
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

Rookni · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Medical Studies Alone Wouldn't Save Konoha

"Kyōichi, are you interested in having your name listed at the hospital? You just need to occasionally give lectures and advice. Compensation isn't an issue."

"Do I really have to?"

Kyōichi grimaced.

He who is not kin, doesn't enter the kin's door.

Dealing with Sarutobi Biwako was quite a challenge. Whenever an opportunity arose, she would begin to dig. If he hadn't experienced numerous strategies before, he might have not been able to resist.

Having his name listed at the hospital had many advantages, but it also meant a lot more work.

Unlike now.

Every day he could train, study, and research ninjutsu.

As long as he had enough money—

The main issue was the lack of rewards. Although he just obtained proficiency in the Technique of Pathogen Extraction, medical ninjutsu was not Kyōichi's main focus.

He practiced medical ninjutsu solely to learn techniques like Creation Rebirth.

Sarutobi Biwako felt a bit regretful, but she understood. As a team-leading jōnin, teaching three children and performing missions, Kyōichi was already very busy. How could he have any more free time?

Tsunade led him out of the hospital.

As they exited, she said with a sigh, "I'm surprised that you would refuse. If you had agreed, over time, you could have gained immense prestige in Konoha."

"Why would I care about that when I don't aim to be Hokage?"

Kyōichi shook his head.

In this world of ninjas, strength was the law. Fame and status were all illusions.

Even being the Hokage, what of it?

The five Kage together could not defeat Uchiha Madara.

Tsunade agreed internally but was puzzled.

"What do you want to do then?"

"To be a teacher, to nurture many talents, to fundamentally make Konoha stronger!"

Kyōichi didn't hesitate.

He had repeated this many times, without any discrepancies.

After hearing this, Tsunade couldn't help but laugh.

To nurture many talents?

To make Konoha fundamentally stronger...

It was a beautiful idea.


Without the support of the Hokage, all of these were just rootless duckweeds, easily banned.

The Third was a good Hokage.


Konoha was surrounded by powerful enemies, and just being "good" was far from enough.

Tsunade thought deeply.

"Kyōichi, do you have any tips for quickly mastering medical ninjutsu?" Shizune asked softly.

"Tips? Observe more, learn more, and exercise your chakra control. Ensure your hands are steady and precise when performing operations."

If it was a minor subject, you would need to have enough chakra for continuous operations and a strong physique.

Kyōichi thought to himself.

Shizune thought for a moment and sighed softly.

"Lady Tsunade said that my talent in chakra control is limited. Although I can become a decent medical ninja, it is difficult for me to truly master her skills."

"Just becoming a decent medical ninja is already very good."

Kyōichi tousled Shizune's hair.

Young Shizune, who was adorable and dorky, especially when her hair was ruffled...


"Alright, alright, I won't touch your hair. Speaking of which, if you really want to exercise chakra control, you could try to control two non-conflicting techniques simultaneously."

Kyōichi suggested.

He said, then started to demonstrate.

First, he formed an Earth Spear jutsu. Next, his entire body was enveloped by Wind Release Cloak, and then Enhanced Chakra Strength…


A single punch.

The stones by the road were instantly pulverized.

Tsunade was left speechless.

Three techniques, employed simultaneously.

This was an exceptionally advanced chakra control technique.

"It's just maintaining two techniques at the same time. You can do it, she can manage two concurrently. From there, we elevate to three or more, step by step."


Shizune solemnly nodded her head.

Regardless, attempting was never a mistake! Even simple guidance would reward some level of proficiency.

Kyōichi didn't mind it being insignificant.

Just a few words were enough, it wouldn't take much time, it was purely a no-loss proposition.

"Shizune, let's tidy up the house this afternoon, we're moving back in," Tsunade announced.


Shizune was taken aback.

Weren't they staying at Kyōichi's house? The Kamida residence was not large, but it did have enough room for three. She had slept well last night, thinking they were only staying temporarily, so she felt there was no need to clean up Tsunade's place.

"If I say we're going, then we're going. Why all the questions? Or do you plan to keep staying at his place?" Tsunade shot her a look.

"I guess that's not a problem..." Shizune said weakly.


"Stay at my place. It gets pretty boring being there alone, plus, there's always someone at your place."


Tsunade was puzzled for a moment, then she performed a sensory check. Immediately, she was left speechless.

Good lord.

Studying with a shadow clone, just as expected from you!

This kid…

Why was he always full of surprises?

Tsunade was once again left speechless.

"Fine, we won't move then."


Kyōichi understood.

If it was just a temporary stay, Tsunade wouldn't have thought about moving, planning to leave after a few days.


Her intent to move back implied that Tsunade had no plans of leaving.

Though he didn't know why there was a change in attitude, Kyōichi felt that it might have something to do with him.

Could I have moved her?

Kyōichi fell into contemplation.


He quickly stopped worrying.

Tsunade staying was a good thing, and if she could succeed as Hokage sooner, that would be even better.

It wasn't that Minato wasn't good enough.

Kyōichi had faith in Minato. He believed that he, like others, could make a fine Hokage. However, it was clear that in terms of experience and methods, Minato would struggle to match the venerable old-timers.

In the end, it was likely to be one Hokage, accompanied by three advisors including Danzo

Only Tsunade could control such a configuration.

But there was a catch.

If one aspired to become Hokage, they could not skirt around the issue. Tsunade needed to properly overcome her hemophobia; otherwise, this weakness would sooner or later cause trouble.

Thinking this, Kyōichi couldn't help but flip through a medical book. Yet, he frustratingly found that the Konoha lacked mental health care.

No wonder so many were at their wits' end! Thus, the next day came.

"Tsunade, I couldn't sleep last night and ended up realizing something."


"Medical studies alone can't save Konoha!"


Tsunade wore a puzzled expression.

Subsequently, Kyōichi shared his thoughts.

"Konoha's medical practices are already highly advanced. Many of the losses amongst shinobi are not physical, but rather psychological..."

Initially, Tsunade found this odd.

However, her expression gradually became solemn.

Tsunade had noticed these issues but hadn't given them much importance. Yet, hearing Kyōichi's words, she realized they were valid.

Konoha led the ninja world in physical medical jutsu advancement.

But they hadn't put much emphasis on mental health.

This was wrong!

"Take the heartbreaking case of our senior Hatake. If someone had counseled him and provided mental therapy, we might have had one more strong shinobi in our village."

"Sakumo Hatake's case was complex, but indeed, the old man didn't handle it well."

Tsunade sighed.

However, she quickly thought of Kakashi.

That obstinate kid was in quite a mess right now. If they were really going to study mental therapy, they should start with him.

And there was also herself!

After thinking for a moment, Tsunade said, "You have a point. This is also a form of medical treatment. The next phase of medical jutsu should indeed be mental healing!"

"Tsunade, you should take the initiative to research and implement this."

"Hm? You... cheeky brat, I don't need your help. This is your idea."

"I don't have the time to study this. If it really bothers you, Tsunade, just add my name to the research."

Kyōichi shook his head.

He wanted Tsunade to undertake this to enhance her fame and firmly establish her status.

But on the other hand.

He was too busy, with no time to delve into in-depth research.

What he could do was share his knowledge of psychology from his college days in the past life with Tsunade. The construction of a more robust system of mental therapy was something Tsunade had to build.