage. That won't work you know, but nice try I guess." 

Her breasts bounced with even the slightest motion now, swelling and heaving as she took even normal breaths. Anko licked her lips again, looking lewd and all too pleased with herself. "Trying to turn me into some fat-titted bitch who things about nothing but dick isn't gonna work on me….because I'm already a busty bitch and I think about cock all the time. Cock is great!" 

Anko winked at him, as if about to let him in on a little secret. "Well, that and Orochimaru's mental training might have something to do with it, but I like my explanation better. You have more than a little Jutsu, right?" 

She continued to stroke his bulge, making sure she was going right from the very bottom to the top. Naruto tried to think of something to say, but his face was actually flushed, with a bit of embarrassment for the first time in a while. 

"Well, nothing little about this, anyway. Come on big boy, you were gonna show me something right? So, show me something. Show me what you got." Anko gave him a challenging look, a very cocky smirk on her lips. She started into his eyes, familiar with the expression of some big dick motherfucker unused to being challenged by a woman like this. Bent forward, Anko looked over at her ass, newly enlarged, making sure Naruto got a good eyefull. 

"Oh, that is nice. I'll have some fun with this, for sure." 

Naruto steeled himself, staring into Anko's eyes. Anko's expression was...different, but he refused to be intimidated by her. 

"You need to show some respect to your Hokage, Anko." Naruto tried to look down his nose at her, but he wasn't very good at it. 

She simply fondled his cock some more, arching her back and sticking her huge rack out. "Make me, big boy. Earn your respect, Hokage-sama, and I'll give it to you then….maybe~" 

There was a sudden ziiiip as Naruto undid his pants, having had just enough of this. Anko's lips formed a small circle, letting out a curious "Oooh?" 

Naruto's fat cock fell out of his pants, actually slapping into Anko's thigh with a heavy, meaty sound. The head was swollen and purple, and as it reached its full impressive length and girth, Anko could see it was nearly as long as her fucking arm. She smiled sinfully. 


Still with that casual air, Anko reached out with her hand and with just one finger, traced her way up from the hairy base of Naruto's cock, along the turgid shaft pressing lightly against his thick veins, before reaching the monstrous tip and circling the dark, stinky foreskin. She let out a slow, drawling exclamation. 

"Fuhuuuck~ That's a nice fucking cock, Naruto."