
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

The revelation of the eight-tailed beast, the temptation of the snake aunt!

After leaving the cemetery, Shuichi Hoshita and Asuka came to Konoha Hospital together.

After a morning of saving lives and healing the wounded, Shuichi Hoshita has completely gotten rid of the influence of Akimichi Shigeiwa's death.

After lunch, Shuichi Hoshita brought the medical scroll to Orochimaru's experimental base.

However, Orochimaru was not here, and Shuichi Hoshita was not surprised.

Orochimaru also had to perform a mission.

Find out the experimental data when he was away and go through it first. After having a clear idea in mind, Shuichi Hoshita opened the scroll he brought, then unsealed it, took out a total of three pieces of four-tail meat that were at least the size of a human head that Sarutobi Shinnosuke had collected for him before, and then found a glass jar, prepared the potion, and stored it first.

Then he used instruments to observe the cells of the four-tail.

"It's amazing!"

"It's been out of the body for so long, but its activity is still so strong."

Hashita Shuichi was secretly surprised.

Next, he observed and analyzed the DNA of the four-tailed beast, and then compared it with the DNA of monkeys.

"It's closest to gibbons..."

Hashita Shuichi recorded silently, and then continued with one observation or small experiment after another.

These are actually imitating the process of Orochimaru's research on the eight-tailed cells.

Time passed little by little, and it was night before he knew it.

Orochimaru appeared at the experimental base, and after seeing the four-tailed meat in the glass jar, he smiled and said, "Although I already knew the news, I still couldn't help but marvel at Shuichi-kun's excellence after seeing the spoils."

Hideichi Hoshita said without looking back, "Lord Orochimaru, if you have time to marvel, you might as well get into the experiment quickly."

"Although the tailed beasts have something in common, they are also very different. At least the power they show is very different."

"Doesn't Lord Orochimaru want to study Lava Release?"

Orochimaru smiled and said, "Of course!"

"The Sand Village inherited the Magnetic Release through studying the One-tail."

As he spoke, Orochimaru quickly made preparations, and then he and Shuichi Hoshita got busy.

Orochimaru had experience in studying the Eight-tailed, so he was good at dealing with the Four-tailed, and Shuichi Hoshita soon became the one who helped.

But he also enjoyed it.

Now Orochimaru is his experience bag.

In the blink of an eye, it was 9 o'clock in the evening, and Shuichi Hoshita left the experimental base to go home.

The next day, apart from the most basic physical exercise and physical training that shadow clones could not replace, he spent most of his time in the experimental base.

Practicing ninjutsu, and even learning sealing techniques from Kushina Uzumaki, all used shadow clones or crow clones.

The days in the laboratory were boring.

But every time there was a discovery, it was exciting and thrilling.

Shuichi Hoshita gradually liked this feeling, so much so that he even forgot about the big eater competition.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and November was about to end.

In the experimental base, Shuichi Hoshita, who was doing cell culture, was suddenly stunned.

There was movement in the entry tree!

Shuichi Hoshita took a look and found that the conditions for lighting up the entry [Substitute Expert] had been met without him noticing.

This entry is closely related to [Clone Expert].

Except for the most basic Substitute Technique, the others are basically related to the Clone Technique.

For example, Earth Substitute, Water Substitute... If you master various clone techniques, then the Substitute Technique can be quickly taken down.

On the contrary, for [Instantaneous Body Expert], Konoha has Water Instantaneous Body, but not Lightning Instantaneous Body, Earth Instantaneous Body, etc.

So Shuichi Hoshita put more energy into it.

However, looking at the entry [Substitute Expert] at this moment, Shuichi Hoshita thought of the Eight-Tails.

He remembered that when Killer Bee was in the duel with Uchiha Sasuke and Amaterasu, he used a tentacle to turn into a clone, replacing the original body and letting Uchiha Sasuke capture it.

At that time, Uchiha Sasuke had a Mangekyō, but he didn't see through it.

