
Konoha's Sinful Masquerade

Behind Konoha's virtuous mask lies a world of debauchery and deceit. In an illicit movement of betrayal, partners who are trapped by forbidden desires give in to lust. Moonlit meetings and secret interactions cause relationships to fall apart as desire surges. "Konoha's Sinful Masquerade" peels back the layers of virtue, baring the relentless pursuit of desires in a web of calculated actions. This tale unearths the brutal intricacies of power, painting a portrait of a village unchained from morality, where every action is a step towards dominance in a dance of shadows and debauchery. "Konoha's Sinful Masquerade" exposes the never-ending pursuit of desires in a web of planned activities by removing the facade of morality. This story reveals the harsh complexity of power while presenting a picture of a society free of morals where every move is an attempt to gain control in an act of depravity and darkness. Tags- hentai, naruto ntr, netorae, smut, yuri, cheating, debauchery, hinata, tsunade, gang bang, loli, sakura, betrayel, milf, mother son, orgy. Join Discord - https://discord.gg/d7YbAG4b Want early access of chapters. Then Visit- https://www.patreon.com/Ekatra

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38 Chs

Anko 10

Elsewhere in the house, Anko was being fucked in front of a mirror, with Naruto lying beneath her, spreading her legs in brutal ninety degree angles straight out to the side. Unlike before, she wasn't riding him, not at all, she no longer had the strength. Sweat dripped from Anko's entire body as Naruto barked at her, his cock smashing up into her pussy, fucking her womb so hard she was in danger of having the whole thing fucked right past her goddamn mouth. 

"That's right you slut, look in the mirror! Watch yourself get fucked like a good little whore! Not so tough now are you, Anko? The Bimbo Jutsu may not have worked on you, but you're still my brainless little fuckwhore now aren't you?!" 

Anko's hands came up to her own face, peeling her eyes wide open so she could stare into the mirror, helpless to disobey Naruto. Her legs were pointed to the ceiling, hips screaming in pain as her tits bounced and shook, actually striking her in the bottom of the chin as Naruto rocked her body without mercy. Her eyes locked onto the bulge tunneling up through her body like some terrible machine boring through the earth. Face to face with such clear evidence that Naruto was right and she was nothing but a cock shock, her mind snapped into nothing, and Anko screamed out. 

"Ooo-waaaahhh!" Her pussy burst out with juices, squirting in such a hard and forceful arc that she actually struck the mirror, coating her own image in the depraved stream of her own sordid, hate-fueled mindless orgasm. 

Anko's head crashed into a wall as Naruto fucked her from behind. She had no sense of how long they'd been fucking, losing all track of time. Naruto was smashing into her pussy, yanking her arms back so hard Anko felt one pop free of its socket. She had no idea which one it was, though she supposed it didn't matter...nothing seemed to matter now. She couldn't think, she couldn't talk, and she could barely breathe, but some permanent instinct in her made her curl her lips back at Naruto in a snarky, flirty expression. It might very well end up being some rictus grin if Naruto carried on this way. 

"Hwaawk!" Naruto spat in her eyes, clouding her vision even as countless orgasms threatened to blind Anko permanently. 

"Fucking...bitch!" Naruto growled, her head hitting the wall so hard she clearly had a concussion. Behind her glassy eyes, something seemed to have rattled loose enough to make noise. 

"Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" She wasn't quite sure what that meant, deaf to all context, but it felt like the right thing to say as her body was ruined by cock, her womb permanently reshaped by Naruto's punishing dick. Drool trickled down her mouth and she didn't even the sense to lick it up with her lewd fucking tongue, instead it just hung out from one corner of her mouth limply. 

What a man he was. What a fucking cock. When would he stop? Would he ever? Between the two of them, it no longer seemed in question who would give up first. The only question was which would stop first-Naruto's crashing hips and brutally fast hard cock, or Anko's racing, straining heart. 

"FUUUUCK MEEE!!!" Her legs shook and trembled as Anko came herself so hard she temporarily blacked out, toes curled and squirting so hard it looked like she was pissing herself. 

Anko was leaning against the wall, unable to stand up on her own. Her eyes were sunken into her head, cheeks flushed and breath short, fatigue getting the best of her. Naruto pushed her with his cock, her breasts squashed against the wall. She tried to look at him out of the corner of her eyes, but at this point she might as well have been seeing double, and her voice sounded slurred like she was drunk. 

"Hi...I wuh-won't loooshhe..to a cawk." She managed to say, right before Naruto grabbed the back of her head and smashed her face against the wall. Staring at nothing but dull wood, Naruto flooded her womb again with sperm. 

"Shut up and get pregnant bitch. Hopefully your children will come out worth more than your cock-addicted brainless ass." 

"Won't...lose." Anko repeated, despite this clearly being false. Naruto decided then and there to show her just how wrong she was. 

