
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

The Art of the Hundred Heroes!

After being ranked first in the ranking of big eaters, Shuichi Hoshita put most of his energy into developing new techniques with Tsunade.

It would be best if he could develop it this year without the "flash of inspiration", so Shuichi Hoshita could use the "flash of inspiration" once a year in other places.

For example, he could comprehend the technique given by the half-term tree on the Ame-no-Murasaki sword.

Or he could use it to study the Four-Tails Lava Release, or even the tail-breaking clone and substitute of the Eight-Tails.

There are too many places that need it, but it only happens once a year, so he should save as much as possible.

Time is sometimes very valuable, but sometimes it is not.

Of course, although he is busy with Tsunade, there are also shadow clones responsible for the practice of many ninjutsu.

Time just flew by and it was December of the 42nd year of Konoha.

Shuichi Hoshita's vacation is over.

That day he returned to the Anbu, entered the locker room and waited for a while but only waited for Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro, he immediately had a premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment Sarutobi Shinnosuke said: "Lu Hexin has withdrawn from the Anbu system."

Hiroshita Hide nodded, then asked: "Will there be new people coming in next?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shook his head: "Not yet, next we will form a three-person team to carry out the mission."

But then he smiled again: "But there should be no particularly important missions before the New Year, so temporarily act as the guard of the Third Hokage!"

Chihiro also smiled and said: "I heard that you are busy with experiments and developing new techniques recently, so use the shadow clone when the time comes."

"The Third Hokage basically won't leave the village at present."

Hiroshita Hide nodded: "I understand, then I will trouble the captain and Sister Xun next!"

This is indeed very good news for him.

At present, the development of Tsunade's new technique has reached a critical moment. Participating in the development of this technique is not only to help Tsunade, but also to explore her own talents and enrich her experience.

So the new mission began, and the three came to the Hokage Building to guard.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen did not go out, Hoshita Shuichi and the other two were in the Hokage Building, and what they usually did was to help Sarutobi Hiruzen run errands and call people.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen went out for a stroll, they followed him relatively secretly.

Very leisurely!

So Hoshita Shuichi was ordered to be lazy, leaving a shadow clone, and the real body came to the Senju ancestral home.

Shizune was in Konoha Hospital, so Tsunade was the only one at home.

But Hoshita Shuichi found that she... fell asleep!

At this moment, Tsunade was lying on the table, and she didn't know what sweet dream she was having, and she was drooling.


Hashita Hideichi sat opposite her, then looked at her carefully, and suddenly had an idea: Should I poke her face with my hand?

An evil thought came up in his mind, but Hideichi Hideichi suppressed it immediately.

With Tsunade's temper, she would probably chase him for a hundred blocks.

Shaking his head, Hideichi Hideichi did not wake up Tsunade, but picked up the scrolls beside him and looked through the records.

Basically, they were some incomplete spells, some of which were purely Tsunade's work, and some of which he had participated in.

Hashita Hideichi reorganized, then sorted out his thoughts, then took out a new scroll, began to write spells, and revised them.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, Tsunade woke up, and was startled when she saw Hideichi Hideichi: "Hey, aren't you going to carry out a mission?"

"Because it's an easy mission, I can be lazy."

Hashita Hideichi said, raised his head, and then couldn't help laughing.

Because the lazy Tsunade had words printed on her cheek.

It's cute...

"Tsunade-sama, here..."

Hashita Hideichi pointed at his face.

Tsunade wiped it and blushed a little, but then said casually: "I stayed up too late last night."

Then she got up and went to wash up.

After coming back, Tsunade had recovered her spirit and asked: "Do you have any ideas?"

Hashita Hideichi was speechless: "Tsunade-sama, I am a genius, but not a god."

"Let's sort out all the previous achievements first."

Tsunade nodded helplessly, and then began to pick up the scrolls scattered everywhere.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon. Hoshita Hideichi cooked by himself. Tsunade leaned against the door with an apple in her hand and watched: "It looks pretty good!"

