
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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Shuichi Hoshita VS Sarutobi Shinnosuke!

Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the eldest son of the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Asuma's elder brother, has always lived in the mouths of others in the original work. He and his wife are both elite jonins in the Anbu and are the right-hand man of the Third Hokage.

Hoshita Shuichi doesn't know whether the current Sarutobi Shinnosuke has the strength of an elite jonin, but he must be a jonin level to be able to serve as a squad leader in the Anbu.

Hoshita Shuichi has not seen Sarutobi Shinnosuke for the first time, but he has never seen his strength in the past.

So he is very curious. Compared with Sarutobi Asuma, who later focused on wind escape and fire escape, this future highly rated elite jonin has now received how much true teachings from the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

You know, before various Gundams appeared, the Third Hokage could be called the strongest Hokage of all generations.

Facts have proved that Sarutobi Hiruzen is indeed.

After all, the first generation is the best in wood escape, and the second generation is the best in water escape.

The others dispersed and fell on the trees. Sarutobi Shinnosuke took off his mask to cover his face.

Hoshita Shuichi retreated a distance and stood still.

On the branch, Chihiro, who was holding the tree trunk, saw that the two were ready and shouted: "Begin!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke raised his hand and a shuriken flew out, and then quickly formed a seal.

Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!

One shuriken instantly turned into dozens or hundreds, densely packed.

The most important thing is that these shurikens are covered with wind chakra, so that the high-speed flying is like a stream of blazing white light falling like rain.

This move alone is not something that ordinary ninjas can resist.

Nara Tomo, who was watching the game, couldn't help but say: "Captain, is this too exaggerated?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was shocked to see that Hoshita Shuichi did not dodge, but rushed forward instead.

Hideichi Hoshita drew his sword, using the standard sword of the Anbu, and the blade was also covered with wind ninjutsu.

Ding ding dang dang...

Hideichi Hoshita danced and blocked and knocked away all the dense shuriken.

"So fast!"

Shinichi Yamanaka exclaimed in realization.

At this moment, Sarutobi Shinnosuke completed another ninjutsu, and a dragon head emerged from the ground, opening his mouth to spray out earth dragon bombs.

At the same time, Sarutobi Shinnosuke opened his mouth and spit out a fierce fire to ignite the earth dragon bombs.

The combination of fire ninjutsu + earth ninjutsu was used very smoothly.

Hideichi Hoshita, who was rushing forward, immediately stopped, thrust the sword in front of him, and then clasped his hands together with a "snap".

Fire ninjutsu-Great Fireball Technique!

Wind ninjutsu-Fire Wind Palm!

As soon as Hoshita Hideichi vomited, a fiery storm swept through, tearing the Fire Earth Dragon Bomb into pieces, and the rolling fiery storm also swept towards Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

"This guy..."

Akimichi Shigei opened his mouth wide under the mask, wondering if he was dazzled and didn't notice the seal at all.

Water escape-water formation wall!

Sarutobi Shinnosuke opened his mouth and vomited, the water flow surged, and then surged.


The water flow collided with the fiery storm, and the roaring explosion and rolling water vapor spread in all directions.

Not only did it block the sight of Hoshita Hideichi and Sarutobi Shinnosuke, but also Chihiro and the other four. They could only see the afterimages of two high-speed confrontations in the rolling water vapor, and hear the sound of dense collisions of metal and iron.

Suddenly, the four saw the water vapor being torn apart, Sarutobi Shinnosuke flew out backwards, and then turned into smoke with a bang.

Shadow clone!

Hoshita Shuichi turned around and saw that Sarutobi Shinnosuke had completed the seal.

It was water escape again, and the water was rolling and surging.

And then, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's body flashed with lightning, and the electric current spread rapidly along with the surging water.

Combination of water escape + lightning escape!

Wind escape, fire escape, water escape, lightning escape, and earth escape are all mastered!

Hoshita Shuichi was a little surprised, but he had prepared himself mentally.

Looking at the rushing water and lightning from both sides, the mud under Shuichi's feet exploded, and his figure rose from the ground. The long sword in his hand was quickly dyed blue. When the long sword was raised, the blue light surged, and the illusory giant sword appeared.

"At least it's the secret of A-level swordsmanship, it's really an amazing fire escape."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke looked at the giant sword that fell from the sky, as if it split the whole world in half, and couldn't help but admire it in his heart, but his body dodged at an extremely fast speed.


A gully was split between the water surface and the earth, and the water flow swept to both sides like a mountain and sea.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke dodged from the side and immediately crossed his hands in front of him to block the waves, and his body also slid backwards on the water surface.

And at this moment, accompanied by the sound of air exploding, Xingxia Xiuyi in the air took a step and ran wildly, and gorgeous fire lotuses bloomed under his feet.

At this moment, Chihiro and the other four who looked up at this scene were all stunned.


Akimichi Shigeiwa swallowed his saliva, sweat on his forehead: "This level of instant body technique... is amazing!"

He felt that Yuan Fei Shinnosuke's words were a bit euphemistic.

It's not that he can't test the newcomer's ability, but he is simply not an opponent.

Nara Tomo was amazed: "This is definitely the secret of S-level!"

"What a terrible genius!"

Yamakatsu Shinichi nodded in agreement.

