
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Surprise, luck improves!

In the office, Shuichi Hoshita stared at the scroll and thought for a moment, then looked up.

Tsunade immediately looked over with anticipation, but Shuichi Hoshita said, "How about we go have a midnight snack first?"

"If you can't find an idea now, why not stop and relax, maybe you can find an idea."

Tsunade instantly got angry.

Hideichi Hoshita said again: "Tsunade-sama hasn't participated in the eating contest yet, right?"

Tsunade's face turned black: "No."

Hideichi Hoshita smiled and said: "Then let's go together tomorrow!"

"If I lose, then I will obey Tsunade-sama's orders and you can command me at will."

Tsunade curled her lips: "Tsk, kid, don't be so confident, you are not that important."

Hideichi Hoshita crossed her arms in front of her chest: "Of course, Tsunade-sama you are the core. But... I do have a little idea."

"Then say it quickly, bastard!"

Tsunade propped up the table and yelled at Hideichi Hoshita, spitting on Hideichi Hoshita's face, and his hair flew back.

Shizune next to her looked worried, it would not be good to anger Tsunade-sama.

On the contrary, Yakushi Nono was very calm, watching the scene with a smile.

Xingxia Xiu wiped his saliva and said helplessly: "It's just a joke to liven up the atmosphere!"

But the next moment, he looked serious and said: "Tsunade-sama, if your brain and your thinking consciousness are the Hokage, then the cells in your body are the numerous Konoha ninjas."

"Then how can you control them at will?"

Tsunade listened thoughtfully: "Of course, the Hokage cannot directly manage every ninja and give orders to every ninja."

"There are Hokages around to assist and advise, and there are captains of the Anbu to manage the Anbu. Under the squad leader there are squad leaders."

"For ordinary ninjas, there is a squad leader, and below him are the jonins, who are often able to take charge of their own affairs..."

"So, you mean to layer and grade, and gradually reduce the difficulty?"

Hiroshita Hideki nodded: "Tsunade-sama should be more familiar with the human body than I am. In terms of the operation of chakra, the entire human body can be divided into three systems, or corresponding to three cores."

"Forehead, heart..."

Hiroshita Hideki pointed to his forehead, heart, and then the navel of his abdomen.

"These three positions are like traffic hubs, connecting all meridian systems in the human body, so I also set a Yin seal in the abdomen before."

"The human body's system is undoubtedly extremely precise and perfect."

"So, we already have a ready-made, most perfect and sophisticated system that can connect every cell."

Tsunade frowned: "Of course I know this, but because of the perfection and sophistication, it is very difficult to use."

Hoshita Shuichi laughed and shook his head: "Tsunade-sama, there is a threshold for practicing any ninjutsu."

"Even the lowest level of the three-body technique is no exception."

"Such a technique is undoubtedly S-level difficulty. You can't expect everyone to practice such a technique."

There is no doubt that Tsunade has entered a misunderstanding.

At this time, the pharmacist Nono said: "The hierarchical and graded management that Xiuyi just mentioned means hierarchical control through the three core chakra divisions of the human body."

"Chakra is very wonderful. Because it is refined from spiritual energy and physical energy, chakra has personal will, so it can have techniques such as clones and shadow clones, and is therefore called the power that can connect the mind."

"The human brain is the Hokage, so the forehead, heart, and abdomen are the core settings of the Hokage Assistant, the Anbu, and the Jonin Class."

Shizune also followed: "It's like setting up three shadow clones at these three core positions to manage the three major areas of the body respectively."

Hoshita Xiuyi immediately gave a thumbs up.

Shizune smiled, then looked at Tsunade, and said cautiously: "Sir Tsunade, I think what Xiuyi said is worth a try."

Tsunade didn't say anything, got up and walked out: "Didn't you say you were going to have a midnight snack?"

Everyone smiled at each other, and then followed out together.

After calling Asuka, the five of them had a nice midnight snack and then separated.

The next day.

At 9 am, Shuichi Hoshita and the other two met up with Tsunade and Shizune and came to the shop of the Akimichi clan to participate in the big eater competition.

It has been nearly a month since the big eater competition started, so it is not as popular as it was at the beginning.

But it does attract many diners to visit every day, not for anything else, just to see the ranking in the shop and whether someone has broken the record again.

So Shuichi Hoshita and the others heard many diners talking as soon as they entered the shop.

"As expected of one of the Three Ninjas, no one has been able to break his record in ten days!"

"I wonder if Tsunade-sama and Orochimaru-sama, who are also one of the Three Ninjas, can break it?"

"Tsunade-sama has signed up, but Orochimaru-sama has not!"

"Then let's look forward to Tsunade-sama!"

"Minato Jonin is also very powerful, worthy of being Jiraiya-sama's disciple, and he is only two bowls behind Jiraiya-sama."

"Also... There is Kushina-sama, who is even better than Minato, a jonin!"

"Who is this guy called Might Guy? He can eat so much, better than many jonins, even Sakumo-sama has been surpassed by him!"




"Tsunade-sama is here!"

The diners and onlookers in the store were immediately excited, and soon the store owner came. When he learned that Shuichi Hoshita and the other five were coming to compete, he immediately began to make arrangements.

And soon, the news that Tsunade was coming to participate in the big eater competition spread quickly, and more and more people came to the store, ordered a bowl of udon, and then watched the excitement.

