
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

White Tiger, high temperature rays!

Entering the Death Forest, Xingxia Shuichi and the other three went their separate ways to observe the animals in the forest and look for spiritual ones that are suitable as summoning animals.

Giant python!

Big spider!


There are many kinds of wild animals in the Death Forest, and each one is huge.

After strolling around for a whole morning, everyone gathered at the agreed location near noon and shared the information they had collected.

"Shuiyi, I think this chimpanzee is good. It is powerful, big, and has thick skin and flesh."

"This black wolf is not bad either. It has an agile body, sharp claws and fangs, is very spiritual, and is good at hunting prey. It will be a good helper after training."

"How about a spider? It is highly poisonous and can weave a large web to control the enemy."


Kurama Sanyo was the most enthusiastic and kept introducing the targets he had circled.

On the contrary, Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Shisui did not circle many targets, but the markings were more detailed.

Hideichi Hoshita looked carefully, combined with the results of the three people's observations, and finally locked his eyes on a target.

That was the one selected by Uchiha Shisui.

"Hideichi, do you want this white tiger?"

Uchiha Shisui noticed the look of Hideichi Hoshita.

Hideichi Hoshita nodded: "This young tiger should feel good. It has just left its mother to hunt alone. It must be good for Shisui to say that it has spirituality."

"And the young tiger should be more growth-oriented after being cultivated."

Minato Namikaze immediately decided: "The first impression is very important, so let's go and see the white tiger selected by Shisui first."

The four people set off immediately and followed Uchiha Shisui to the hunting ground of the white tiger cubs. They happened to see the young tiger lying on a stone to bask in the sun.

This white tiger is not completely white, but has circles of black stripes.

Because it is very young, it looks quite naive.

Xueyi Hoshita liked him at first sight and decided immediately: "This is him!"

After saying that, he came to Baihu with a body-flash technique.

Baihu was startled and growled childishly. Just as he was about to stand up, he was held down by Xingxia Xiuyi's head.


Baihu roared and struggled, looking at Xingxia Xiuyi fiercely.

Xueyi Hoshita smiled softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

He pressed his head with one hand and stroked his back with the other.

Baihu couldn't struggle free, so he gave up soon and looked at Xingxia Xiuyi eagerly.

Sure enough, he was quite spiritual.

Xueyi Hoshita liked him more, and then his left hand on Baihu's back showed chakra, and carefully injected it into Baihu's body.


Baihu was startled, but then he found that he was a little comfortable, and he actually squinted his eyes and enjoyed it.

Seeing this, Xingxia Xiuyi smiled, and then took out the secret medicine that he had bought from the Inuzuka clan in advance.

The white tiger smelled the smell and opened his eyes.

"Come, eat it!"

Xingxia Xiuyi brought the pill to the white tiger's mouth.

The white tiger sniffed it carefully again, but didn't dare to eat it.

Xingxia Xiuyi saw it and simply forced it, opened its mouth and stuffed it in.


The white tiger struggled.

Xingxia Xiuyi hugged it directly, letting the pill gradually melt in the white tiger's mouth.

Huh? It seems to taste good?

The white tiger stopped struggling, Xingxia Xiuyi let go of his hand, and then stood up: "From today on, I will call you Xiaobai."

"Hunting well, I will come again!"

After the voice fell, Xingxia Xiuyi's figure disappeared from the white tiger's eyes, making the white tiger look around stupidly.

"Shuiichi, aren't you going to take him back?"

Kurama Sanyo asked when he saw Shuichi Hoshita coming back empty-handed.

Shuichi Hoshita smiled and said, "No, he is more suitable here."

Minato Namikaze nodded and said, "This place is indeed more suitable for cultivating its wildness and ferocity."

"But Shuichi, you have to come here often. If I stay with you for a long time, I will not only be familiar with you, but also be able to get spirituality from you."

Shuichi Hoshita nodded, "I understand!"

After the three of them left the Death Forest, Shuichi Hoshita treated everyone to a barbecue.

Back home, Shuichi Hoshita spread out the ninjutsu scroll he got from Minato Namikaze, which recorded the psychic technique.

Principles, spells, seal sequences, and Minato Namikaze's own practice experience and insights.

Hideichi Hoshita had a photographic memory, but he still read it three times and pondered it carefully before closing the scroll, making hand seals with his hands, and began to familiarize himself with the seals.

Before going to bed at night, he studied the summoning technique.

For summoned beasts, it is necessary to make a summoning scroll to establish a contract.

Of course, this scroll can be purchased, but Hideichi Hoshita, who has a certain attainment in sealing techniques and curses, naturally does not need to waste money to buy it, so he plans to make it himself.

And this requires further research on the summoning technique and understanding it thoroughly.

The next day, the last day of the holiday.

Hideichi Hoshita came to the Ninja School.

Not only him, but also Kakashi, Shizune, Kurenai Yuhi, Asuma Sarutobi, Rin Nohara and others.

