
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Shuichi Hoshita VS Kirabi!

"The Kingdom of Hot Springs and the Kingdom of Fire have always been allies, and the existence of the Hot Spring Ninja Village is not like the five major ninja villages. The emergence of this ninja village is due to a sect in the Kingdom of Hot Springs."

Leaving Konoha Village and heading north, Sarutobi Shinnosuke revealed more information.

And this part was not learned in the ninja school.

"Sect, so, this mission is related to this sect? But why did the Cloud Ninja also get involved?"

Akimichi Shigeiwa asked.

And Hoshita Shuichi thought of Hidan from the Undead Duo. This guy seemed to be from the Hot Spring Ninja Village, a village that is said to have gradually forgotten the war because of peace and gradually lost its combat effectiveness.

At this time, Sarutobi Shinnosuke continued: "It is indeed related to this sect. This thing called the evil god cult has a very evil concept, advocating killing and sacrifice, so it has been suppressed by the country of soup, and the soup ninja village was born because of this."

"But this sect can always revive unknowingly, and it is said that this sect has a secret technique that can make people immortal."

Nara Tomo said in a deep voice: "It seems that the evil god cult has not been wiped out because of this secret technique, and the cloud ninja, this village has always liked to collect various secret techniques, probably because of this."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded.

In fact, this incident did not break out suddenly, it has been a while.

Before, Konoha lost a lot of people, and the Sarutobi clan even lost a senior ninja.

At this moment, Hoshita Shuichi also thought of the AB combination that Kakashi and others encountered before, and it seems that this mission is also related to it.

AB combination is not easy to deal with.

Especially the future Fourth Raikage, who is known for his speed, is even more difficult to deal with.

Think about the current Third Raikage, who was actually exhausted to death by tens of thousands of Rock Ninjas...

"Saru, tell me about the intelligence of the Cloud Ninjas, the AB combination."

Chihiro's voice sounded.

Hoshita Shuichi also gathered his thoughts.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said: "AB combination, A represents the next generation Raikage candidate Ai, who has the strongest Lightning Release inheritance in the ninja world, and the Lightning Release Chakra mode is the pinnacle of the Ninja Body Flow."

Yamakatsu Shinichi said: "It seems that he is a guy with extremely fast speed, and I heard that the Lightning Release Chakra mode has extremely strong defensive capabilities. Such a person must be extremely difficult to deal with."

"If you can't control it, there is no way to use the Heart Turn Technique on him."

Nara Tomo said: "Such a person must also be a person with extremely fast reactions. Without a good enough tactic, it is difficult to capture him, not to mention that there is an auxiliary cooperation! "

"To be chosen as the assistant of the next generation of Raikage, he must not be a simple person."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded: "Indeed, the other one is Killer Bee, nicknamed Killer Bee."

"Is it him?"

Yamakatsu Shinichi was surprised: "I have heard of this guy, he has extremely superb swordsmanship."

Under the mask, Sarutobi Shinnosuke said solemnly: "Indeed, he has extremely outstanding swordsmanship, which is said to be unbreakable, even Senior White Fang has praised it."

"But he has another more dangerous identity, that is... Jinchūriki!"


Under the mask, Ino, Shika, and Cho changed color at the same time.

They are not ninjas of civilian origin, they know a lot of things, and naturally they also know what Jinchūriki represents.

After a moment of silence, Akimichi Shigeiwa couldn't help but ask: "Captain, are you sure we can deal with such a combination?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke comforted: "Don't worry, it's not just us this time."

"White Fang Senior is here too. We are the power in the dark. Our first task is to prevent the secret technique of the evil god cult from being leaked."

This made Ino-Shikacho and the others all breathe a sigh of relief: "White Fang Senior is here too, that's great!"

It's not that they are too cowardly, but that the deterrent power of the Jinchūriki is too great.

At this time, Chihiro said: "Yan, you haven't said anything all the time. Have you thought of something?"

Hoshita Shuichi didn't expect that she had been paying attention to him, and hurriedly said: "Yes, last time, Sakumo Senior's son, my good friend Hatake Kakashi, was almost killed by the AB combination."

