
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Ye Cang! (Pakura)

Go down the mountain, and then cross the river.

At this time, the memory of the shadow clone came back, and Shuichi Hoshita immediately said: "Teacher Minato, there is indeed a trap in the east!"

"It's the puppeteer Chiyo!"

After hearing this, Minato Namikaze's eyes fixed, and he stopped immediately: "Go south along the river!"

The four of them immediately changed direction, originally planning to take a detour to the east.

Going down the river, Kurama Sanyo couldn't help asking: "Teacher Minato, is that Chiyo very powerful?"

Minato Namikaze nodded slightly: "She is an outstanding female puppeteer in the Sand Village."

"In addition, she is also good at medical ninjutsu and poison."

"During the last Ninja World War, she caused a lot of trouble to the village. Fortunately, it was Tsunade who broke her poison method."

Puppet masters, especially powerful ones, are very difficult to deal with.

Chiyo is the best. It is said that she got the Ten Machines puppets made by Bunzaemon, the most powerful puppeteer of the Sand Ninja.

Bunzaemon was an outstanding ninja in the era of the first and second generations of Hokage, and he opened the ninja path of the puppeteer lineage.

After listening to Minato Namikaze's explanation, Kurama Sanyo and Uchiha Shisui were both shocked.

Hideichi Hoshita also knew something about Chiyo.

This is a ruthless person!

If they met him, together with other Sand Ninja.

If they didn't use Flying Thunder God to run away, except for Minato Namikaze, the three of them, Hideichi Hoshita felt that they would have to kneel!

Minato Namikaze's change of plan was obviously correct.

The four of them went south along the river, and then entered a town called Otsu, using the complexity of the town to cover up their traces.

Then Shuichi Hoshita and Shisui Uchiha turned into wild cats and left the town to the north into the forest, while Minato Namikaze used Flying Thunder God to move directly to the two of them with Kurama Sanyo.

This made the Sand Ninjas who chased to Otsu Town confused and cut off the clues of tracking Minato's team.

In the mountains, Shuichi Hoshita and the other four found a cave and settled down temporarily.

At the same time.

On the battlefield on the mountainside before, Chiyo appeared here with a few Sand Ninjas, watching this tragic scene silently.

Three jonin and twelve chunins were killed in just a few minutes.

"That yellow-haired guy!"

Thinking of Minato Namikaze's amazing instant body technique, Chiyo's face became more solemn.

"This knife mark should be left by the kid with the short knife."

"The genius of Konoha..."

Chiyo examined the corpses one by one, analyzing bits and pieces of information from them.

Finally, Chiyo said to a Sand Ninja Jonin: "Rosa, cancel the siege of Namikaze Minato and his men!"

Rosa frowned and said: "Master Chiyo, the destructive power of this Konoha team is too great. If it is not eliminated, it will cause great harm."

Chiyo said: "Of course I know this."

"But you also saw that how many people are needed for an ordinary ninja team to encircle and kill them?"

"We can't go to war."

"So, cancel the previous encirclement plan and organize a Jonin team to chase them."

"Even if we can't eliminate them, we must force them to leave our hinterland."

Rosa nodded after hearing this, and he also thought so.

Chiyo then said: "This pursuit mission is up to you. Konoha White Fang has appeared in the River Country again. I need to go there."

Rosa agreed and turned away immediately.

Night fell.

Hoshita Shuichi's shadow clone turned into a stray cat and appeared in Otsu Town again, wandering under the moonlight and lights, shuttling among the crowd, and leaping between houses.

What puzzled Shuichi Hoshita was that there was no trace of the Sand Ninja in this town.

They disappeared here during the day. So many Sand Ninjas chased after them, but they gave up so quickly?


Hoshita Shuichi, who was about to meet up with Uchiha Shisui, suddenly stopped and looked at a figure on the street: "This is..."


The figure and temperament are too dazzling!

At this moment, the curvy figure on the street seemed to notice Shuichi Hoshita's gaze and turned to look over.

Hiroshita Hideichi meowed nonchalantly, then walked into the dark alley with a cat-like step.

On the street, Ye Cang retracted his gaze and continued to walk along the traces of the Konoha ninjas tracked by the Sand Ninja during the day, and finally came to an abandoned house.

The traces of the Konoha ninjas during the day ended in this broken house.

Ye Cang frowned and carefully checked under the dim light, but still found nothing.

The traces were too clean!

After leaving the house, Ye Cang looked around again, and finally came to the roof and looked around.

Suddenly, her eyes stopped and fell on a dirty stray cat.