Because today is the graduation test day for Might Guy and Uchiha Obito.

Of course, this is not the first time Uchiha Obito has participated in the graduation test.

Not long after, Uchiha Obito walked out dejectedly.

Hoshita Shuichi and Kakashi looked at each other and saw each other's helplessness.

Uchiha Obito's strength is really not weak. He can fight them back and forth with physical skills, and his fire escape is also good now.

But he is not good at clone skills, nor is he good at competitions.

And he often fails at critical moments.

Hoshita Shuichi remembered that the last time Uchiha Obito failed the exam was because he had diarrhea, so he failed the transformation technique.

"If you are more serious, you would have passed the exam a long time ago."

"Also, you were almost late just now!"

Kakashi didn't care about the dejected Uchiha Obito at all, and attacked with poisonous words.

Obito Uchiha, who was originally dejected, immediately became like a fighter who had been injected with chicken blood, and his fists were hard: "Kakashi, you guy... just now, just now was just an accident, and I was not late."

Kakashi said lightly: "But you didn't pass the test."

Uchiha Obito snorted: "Next time, next time I will definitely pass the test!"

Kakashi: "You said the same thing last time."

Uchiha Obito broke his defense: "Kakashi, I want to duel with you!"

Kakashi was about to speak, and Nohara Rin quickly stood between them: "Kakashi!"

Kakashi shut up and turned his head to the side.

Nohara Rin quickly went to pull Uchiha Obito away.

This scene made Hoshita Hideo look very interesting.

"It's out!"

Shizune suddenly reminded.

It's Might Guy who came out.

Just as everyone was about to ask about the situation, Might Guy and Might Dai ran and hugged each other, and then burst into tears.

Instantly, Shuichi Hoshita and others stood there awkwardly.

Looking at the two people's tears, Shuichi Hoshita couldn't help but secretly complain: "Kai and Uncle Dai have well-developed tear glands."

But listening to the conversation between the father and son, it was obviously good news.

At the end of the 7th year, Might Guy graduated from the Ninja School!

December passed quietly, and three days before the New Year, Shuichi Hoshita also officially took a vacation and no longer continued the mission.

But it didn't make much difference to him, he was still so busy.

Go to the Death Forest and Konoha Hospital once a day to exercise, continue to improve the Lotus Step by Step, and think about developing the next Ninjutsu with at least A-level difficulty.

Rasengan, Blue Flame Sky Blade, Fire Style - Buddha's Wrath Lotus, Lotus Steps, these 4 are at least A-level, but there is still one A-level ninjutsu missing from the entry [Originator].

It's a pity that the Fire Style Clone doesn't meet the requirements, and the Eight Diagrams Seal is also not up to the mark.

"How about making the Wind Style Rasenshuriken?"

"Even if it's only 50% completed, the evaluation will be S-level."

On the snow, Shuichi Hoshita, who had just finished sword practice, thought about it.

But in fact, if the Wind Style Rasenshuriken can't be completed 100%, it doesn't have much practical significance for him, even if he has mastered medical ninjutsu such as Yin Healing and Destruction.

"Perhaps it takes a flash of inspiration from the entry [Originator] to completely perfect the Wind Style Rasenshuriken."

After thinking about it, Shuichi Hoshita returned to the Fire Style he is currently best at.

The Lotus Steps belongs to the instant body technique, and the Buddha's wrathful lotus is based on the fire escape clone, which can also be regarded as a close combat.

The other five fire escapes cover medium and long-range attacks.

"But to be honest, even if the temperature of my fire escape can be comparable to the burning escape, the medium and long-range attack ability seems to be just so-so."

Hoshita Shuichi thought: "Water escape and earth escape are easier to block."

"So, develop a fire escape with strong attack ability?"

With this idea, Hoshita Shuichi immediately thought of two ninjutsu.

The second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama's water escape - Water Break Wave, the toad of Myoboku Mountain has also performed a similar technique.

In the battle between the first and second generations of the Impure World Reincarnation and the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen, the second generation's Water Break Wave directly broke through the third generation's earth escape high wall.

And the second ninjutsu was Six Paths Madara's Senjutsu Storm Release - Light Fang, which cut off the black stick that the Six Paths Naruto Seeking Truth Jade had turned into.

"High temperature ray?"

Hoshita Shuichi touched his chin and made a decision.

Develop a fire escape with strong attacking ability, then after that, except for Lotus Steps and Fire Release Chakra Coat, temporarily stop the development of fire escape ninjutsu and shift the focus to swordsmanship and wind escape.

"High temperature ray..."

Hiroshita thought to himself: "In fact, the fireball and other techniques are initially in the form of beams and fire lines when they are ejected from the mouth."

"For ninjas, the farther the chakra is released, the harder it is to control it."

"The fluidity of water is relatively easy to change its shape, while lightning escape, wind escape, and fire escape are all relatively difficult."

"Most fire escapes are spherical, and the dragon shape of the dragon fire technique is not as lifelike as the water dragon bullet."

