
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

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106 Chs

Earth Style Wall? It should be Earth Style City Wall!

"We'll go first, be on guard on the road, and release the crows."

Kyōichi signaled Aoba Yamashiro to follow him.

There isn't much danger inside the city, the main crisis is outside the city.

The Daimyo is very honorable.

But this is in terms of the Capital. Once you leave the Capital, there are always "accidents", otherwise there would be no existence of the "Twelve Guardian Ninja".

Aoba Yamashiro nodded and followed.

Outside of the city.

hundreds of crows scattered, each one became Aoba Yamashiro's eyes and ears, investigating the surrounding information.

Kyōichi was more direct.

He extended his finger to probe the ground, his chakra sense spread out, and the general situation around was basically clear in his heart.

There is no danger for now!

"Teacher, there's no one around for now."

"Um, this area is still safe, the main thing is the subsequent area, although I also have sensing ability, I can't monitor it all the time, this part still depends on your crows."


They left the city first to scout the area.

Before long.

The Daimyo's team left the Capital and came out.

This Daimyo is quite young. After leaving the Capital, he scanned the surroundings and quickly noticed the abnormally large number of crows in the sky.

He just took a closer look and didn't ask much.


Seeing Kyōichi in the distance, he thought of a figure in his mind and quickly asked with a smile: "Minato Shinobi, can you tell me who that ninja is?"

"Lord Daimyo, his name is Kamida Kyōichi, he is a newly promoted Jonin of Konoha, and his strength is not below mine."

Minato Namikaze answered him very diligently on the side.

The Daimyo nodded slightly.

Isn't he a Senju?


He frowned slightly, took a few more looks, and then asked: "Is he a descendant of the Senju?"

"Kyōichi's grandmother is from the lineage of Hashirama."

Minato continued.

The Daimyo suddenly realized.

Indeed, he is of the Senju lineage.

He knew that Kyōichi was clearing the surroundings to prevent ninja attacks, so he didn't ask Minato to call Kyōichi over for a closer look.


That silver hair and back figure, upon seeing them, one can't help but think of the Second Hokage.

He couldn't help but sigh, and then seemed interested: "The Second Hokage is a hero, I didn't expect that he still has descendants who became ninjas, this is truly a cause for celebration. Minato, do you know who his teacher is?"

"Kyōichi learned from the Senju notes and books brought out by his grandmother, and recently got the approval of Lady Tsunade, contracted by the Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest, aside from not changing his surname, he can basically be considered a member of the Senju clan now."

Minato didn't directly answer.

But his words had already revealed the meaning—

Kyōichi doesn't really have a teacher, he's self-taught!

The Daimyo seemed to ask casually, and after hearing, he just exclaimed: "A hero emerges in youth!"

Afterwards, he closed the curtains and didn't ask any more.


After walking a certain distance.

A crow landed, and then Aoba Yamashiro quickly caught up.

"Teacher, something's not right!"

"What did you find?"

Aoba Yamashiro nodded.

His crow's combat ability isn't strong, but he was good at reconnaissance, which is a skill passed down in the Yamashiro clan.

Upon hearing Aoba, Kyōichi roughly understood.

It wasn't a very obvious clue -

Many fresh footprints by the river.

Deep in the mountains by the riverbank, the footprints were intermittent along the river.

Such a thing cannot be overlooked.

"They're not around here, they might be ambushing ahead, or hiding in the river, having cut off my sensory perception with a secret technique," said Kyōichi after investigating for a moment.

Chakra sensing is not invincible, there are many secret techniques that can evade it.


He thought about it and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid at all if the other party is a Kirigakure ninja."

Water Release?

I'm well-versed with that! Kyōichi's shadow clone has been studying the techniques of Kirigakure. After acquiring the assassination technique of the Crescent Moon Dance, he has basically figured out the assassination tactics of Kirigakure.

He was confident.

Once the thick fog comes up, he can be stronger than the other party in the fog! They both pretended not to notice.

The team continued to move forward.

The Daimyo kept observing the surrounding environment. Seeing such prosperity in the Land of Fire during the journey, he was much cheered up.

The view ahead showed how thriving and well-recovered the Land of Fire was.


He was mostly sneaking peeks at the front.

Kyōichi Kamida.


Although he hadn't changed his surname, just the fact that he was recognized by Tsunade as having the Senju bloodline was astonishing enough.

There were many descendants of Senju.


Who else has been recognized now? It's not that Tsunade was unwilling, but the integration of Senju into Konoha was the ancestral policy set by the two Hokage, Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju. It simply could not be changed.

This young man must be quite extraordinary to be recognized.

His face showed no ripples, but his thoughts were a myriad of things.

At this moment, a scream came from the front, and the carriage stopped.

"Elite jōnin Minato..."

The Daimyo stuck his head out, only to see the surrounding area gradually filled with fog, his face instantly whitened -

Although he was not a ninja, he knew some of the famous Ninjutsu.

Like this Hidden Mist Technique.

As a Daimyo, what he feared the most was this technique, as he could not see the real situation in the dense fog.

Minato, Asuma, and Obito were stationed around the carriage, ready for battle.

Someone really isn't afraid of death!


A body floated in the river, blood flowing, dyeing the surroundings red.

A Kirigakure ninja! With the Body Flicker Technique and Kenjutsu, he was directly slashed.

"Sensei, there are scratches on his forehead protector."

"That doesn't mean anything. Watch the body, beware of enemy sneak attacks, I'll go after them."

Kyōichi had disappeared as soon as he finished speaking.

Aoba Yamashiro was quite nervous.

He wasn't very familiar with the Hidden Mist Technique. Now with Kyōichi gone, he was sweating profusely, fearing an ambush.

In fact...

In secret, there indeed were hidden mist ninjas lurking.

One had been waiting for the chance to assassinate the feudal lord, but now with Kyōichi gone, only a child was left.

This kid was probably a scouting ninja!

The enemy deliberated for a while.

Finally, he drew his blade stealthily, striking at Aoba Yamashiro.


Just as he surfaced to ambush Aoba Yamashiro, a sudden pain shot through his neck.


Blood splattered!

He held his neck, his eyes wide in shock.

What just happened?

He couldn't wait for the answer.

Aoba Yamashiro was too shocked to speak.

The Hidden Mist Ninja had just run into an invisible blade.

If it weren't for the faint sound of water afterward, he might have thought the man had committed suicide.

The Hidden Mist Technique is strong, but it's not invinsible...

How did his teacher do it?


Aoba Yamashiro, still in shock, quietly sighed with relief.

His teacher hadn't abandoned him.

At this point.

The hidden mist ninja in secret no longer had the energy to focus on Aoba Yamashiro. The remaining hidden mist ninja was filled with horror.

Kyōichi's methods were too strange!

In his mind, he couldn't help thinking of the Second Mizukage.

A very similar Genjutsu technique.


He knew his mission this time would undoubtedly fail. He already had the intention to retreat and quietly formed hand signs in the river.


Water surged, a "shark" devouring two bodies in an instant.

He, however, escaped along the river.

He had just moved a bit when he sensed the entire river stirring.

The next moment.

The riverbed where he was, incredibly, started to rise.

Earth Release: Earth Style Wall!

But, this Earth Flow Rampart's range was too large!

Who was it that came to protect the feudal lord this time?

The strength was simply outrageous.

He cursed under his breath.

The next moment, he was forced to reveal himself.