
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

The Strongest Kazekage of All Generations!

"This guy is actually proficient in medical ninjutsu..."

  "Lord Ye Cang knows him..."

  "It was the previous River Country mission. This kid is very powerful. Don't be careless!"

  "Is Lord Kazekage really coming over?"

  "Can we launch a surprise attack, smoke bombs, illusions together, just buy a few seconds."

  "Absolutely don't do that, he's very fast!"

  The one who explained was Ma Tai, who had also fought with Hoshita Shuichi, and he was also Maki's father.

  At this moment, Maki was stunned. A person who was not much different from himself was actually a difficult person in his father's mouth!

  "This guy..."

  Maki stared at Hoshita Shuichi inconspicuously among a group of Sand Ninjas. He wanted to remember this person, this guy who played with his companions at will. In the future, he will definitely surpass this person, in the same way...

  Maki clenched his fists and swore secretly.


  Hoshita Shuichi didn't pay attention to Maki. What did Ye Cang want Maki?

  "Ye Cang, I haven't seen you for a few years. You have become more beautiful!"

  Xingxia Xiuyi let himself go. After all, he was just a shadow clone

  . Ye Cang was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned cold.

  Is this kid teasing him?

  "You should think about how to end it?"

  Ye Cang said coldly.

  Hideichi Hoshita didn't care at all, since he wasn't the one worrying about it anyway: "It's very simple, I get what I want, and that's it."

  Ye Cang frowned: "Are you really not afraid of triggering a war between the two countries and being punished by Konoha?"

  Hideichi Hoshita said disdainfully: "War will break out now?"

  "Then the war will break out sooner or later."

  "Also, Ye Cang, don't always talk about war, otherwise it's easy to lose respect for war."

  "War has always been a very terrifying thing..."

  A Sand Ninja couldn't help but said angrily: "In that case, why did you do such a thing?"

  "Release them immediately, and we can let you leave safely!"

  Hideichi Hoshita spread his hands and said: "Sorry, I'm just a shadow clone."


  Looking at Ye Cang, Hideichi Hoshita smiled playfully: "Rosa should take people to chase my original body, right?"

  It's not like the Sand Ninja has no perception ninja.

  Ye Cang snorted: "Since you know, you should understand that this is the Kingdom of Wind, and you can't escape!"

  Hideichi Hoshita's eyes fixed, and then smiled: "Then wait and see... Here it comes!"

  The Third Kazekage is here!

  "Lord Kazekage!"


  Accompanied by a respectful voice, the crowd parted, and the Third Kazekage, who was known as the strongest Kazekage of all time, came over.

  "Hoshita Shuichi...Is it me you want to see?"

  The Third Kazekage looked at Hoshita Shuichi.

  Hoshita Hide nodded: "Third Kazekage, you should know my purpose, right?"

  The Third Kazekage was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "So that's the case, I didn't expect... what is your relationship with him?"

  Hoshita Hideichi sighed to himself, and said: "I am a good friend of his son, and he has also taught me swordsmanship, he is my elder."

  "I see."

  The Third Kazekage nodded, and then said directly: "Yes, you have indeed found the right person."

  "Konoha White Fang, Hatake Sakumo was indeed killed by me."

  "However, as a ninja, you should have had this awareness a long time ago!"

  Hoshita Hide nodded slightly with an expressionless face: "Of course."

  "Then, Your Excellency the Third Kazekage, are you ready for this awareness?"

  The Third Kazekage's eyes instantly became sharp: "Oh?"

  "You want to assassinate me?"

  "Although I have to admit that you are very good, most ninjas in the ninja world at your age find it difficult to achieve your achievements, including me."

  "But, you are not enough!"

  Hoshita Hide nodded: "Having said that, who can know if you don't try?"

  "Your Excellency Kazekage, don't you mind my challenge?"

  The Third Kazekage said, "Young man, I admire your courage and I can help you."

  "But the premise is to let them go!"

  Hoshita Shuichi retreated and said, "Of course."

  Ye Cang waved his hand immediately, and several Sand Ninjas immediately stepped forward to rescue the man.

  Ma Tai checked and was surprised: "He is also good at sealing techniques. Send him back to the village immediately and let the sealing team handle it!"

  In front, after seeing his subordinates being rescued, the Third Kazekage raised his hand and made a shadow clone, saying, "This is your shadow clone... In this case, I will also use a shadow clone!"

  The Third Kazekage was still very graceful.

  However, Hoshita Shuichi couldn't help but secretly complain when he saw it.

  The Red Sand Scorpion will not kill you like this in the future, right?