Wild cats and stray cats are very common, but at this moment Ye Cang suddenly remembered the stray cat that had looked at her on the street before.

Swish!   Ye Cang disappeared from the roof and appeared next to several cat paw prints.

These were traces that I had seen before, and a few cat paw prints seemed very normal.

But at this moment, Ye Cang's intuition told her that this was not simple.

She immediately formed six shadow clones and moved separately, following different cat paw prints.

Soon, Ye Cang returned to the room where Minato Namikaze and the others had stayed last.

She checked carefully and found no cat paw prints, but found traces of artificial removal.

"Sure enough, there is a problem. The cat paw prints started from here, but were covered up by someone."

Ye Cang smiled and immediately thought: "Why are there only traces left by two cats?"

"That instant body technique called Minato Namikaze... can it not only move instantly within a short distance?"

Ye Cang was surprised and left immediately.

After a while, Ye Cang appeared again, and with her were Luo Sha and five others, all of whom were senior ninjas.

Among the six people, Luo Sha and Ye Cang are the youngest.

Listening to Ye Cang's speculation, Luo Sha and others looked around again.

After returning, a middle-aged ninja said: "Ye Cang's speculation is very likely."

"The instant body technique that can move over a long distance should be a space-time ninjutsu!"

Luo Sha looked to the north. He couldn't see clearly in the darkness, but he knew that there was a mountain there.

And according to the traces, the Konoha team is likely to be hiding in it.

But it is also possible that they have already left.

"Then let's go!"

"We can't keep turning around here. The current situation in the River Country is not favorable to us."

Luo Sha said.

The others nodded in unison, and then they all performed the instant body technique and disappeared.

In the cave, the shadow clones of Shuichi Hoshita and Uchiha Shisui were released. After the memory feedback, Uchiha Shisui said: "Teacher Minato, the Sand Ninjas who were tracking us have all withdrawn, but other Sand Ninjas have come. The number is unknown, but in this case, it is very likely that they are an elite jonin team."

His information was obtained by hypnotizing the people in the town.

Through piecing together information from multiple people, although it is unknown how many Sand Ninjas came later, some things can be inferred from the comings and goings.

Namikaze Minato nodded and looked at Shuichi Hoshita.

Hiroshita Shuichi frowned slightly at this moment, and said after a pause: "Teacher Minato, I'm afraid we are exposed."

Kurama Sanyo was surprised and said: "Hiroshita, your transformation technique has been discovered?"

Hiroshita Shuichi shook his head: "Not sure, just intuition."

Namikaze Minato smiled and said: "Ninja's intuition is often very accurate."

"Now it is basically certain that the Sand Ninja has changed its strategy and used a small number of elites to deal with us."

"And, this elite has discovered that we are very likely hiding here. "

Uchiha Shisui continued: "In this case, the secret of Minato's instant body technique may also be mastered."

Namikaze Minato said indifferently: "As long as the ninjutsu is used, it is inevitable that the information will be mastered by others. It's just a matter of time. There is no need to worry about it."

Kurama Sanyo muttered: "Elite team, it seems that we are in big trouble?"

Hoshita Shuichi smiled and said: "We have caused so much trouble to the Sand Ninja, of course they will come to trouble us!"

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed as soon as this sentence came out.

Namikaze Minato immediately said: "Shuichi split the shadow clone and go with me to check the situation, and the others retreat to the north."



Leaving behind a shadow clone, Shuichi Hoshita retreated with Uchiha Shisui and Kurama Sanyo.

On the other side, Namikaze Minato and Shuichi Hoshita's shadow clone met the Sand Ninja team who happened to be searching halfway up the mountain.

"Two bloodline ninjas!"

Minato Namikaze was shocked when he saw Rasa and Yekura.

The Sand Village would collect information about geniuses from other villages, and Konoha was no exception.

And the bloodline limit ninjas are the most eye-catching, especially those who are not inherited from their families.

Rasa is a little older, now 20 years old, and Yekura, who has a hot body and looks mature, is about the same age as Minato Namikaze.

"It seems that this mission will end here..."

Minato Namikaze made a decision in an instant, and at the same time whispered to Hoshita Shuichi about the information of Rasa and Yekura.

One is magnetic escape, the other is burning escape, both are young and powerful jonin.

And Rasa, Yekura and others on the opposite side are also extremely alert, especially when they see that there are only two people, they are even more vigilant.

It is really that the performance of the Minato team in the past two days is too amazing, and they can't help but be on guard.

"Minato Namikaze of Konoha!"