Hoshita Hideichi smiled and said: "Of course, this is something I have practiced since childhood."

Tsunade curled her lips: "You are still just a little kid now."

"But I will grow up sooner or later, Master Tsunade."

"But in front of me, you are still a little kid."

Noisy, lunch was finished unknowingly.

After cleaning up, the two continued to be busy.

In the next two days, they sorted out the previous results, and then continued to move forward step by step.

Ten days passed in a flash.

On this day, the technique was initially formed, and Tsunade tried it directly.

She made seals with both hands. When the seal was completed, with the Yin seal on the forehead as the core, the curse seal immediately began to spread and intertwine, covering the whole body.

Then, the Yin seal, was released!

The next moment, Shuichi Hoshita sensed a huge amount of chakra pouring out.

In his perception, Tsunade had become a huge chakra aggregate.

But Tsunade herself frowned slightly: "The flow of chakra is not stable enough, and the control is not fine enough."

Shuichi Hoshita smiled and said: "Then continue to modify it. It has actually succeeded at this point, isn't it?"


Tsunade nodded slightly dissatisfied, and then the traces of the curse seal on her body disappeared, and the chakra flowed back into the Yin seal and sealed it again.

The next step is a long period of improvement, trial, and improvement.

The technique was adjusted little by little, constantly moving towards the expectations of Shuichi Hoshita and Tsunade.

December 24, 42 years of Konoha.

In the Senju ancestral home, next to the stove, Shuichi Hoshita wrote the last stroke, completing this complex technique completely.

Hiroshita looked up at Tsunade across from him: "Tsunade-sama, please name this technique!"

Yes, before the New Year comes, the new technique is finally finalized.

Tsunade looked at the technique on the scroll, nodded and said: "Let's call it the Hundred Healings Technique!"

Hiroshita wrote the name of the technique immediately.

Then, he took out another blank scroll and continued writing.

Tsunade looked at him with some doubts, and raised her eyebrows after a moment: "You want to use three Hundred Healing Techniques?"

"Even if you set a Yin seal on the forehead, heart, and abdomen respectively, there is no need to use three Hundred Healing Techniques, right?"

"Even if the curse seal technique is set in advance, it still requires energy to maintain, which will increase your mental pressure."

Hoshita Shuichi continued to write, and smiled: "But we must also consider the situation if the curse seal technique is destroyed."

Tsunade hummed: "The core of the Hundred Healing Technique is in the forehead. If it is destroyed, the person is dead..."

The voice suddenly paused, and Tsunade frowned and thought: "You want to make the consciousness coma technique work even if the head is hit, or the brain is hit, to treat the fatal injury of the brain."

Tsunade said with some surprise: "Did you consider this when you considered adding the Eight Diagrams Seal?"

You know, when a person dies or loses consciousness, the technique will disappear, such as the shadow clone.

But before developing the Hundred Healings Technique, Shuichi Hoshita suggested using the heart and abdomen as the other two layered and graded control cores to create two chakra control cores like shadow clones to share the control pressure and reduce the control difficulty.

But if a person loses consciousness due to a severe head injury, these two control cores will also lose their function, just like the shadow clone will disappear.

But adding the Eight Diagrams Seal is different. It will play a protective role. This part of the control core still has a separate thinking consciousness.

This is the magic of the sealing technique!

It is also the magic of chakra!

Chakra can carry a person's thinking consciousness and even the soul.

The clone of the clone technique has a separate thinking consciousness, which is also the reason.

In the original work, Minato Namikaze sealed the remaining chakra of himself and Kushina Uzumaki in the Eight Diagrams Seal. When Naruto was affected by the Nine-Tails and was about to remove the Nine-Tails seal, the resurrection appeared and interrupted it.

When Naruto was practicing the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, Uzumaki Kushina also showed up to help.

Sealing technique, omnipotent!