  But it doesn't matter.

  This is a good opportunity, even if it is a shadow clone.

  Let's see the strength of the shadow!

  Hoshita Shuichi's eyes were fixed, and his concentration was maximized.


  The Anbu Tachi on his back and the Ame-no-Mura sword inserted in his waist were all pulled out.


  Blue electric current appeared on his body.


  The stone and sand under his feet exploded.

  All this was done in an instant. At the moment when the two swords were pulled out, Xingxia Shuichi was covered with electric light, and the lotus under his feet bloomed, and his body shot out.

  "So fast!"

  Ma Tai's pupils dilated: "This guy... is much faster than before, there is no way to keep up."

  Ye Cang on the other side also showed a look of shock.

  Even the Third Kazekage was a little surprised: "This speed is not much worse than Konoha White Fang."

  In front.

  The shadow clone of the Third Kazekage did not need to make a seal. Iron sand emerged, like raindrops, and shot towards Shuichi Hoshita.

  However, Shuichi Hoshita, who was rushing, was like a dry land pulling onions. The whole person suddenly soared into the sky, and five or six blazing white fireballs fell on his head.

  Ye Cang looked at it and couldn't help but change his color: "This guy's fire escape... is comparable to my burning escape, how is this possible?"


  One by one, the fireballs exploded, but they were all blocked by the shield formed by iron sand.

  However, Shuichi Hoshita, who was wrapped in lightning, also appeared behind the shadow clone of the Third Kazekage. The blue Tianmu sword cut the iron sand, and the katana pierced the back of the shadow clone of the Third Kazekage.

  But at the critical moment, the iron sand on the back of the shadow clone of the Third Kazekage gathered and condensed, and even the katana that also used the blue flame sky blade pierced but did not pierce.

  And then the thousand books formed by iron sand were shot.

  Shuichi Hoshita disappeared immediately, and then attacked from other directions.

  At this time, the Sand Ninjas such as Ye Cang and Ma Tai who were watching the battle were already stunned.

  This speed was too fast!

  They could only capture the figure of Shuichi Hoshita at the moment when he attacked, and at other times they could only see lightning and afterimages.

  "This guy... has grown too fast."

  Ma Tai was sweating coldly.

  If he met such an opponent, he would have to use large-scale ninjutsu from a medium or long distance. Once he got close, he would probably not be able to take a single move and would be killed.

  "This strength has exceeded that of an ordinary jonin."

  Ma Tai made an assessment.

  On the other side, Ye Cang couldn't help sweating on his back, and his eyes were fully focused on catching Shuichi Hoshita's figure: "With such an attack, I'm afraid I can only take a defensive stance, and I can't counterattack at the same time like the Third Kazekage."

  "This guy's fire escape is actually hotter than my burning escape, it's simply... a freak!"

  The Third Kazekage looked at the battle in front of him, and his eyes also changed.

  He had to admit that he underestimated this kid from Konoha Village.

  Moreover, the 30 million bounty offered by the Rock Village also underestimated this guy.

  "I didn't expect that after the death of Konoha White Fang, a guy with more potential than Konoha White Fang appeared."

  The third Kazekage wanted to kill him at this moment.

  But unfortunately, there was only a shadow clone here.

  Then he secretly rejoiced: "Fortunately, it was Luo Sha who led the team to chase, otherwise..."

  At this moment, Shuichi Hoshita was also surprised at how difficult it was to beat the third Kazekage.

  This guy's sand iron defense is very strong. Because it is a blood limit, he does not need to make a seal, and his attack speed is also fast. Moreover, the coverage area is very wide and can be very dense, which greatly limits his speed.

  Although he has not used the Flame Dragon Breath, Fire Hell Lotus, Wind Style Rasenshuriken, and Wind and Fire Light Wheel Rasenshuriken yet, if he does not open a gap in the defense of the third Kazekage, even if the main body is in the wind style chakra mode, there is no way to use these ninjutsu to directly break the defense.

  Moreover, if the main body is against the main body, the third Kazekage will probably keep a distance to give himself more reaction time.     "As expected of the strongest Kazekage of all generations..."

  Shuichi Hoshita saw how powerful this level of Kage was.

  It was also a magnetic escape, but the Luosha he met before was not at this level at all.

  However, after so many years, Luosha must have made a lot of progress, but I don't know if he has developed his own gold sand system.

  The continuous attacks caused the chakra to be consumed very quickly. Seeing that he could not break through the defense of the third-generation Kazekage's shadow clone, Shuichi Hoshita suddenly retreated and then inserted his two swords into the ground.