"His two teammates died in the battle, and the team leader Sarutobi Akimoto was seriously injured. I participated in the treatment at that time."

Nara Chi and the others suddenly understood after hearing this.

"It's like this!"

"It seems that Senior White Fang also wants to take revenge when he participates in this mission this time?"

"I wonder if Senior White Fang can deal with those two powerful guys."

The people in the Anbu are no different from ordinary people under the mask. This is the biggest feeling of Shuichi Hoshita today.

They are afraid and gossipy.

Unlike when he was in the Root, his companions were cold and emotionless, like machines without emotions.

At this time, Sarutobi Shinnosuke said again: "There is another very important information."

"At present, Killer Bee is the most perfect Jinchūriki in the ninja world. It is said that he can control the power of the tailed beast in his body very well."

"So, we must be careful."

Shuichi Hoshita noticed the words used by Sarutobi Shinnosuke. The most perfect Jinchūriki is obviously compared with other Jinchūriki.

Thinking about the two Jinchūriki of Rock Ninja, they seem to be good at using the power of the tailed beast.

Among the major ninja villages, the most lagging ones are probably Konoha and Sand Village.

But when it comes to sealing techniques, Konoha is the strongest.

"This should also be related to the attitude towards the tailed beasts."

Hoshita Shuichi thought secretly: "The first perception of Konoha's sealing of the tailed beasts was not as a weapon, but that this guy was too strong. It may have originated from the concept of the first generation."

After all, the Nine-Tails was used as a mount by Uchiha Madara, and then the first generation thought that the power was too strong, so he snatched it away, packed it and sent it to his wife's belly to seal it.

After thinking for a while, Shuichi Hoshita asked: "Captain, if we face the AB combination, or one of them, how should we deal with it?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke had obviously thought about it: "Yan, Li, you are good at close combat, you need to face the enemy head-on, but you should delay the enemy and not resist them head-on."

"Xun and I will use ninjutsu and illusion to distract and interfere, and work together to create opportunities for Xin and Lu to control them."

"However, you must be especially careful with the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee. He can control the power of the tailed beast. The Heart Turn Technique and the Shadow Secret Technique may not be able to really control him, so after controlling him, you must use medium and long-range ninjutsu to attack!"

Everyone nodded. Facing high-attack and high-speed enemies, someone must be restrained, otherwise Yamanaka Shinichi and Nara Satoshi will have no chance to attack.

Chihiro is good at illusion and ninjutsu, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke is also a ninjutsu-type ninja.

It can be seen from the previous fight with Shuichi Hoshita that they are no match in close combat.

Ninjutsu requires space and time to perform. The most feared is the kind of fast attack that doesn't even give you time to seal.

After thinking for a while, Hoshita Hideichi said, "If I can control them, I have a way to break the defense of the lightning chakra mode."

"As for the tailed beast Jinchuriki, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I can't evaluate it."

This sentence made everyone turn their heads to look at Hoshita Hideichi, quite shocked.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke hurriedly asked, "Is it the secret of the fire escape sword technique?"

Hoshita Hideichi shook his head, "No, it's S-level wind escape ninjutsu!"

"I said, I'm good at fire escape and wind escape."

Everyone looked at each other.

Isn't this too much?

But they have seen Hoshita Hideichi's fire escape, and they didn't doubt what Hoshita Hideichi said.

Even Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who knows Hoshita Hideichi best, began to re-evaluate Hoshita Hideichi in his heart.

"In this case, I am very confident about our mission."

Nara Chi smiled and felt a lot more relaxed.

The team set out at around 2 pm and arrived at the Yu Country Yu Ninja Village at 8 pm.

Even at night, Shuichi Hoshita could see that the village was very prosperous. It could not be compared with Konoha in scale, but it was probably no less prosperous.

The ninjas of Yu Ninja Village took Shuichi Hoshita and others into the village. After passing through the prosperous area, they came to a building backed by a cliff. Obviously, this was the place where the secret arts of the evil god cult were sealed.