"This can actually be a good research point."

Thinking of Shuichi Hoshita, he lit up the entry [Substitute Expert].

Stand talent increased by 100%, and no substitute can be used.


Hashita Hideichi, who had just lit up [Stand Expert], found two more unlit leaves on the entry tree.

Hashita Hideichi checked immediately.

Entry: [Stand Master]

Obtaining conditions: Create a substitute technique similar to the Eight-Tails by studying the Eight-Tails.

Effect: Stand talent increased by 100%, and strengthening a designated body part can increase it by 100%. There is nothing in the world that cannot be used as a stand; as a stand master, others playing stand in front of you is just a trick, and you can see through it at a glance.

Hashita Hideichi was shocked when he looked at the information on the entry leaves.

Strengthening a designated body part can increase it by 100%, hiss! This is a bit awesome!

It's a pity that you can only choose one part.

Look at the second entry.

Term: [Master of Clone]

Acquisition conditions: Through studying the Eight-Tails, you can create a clone technique similar to the Eight-Tails using its tentacles to create clones.

‐‐Effect: Increase your mental power by 100%. There is nothing in the world that cannot be used for clones. As a master of clones, you can also see through any clone technique.

‐‐Hideichi Hoshita was very surprised: "It was all triggered by the Eight-Tails. It's really confusing."

‐‐He thought that he could trigger the [Master of Clone] term by developing the Crow Clone, but it didn't.

‐‐"Use a part of your body to perform the clone technique for a substitute..."

‐‐Hideichi Hoshita was thinking deeply until he was awakened by the appearance of Orochimaru.

‐‐"Are you having a problem?"

‐‐Orochimaru asked with concern.

‐‐Hideichi Hoshita smiled and said, "No, it's just that an interesting idea suddenly came to me."

‐‐Orochimaru was very impressed: "What a vibrant age!"

Hiroshita Hideichi complimented, "Lord Orochimaru, your brain is still very young."

Orochimaru did not comment, and asked, "What do you think about the four-tailed cells?"

"For example, catch some monkeys to do experiments?"

Hiroshita Hideichi thought for a while and asked, "I read the experimental records. When Lord Orochimaru was studying the eight-tailed beast, he also used various animals with similar DNA to do experiments, but without exception, they could not withstand it."

Orochimaru nodded, "Yes, the tailed beast is too Powerful, just like..."

He paused and continued: "Even ninjas find it difficult to withstand the power and evil of tailed beasts, and ordinary animals are indeed more difficult."

"Unless the best are selected and continuously optimized to be trained into summoned beasts, there may be some possibility of integrating the power of tailed beasts."

After hearing this, Shuichi Hoshita said: "In this case, there is no need to do such experiments."

Orochimaru smiled and said: "But there is still a certain probability, Shuichi-kun, are you really not going to try?"

Shuichi Hoshita shook his head firmly: "Orochi Lord Orochimaru, since this direction is very slim, I think it is better to change another direction. "


Orochimaru immediately gave up persuading him and said with great interest: "It seems that Shuichi-kun has gained something else?"

Hiroshita Shuichi smiled and said: "It is just an idea at present, but I have a request, and I hope Lord Orochimaru can agree to it."

Orochimaru asked: "Do you want the cells of the Eight-Tails?"

Hiroshita Shuichi nodded: "Yes, in exchange, I will only keep a part of the meat of the Four-Tails as a solid "I have already told the Third Hokage about this matter. The experiment this time is mainly for you, so it is natural for you to handle the Four-Tails meat." Orochimaru smiled meaningfully and said, "It seems that Shuichi-kun has been prepared for a long time." Hoshita Shuichi spread his hands: "After all, it is the Eight-Tails. I have fought with the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki." "I agree to this deal." Orochimaru agreed immediately. He did need the cells of the Four-Tails to take to other experimental bases for some other experiments. The deal was reached. However, he was interrupted today, so Shuichi Hoshita simply ended the experimental research temporarily and left the experimental base. Walking in the bustling night market of Konoha, Shuichi Hoshita thought about Orochimaru's suggestion to him just now: "Is this leading me to human experiments step by step?"