On the battlefield, Hoshita Shuichi drew a streak of fire in the air and rushed to Sarutobi Shinnosuke at a very fast speed, without giving him the opportunity to seal.

Without unlocking the Yin Seal, Hoshita Shuichi, who does not have much chakra, does not like this kind of ninjutsu battle mode.

He likes to fight fast!

After two knives, Sarutobi Shinnosuke was kicked away again, and then exploded with a bang.

Another shadow clone!

"Yan's strength is amazing. He has already fully possessed the ability of a jonin."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke's voice sounded.

Hoshita Hideichi turned around and saw his figure slowly emerging from the ground.

Putting away the knife, Hoshita Hideichi subconsciously said modestly: "I am still far behind my predecessor."

"Yan, you are too modest."

Chihiro said with a smile, and the four of them had already jumped down from the tree.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke then asked: "Hen, you don't know the perception ninjutsu?"

"I know a little bit!"

Hoshita Shuichi said truthfully: "I practiced the perception ninjutsu of the Second Hokage."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately understood that Shuichi Hoshita was hiding a lot of strength, but he didn't care, and smiled: "The perception ninjutsu of the Second Hokage is very amazing. In this case, the perception of the team will be left to you and Xin in the future."

Hoshita Shuichi nodded: "I understand!"

"Next, explain the situation of this mission."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke's tone became more serious, and Shuichi Hoshita and the other five immediately gathered around and stepped forward.

"We noticed that there was a force specifically targeting our Konoha. In addition to collecting intelligence, we also lost several Chunin teams and the mission was also disrupted."

"It is currently suspected that they are the remnants of the Sora Ninja Village that was destroyed in the last Ninja World War. Of course, they are also instructed by others."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke carefully introduced the mission: "We have already grasped the base of a group of suspected Sora Ninja remnants. The first goal of the mission is to capture their leader."

"If we can't capture the leader alive, then at least take down one member."

Hoshita Shuichi and the other five immediately said in unison: "Understood!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately ordered: "Let's go!"

One after another afterimages rose from the ground, and the six people used the instant body technique to disappear from the original place.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke was in front, Ino Shikacho was in the middle, and at the end were Hoshita Shuichi and Chihiro on the left and right.

The team headed east all the way, rested for about half an hour on the way, and then set off again.

Around 2 p.m., the team stopped in front of a mountain range.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke took out a map and said, "According to the intelligence, the base is in this mountain. There is no specific location, but it can be determined to be in this range."

Hoshita Shuichi and others looked at the map, which had a red circle on it, right at the core of the mountain.

"Next, we must be ready to fight at any time."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said, "Yan, Xin, the responsibility of finding the enemy lies on you."

"Set off in battle formation, Xun and I in front, Yan and Xin in the middle, and Li and Lu in the rear!"

After collecting the map, the team entered the mountain.

Not long after entering the mountain, the team stopped, and Hoshita Shuichi squatted down, pointed his right hand at the ground, and spread his perception forward in a semicircle to search.

In this way, every certain distance, Hoshita Shuichi and Yamanaka Shinichi used perception ninjutsu to search.

This can be said to be very cautious.

But the team's speed was not slow, and they were getting closer to the target step by step.

"The traces left here are very obvious. Be careful. This is already the patrol range of the other party."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke solemnly reminded while checking the traces he found.

Hoshita Hideichi estimated the distance and found that it should not be more than 5 kilometers from the location marked on the map, so he said, "Captain, let me try!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke glanced at Hoshita Hideichi and nodded.

Hoshita Hideichi immediately pointed to the ground and performed the listening technique.

His perception spread forward quickly, and soon he gained something: "Four people are coming to us. The speed is not fast. It should be a normal patrol."

"Another team is heading towards the target..."

"1, 2, 3... In addition to the eight people in the previous two teams, there are 12 people in the base."

Hoshita Hideichi said and stopped.

Shinichi Yamanaka couldn't help but secretly exclaimed: "What an amazing perception ninjutsu."

This perception range and speed far surpassed his.

Hideichi Hoshita silently ate a secret soldier pill.

"Take down this patrol team!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke ordered, and then the team dispersed.

The forest was silent, but there was a little bird jumping and chirping among the trees.

As a ninja team patrolled, the little bird immediately fluttered and flew up, and soon disappeared into the forest.

And Shinichi Yamanaka, who was hiding in the tree, also ended his technique.

In this way, the enemy ninja team walked into the encirclement of Hideichi Hoshita and others without any awareness.

Hideichi Hoshita looked at Chihiro, and saw her hands quickly completing the seal.

It's an illusion!

The A-level difficulty Nirvana Jingshe technique!


Two enemy ninjas fell to the ground and fell asleep, but the other two staggered for a moment and then woke up: "It's an illusion!"

The two immediately formed seals, but just after the illusion was resolved, they found that their bodies could not move at all.

"This technique... Damn it!"

The middle-aged man who was the captain looked down and saw the shadow connected to him, and immediately understood.

The next moment, Hoshita Shuichi and Sarutobi Shinnosuke appeared behind the two and knocked them out with a knife.

This coordination was as smooth as flowing water, and in a blink of an eye, a team of four was captured alive, and there was no noise.