
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Transformation Expert

Small woods.

Hideichi Hoshita and the other two lay side by side on the grass, panting.

There was really no more physical strength left.

However, although his body was exhausted, Hideichi Hoshita's brain was very excited.

Because the activation conditions of the entry [Strong and Strong] were finally met!


In Hideichi Hoshita's mind, the entry [Strong and Strong] was completely lit up, and it was a green entry.

Then Hideichi Hoshita felt a mysterious power surge through his body.

Perhaps because his physical strength had been exhausted, he could clearly feel that his body was recovering rapidly.

Strong and strong, vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%.

Other effects have not been experienced yet, but Hideichi Hoshita felt very happy just by doubling his recovery ability.

However, as his physical strength recovered, hunger quickly swept over him.

I was so hungry!

"It seems that the recovery required is not out of thin air. The term strengthens my own physique…"

Hiroshita Shuichi understood it, and quickly got up to take the lunch box and started eating like crazy.

It was his habit to bring lunch boxes to training. Of course, this lunch box was bought, and there were two of them.

High concentration and high efficiency also mean high consumption.

As I ate, my hunger disappeared. After I finished eating a lunch box, I began to feel warm.

"So fast… With a doubling of recovery power, did my digestion ability also double?"

Hiroshita Shuichi was secretly delighted, but he did not continue to eat the lunch box. Instead, he handed the remaining one to Kakashi.

Because Kakashi came here temporarily, he did not prepare anything.

Might Guy prepared lunch boxes at noon just like Hoshita Shuichi.

"Thank you!"

After thanking him, Kakashi took the lunch box and replenished his energy with Might Guy.

Hideichi Hoshita stood up for a walk.

The effect of recovery is already obvious, and the resistance to injury requires a long period of training to evaluate.

There is also physical talent, which doubles the physical talent.

If the original physical talent is 5, it will become 10.

If your physical talent is 5, how high will Kakashi's be, and how high will Kai be?

At this moment, Hideichi Hoshita can't help but regret that there is no data-based plug-in.

However, according to his impression, if the Eight Gates are not considered, the gap between Kakashi and Kai in physical performance will not be very large.

And Kakashi can only open the third gate of the Eight Gates.

Is this secret technique the high standard for testing a person's physical talent?

Having almost digested it, although he intended to try the effect of improving his physical talent, Shuichi Hoshita still held back.

Too much is as bad as too little, today's training volume is already very large.

The three of them packed up and went home.

When they got home, Shuichi Hoshita washed up first, washed his clothes, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

Because his body told him through hunger that he still needed food to replenish and store energy.

After eating seven-tenths full again, Shuichi Hoshita cleaned up and went to the study.

And the time was 9 o'clock.

The evening study continued.

And this time Shuichi Hoshita's goal was the transformation technique, one of the three body techniques.

After so long since the start of school, teacher Kimura Kyuya finally taught the transformation technique, one of the three body techniques.

Of course, according to the progress of Class 1, all students have been able to refine chakra in a good amount, and teaching ninjutsu is just right.

Entering a state of concentration, Shuichi Hoshita first recalled the three memories of his parents' explanation of the transformation technique and his teacher Kimura Hiroya's explanation of the transformation technique.

Based on the daytime courses, he further comprehended and gave birth to his own understanding and cognition.

After completing this step, Shuichi Hoshita began to get started.

That is, to make a seal and guide the chakra at the same time.

The seal of the transformation technique is naturally very familiar, and the extraction and control of chakra is also very proficient because of the teaching of Yakushi Nono and the usual focused training.

He still has an advantage in this regard.

The third step is to determine the object.

That is, the person who needs to be transformed.

This requires a very familiar understanding of the person who needs to be transformed.

The level of transformation technique is based on the control of chakra, and the key lies in the details.

The person Shuichi Hoshita is most familiar with is undoubtedly Might Guy, who has practiced together for more than three months.

The memory of Might Guy emerged, and with the smoke rising, Shuichi Hoshita on the chair transformed into Might Guy.

Getting up and coming to the mirror in the bathroom, Shuichi Hoshita took a look. His appearance was perfect, but his temperament was a little lacking.

After releasing the ninjutsu, Shuichi Hoshita brewed for a moment, and then formed a seal again to perform the transformation technique.


Might Guy appeared again, and this time his temperament was also in line.

However, Shuichi Hoshita tried the sound, and it was far from it.

This is the mystery of chakra, even the sound can be changed.

After trying three times in a row, Shuichi Hoshita did not find any flaws.


The entry tree moved again, Shuichi Hoshita hurriedly checked, and surprisingly there was another entry leaf.

Entry: Transformation Expert

Acquisition conditions: 100 transformation targets, and meet certain requirements.

Effect: Your keen insight allows you to quickly grasp the characteristics of others, and you can use the technique at your fingertips, even without seals. You can transform into anyone, and even senior ninjas can only see through you through intelligence flaws. Of course, don't encounter chakra-sensing ninjas, especially those with the Sharingan and Byakugan.

Hashita Shuichi was slightly surprised, but also regretful.

Speaking of the transformation techniques of Naruto, the most powerful one should be White Zetsu, who can even simulate the changes of chakra, and the Byakugan and Sharingan cannot recognize it. Chakra perception similar to Kagura's heart eye will also lose its function, and can only be deciphered from intelligence.

This transformation expert is a little bit worse.

But 100 transformation objects are not difficult.

The entire class, plus the companions in the orphanage before, are completely enough.

"This requirement..."

Hashita Shuichi saw that he had completed one of the 100 targets.

That is, the Might Guy he transformed into met the requirements.

"Appearance, demeanor, voice..."

Hideichi Hoshita already had an idea in mind.

Then he couldn't help but think, since the transformation technique can trigger the entry, then the clone technique and substitute technique can also?

Should I learn the clone technique and substitute technique by myself first?

Although Kimura Kyuya didn't teach him, he had the notes left by his parents and the notes left by the pharmacist Nono. With his own learning ability, Hideichi Hoshita felt that this most basic ninjutsu should not be a problem.

The key point of the clone technique is chakra control.

And the most basic clone technique is just a false clone, not a real entity, and the difficulty is far less than the clone technique such as shadow clone and water clone.

And the most basic substitute technique is the timing and prediction.

Because you have to prepare a substitute first.

Of course, the transformation technique is often also the basis.

Turn the substitute into your own appearance.

This is why Kimura Hiroya taught transformation techniques first.

A more advanced substitute technique is to use one's own clone as a substitute.

For example, Orochimaru's earth substitute and Kakashi's lightning clone substitute can also counterattack the opponent when the clone is broken.

Going further up, Hoshita Shuichi thinks that Uchiha Sasuke's sky hand power can also be regarded as a kind of substitute technique.

Just like the Flying Thunder God Technique can be classified as a flash body technique.