"First animal experiments, then human bodies..."

Shuichi Hoshita is not against animal experiments, he is not a saint.

It is very normal to use various animals such as mice and monkeys for experiments, and it does not violate human ethics.

But human experiments, especially unrestrained human experiments, are undoubtedly cruel.

"However, the road of animal experiments is dim, so we have to study Lava Release from another angle."

Shuichi Hoshita thought secretly: "Either cultivate a small four-tailed beast to obtain Lava Release Chakra to study Chakra."

"Or learn from Kinkaku and Ginkaku."

Kumugin's Kinkaku and Ginkaku ate the flesh and blood of the Nine-Tails, thus obtaining the Nine-Tails' chakra. The most important thing is that they still endured it.

But it is estimated that the blood of these two guys is also not simple, just look at the way they look.

It is not unreasonable that the Second Hokage was killed by them with elite troops. After all, when the Second Hokage did not plan to escape, any accidents were possible in the battle.

Thinking that Hoshita Shuichi had unknowingly arrived at the Konoha Hospital, he immediately gathered his thoughts and walked in.


Seeing Shuichi Hoshita, Shizune was startled at first, then overjoyed: "Shuichi, you're here like this?"

Shuichi Hoshita smiled and greeted him: "Come to see you guys."

"Why are you still in the hospital so late?"

Shizune smiled and said: "Tsunade-sama is still in the hospital doing research with Senior Nono!"

Shuichi Hoshita suddenly realized, then pulled Shizune and said with a smile: "Then let's go and see!"

Shizune nodded quickly: "Yeah!"

The two of them immediately walked to Tsunade's office, and sure enough, they saw Tsunade and Pharmacist Nono in the office, frowning and thinking over a scroll.

Shuichi Hoshita pushed the door open.

Tsunade heard the voice and said impatiently: "I've told you, don't bother me unless it's something important!"

What a bad temper!

Shuichi Hoshita secretly complained, completely forgetting how respectful he was when he needed someone.


Yoshi Nono smiled as soon as he saw Hoshita Shuichi.

Tsunade turned around and said, "Finally, I'm willing to come out of Orochimaru's laboratory."

Hooichi Hoshita didn't care about Tsunade's attitude and smiled, "Of course, Tsunade-sama is the first in my heart, and Orochimaru-sama should be ranked behind."

Tsunade felt much better after hearing this, but her face was still unhappy. She snorted, "Slippery tongue."

Hooichi Hoshita pretended not to hear it and walked forward to look at the talismans and rituals on the scroll: "Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Yoshi Nono nodded: "The ritual must be accurate to every cell. This is too difficult and the mental pressure is too great."

Hooichi Hoshita agreed with what he heard.

When he obtained the [Perception Expert] before, his mental will was improved. This time, he was able to refine chakra to the level of every cell.

Before that, his physique had been improved several times, and his thinking speed, nerve reaction speed, memory, and chakra control had been greatly improved.

These are more or less related to the spirit and the extraction of chakra.

The technique developed now is more bidirectional, accurate to the extraction of chakra in a single cell, and accurate to the control of chakra in a single cell.

In addition, there is chakra allocation.

To put it simply, the technique developed by Tsunade now needs to establish a dual channel between the Yin Seal and each of its own cells.

One is to extract chakra into the Yin Seal, and the other is for the chakra of the Yin Seal to reach each cell, which is specially prepared for medical ninjutsu.

Because the purpose is to quickly heal any part of the body without seal when it is seriously injured, it is necessary to establish a separate high-speed channel.

Hiroshita Shuichi asked himself that he could not do it now.

Controlling and allocating chakra is much more difficult than simply refining chakra.