
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

The first battle in the true sense!

Shuichi Hoshita didn't care about the enemies on both sides, but rushed forward and joined forces with Uchiha Shisui, slashing the neck of the enemy who was fighting with Uchiha Shisui with one knife.

Then the two of them spared no chakra, bursting out from under their feet, and exerted the instant body technique to the extreme.

And this is Uchiha Shisui's strength. He is also faster than Shuichi Hoshita. He caught up with the two enemies in a few seconds. The clanging sound of metal and iron immediately echoed in the mountains and forests.

Shuichi Hoshita was a little slower. When he stopped the two enemies, he had a kunai in his left hand, a chakra knife in his right hand, and a senbon in his mouth.

"Little devil, get out!"

"You are in the way, go to hell!"

The enemy dressed as a wandering ninja shouted with a ferocious face, holding a katana and killing Shuichi Hoshita.

Hideichi Hoshita also rushed forward, and in his eyes, the movements of the two enemies slowed down rapidly.



"Ah, my eyes!"

Three voices sounded almost at the same time. Hideichi Hoshita dodged a knife and blocked a knife with a kunai. At the same time, his Ame-no-Mura sword cut open one person's neck, and the Senbon spit out of his mouth penetrated into the eyes of another enemy.

With his right hand, Hideichi Hoshita turned around and chased.

At the same time, he swallowed another Bingliang pill and took a Senbon and held it again.

If it were someone else, taking Bingliang pills during the battle would obviously not have much effect.

But Hideichi Hoshita has the [Strong] entry, and his body's recovery ability has been increased by 1 times, which gives him a more amazing digestion ability.

Without sparing his physical strength and chakra, Hideichi Hoshita soon saw the back of the enemy.

At the same time, Shindo Katsu and others in front were also surprised.

A little brat, Konoha's Genin, actually caught up with us?

Although they are not the elite of the ninja village, but just one of the many small ninja organizations in the Land of Rain, they are also experienced.

Looking at the age of Shuichi Hoshita and the others, they are probably just graduated.

The genius of Konoha?

The thought flashed through Shindo Katsu, and he immediately ordered: "Leave two people to stop the brat, and the others speed up!"


The five ninjas behind took the order, and then the two who were left at the end stopped, and then turned around and pounced on Shuichi Hoshita.

Swish, swish, swish!

The shuriken kunai broke through the air.

Shuichi Hoshita easily blocked them, and when he was about to fight hand-to-hand, he spit out a thousand bons from his mouth.

"You underestimate me too much!"

The bearded man who was targeted by the bons sneered, and just tilted his head, he dodged the bons.

But when Xingxia Xiuyi opened his mouth, another line of fire sprayed out.

Fire escape - Flame bomb!

The distance was close and it was extremely abrupt. Xingxia Xiuyi had no free hands, and there was no sign of seals. He didn't even think of releasing ninjutsu. The bearded man was hit in the face by a flame bomb without any reaction. The whole person was blown away, and he didn't even have time to scream.

The other man was shocked at first, then happy, and took the opportunity to attack Xingxia Xiuyi with a knife.

He believed that this quick blow, the knife he had been swinging for ten years, this kid must not be able to dodge.

However, in Xingxia Xiuyi's eyes, this knife was very slow.

He lowered his body and supported himself with his arms, and kicked hard with his legs, hitting the enemy's abdomen and kicking him out.

Xueyi Xingxia then turned over and jumped up, and the kunai in his left hand had been thrown out.

However, this man was quite powerful. He could endure the severe pain and swing his sword to chop the kunai away. Then his body fell to the ground, rolled a few times and jumped up.

But at this moment, Shuichi Hoshita came and threw his still short body into the enemy's arms. The Amamushi sword in his hand stabbed at high speed, then lifted it up and cut open his belly.

The enemy fell to the ground, but Shuichi Hoshita used his feet to take off into the air with the enemy's body and chased forward without stopping.

The human blood was warm and smelled fishy.

Shuichi Hoshita didn't bother to wipe the blood splashed on his face. He took a new Senbon and held a kunai in his left hand again.

At this time, Uchiha Shisui caught up and quickly passed Shuichi Hoshita.

By the time Shuichi Hoshita caught up, Uchiha Shisui had already stopped the four people led by Shindo Katsu, but he was defeated by the four people and had two scars on his body.

Shuichi Hoshita immediately threw the kunai in his hand and went straight for the strongest Shindo Katsu.

Then he wiped his left hand from the ninja tool bag, and three shurikens flew out at the same time he opened his mouth and spit, and flames flew out and stained the three shurikens.

Fire escape-Phoenix Fire Technique!

Shindo Katsu easily avoided Shuichi Hoshita's kunai, and it did not affect his attack on Uchiha Shisui.

But the other three had to dodge when facing Shuichi Hoshita's Phoenix Fire Technique.

Although Shuichi Hoshita did not know how to play tricks in throwing ninja tools, his talent for using ninja tools has increased by times, and with the blessing of dynamic vision, his accuracy has been greatly improved.

Although it still failed in the end, Uchiha Shisui's siege had been lifted.

Seeing this, Xin Duosheng retreated.

Hoshita Shuichi also joined Uchiha Shisui, stood side by side, and asked with a heavy breath: "Are you okay?"

Uchiha Shisui shook his head: "It's just a minor injury!"

Xin Duosheng's eyes fell on Hoshita Shuichi, and he thought to himself: "It seems that this kid's physical strength has been almost consumed, so let's kill him first!"

"No, kill both of these kids!"


Xin Duosheng casually threw a shuriken at Hoshita Shuichi and shouted: "Go!"

The three rushed forward, and Xin Duosheng saw Uchiha Shisui making a seal, and immediately knew that he was going to release the fire escape ninjutsu, and immediately inserted the sword into the ground and quickly made a seal.

Water escape-water formation wall!

The water curtain was across the three ninjas rushing forward.

However, Uchiha Shisui seemed to be a beat slower, and the Great Fireball Technique was not performed.

"Cunning brat!"

He was actually tricked into a ninjutsu, Shindo Katsu secretly angered, but just when he was about to withdraw the water curtain, Hoshita Shuichi threw out three ninja tools in succession.

The first one was a shuriken, the second one was a grenade, and the third one was a kunai.

The three were connected in a line, and the distance between them was very small, so that the speed of the grenade and shuriken behind did not decrease much after passing through the water curtain.

"Smart brat, but such a trick is useless to me!"

Shindo Katsu secretly sneered.

The brat thought that by forcing him to withdraw the water escape, the Uchiha brat could use the fire escape.

That was underestimating him too much!

Maintaining the water escape ninjutsu, Shindo Katsu kicked the katana in front of him, and the katana flew up, hitting the kunai accurately and knocking it away.

And the shuriken in the front fell before it reached him because it passed through the water curtain and consumed its potential energy.

On the opposite side, Hoshita Hideichi smiled and said, "Retreat!"

Hoshita Hideichi and Uchiha Shisui hid behind the tree.

The next moment, the grenade exploded in the air, and at the moment when the flames rose, a large number of small iron beads flew around.

Puff puff puff...

The head of Shindo Katsu, who was closest to him, was smashed, and the water curtain lost control and immediately fell down.

The other three enemies, who didn't know what was going on, were pierced by the iron beads flying behind them.