Much later, the room was a wreck: the table was smashed to pieces, Naruto's chair was overturned, and the entire couch had been upended. Jizz was everywhere, along with the shreds of their clothing. At the moment, Anko was pinned beneath Naruto in a rough mating press, her legs up in the air, ankles pointed in different directions. Helpless, Anko's arms were behind her back, tied together at the wrists with the remnants of her skirt (Naruto had said something about her 'not needing it anymore', though honestly Anko couldn't remember that). She was moaning constantly, a low long ululating as Naruto's cock slammed deep inside her pussy over and over again, her fat ass rippling with every thrust. 

Wham! Wham! Wham! 


It was clear Anko was not only going to lose, but that this was a defeat she would never recover from. Naruto's red chakra was blazing around him as he had entered into Nine-Tails Chakra mode. Several craters around the room's floor indicated just how powerful Naruto's thrusts could be when he went all out like this. 

His voice sounded like a beast, his normal tones accompanied by a strange kind of echo, as though the Nine Tails and Naruto were in complete agreement in this purpose-destroying Anko's holes for all time. 

"So, what's my name, you fat ass slut?" Naruto tugged at her forehead protector, pulling the cloth from behind her head and choking her out with the flat metal edge. Unable to resist at all, Anko just babbled, her mouth opening and closing weakly. Their were hickies visible up and down the sides of her neck, and her fat swinging breasts showed similar marks. 

"Huhh..Nah...Naruoooohh!" Anko had come so many times her body thrashed and twitched each time, her nerves overstimulated and her clit and pussy having been pounded till they felt like a pile of overstimulated jelly. 

Disappointed with this answer, Naruto let go of the back of the protector and instead pressed down on the metal edge, cutting off Anko's squawks and causing her legs to fall dangerously still, though they remained half wrapped around Naruto's thrusting waist. 

'If you can't answer your Hokage properly, then you don't deserve to speak or breathe or at all." He pressed down harder, even as Anko's back thumped against the floor, her ass jiggling, eyes crossed, her tongue stuck out. At this rate, he'd nearly have the symbol of Konoha imprinted on the skin of her neck, which was fine by Naruto. As Hokage, it would very nearly a personal brand for him. 

"Now then," Naruto smacked Anko's face, laying her cheek to the floor. He repeated the process again and again, punctuating his slaps with bone-rattling thrusts and further demands. Far from showing mercy, he only got rougher each time. 


Smack! Wham! 





Tongue stuck out, Anko spoke as best she could, a primal scream ripped deep from within her chest. "HOKAGE-SAHHHMAA!" Spittle frothed up at her mouth as her eyes rolled in her mouth, making her resemble a rabid animal. 

Naruto slammed inside her one last time, clearly intent on breeding her into submission. His cock burst out with what might have been his biggest load yet, fueled by the power of the Nine Tails and his raw anger-filled lust. 

"HNNNNGG!" Anko had clearly lost, coming her brains out from a single one of his thrusts, and as he unleashed dozens in the space of a few moments it was clear her body would soon follow her mind in being completely beaten. 

"I...lost to your cockkk!! I'm cominggg!❤ I admit defeat, Hogake-sama. Please, have mercy! I can't defeat your glorious fucking cawwwk!!! My slutty bitch pussy is nothing more than your nasty jizz hole~!" 

Her smile was wide as her mind simply snapped under the pressure of Naruto's fucking, feeling like she might break apart into a million pieces. Naruto spunked so deeply that with every thrust, another jet of sperm rocketed back out of her pussy, adding to the pool beneath them and leaking down her upraised, enormous ass. Happy, insane tears were streaming down her face as her legs wobbled and shook, nipples turgid and hard. 

Naruto laughed, his voice low and spiteful. "Oh? Didn't you say it was rare for you to cry, Anko-kun? Maybe now you'll finally learn to respect your Hokage you filthy ass-fucking whore! Now shut up and get bred you fat assed fuckpig!!" 

Even as Anko began to lose consciousness, Naruto decided the little break he had given her was over, immediately pounding again. Anko looked dumbstruck at first, in awe of his might. After a few seconds of brain-melting fucking, she soon simply looked dumb. She had no idea when Naruto would stop, and she also had no idea if he even would. She certainly didn't want him to-and she imagined Naruto would only get tired of her when her body truly gave out. Using the last of her strength, Anko tried to wrap her legs just a little bit tighter around Naruto's waist...she could be a good fuckpig! She would last, even if her hips gave out like her arms had, even if she lost her mind completely and forever. 

For his part, Naruto noticed her efforts to squeeze him closer and smirked. "Good fuckpig. Pweh!" 

He spat full in her face again, and Anko's last thought was what an honor it was to be used as the Hokage's personal spit-trough, another violent, drooling orgasm carrying the last dregs of her conscious mind away.