
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

Rookni · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Shisui as a Life Mentor

[You have completed the teachings of the 'Body Flicker Technique' and 'Ideology'.]

[Evaluation: Extremely good!]


1. Earth Release: Earth Spear

2. Strength of a Hundred Technique

3. Water Release: Water Severing Wave

Host can choose two of them.]

Kyōichi's eyes lit up.

As expected. The ideology teachings also came with generous rewards, and they were very powerful and limitless techniques. Any one of them was very strong, and he could now choose two of them.

"Such a hard choice!"

It was too difficult to decide.

If he had to not learn one of them...

"I choose one and three," Kyōichi decided after thinking for a while.

After his Senju body's awakening, his water and earth releases had pretty good boosts. And now was the time for his promotion to jōnin, one criteria of which was -

Mastering two or more chakra natures.

Kyōichi had three chakra natures - earth, water and wind.

Currently, he only mastered water release.

According to Kyōichi's guesses about the system's previous rewards, after learning Earth Spear, he would gain some knowledge about earth release nature transformation.

As for Water Severing Wave...

This ninjutsu was too powerful!

[Rewards received]

Knowledge flowed into his mind.

These were the memories of the two techniques.

At the same time, Kyōichi felt he could quickly use them without practice, and he didn't regret his choices after obtaining the memories.

Earth Spear didn't require hand seals.

Water Severing Wave also didn't need many hand seals, but its power was equally immense!

As for the Strength of a Hundred Technique...

"It's a pity, but if I spend more time lurking, it shouldn't be too hard to find Tsunade with my Senju lineage. She probably won't refuse to teach me," Kyōichi thought.

Right after choosing the rewards, another voice sounded.

[You have completed Uchiha Shisui's 'Ideology' teachings, he sees you as his life mentor.]

[Evaluation: Good]

[Reward: Improved Body Flicker Technique]


Kyōichi was stunned for a moment upon hearing the notification.

The previous rewards were expected, but he was unprepared for this...

Life mentor?

He didn't seem to have taught much.

This was an unexpected pleasant surprise.

Kyōichi walked a few steps before stopping. He recalled the questions Shisui had just asked.

"Could this brat want to become a genin on my team?"

Kyōichi didn't expect that his first "student" as a mentor would be Shisui.

He was somewhat amused and puzzled.

Oh well. Properly teaching Shisui might still save him. Relying on his unique Will of Fire, he definitely wouldn't allow Shisui to remain as naive as before.

He walked towards home, and just as he turned the corner, a figure suddenly dashed out.

"Teacher Kyoichi, let's have a youthful and hot-blooded competition! Whoever runs 300 laps first wins, the loser has to..."

"Might Guy, I'm busy right now, next time for sure."

Kyōichi's face darkened.

Damn it.

While exercising together was fine, once he started these "youthful competitions", the challenges would be nonstop.

He didn't want to become like Kakashi.

"What a pity I can't find Kakashi..."

Kyōichi leaned against the wall, channeled chakra into his probing finger, and swiftly sensed his surroundings.

Soon, he smiled and said, "If you're looking for Kakashi, you can keep going down this street, you'll find him near the riverbank."

"Huh? Really? Thank you Teacher Kyoichi! Kakashi, let's have a hot-blooded battle!"

Might Guy shouted as he rushed in that direction.

As expected of the Green Beast of the Leaf.

Kyōichi breathed a sigh of relief.

Luckily Kakashi was back in the village.

Diverting Might Guy, he walked a few steps before sensing someone tailing him.


"Tea...teacher...sorry, I didn't mean to stalk you, no, I..."

"Do you have a question?"

Kyōichi was a little surprised and puzzled that Asuma was tailing him.

Asuma scratched his head sheepishly. Without his big beard, his appearance was quite handsome, and he now looked a bit embarrassed.

"Come on, let's talk at my place."

Kyōichi nodded.

He could tell Asuma seemed full of doubts and wanted to ask him some things.

Although Asuma was still a student now, many thoughts had already started accumulating in him, or else he wouldn't have become a chūnin so late at age 12 -

These were war times, and others in his graduation batch like Obito and Rin had become chūnin at 11.

Asuma's talents weren't lacking.

Him graduating below those two clearly had reasons.

Kyōichi didn't know the specifics, he could only guess based on Asuma's later circumstances. Since his abilities and talents were fine, the issue was evidently with his thinking.

Asuma followed behind and came along. As he looked around, he vaguely felt a sense of familiarity.

After pondering for a long time, he suddenly realized, "This used to be...the Senju clan's compound right?"

"Yes," Kyōichi nodded.

His house used to be in the Senju clan's clan grounds, but after the First Hokage's time, they gradually intermarried and the Senju clan's lands slowly disappeared.

By the Second Hokage Tobirama's time, the Senju clan was basically gone.

His house was allocated during the Second's time.

"So Teacher is still from the Senju clan..."

"Not really, my grandmother was."

Kyōichi smiled. He secretly dispelled his shadow clone that was training in the yard, then opened the door and invited Asuma to sit and chat.

Asuma was a little tense.

But after drinking some water, he gradually relaxed. Looking around, he asked, "Teacher, I want to...ask a personal question. In your opinion, who is the 'king' piece of us shinobi?"

"The king?"

As expected.

Kyōichi wasn't surprised.

He didn't know whether to say the Third's education was good or bad.

It was good in that...Asuma didn't listen and even rebelliously joined the Twelve Guardian Ninja for a period.

Yet it was bad in that he started pondering so early.

After thinking for a bit, Kyōichi smiled and said, "I don't think it matters who I think the king is. In a thousand people's hearts, there are a thousand different kings. The focus is on protection."

"A thousand people have a thousand different kings in their hearts."


Asuma contemplated repeatedly, feeling it was very profound.

But on careful thought, he also felt Kyōichi hadn't really said anything. Of course the king had to be protected with one's life, because its death meant defeat.

"Let me give an example. Sakumo Hatake committed suicide after being vilified by many villagers for abandoning a mission to save his comrades. Who do you think was the king in his heart?"

"Sakumo Hatake?"

Asuma wanted to answer but couldn't articulate it for a while.

He thought for a very long time.


"His comrades?"

"That's right. To Sakumo, his comrades' life and death was more important than the mission. What he protected were his comrades. Whatever is most important to you, that is your king!"

"I see..."

Asuma sank into deep thought.

Somehow, although it sounded like Kyōichi still hadn't said much, he felt like he sort of understood, yet also didn't completely understand.

After pondering for a long time, he came back to his senses and quickly bowed, "Thank you for your guidance!"

"If you have no other questions, want something to eat?"

"No need, my mother is probably waiting for me at home. Thank you very much, I'll take my leave first!"



"Kakashi, 100 more laps to go. Youth and hot blood do not allow us to give up!"

Might Guy kept shouting as he ran.

Beside him, Kakashi doggedly kept up.

He was wearing a mask, so his expression was unclear, but his eyes revealed traces of killing intent.

"Guy, who told you I was here?"

His previous position was so concealed. With Guy's sensory abilities, there was no way he could have found Kakashi without someone pointing it out.

"Beat me and I'll tell you!"


Kakashi's eyes flashed coldly as his speed increased again.