Seeing that Tsunade understood, Shuichi Hoshita smiled and said: "Although we don't know what kind of healing ninjutsu we can develop now, at least it can be a seal-free healing and regeneration."

"If the brain is severely damaged and loses consciousness, as long as it is healed before a large area of ​​brain cells die rapidly, it can still be revived."

"All three cores need to be destroyed before we lose the healing ability."

"Although not completely, it can also be said that the two rapidly fatal vulnerable parts of the head and heart are no longer weaknesses to a certain extent, and are not so fatal."

Tsunade nodded solemnly, and felt the pressure in her heart: "It seems that we must devote all our energy to developing this medical secret technique, otherwise we will be looked down upon by this brat."

Next, she needs to develop a medical secret technique with a fast enough healing speed to match Shuichi Hoshita's idea.

Otherwise, the three treatment cores are just decorations, and are simply chakra storage places.

When this thought came to her mind, Tsunade thought of her grandfather, the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju.

"My grandfather's sealless healing, even if I can't reach that level, I can't be too far behind!"


Looking at Tsunade's solemn expression, Hoshita Shuichi smiled and said, "Tsunade-sama, don't be so stressed. We still have plenty of time."

Tsunade's Hundred Healings Technique is used to assist in medical treatment, to maintain her appearance, and to prolong her life.

But his Hundred Healings Technique can be used to assist in combat.

The Fire Release Chakra Mode can finally be activated!


After the new technique was written, Shuichi Hoshita spread the scroll on the floor, then took off the forehead protector, took off his shirt, and revealed his strong upper body.

Then he sat cross-legged on the scroll, and then clasped his hands together under Tsunade's gaze.

The next moment, the spell on the scroll came alive, and the tadpole-like spells quickly climbed onto Shuichi Hoshita's body, gathering on his forehead, heart, and abdomen under the navel, and combined with the Yin seal and Bagua seal that had been arranged long ago.

When the spell was completed, Shuichi Hoshita gently said: "Open!"

The next moment, under Tsunade's gaze, Shuichi Hoshita's originally smooth forehead burst into blue light.

It was a circle different from the diamond shape of the Yin seal on her forehead, like a round light spot.

Obviously, this has a lot to do with the Bagua seal.

However, what surprised Tsunade was that she clearly sensed Shuichi Hoshita releasing the Hundred Healings Technique, but no curse seal appeared.

But Shuichi Hoshita's chakra had quickly filled the entire head and appeared on the surface of the body, rendering the entire head with a layer of blue chakra.

"Is this the benefit of using the Eight Diagrams Seal? Chakra control can be brought to the maximum level."


Tsunade's eyes condensed: "This is... Fire Style Chakra!"

At this time, the chakra on Shuichi Hoshita's head quickly converged and returned to his forehead, and then the blue light spot on his forehead also disappeared.

But then, Tsunade saw that a blue light spot also lit up in Shuichi Hoshita's heart, and then the blue chakra quickly covered the surroundings.

Up to the neck, then the entire chest, and both arms.

Tsunade looked at it and couldn't help but secretly said: "The three cores can be opened separately, just like Yin Healing and Destroying. This can indeed save chakra and avoid over-healing."

At this time, Shuichi Hoshita had completed the attempt of the Hundred Healing Technique on the heart.

Then came the abdomen. This time the technique covered the abdomen and below the abdomen, including the legs and feet.

In other words, he divided his body into three areas.

It is a little troublesome, but it also has many other benefits.

Moreover, for the pre-arranged technique, one thought and one seal can be opened, and no time is wasted.

Of course, the three cores can cover the whole body, not just a part.

Everything is perfect, and Xingxia Shuichi immediately stood up and put on his shirt.

As for the ninja forehead protector, he thought about it and did not tie it on his forehead, but tied it around his neck.

Tsunade asked at this time: "Hey, is the Hundred Healings Technique useful for you?"