
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

Rookni · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Hayate, you're really brave!

Chapter 77:

"Lady Tsunade, please help, treat my child!"

Said Hitaki Gekko.

Kyōichi recognized him at once. He was the uncle of Hayate Gekko.

Hayate's father died a few years ago, and he has been raised by Hitaki ever since.

Clearly, he came for Hayate Gekko.

"It's you."

Tsunade sighed.

The Gekko Clan…

This clan has been growing since the second generation and is now quite influential in Konoha. She naturally knew a few people from this family, and Hitaki Gekko was one of them.

"Lady Tsunade, my nephew Hayate has been ill since childhood. Please save him!"

Hitaki Gekko pleaded desperately.

He sought out many people.


In Konoha, no doctor said they could cure him, and the only hope was Tsunade.

Tsunade hesitated.

She had a lot of theories of how she could cure Hayate, but she would become frightened at the sight of blood, and was unable to perform surgery on people.

Kyōichi's mind stirred.

He had some understanding of Hayate's condition.

On the one hand, he had lung disease from childhood.

On the other hand, it was his Kekkei Genkai.

Transparency jutsu!

The combination of the two made his illness difficult to improve, causing him to become weak at the age of twenty-three. If not for this, even Baki might not have been able to kill him.

This was a talent.

It's a pity that he was tortured by illness.

"Lady Tsunade, why don't we take a look first?"

A ninja with the code name "Silent" couldn't help saying.

Tsunade glared at her, then saw a similar expression on Kyōichi, and helplessly said, "Hitaki, I can't promise anything."

"I understand! I understand!"

Hitaki Gekko was overjoyed.

No one else could do anything. He could only hope for Tsunade now, where would there be more demands?

Medical field?

In the entire shinobi world, there might be few who dare to make trouble with Tsunade.

The Gekko Clan's territory is not large, but the layout has the characteristics of the Gekko Clan.

Trees and moon symbols.

Upon entering the door, several children were practicing swords, mostly practicing slashing, only a few had advenced swordsmanship.

The most talented one was naturally Hayate Gekko!


His physical condition was also the worst.


"Uncle Hitaki... Kyōichi sensei!"

Hayate Gekko heard the voice, immediately looked over, saw Kyōichi, and his eyes lit up instantly, his condition seemed to have improved.

"You're popular with kids, aren't you!"

Tsunade said in a low voice.

She noticed that Hayate Gekko deeply respected Kyōichi from his heart, so...

He totally didn't notice her!

"I was a substitute teacher and taught him before."

Kyōichi explained.

Upon hearing the voice, Hayate finally turned to Tsunade on the side.

When he was born, Tsunade had already left the village, so Hayate Gekko didn't recognize Tsunade at all.


A large "Gamble" character was revealed on her clothes, and he immediately seems to understand something, bowing deeply, "Lady Tsunade!"


So this little hobby of hers is known to the whole world, was it?

Tsunade was speechless.

She took a closer look at Hayate Gekko, her brow furrowing slightly.

For a kid.

His condition was already quite serious.

"Let's talk inside."


Once inside the house, she gestured for Hayate Gekko to sit down, then began a careful examination.

Hayate's heart hang in the balance, his face tense.

Tsunade was his last hope!

If even Tsunade can't help...

"Do you have a bloodline limit?"


Hayate Gekko nodded.

He awoke the Transparent Escape very early on, so he was valued by his family and began practicing the Dance of the Crescent Moon from an early age.

"Curing your lung disease isn't difficult, but the problem originates from your bloodline limit. Every time you use Transparent Escape, it causes damage to your body. It will eventually relapse even if we cure you temporarily."

Tsunade said.

Upon hearing this, Hayate was dumbfounded.

So this means...

He couldn't use Transparency Kekkei Genkai?

He looked at the wind and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"So, I can't use my bloodline limit?"

Hayate Gekko is also dumbfounded.

"That's right, if you don't use Transparency Kekkei Genkai, I can cure you."

Tsunade nodded.

She had some understanding of the bloodline limit of the Gekko Clan, so she was able to make a quick decision.

In fact.

She had told Hayate Gekko's father the same thing about this kind of problem.

The result was self-evident.

After hesitating for a moment, Hitaki looked at Hayate and said, "You decide for yourself. Whatever your decision, your uncle will support you!"


Hayate was at a loss.

He was still young to make a decision.

"Up to me? I..."

Kyōichi initially wanted to refuse, but seeing the Hayate's hopeful and pleading look, his heart softened and he sighed, "Alright, let me ask you first. Is the Gekko Clan's heritage technique a bloodline limit or swordsmanship?"

Hayate Gekko thought for a long time.

Then, he decisively said, "Swordsmanship!"

The bloodline limit is just an aid. Their family's swordsmanship is the real foundation of the Gekko Family's strength!

He understood this in his heart.

"So, what are you hesitating for?"

Kyōichi said, pulling out his sword and teleporting in the blink of an eye.

In a flash.

He had already appeared above Hayate Gekko.

"Crescent Moon Dance?"

Gekko Hayate was quite surprised.

Although there was no shadow clones with the technique, the essence of this sword was the same—

Finding a gap.

Then, assassinating with a sword strike from the blind spot!

"The dependence of the Crescent Moon Dance on the transparency jutsu is not high. The strongest aspect of transparency jutsu is intelligence gathering. Prohibiting its use is not very realistic, but unless it's absolutely necessary, don't use it!"

Kyōichi said seriously.

"Yes! Thank you very much for your guidance!"

Hayate bowed deeply.

Tsunade looked at Kyōichi with a half-smile, then suddenly said, "I can help you, but the one performing the operation won't be me, but your teacher Kyōichi. Are you still willing to proceed under these conditions?"

"I am!"

Hayate did not hesitate.

"Then it's settled, go to the hospital tomorrow morning to register for the surgery."


"Thank you, Lady Tsunade. Thank you, Jounin Kyōichi!"


Kyōichi wanted to retort, but he knew why Tsunade was doing this, so it wasn't a good idea to argue at this point.

Oh well.

Isn't it just surgery?

No big deal!


Just a moment ago, Gekko Hayate gave him a reward.

"Gekko Hayate sees you as a life mentor."

"Reward: Secret Sword - Moon Shadow."

What a windfall!

Kyōichi hadn't expected the boy to accept him so easily.

All he could say was...

Thank you!


After leaving the Gekko clan's grounds.

"Lord Kyōichi, Lady Tsunade has some minor issues and can't lead the operation, so..."

"I have haemophobia."

Tsunade cut off the vague explanation with a straightforward reason.


Kyōichi pretended to be shocked.

After a moment, he said, "So, is this why you left the village?"

"I'm one of the Three Legendary Ninjas, a top medical ninja, but now I can't go to the battlefield, I can't use a scalpel, what's the use of staying in Konoha?"

"Leaving, at least no one knows my situation."

Tsunade sighed.

Her departure from the village and her illness were indeed significant factors.