While waiting, Shuichi Hoshita was looking at the rankings on the wall.

The first place was Jiraiya, and the record was 41 bowls.

The second place was Kushina Uzumaki, with 40 bowls.

The third place was Minato, with 39 bowls.

In addition, Shuichi Hoshita also saw familiar names such as Hatake Sakumo, Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma, etc. Might Guy was among them, and he ate quite a lot, 30 bowls.

If he ate like this normally, I wonder if Uncle Dai could afford it.

Well, Uncle Dai ate quite a lot.

Shuichi Hoshita saw that Might Dai ate 36 bowls.It's a pity that there was no Akimichi Shigeiwa...

Shuichi Hoshita sighed secretly.

After a while, the store was ready.

Shuichi Hoshita gathered his thoughts, sat down with Tsunade and others, and under the gaze of many diners, the competition began with the order of the referee of the Akimichi clan.

Shuichi Hoshita started eating in an orderly manner.

Yakushi Nono and others did not eat fast, very politely.

But everyone's speed was not slow at all, one bowl after another.

After 20 bowls, Shizune was the first to retreat, unable to eat any more, and lay on the table looking at Shuichi Hoshita.

After 25 bowls, Yakushi Nono also stopped, but it seemed that he still had some energy left.

And Shuichi Hoshita and Tsunade's speed did not slow down at all, but Asuka's speed slowed down.

After 32 bowls, Asuka also finished.

So everyone in the store stared at Shuichi Hoshita and Tsunade.

Someone couldn't help but whisper: "Who is this kid? How can he eat so much? It seems that he can compete with Tsunade-sama?"

"You don't even know him?"

"Why, is he famous?"

"Humph, Shuichi is the youngest Chunin and Special Jonin in Konoha and even in the entire ninja world!"

"What, Special... Special Jonin? This age is..."

"Should be less than 10 years old?"

"Gurgle... This is really amazing!"

"He is also a disciple of Minato's Jonin, and he also follows Tsunade-sama to learn medical ninjutsu. Now he is a Special Jonin in the medical class!"



Listening to the discussion, Hoshita Shuichi couldn't help thinking: "After this big eater competition, I guess everyone in Konoha will know it, right?"

Before, he broke the minimum age to be promoted to Chunin and Special Jonin, but it was only in the ninja circle, and many people had never seen him.

But there is an avatar on the ranking list of this eating contest.


Suddenly, Shuichi Hoshita felt something moving in the entry tree.

His hand paused, and he immediately paid some attention to the entry tree.

Sure enough, there was a new entry.

Entry: Fame

Obtaining conditions: Spread your reputation throughout the mainstream countries and villages in the ninja world.

Effect: Increase luck by 50%, increase mouth persuasion by 100%, and increase charm by 100%.

It can actually increase luck!

Shuichi Hoshita was shocked. This thing is illusory and mysterious. The simplest understanding is luck.

Bad luck, drinking water will fill your teeth.

Good luck, you can reach the end by any road you choose.

There is also a saying: When the time comes, the world will work together, and when the luck is gone, the hero will not be free.

"However, it's a bit dangerous for a ninja to be a blind eye..."

Just thinking about it, a cry of surprise sounded in my ear.

"Jiraiya-sama has been surpassed!"

"As expected of Tsunade-sama!"

"Shuiichi is also very good, he has already had 40 bowls!"


Hoshita Shuichi turned his head and looked at Tsunade, who had already had two more bowls than him, so he immediately gathered his thoughts and focused on the game.

Eat, eat, eat!

Hoshita Shuichi and Tsunade are different from others. They have both practiced Yin Seal and have super chakra control and refining abilities.

Eat while refining chakra and storing chakra.

Although even this is limited by digestion ability, there is no doubt that both of them are very good in this regard.

Especially Hoshita Shuichi, his physique has been improved several times, and his recovery ability has also doubled, which has also doubled his digestion ability.

Soon, Shuichi Hoshita caught up with Tsunade, and then caused a cry of surprise: It's amazing!

At 50 bowls, Tsunade turned her head and looked at Shuichi Hoshita: "This guy is really... his digestive ability is better than mine?"

Of course she can continue to eat, but if she continues, the pressure on the digestive system will be too great and it will be damaged.

Besides... let this guy go!

At 52 bowls, Tsunade finally stopped.

But Shuichi Hoshita is still going on.

This has not reached his limit, his digestive system is still very strong.

However, he also realized that the benefits of comprehensive improvement of physical fitness are far from being evaluated by simply improving the upper limit of chakra.

If this continues, if the upper limit of chakra reaches the same level as Hashirama Senju, the physical fitness may even exceed Hashirama.

60 bowls!

The onlookers in the store were already stunned.

The owner of the store was also shocked.

70 bowls!

The shop was in complete silence.

After 75 bowls, Shuichi Hoshita finally put down his chopsticks and burped.

The limit!

If he continued, his stomach would be damaged.

"This should be enough, right?"

Shuichi Hoshita said secretly.

And then, warm applause and countless exclamations rang out in the shop!

"No one should be able to exceed this number, right?"

"Too amazing!"

"Not even 10 years old yet!"

"Shuichi's future achievements as a jonin should surpass those of Tsunade-sama!"