  Fire Hell Lotus, open!

  The earth cracked, and two cracks spread rapidly, surrounding the third-generation Kazekage's shadow clone. Then, a stream of fire spewed out from the cracks, and then quickly bloomed like a lotus.

  However, due to the chakra, the flames this time were only orange-red.

  But at the same time, it also integrated the power of wind escape.

  So when the lotus bloomed and exploded, it was not an ordinary flame shock wave, but a fire knife carrying petals.

  However, when Shuichi Hoshita performed this move, the shadow clone of the third-generation Kazekage had already begun to arrange defenses, and the sand iron under his feet spread out, so that the erupting flames did not cover him.

  The surrounding iron sand also formed a circle of defense, and there was even air condensation of iron sand to form a huge square iron block to bombard the blooming fire lotus, so that a terrible closed explosion space was not formed.

  This made it impossible to turn the entire area into a flame that was completely covered by oxygen.

  Otherwise, the iron sand defense of the third generation of Kazekage's shadow clone could isolate the explosion damage, but without oxygen, the hot air would also hurt him. He

  is worthy of being the third generation of Kazekage!

  Xingxia Xiuyi sighed secretly, and then stood up: "Your Excellency Kazekage, I have learned a lot..."

  After saying that, his figure exploded into a cloud of smoke with a bang.

  The third generation of Kazekage also released the shadow clone, and immediately said to Ye Cang and others: "If you encounter him in future missions, you can give up!"

  Many sand ninjas changed their colors, but they couldn't speak.

  With such strength, they really couldn't stand it alone.

  After agreeing, Ye Cang said: "Lord Kazekage, Luo Sha's side..."

  The third generation of Kazekage shook his head: "It's too late, but Luo Sha has the same style as me, there will be no problem."


  However, what was beyond the expectations of the third generation of Kazekage and Ye Cang was.

  At this moment, Luo Sha and others who were tracking the body of Shuichi Hoshita did not catch up with him.

  Although they brought a sensing ninja, they were out of range.

  And on the ground, there was no trace of Shuichi Hoshita left at all.

  Although he was unwilling, Luo Sha had to admit that he had completely lost him.

  "What a difficult guy..."

  Luo Sha frowned.

  "Captain, what should we do now?"

  asked a sand ninja.

  There was no trace at all, and there was no way to track him.

  Luo Sha could only say: "Mission failed, retreat!"


  Under the night sky, Shuichi Hoshita landed on the edge of a small oasis, and crows were drinking water not far away.

  Pointing at the ground, sensing for a moment, Shuichi Hoshita smiled: "It seems to retreat..."

  Sitting on the ground, he took out the seal scroll and took out the soldier's ration pills and salt sugar water to replenish his physical strength. When Shuichi Hoshita just put away the seal scroll, the memory of the shadow clone came back.

  "I actually fought with the Third Kazekage, although it was just a shadow clone..."

  Shuichi Hoshita was surprised. He didn't want to fight with the Third Kazekage before he left.

  But the shadow clone's performance was indeed great.

  "The Kazekage is indeed very strong, with both offensive and defensive capabilities, and is very strong in both single and group kills."

  "His attack speed is not slow, and he can often perform saturation attacks."

  "If the Red Sand Scorpion wants to kill him with a puppet, I'm afraid the only way to succeed is to sneak attack him, and use poison."

  "After all, iron sand can restrain puppets..."

  After reading the memory of the shadow clone, Shuichi Hoshita frowned: "Senior Sakumo was killed by the Third Kazekage... The Third Kazekage should not lie, but this is probably not all the information."

  "Could that puppeteer be..."

  Shuichi Hoshita was surprised: "The Red Sand Scorpion?"

  The Third Kazekage teamed up with the Red Sand Scorpion?

  Is it possible?

  Shuichi Hoshita thought carefully: "I remember Chiyo said that Scorpion had tried to assassinate the Third Kazekage three times, but all of them failed."

  "Then he should have left the Sand Village by now... This guy should be about four or five years older than Kakashi and me, and about the same age as Shinnosuke. He is about fourteen or fifteen years old now..."

  "Scorpion's motive for assassinating the Kazekage was for the puppet, because of the death of his parents. After all, his parents died in the Second Ninja World War, when the Third Kazekage was in power, and the White Fang of Konoha, who killed his parents, died before he grew up."

  Shuichi Hoshita took a deep breath secretly: "So, I changed the fate of the White Fang of Konoha, and also changed Scorpion?"

  "So has Scorpion left the Sand Village now?"