Shuichi Hoshita saw Konoha White Fang Hatake Sakumo standing in front of the building.

However, the captain Sarutobi Shinnosuke stepped forward to take over, and Shuichi Hoshita did not meet him.

After the handover, Hatake Sakumo's four-member team disappeared together.

"From now on, the team will be divided into two squads to take turns on duty. Squad A, me, Chihiro, and Yan."

"Squad B, Li, Lu, and Xin."

"Class A will be on duty tonight, and Class B will first familiarize themselves with the terrain of the Yu Ninja Village and bring back some food."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke quickly arranged.


Shinichi Yamanaka and the other two took the order and disappeared immediately.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke observed the surrounding terrain and quickly made arrangements.

Hoshita Shuichi was guarding the gate, while Chihiro was on the roof, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke climbed up the cliff, looking down from a high place. Not only could he guard the cliff, but he also had a very wide field of vision, and could observe the houses on both sides and the dense forest behind the houses.

Two hours later, Shinichi Yamanaka returned with a hand-drawn map and a lot of Yu Kingdom delicacies.

Hiroshita Hideichi sat cross-legged on the ground and ate and drank crazily, while Yamanaka Shinichi and others entered the dense forests on both sides to familiarize themselves with the various traps set by Hatake Sakumo's team, and made changes according to their own habits.

Even people from the Yu Ninja Village would not come to this area easily, and even if they came, they would come from the front road, so there was no need to worry about accidentally hurting people from the Yu Ninja Village.

If they were accidentally hurt, it meant that they were not their own people.

After finishing their work, Yamanaka Shinichi and the other two went into the wooden house on the right to rest. This was originally the resting place for the ninjas from the Yu Ninja Village who guarded this place.

As time passed, even the lights in the prosperous Yu Ninja Village gradually went out, and it fell into complete silence.

Suddenly, the dark sky was illuminated by flickering light.

Hiroshita Hideichi stood up, looked at it, squatted down and pointed at the ground, and his perception quickly spread to the direction of the light.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the fluctuation of chakra.

"Sure enough, they are here!"

"This is Senior Sakumo's chakra..."

"These two forces are very powerful, could it be the AB combination?"

Hashita Shuichi sensed silently, and suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly: "They actually broke through the blockade..."

Then his face looked a little strange.

Because the three people who broke through the blockade did not encounter any obstruction and moved freely in the Tang Ninja Village.

This almost gave him the feeling that all the ninjas in the Tang Ninja Village had died.

Or were they all concentrated on the periphery?

After finishing the perception, Hoshita Shuichi turned around and conveyed the perceived situation to Chihiro on the roof with hand gestures.

Chihiro on the roof nodded, and then jumped to the top of the cliff to report.

Just a moment later, when Hoshita Shuichi sensed again, he frowned slightly.

They actually retreated!

"It seems that the other side also has sensing ninjas, knowing that there are defenses here, so they retreat decisively."

So Shuichi Hoshita passed the information to Chihiro again.

Sure enough, the battle on the periphery ended quickly and the enemy seemed to have retreated.

But Shuichi Hoshita did not dare to be careless and continued to sense every once in a while. He really felt that the people of the Tang Ninja Village were too unreliable.

And Hatake Sakumo and the others might not be able to take care of all aspects.

But the second half of the night was quiet.

After eating the breakfast brought back by Yamanaka Shinichi and the others in the morning, Shuichi Hoshita fell asleep in the wooden house and did not get up until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Time passed day by day.

Except for the situation on the first night after arriving, the next three days were safe and sound, as if the Cloud Ninja had withdrawn.

And the Tang Ninja Village seemed to have begun to slack off, and the cordons set up on the periphery were withdrawn one after another.

When Shuichi Hoshita was strolling in the village as an ordinary person, he saw that many people in the Yu Ninja Village were very leisurely.

It turned out that there was no obstacle after the enemy broke through the defense line on the first night. It was not that the Yu Ninjas retreated, but they really scattered people on the periphery to prevent the enemy from entering the village.

Or they did not want the battlefield to be in the village.