"This is also closely related to the nature of chakra."

"What's more, it takes a certain amount of time to maintain stability after the shape change."

After careful consideration, Hideichi Hoshita stood up and came to the frozen river.


Hiroshita put his hands together, brewed for a moment, opened his mouth and spit out a blazing white fire line from his mouth.

But this line of fire began to disintegrate and formed a blazing white flame less than 6 meters after extending.

This distance is at most medium distance.

Keep going!

Hashita Shuichi kept trying to extend the attack distance bit by bit.

And this process is actually a process of constantly condensing fire escape, which requires strong chakra control and the ability to change form.

In order to prevent the fire from disintegrating, it is necessary to build a stable form change.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye it was the New Year of Konoha 41.

This year was different from the past. Hoshita Shuichi spent it at home with Yakushi Nono, and went to the orphanage the next day.

On the fourth day of the New Year, Hoshita Shuichi visited Miss Tianyun.

He also met Tianyun's engaged sister for the first time, but now she is only sixteen or seventeen years old, not much older than Namikaze Minato, and her name is Tianna.

After having lunch at Tianyun's house, Tianyun said goodbye and was sent out. Tianyun asked: "Shuiyi, your medical ninjutsu is now very sophisticated. Can you make medical ninjutsu scrolls?"

"Medical ninjutsu scrolls?"

Hiroshita Xiuyi was puzzled.

Tianyun nodded: "Yes, for battlefield first aid."

"It's just rare because the cost-effectiveness is not high. After all, medical ninjutsu often requires fine control, and ninjutsu scrolls are more difficult to meet the requirements."

"But if it is only used for first aid in the absence of medical ninjas, there is no problem, but it will waste some chakra."

Hiroshita Xiuyi laughed and said: "Is it prepared for Sister Tianna's fiancé?"

Tianyun stretched out his hand and touched Xingxia Xiuyi's forehead: "Smart guy!"

Hiroshita Xiuyi patted his chest: "Since it is Tianyun I must do what my sister asks me to do. "

"Leave it to me!"

Tianyun smiled and nodded: "I will have someone send the blank scroll to your home later."


She took out a wooden box and said: "Here, this is the New Year's gift my sister prepared for you."

"You guys have to go on a mission, so you may not be able to make it to your birthday!"

Xingxia Xiuyi immediately took the wooden box with a smile: "Then I won't be polite, thank you!"

After saying that, he leaned forward and kissed Tianyun's forehead, and then used the instant body technique to disappear.

"Stinky brat!"

Tianyun smiled angrily, then touched his forehead, and a blush appeared on his cheeks.


Xingxia Xiuyi, who had taken advantage, stopped at an empty rooftop at this moment, opened the wooden box sent by Tianyun, and saw that there was a thousand-blade inside.

"Is it made of the same material as the Ame-no-Mura sword?"

Hiroshita Hideichi guessed, and when he took it out to try, it really had extremely high chakra permeability.

Holding the Senbon, he suddenly had an idea.

"It seems that the high-temperature rays can be used in conjunction with the Senbon, so that the fire escape chakra can be attached."

"But this doesn't seem to be much different from the Blue Flame Sky Blade."

Hiroshita Hideichi held the Senbon in his mouth and said to himself, "But I can practice with the Senbon first, and then gradually abandon the Senbon."

Suppressing the thought of trying, Hoshita Hideichi bought sake and snacks that Shizune liked to eat and came to the Senju ancestral home. This was an agreement, and naturally he couldn't break his promise.

Shizune opened the door, happily took the gift, and brought Hoshita Hideichi to Tsunade.

After entering the door, Hoshita Hideichi saw Tsunade buried in the scroll, and there were many scrolls scattered on the table and the ground.

And you can tell these scrolls are quite old.

This is the background!

Hiroshita sighed, and then he looked straight at the two peaks on the table.

No, it was Tsunade who was sitting behind the table.

"Lady Tsunade!"

Hiroshita greeted her.

Tsunade looked up, then lowered her head, and said with a little annoyance: "Sit anywhere, or go out and play with Shizune. I don't have time to greet you, a little kid."

This mood is not right!

It seems that there is a problem.

Hiroshita glanced at Shizune, exchanged glances, confirmed his guess, and immediately walked up to sit opposite Tsunade, and said: "Lady Tsunade, why don't you tell me what problems you encounter, maybe I can help."

Tsunade looked up, frowned and said: "You can't help."

Hoshita Hideichi shook his head: "That may not be the case. I am not as good as you, Tsunade-sama, in medical ninjutsu, but I still have some say in the development of ninjutsu."

Tsunade rubbed her forehead and said: "It's not medical ninjutsu, but a technique to control chakra."

Hoshita Hideichi became more excited after hearing this: "Then I can use it even more. The basis of the technique is the spell, which I am also quite good at."

[Seal Expert] This entry also includes curse seals, and the basis of these are spells that are relatively obscure and difficult for ordinary people to understand.