Rosa spoke, his eyes first fell on Minato Namikaze, then looked at Shuichi Hoshita on the side, and finally locked on the handle of the knife exposed on Shuichi Hoshita's waist: "It is really amazing that you can kill a jonin at this age. Although he is an enemy, he is enough to win our respect. I am Rasa, a jonin of Sand Village!"

Shuichi Hoshita: "Shuichi Hoshita, a Chunin of Konoha!"

Rosa stared at Shuichi Hoshita's tender face and said: "I will do my best to kill you. This is my respect for you."

Shuichi Hoshita smiled: "I am not your opponent now, but in ten years, you will not be my opponent."

"Your son and daughter will not be my opponent in the future."

Now, whether it is Minato Namikaze or Luosha and others on the opposite side, they can't help but be stunned.

"Shuichi's angle... is really strange and interesting!"

Minato Namikaze smiled secretly, but his hand had already taken out a Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Luo Sha on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, then his eyes darkened: "You have no future!"

At this time, Ye Cang was already impatient, and he raised his hands, and two red fireballs appeared on his palms: "Let's take them down first!"

As soon as the voice fell, a fireball went straight to Xingxia Xiuyi.

"It's really hot, and he started to fight as soon as he said it!"

After secretly complaining, Xingxia Xiuyi symbolically made two seals, opened his mouth and sprayed fire lines, and the raging fire quickly gathered to form a huge fireball to meet it.


The fireballs collided and exploded, and then the rolling waves of fire separated, and Ye Cang's burning escape fireball went straight to Xingxia Xiuyi.

Xingxia Xiuyi immediately dodged and retreated, relying on his flexible body and superb reaction to dodge continuously.

Seeing this, Ye Cang's second burning escape fireball also flew towards Xingxia Xiuyi.

But at this moment, Minato Namikaze's kunai flew towards Ye Cang.

At the same time, Minato Namikaze's figure disappeared and suddenly appeared in front of the Scorch Release Fireball, pressing the Rasengan in his hand and colliding with the Scorch Release Fireball.


The Scorch Release Fireball exploded.

Ye Cang easily avoided the kunai, and Luo Sha raised his hand and clenched his fist: "I got you..."

Under Minato Namikaze's feet, the iron sand spread upwards.

Luo Sha seemed to have predicted Minato Namikaze's actions and seized this opportunity.

However, just when he was manipulating the iron sand to catch Minato Namikaze, Minato Namikaze disappeared from the spot.

"Be careful!"

A cry of surprise came from behind Ye Cang.

Minato Namikaze appeared behind Ye Cang, grabbed his Flying Thunder God Kunai, and wiped the ninja tool bag with his right hand, and a large number of Flying Thunder God Kunai flew out.

Luo Sha quickly turned back and saw this scene, his pupils dilated: "Those kunai... have the technique of the body-flash technique!"

In the information collected before, there was no technique on the kunai.

And the Sand Ninjas who knew this were all dead.

Just like Hoshita Shuichi, the Sand Ninjas who knew that he didn't need to make a seal to perform the fire escape were also dead.

"Be careful, those kunai have the technique of the body-flash technique!"

Luo Sha opened his mouth to remind, and the Sand Iron also flew over densely, trying to stop Minato Namikaze from attacking Ye Cang from behind.

However, whether it was the jonin who reminded Ye Cang or the Sand Iron, they all failed again.

Minato Namikaze's figure disappeared from the spot again, and then appeared behind a middle-aged Sand Ninja jonin, and the spiral hair in his hand also emerged.

The middle-aged Sand Ninja jonin was already alert and turned around to block with a knife.

The next moment, the Rasengan collided with the blade, and as Minato Namikaze pressed hard, the blade broke apart, and the Rasengan landed on the middle-aged Sand Ninja Jonin, blasting him away.

Rosa's Sand Iron, Ye Cang's Scorching Fireball, and even the attacks of others arrived one after another, but all missed.

However, Rosa's Sand Iron had already lurked under the Flying Thunder God Kunai, and as soon as Minato Namikaze appeared, he launched an attack.

However, it still missed!

"This guy's speed is too fast..."

"It's just like a yellow flash!"

Rosa's face was solemn.

Minato Namikaze's figure flashed again and again, and finally suddenly appeared beside Shuichi Hoshita. A Rasengan blew up Ye Cang's Scorching Fireball, and it collapsed and could never be reunited.

And Rosa's attack was always one step behind, even though he had already made preparations.

The first round of confrontation ended.

Hoshita Shuichi and two others were unharmed, but one Sand Ninja was seriously injured and unconscious.