
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

Rookni · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Leaky Version of The Yin Seal

"This is about distinguishing who is an ally and who is an enemy!"

Shisui was very excited.

He truly understood now.

Partnerships are not innate; they need to be gradually developed.

Assisting those elderly ladies alongside Obito, isn't that the process of turning foes into friends? This is similar! To change the Uchiha, to lead the clan onto the path that one desires, one must have their own allies and power.

In simpler terms...

It's like what the teacher said, your words need to be heard by someone! "Very good."

Kyōichi gently nods, without saying much else.

There's no need to! Shisui has already understood, for the things that follow, he doesn't have a clear concept now, so saying it would be in vain, and would likely make things even more confusing. It's better to let him establish his own footing in the clan.


Doing these things now, Kyōichi felt it's quite nonsensical, and he didn't know if Shisui could succeed now.

After all...

He is not the renowned Shisui with teleportation abilities in the ninja world, but a five-year-old child. Although his strength is superior among his peers, compared to the entire ninja community, he's just a drop in the ocean.

Shisui left the room, and the system notification sounded.

Another round of rewards! And...

The reward is a genjutsu.

Magic Mirror Heaven and Earth Change.

This jutsu surprised Kyōichi a bit. He thought it was a Sharingan genjutsu, but in actuality, this is a counter-genjutsu. The reason it is paired with Sharingan is due to the need for the Sharingan's powerful insight and decryption effects.

This genjutsu involves many decryption techniques! Kyōichi is confident, now if he is under a genjutsu, he can instantly break the illusion, even...

Counter it!

Without the Sharingan, the effect weren't as strong, but it could at least negate the chakra disruption caused by the genjutsu.

Not bad, a good deal! Kyōichi was quite pleased.

Though it's not a very powerful jutsu, it could cover his weaknesses.

He doesn't lack ordinary trump cards.

This kind of thing is rather good.

Of course.

The key point at the moment is the Yin Seal. If he could figure out a feasibility of the Yin Seal...

Mastering this jutsu, no matter what it is used for, would be very beneficial.

Originally this process would be very difficult.

Because sealing techniques have always been one of the most difficult ninja disciplines. Any small detail could affect the outcome, leading to wasted efforts.


Kyōichi knew the principles and all the details of the Yin Seal, and he also had another sealing technique -

Four Symbols Seal!

This is a top-tier sealing technique, apart from forbidden ones.

Though it's not the same technique, some parts of the technique and the principles of sealing are similar and can be referred to.

Kyōichi drew the seals.

After looking at it for a while, he had a eureka moment.

Isn't it just like a reservoir?

If the pit isn't that big, we'll just store a little less.

Although the amount won't be as much as Tsunade's, at least it could be used, which is better than having none. He didn't planned on practicing Creation Rebirth anyway. Being able to use the Yin seal and the Seven Day Breathing Technique would suffice.

He carefully examined the sealing technique. As long as he removed a few seals, he could reduce the capacity of the Yin Seal.

It's feasible!


"I should first ask Tsunade's advice."

Kyōichi sent his thoughts through the slug.

Lately, the main use of the summoned slug has been communication. Luckily, the Slug Sage was good-and kind tempered, otherwise the other summons like the Toads of Mount Myoboku would probably have quit already!

Not long after...

Tsunade responded.

"Lady Tsunade says it's fine to try removing the harmless seals from those few. However, after the removal, the demand for Chakra control will increase a lot. Be sure to know your limits."

"Thank you very much!"


Then I'm set!

Kyōichi is 70% confident. Since there are no side effects, he could try.

After a while...

He felt the initial establishment of the seal.


Whether it leaks or not, it's hard to say at the moment. He could only know after channeling Chakra into it...

After a long time...

Chakra gradually flowed into the seal, but not long after, a bit of Chakra leaked out from another place.

The removal of the few symbols affected the integrity!

After several experiments, he gradually found the trick. However, he had already used his shadow clone, and the continuous experiments just now had almost exhausted his Chakra.

The next day...

After getting up, he refined Chakra and input part of it into the changed Yin Seal.

By the afternoon...

Nearly a fifth of Chakra that was supplied was lost.


This is already the best result so far.

He has also tried the original version.

After the Chakra went in, it dispersed from several channels, causing a faint pain in the center of his forehead, and he quickly stopped trying.

Improving an S-Class seal was not so simple!

"Never mind, I will just use the simplified Four Symbols Seal to add a layer to cover some loopholes for now. I'll unseal it when necessary. Although it's a bit of a hassle, it's better than charging every day."

Kyōichi thought of a temporary substitute.

No choice.

If he maintained the current state, it will be barely usable, as the loss of the Chakra was not small. Since there was no fighting recently, it's better to store it in the Four Symbols Seal for now.

There's also a benefit to this...

Unless the simplified Four Symbols Seal is unsealed, others can't see that he's been practicing the Yin Seal.

After temporarily settling this, he felt hungry.

After eating, Kyōichi went to check on Shisui and Kurenai while he was out running.

Kurenai was practicing the Chakra Scalpel.

"This is the medical Ninjutsu she cares about the most! It can be used for both attack and defense. If she can master it, she will have more cards to play in the third round of the examination.

Shisui was practicing swordsmanship. Looking at his style, it should be the Uchiha's style of swordsmanship, combined with Fire Release and Wind Release Chakra, the power was indeed impressive.

He cast a brief glance before walking away. The scroll of Ninjutsu that Kurenai was studying was a gift from him, and for the moment, Shisui didn't require his guidance.

Kyōichi has heard about the third round of the exam. The Third Hokage has invited the daimyō. Obviously, this is like a "genin" level military exercise, letting the daimyō see the strength of the new generation of Konoha, so that he can have a bottom line and prevent him from doing anything under the pressure of other major countries.

Kyōichi has no intention of getting involved in the third round of the exam. During this time, he wanted to earnestly enhance his abilities, integrate several sword techniques he had, and let his clone study the Hidden Mist technique, medical Ninjutsu, and genjutsus. They're all busy!

However, even so, the Third Hokage still sent a mission. "The daimyō agreed to visit Konoha, You and Minato will be his guards at this time, ensure the safety of the daimyō," the Third Hokage said seriously.

"Just the two of us?"

"The kids participating in the third round can't go, you can mix your teams up a bit. Asuma, Obito, and Aoba Yamashiro can form a temporary squad."

Actually, in the Third Hokage's mind, Kyōichi and Minato were totally enough.

However, considering the daimyō's mentality, having more people might make him feel safer.


Minato agreed, Kyōichi rubbed his temples, and had no choice but to agree. After all, the Third Hokage is the one paying.

At the village gate, Asuma looked shocked and curious. Obito was listless and depressed. Although Might Guy advanced to the third round, he and Aoba were eliminated early and didn't qualify for the third round. When Obito heard the news, he regretted it very much. If he had known this, he would not have been so rash!

Registration, leaving the village. Outside, Asuma couldn't help asking: "Sensei, what kind of mission is this?"

"We will be escorting the daimyō."