Back to the mission site, Shuichi Hoshita, who was just about to think about ninjutsu, heard Sarutobi Shinnosuke announce: "Everyone, the mission is over after today."

"On the last night, you must not slack off."

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then Akimichi Shigeiwa asked: "Have the Cloud Ninjas completely retreated?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded: "It seems so at the moment."

"The leader of the Yu Ninja Village also felt that the Cloud Ninjas had retreated, so he chose to end this mission."

Nara Chi frowned and said: "Even if the Cloud Ninjas retreat now, It may come sooner or later. Doesn't the Yu Ninja Village have a better way? "

"For example, completely destroy the secret technique?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shook his head: "It is precisely because it cannot be destroyed that it can only be sealed and protected in this way."

"As for the Cloud Ninja... the leader of this village has decided to secretly transfer the secret technique tonight."

Yamazaka Shinichi speculated: "It seems that the Yu Ninja Village has not done nothing during this period of time."

If the place is moved, then the seal must be rearranged, which cannot be completed in a short time.

"Evil secret technique..."

Hoshita Shuichi was a little curious.

However, he was not curious about Feiduan's curse secret technique, but his immortal body.

This guy and Kakuzu are really a perfect match. If Feiduan is not dead, Kakuzu can go all out and kill his companions.

After thinking about it, Hoshita Shuichi still suppressed the curiosity in his heart.

The technique of Shiki Fujin is fine, at most it is a basic transaction with the god of death.

The evil god must believe in the doctrine, and he might become a madman like Hidan, who enjoys killing.

It is better to stick to the last day honestly, and then go back to the village to have time to practice.

The secret of S-level swordsmanship is almost completed, and then I can get the term "Master of Physical Arts" and improve my physical fitness again.

In a blink of an eye, it was late at night.

The leader of the Yu Ninja Village and the three jonin of the village each brought a team to the seal of the evil god's secret technique and opened the iron door.

The migration began.

And Hoshita Shuichi and others were distributed on the periphery.

The more this time, the more cautious Sarutobi Shinnosuke became. Hoshita Shuichi and Yamanaka Shinichi took turns to sense every 5 minutes.

About half an hour later, Hoshita Hideichi saw a stone tablet covered with black cloth being carried out.

But at this moment, Yamanaka Shinichi, who was responsible for sensing, suddenly opened his eyes: "Captain, an enemy has broken in!"

"Very fast!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke's expression under the mask immediately changed, and he said to the Yu Ninja Village: "An enemy is approaching quickly, give up the transfer immediately!"


The people of the Tang Ninja Village were shocked and immediately moved the stone tablet back to the original path helplessly.

And Shuichi Hoshita and others were ready for battle.

"Here they come!"

Yamanaka Shinichi shouted softly.

The next moment, under the moonlight, two figures appeared in front of everyone.

One big and one small!

"It is indeed the future Fourth Raikage, and Killer Bee!"

Shuichi Hoshita's eyes condensed, and his hand on the hilt of the knife had already clenched.

"Yo, it seems that we are here at the right time!"

"So many people, are they welcoming us specially?"

A strange rap tone came out of the mouth of Qieba.

Ai glanced at them and said, "Bi, it seems that they are planning to transfer the secret technique. Let's make a quick decision. Konoha White Fang is not easy to deal with!"

"Understood, let them see the super swordsmanship that I have just created, idiot, bastard!"

Kirabi said with a grin, and swords of different lengths flew up. He bit them with his teeth, held them with his hands, and clamped them with his elbows.

This posture is extremely weird!

"Take them down!"

At this time, the leader of the Tang Ninja Village gave an order, and the three jonins immediately rushed up with their men.


Kirabi let out a strange cry, jumped into the air, and rolled at high speed in the air. The sharp sword cut the air at high speed, making a sharp whistling sound.


The tumbling Killer Bee fell from the air at a very fast speed, smashing into the crowd of soup ninjas, and stepped one of them into the ground with one foot, and then stretched his body, swords flew, blood splashed, and two more fell.