  Thinking of this, Shuichi Hoshita couldn't help but think: "Should I sneak into the Sand Village again and find out about the Red Sand Scorpion?"

  "Forget it..."

  Shuichi Hoshita quickly gave up the idea of ​​sneaking into the Sand Village again.

  The Sand Village must be very alert now, too dangerous, even for shadow clones.

  "You don't have to go to the Sand Village in person to get information about the Red Sand Scorpion. Konoha should have spies as well. It shouldn't be a problem to get information about the Red Sand Scorpion."

  Shuichi Hoshita had rested enough, and he immediately got up and went to the meeting place agreed upon with Minato Namikaze and his friends.


  The next morning, on a hill on the border between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of River, Shuichi Hoshita, who had rested for two hours, suddenly opened his eyes.

  It's finally here!

  Soon, Minato Namikaze and his party appeared in Shuichi Hoshita's sight, and he immediately jumped down the hill.

  Seeing Shuichi Hoshita intact, Minato Namikaze was completely relieved.

  And Uchiha Obito couldn't wait to ask, "Shuichi, how are you doing? We didn't find any useful information at all!"

  Shuichi Hoshita nodded silently, and then looked at Kakashi.

  Nohara Rin looked at Kakashi with a worried look.

  Kakashi's emotions had stabilized. He looked at Hoshita Hide and said, "This is the awareness that a ninja should have. I am ready."

  Hoshita Hide said, "Sakumo-senpai has died in battle. I learned this from the Third Kazekage."

  The Third Kazekage!

  Everyone was shocked.

  Namikaze Minato said in a deep voice, "The strongest Kazekage of all generations, with the magnetic escaping bloodline limit and the ability to manipulate iron sand, is indeed capable of taking down Sakumo-senpai." Aburame Shizu sighed

  , "I didn't expect the Third Kazekage to personally take action!"

  Among the Kages of each village, it is estimated that only the Thunder Kage of the Cloud Ninja took action more often. The Kages of other villages rarely took action when they were in office.

  After all, the Kage represents the highest combat power of a village. If even the Kage has to take action, how critical must it be?

  At this time, Kakashi was stunned, and tears silently flowed from his eyes.

  Although he had long been mentally prepared for his father's death in battle, he couldn't help it when he got the exact news.


  Nohara Rin was full of worry, but she didn't know how to start.

  Uchiha Obito, who often quarreled with Kakashi, was a little overwhelmed when he saw Kakashi like this. It was

  the first time for him to see the arrogant Kakashi like this.

  It was also the first time for him to see the usually aloof Kakashi so anxious.

  He didn't know why, but he was very annoyed at the moment, and felt a feeling of powerlessness he had never felt before!

  Looking at Kakashi, then at Namikaze Minato and the others, Uchiha Obito didn't like this silent atmosphere and couldn't help but say, "Since... since we know who the murderer is, can we go and get revenge?"


  Aburame Shiwei and Inuzuka Jaw looked at each other and were both speechless.

  Namikaze Minato patted Uchiha Obito on the shoulder and said, "It's not that simple. He is the Kage of the Sand Village."

  "It is too difficult to sneak into the Sand Village and kill the Kage of a village."

  "And even if the Third Kazekage leaves the village, he will have guards around him."

  "Such a person cannot be dealt with by one or two teams."

  Shuichi Hoshita looked at Kakashi and said, "Kakashi, there is one more piece of information."

  Kakashi immediately wiped his tears and looked at Shuichi Hoshita.

  Shuichi Hoshita then continued: "I sneaked into the Sand Village and collected the whereabouts of the Third Kazekage for nearly a month, especially whether he had been out with Chiyo, but the intelligence shows that he had not."

  "Most of the time, he only took his own guard team to the Wind Country."

  Namikaze Minato listened and said: "In other words, the puppeteer with the Third Kazekage is not Chiyo."

  "But this is not surprising. With the Third Kazekage here, the puppeteer is not that important."

  "There is more than one Jonin-level puppeteer in the Sand Village."

  Shuichi Hoshita nodded: "Teacher Minato is right, but the key lies in the body of Senior Sakumo."

  "I think the Third Kazekage is hiding something."

  Uchiha Obito listened and said quickly: "Can we... can we get Senior Sakumo's body back from the Sand Village?"

  Shuichi Hoshita shook his head: "There is no possibility, and I guess the body is not in the Sand Village."

  Several people were a little confused after hearing this. Uchiha Obito asked: "Shuichi, what exactly do you mean?"

  And Namikaze Minato asked: "Shuichi, how did you get the information from the Third Kazekage?"