
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

Rookni · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

The Raven Keeper, Doesn't Do Genjutsu?

The Daimyo?

Asuma widened his eyes, quite surprised.

Such an important task, no wonder it required two Jonin.


Them together...

Won't they slow each other down?

Asuma wanted to say something but hesitated.

"Kyōichi, how should we divide the work?"

Minato was running and looked over while tilting his head.

"You and Asuma are in charge of the Daimyo's protection, and I will be assessing the situation. If you are met with any form of constraint or hinderance, the other three members should take cues from Asuma."

Kyōichi didn't hesitate.

These three people have only two and a half brains.

From the second test, it was clear that Aoba couldn't command Obito, so they had to rely on Asuma.

Obito wanted to refute.


He heard about Asuma's performance in the Chunin Exams afterwards.

Very brave, very fierce!

If it weren't for rescuing his teammates, he wouldn't have been eliminated.

Compared to that, he seemed...


Obito sighed softly.

Neither Minato nor Kyōichi comforted him.

This kid remembered the good but forgets the bad. If they comforted him, he would probably quickly forget about the Chunin exam.

On the other hand,

Asuma was quite excited.

Kyōichi looked at him strangely.

You are the Third Hokage's son after all, seeing a Daimyo is like seeing an idol to you.

Isn't that embarrassing?

The key is.

They haven't even met him yet!

On the way from Konoha to the Capital, you could see the prosperity of the town.

"This road connects Konoha and Capital, and the more wartime it is, the more prosperous it becomes."

"I see."

Kyōichi nodded.

So many people!

Not only businessmen, but also many wealthy people who were obviously previously fled to their safe locations. Now that the war is over, they are traveling by cart or horse, taking many assets and heading west.

Some even hired Konoha ninja as guards.

Asuma's eyes couldn't move away.

"Which girl have you taken a liking to? Let your old man propose a marriage for you."

Kyōichi teased him as he ran to his side.

Asuma's face turned red instantly, and he quickly defended, "No, I just think they are pitiful..."

"Pitiful? They're not pitiful, these people have a lot of money. When the war starts, they can hire people to protect them and run away. Many people weren't as fortunate."

Kyōichi shook his head.

In this Shinobi World, one could barely survive on their own, let alone have the leisure to care about other people.

Asuma was silenced and couldn't find words to say.


These people are rich, at least they can escape.

On the road, he didn't talk much anymore, but his gaze was observing these passers-by, gradually understanding the meaning of Kyōichi's words.

Those who can run here are indeed mostly rich people.

In wartime, bandits are rampant, and without money to hire ninja, they would probably be killed on the road. Indeed, they are luckier than many others.

Compared to that, many people did not control their own lives—including ninjas.

With the speed of the four of them, they quickly arrived in the city.

"Minato, you go and meet the Daimyo. I'll stay outside in case of any unexpected occurrences."


Later on, Minato would be accompanying the Daimyo, so naturally, he would be the one to go in for the meeting.

Kyōichi didn't bother to steal the limelight.

Kyōichi played with a kunai, observing the surroundings outside the mansion.

There isn't much danger in this bustling area.

Generally, there won't be any rogue ninja causing trouble within the Capital city. Otherwise, if ninjas assassinated enemy Daimyo every day, no country would be able to stand it.

This is an unspoken rule.


Once outside the city, there's no guarantee. It's possible that someone's "rogue ninja" might cause trouble against the rules, especially now that the war has just ended and the situation is chaotic.


Kyōichi thought, maybe the Third Hokage was fishing on purpose.

"Teacher Kyōichi, could you... maybe..."

Aoba Yamashiro stuttered, his face slightly flushed.


He wanted Kyōichi to guide him.

During the Chunin Exams, although he voluntarily gave up to cover for Might Guy, he didn't feel very well.

It's okay not being able to keep up with Might Guy.

But being worse than Obito was hard to accept.

In the academy, Obito was always known as the "last one", although a large part of this was due to Obito's poor academic performance. However, Aoba didn't think highly of him.


He was even worse than Obito.

During that exam, Obito was running with Might Guy happily, and he couldn't catch up at all, trailing behind like a fool. He felt humiliated when he thought about it afterward.

Today, on the mission, when he saw Kyōichi, he remembered his days at the academy and couldn't help but seek guidance.


He was afraid that Kyōichi would reprimand him.

"What are you afraid of, I won't eat you, sit."

Kyōichi patted the stone stool beside him.

Aoba sat down.

Asuma was a bit envious. The teacher never talked to him so gently. As for Obito...

He had no idea what it was like to have a good chat with Kyōichi.

Especially after graduation.

Basically, there were never any pleasantries when meeting Kyōichi, but he knew that Kyōichi took good care of him.

It was quite a contradiction!

"Your performance in the Chunin exam was actually quite good. If your abilities weren't slightly lacking, you could've had a chance..."

"Teacher, what about me, what about me?"

As soon as Obito heard about the Chunin exam, he became lively.

His words had just fallen.

The other three looked over at the same time. Their expressions...

They didn't say anything, but their looks were extremely disparaging.

"What... what do you mean!"

Obito was embarrassed and angry.

"Obito, if you'd just listened to Aoba's commands, your team wouldn't have been eliminated with your level of skill. You could say, Aoba was dragged down by you."

"It's because I'm not strong enough, I can't keep up with them."

Aoba Yamashiro quickly explained.

"Look at them."

Kyōichi smiled.

Obito was very upset in his heart, but he couldn't find a reason to retort.

Seeing Aoba's expression, Asuma hurriedly said, "Sensei, you haven't addressed Aoba's problem yet."

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time to talk on the way, but we do have some free time now, so I'll say a few words."

Actually, Kyōichi was reminiscing just now.

He was a little fuzzy on Aoba Yamashiro's abilities.

He was remembering part of it now.

The one who raises crows!

After pondering for a while, he said, "I remember your family raises crows and has its own secret techniques?"


Aoba Yamashiro nodded.

"Have you considered Genjutsu involving crows?"

Kyōichi asked.

He vaguely remembered that Aoba Yamashiro was not weak in Genjutsu, and he was even able to directly read memories.

This showed that his mental power was very strong.


"Yes, the crows of your clan are very good. Why not develop more techniques in combination with the crows? In addition, you should also work on your Taijutsu, otherwise you'll be lagging behind."

Aoba Yamashiro was very similar to Kyōichi.

He knew a little about everything, but not a lot.


With the help of the system, the Senju Clan, the Third Hokage's books, and daily practice, Kyōichi had gradually made up for many shortcomings.

Aoba Yamashiro didn't have these.

His self-perception was more towards gathering information, providing cover, and other supporting functions.

But now, his physical skills were too poor, even worse than Obito's, it was embarrassing.

"Think more about it. As a shinobi, the most terrifying thing is to be satisfied with the status quo and stop moving forward."

Kyōichi patted his shoulder.


He got up and faced the Daimyo's mansion.

Minato came out.

The Daimyo wouldn't just leave as soon as he saw them, he had to arrange the time and discuss the travel plans.


Since he had been notified in advance, the process was fast.

In the afternoon, the Daimyo sent someone to notify—

It was time to leave.