
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

Rookni · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Kyōichi, You're a Genius

"Have you ever considered fighting blindfolded?"

Kyōichi asked.

"Blindfolded? But I'd still know!"

Tsunade was taken aback.

You're really a genius!

This is a mental illness, even if I can't see the blood, wouldn't I still feel it?

"You can use Genjutsu to deceive yourself."

Kyōichi continued.

Tsunade felt it wouldn't work, but there seemed to be some truth to it.

Fighting blindfolded, deceiving with Genjutsu...

These are ways of evading the problem when there's no way to overcome it.

But, it does make sense.

At least it's not like losing all fighting ability upon seeing blood.

But now the key issue is healing.

You can fight this way.

But what about healing?

She shook her head. Right now, Konoha village is in a state of turmoil. If she really stayed in the village, how could she possibly stay away from the battlefield...

If she doesn't go and doesn't heal, what would the other ninjas think?

Reveal to everyone her blood phobia?

That would be a huge blow to morale.

"As for battlefield healing, just don't let the slugs share their field of vision, they can provide feedback on the condition of the wounded."

"Can that really work?"

Tsunade was puzzled.

Kyōichi's methods are all unconventional, but...

The slugs have been working with her for a long time. They could give a simple report on the condition of injuries, so upon deeper thought, it really seemed feasible.

She took a few steps, then came back to her senses.

"You really do have a talent for teaching. How did you come up with this...?"

Tsunade conceded.

Her blood phobia wasn't cured, but it seemed some of the problems could be mitigated.

It's strange.

Of course, the most difficult part would be self-hypnosis, but that's something Tsunade would have to figure out on her own.

She felt a headache coming on.

"Annoying, let's go drink! The booze from last time wasn't enough, this time we need to have a good time! After that, we'll gamble. Heh, I've saved quite a bit of money, I have enough to play with!"

"Alright, we'll accompany you."

Kyōichi smiled brightly.

Shizune was very confused.

Wasn't Kyōichi a non-gambler?

But since Kyōichi and Tsunade both went, she had no choice but to follow.

After the duo drank, the group headed to the casino, and not much later...

Tsunade walked out of the casino, indignant.


Gambling was one of the few pleasures she had left in life.

But when you have two disgustingly lucky people by your side, and you're constantly losing, to the point of needing to borrow money, then you can't feel any joy at all.


Those two rascals must have cheated!


The next day, Kyōichi and Tsunade arrived at the hospital early.

Now is not a time of war, so the injuries of the ninja are not severe, and the operation tables are basically empty.

If it weren't for Tsunade's preoccupation with gambling, she could have come to arrange for the operation yesterday afternoon.

"Tsunade, could you let these children observe from the outside...you know, medical ninja need to accumulate experience."

If it was someone else, Tsunade would have refused already.


The one speaking is Sarutobi Biwako, the wife of the Third Hokage.

At her side, there are many children around ten years old, including Nohara Rin and Kurenai. They are all the new generation who want to be medical ninja.

Tsunade shook her head and said, "This time I'm not the lead surgeon, I'm just assisting Kyōichi."

"Is the teacher leading the surgery?"

Kurenai's eyes lit up.

Her medical techniques were taught by Kyōichi, and Kyōichi has shown his skills many times before. She didn't have a clear idea about the level of her teacher's medical skills, could it be...

He is even better than Tsunade?

These children had no idea about the internal situation, even Biwako was not aware, and was a little puzzled at this moment.


She knew there must be some unspeakable secret involved.

Biwako quickly took up the conversation: "With your guidance, Kyōichi will not find it difficult to complete this operation, and it will have more educational significance, so let the children observe!"

Tsunade looked at Kyōichi and said, "You decide."

"No problem, let them watch. It's just a minor operation."

Kyōichi smiled.

This was his first time formally performing surgery, but no matter what, he had to remain calm at this time, otherwise, Hayate Gekko, the patient, might get uneasy.

"Hayate, don't be afraid later, it's a minor operation, trust the teacher and Tsunade's skills."


Hayate nodded heavily.

Since there were so many people, Tsunade didn't mind another silent one.

So, in the operating room, Kyōichi stood in the middle, and Tsunade and the medical team were on the outside.

"First, make a cut."


Kyōichi formed hand signs, and a chakra blade appeared.


He gently slid it, and a small cut appeared.

Very narrow, very small.

Tsunade turned her head and looked at Kyōichi's hand.

Very steady!

She felt relieved.

In this kind of operation, as long as the lead surgeon's hand is steady and he knows what to do, there will be basically no problem, as for how to do it...

She will guide him.

She began to instruct on the procedure, Kyōichi operated, and the process went very smoothly.


Gradually, she found...

Kyōichi actually didn't need her.

Cut the wound, find the position of the lesion, then form hand signs, and use the Cellular Extraction Jutsu!

In one breath.

She gradually fell silent and didn't speak.

Sarutobi Biwako was also stunned.

Since when were Kyōichi's medical skills so strong?

It was hard to believe.


Hayate Gekko's lung disease was indeed gradually being healed, the accumulated virus and the position of the lesion inside were being cut out and removed bit by bit, even...

"Be careful with this step, your hand must be steady, otherwise it's very easy to cut too much. Even though it can be healed, it will have some impact on the patient."

"It's best to eliminate the virus. Surgery is the last resort."

He still had time to explain!


Tsunade felt that she basically had nothing to do here.

"All done!"

The last bit of the virus was extracted.

Kyōichi gestured for others to wrap up.

After the virus was extracted, any medical ninja could handle the aftermath.

He stopped, hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Tsunade.

"Did I miss anything?"

"Not at all, you did very well. You even took over my part."

Tsunade smiled.

She had previously thought that Kyōichi was fully qualified, but after watching for a while, she realized she still had underestimated him.

Kyōichi could complete it all on his own, and he was more than proficient. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to explain his workflow while performing the surgery so effortlessly.

This guy.

He really has a talent for teaching!

She sighed for a moment, then turned to the children.

"Kyōichi's procedure actually omitted some steps because he's good enough to quickly find the source of the disease. You can't do this when you're performing surgery, understand?"


All present had basic medical knowledge, how could they not understand these things.

Some things, although you see them with your eyes, your brain and hands may not be able to execute. Kyōichi's surgery is just like this.

It's very standard, perfect, but not something they could learn, just by seeing it once.

"Kyōichi, I have quite a few books and case studies. If you need them, you can come to the hospital regularly."

Sarutobi Biwako's smile was brilliant.

As the Third Hokage's wife, she knew more than the average person.

Kyōichi had contracted with Slug Sennin and had such advanced medical skills...

Two ninjas capable of wide-range healing!

It's exciting just thinking about it