The shuriken thrown by Sarutobi Shinnosuke and others were easily blocked, and almost had no effect.

Kirabi's attack was swift, and his swordsmanship was strange and tricky, continuous, and into a violent storm.

In a blink of an eye, only two jonins were left in the two teams of the soup ninja village, and even they had more sword wounds on their bodies and were in danger.

"The speed is too fast, there is no way to lock it!"

Yamazaki Shinichi was helpless.

Chihiro said: "General illusions have no effect on this guy."

And Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Nara Tomo, and Akimichi Shigeiwa all focused their eyes on Ai.

"I'll do it!"

Hideichi Hoshita spoke, then took off his mask, bit the Senbon sent by Tianyun, and rushed out.

Then a blue light lit up in the dark night, and Hideichi Hoshita forcefully inserted into the battle, and was cut down by the blue Tianmu sword.

"You want to sneak attack me, bastard, idiot!"

Kirabi yelled, and the long sword with lightning flowed to meet.


The swords collided, thunder and fire collided, and sparks flew.

Kirabi was stunned for a moment, because his sword was actually at a disadvantage and was cut by the opponent.

"This guy's fire escape is stronger than my lightning escape..."

With a thought, Kirabi turned the main attack target to Hideichi Hoshita, like a storm, tricky and unpredictable.

Seven or eight swords, fast attack speed, even Hideichi Hoshita couldn't predict this kind of attack.

Because sometimes Killer Bee's sword flies in the air.

The name of Killer Bee is indeed well-deserved, because you don't know when he will give you a shot!

However, Killer Bee was even more shocked at this moment.

The attack speed of this guy in front of him is obviously not as fast as his, but he can block it every time.

Moreover, this guy's explosive power is very strong!

"You are more powerful than the white-haired guy last time, bastard, idiot!"

Kirabi recognized Hoshita Shuichi.

But after Hoshita Shuichi took Killer Bee's sword, the chakra under his feet burst, and he suddenly flew into the air. The blue light of the Ama-no-Mura sword in his hand surged, and turned into a giant sword and chopped down.

Blue Flame Waterfall Sword!

Hoshita Shuichi admitted that it was impossible to overwhelm Killer Bee with technology.

Then play fiercely!


A knife cut a gully, and Kirabi narrowly avoided it.

But just as he landed, Shuichi Hoshita in the air shot over like an arrow, but his figure soared up with the sound of air explosion, making Kirabi's prepared response ineffective, and he dodged another attack of Shuichi Hoshita's Blue Flame Falls Knife in a panic.

This time, the offensive and defensive situation changed.

Shuichi Hoshita relied on his strong explosive power, change of direction ability, and Blue Flame Falls Knife to make Kirabi's weird swordsmanship difficult to use.

Ai, who had been watching the game, couldn't help but see this scene: "This kid, actually suppressed Bi!"


Lightning appeared on his body.

In the field, Shuichi Hoshita suddenly spit out the Senbon he was biting.

Kirabi had been on guard for a long time, and the sword with lightning flowed accurately cut down.

But the next moment, his sword split into two.


The thousand-blade sword brushed past his face, leaving a bloody mark.

"Wind escape is stronger than my lightning escape..."

Kirabi was surprised, and then his pupils under the sunglasses suddenly dilated.

Because after spitting out the thousand-blade sword, Hoshita Shuichi inhaled and exhaled again, and several sharp air currents swept out.

Wind escape - vacuum wave!

"This guy, he didn't make a seal at all!"

Kirabi felt his scalp tingling at this moment.

Because of the close distance and the suddenness, even his speed couldn't completely avoid it.

At this time, Ai was also shocked: "Bi!"

Accompanied by a roar, Ai rushed out like a flash of lightning.

Almost at the same time, Qiu Daozhongyan also rushed out, blocking Ai and the battlefield, and slashed down with the big knife in his hand.

The next moment, with a loud clang, Akimichi Shigeiwa's burly body flew out, and the sword in his hand was broken into two pieces.

However, at this moment, Sarutobi Shinnosuke seized the opportunity.

Earth escape-Yellow Spring Swamp!