
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Sealing Expert

After the team disbanded and returned home, Shuichi Hoshita immediately checked the newly triggered entries in the entry tree.

Entry: Konoha Genius

Acquisition conditions: Become a Chunin at the age of six, breaking the lower limit of the grade for Konoha Chunin to be promoted.

Effect: 50% improvement in comprehension.


Comprehension improvement!

It is not just the improvement of Fire Style Talent like [Fire Style Expert], but a comprehensive, various comprehension abilities.

"Must win!"

Shuichi Hoshita's fist hardened.

Although Genin, Chunin, and Jonin are not levels to measure strength, they are also based on strength.

Having Chunin strength may not necessarily pass the exam.

For example, Uchiha Obito.

"The first written test will definitely be fine, and the second individual battle... There should be no one who is stronger than Shisui in the assessment?"

Shuichi Hoshita self-evaluated.

For more than two months, his swordsmanship is still far behind that of Uchiha Shisui.

But his superb thinking speed and nerve reaction speed make him extraordinary in close combat, whether it is bare-handed or swordsmanship.

Kurama Sanyo is no longer his opponent.

Even if he doesn't use the instant body technique, the sparring is evenly matched with Uchiha Shisui.

Hyoichi Hoshita is not as good as Uchiha Shisui in insight and attack speed, but his reaction is faster.

Fast reaction ability does not mean fast attack speed. In addition to chakra, the burst of speed is also greatly related to physical fitness and force skills.

Whether it is the instant body technique or the illusion technique, Uchiha Shisui is very threatening to Hyoichi Hoshita.

At least in the past sparring, he has never cracked Uchiha Shisui's instant body technique, and can only rely on superb reaction speed to deal with it, but he will still lose in the end.

Of course, in a personal battle, you usually won't encounter people from the same team.

"However, you still have to be on guard against Genin with strong illusion abilities."

Hideichi Hoshita thought to himself.

Of course, he knows illusions. He is in the same team with Uchiha Shisui and Kurama Sanyo. They usually fight against each other and have rich experience in dealing with illusions.

Realize that you are under an illusion and then remove it.

But illusions are often hard to guard against. Most of the time, you can't detect that you are under an illusion at the first time.

If you can't detect it at the first time, it will be extremely dangerous.

When facing the Sharingan, it is difficult to remove the illusion after being under an illusion, and generally you need other people to help remove the illusion.

There is also a type of illusion called "fixation technique", which is to know that you are under an illusion and be conscious, but you can't control your body.

For example, the Magical Shackle Technique, Orochimaru was killed by Uchiha Itachi with this move.

There is also the Immortal Technique: Toad Singing, which is an auditory immobilization technique.

"Sharingan... I'm used to not looking at Shisui in battle, but there's no way to be foolproof. Not all Sharingan illusions require eye contact to be activated..."

Hoshita Shuichi couldn't help but think of Danzo.

Orochimaru went to the Anbu, and he might have been studying Wood Release.

I don't know if Danzo has transplanted Sharingan now. In the original work, he used Izanagi to attack Shisui.

"Izanagi is okay, he won't die in one go, just kill him a few more times."

"But Izanami's technique is particularly disgusting, it's said to restrain Izanagi, and make people accept their original fate."

"Isn't this the same as making people accept their own death, without Izanagi."

"Who is willing to accept it?"

What Hoshita Shuichi fears most now is Izanami's technique.

Danzo controls Izanagi, will he also control Izanami?

He didn't know, but he had to be on guard.

Look at Kabuto Yakushi who was under the spell.

This is not something that can be done by saying "I was wrong". In the infinite loop scene, Kabuto Yakushi was probably driven crazy and brainwashed.

The effect is not inferior to Kotoamatsukami.

If Danzo had used this, wouldn't he have to kneel down on the spot, enter the Root, serve him, and plan for the position of Hokage?

His thoughts diverged a little too quickly, and Hideichi Hoshita quickly converged and returned to himself.

Based on the strong nerve reaction speed, the unprinted fire escape, swordsmanship, and physical skills, unless there are people who are more perverted than Uchiha Shisui and him in this Chunin assessment, it is impossible to lose.

And there is no need to worry about the team battle. Two people who are good at illusions, plus him, who is unprinted fire escape and good at close combat, have a great advantage.

Finally, Hideichi Hoshita returned to himself and took out a scroll.

Sealing Technique - Memory Palace!

In the past two months, he has completely mastered this sealing technique perfected by Minato Namikaze.

Today he will complete this technique and get the entry [Sealing Expert].

Taking a large blank scroll, Xingxia Xiuyi began to draw the spell.

About half an hour later, the spell was finished.

Xueyi Xingxia put down his pen and sat cross-legged in the center of the scroll. Around him were densely packed spells forming a spell.

Then, he formed seals with both hands.

There were a total of twelve seals. After completion, the spells drawn on the scroll were immediately activated, like tadpoles, quickly climbing up Xingxia Xiuyi's body, and finally gathered on the top of his head and disappeared into his scalp.

Memory Palace, done!

Xueyi Xingxia immediately felt that there was an additional sealed space in his brain.

Or it could be said to be a memory space.

Now the memory palace is worthy of its name.

And the shape of the memory palace is the entire Konoha Village.

Every building in the village is where he stores his memories.

In addition to the buildings, there is also a person.

Kakashi, Might Dai, Kurenai, Sarutobi Asuma, Shizune, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Obito, Kurama Sanyo, and so on.

This is also the memory of Shuichi Hoshita, and the samples he collected.

These people represent their abilities, behavioral habits, fighting methods, and so on.

Looking at his memory palace, Shuichi Hoshita thought to himself: "Such a memory palace is most suitable for illusion."

Yes, illusion.

Or, a combination of illusion and sealing technique.

However, Shuichi Hoshita has not had time to study illusion in detail, and this is just an idea.

Shifting his attention from the memory palace, Shuichi Hoshita looked at the entry tree.

Light up [Seal Expert]!

Sealing technique and curse seal talent increased by 100%, memory increased by 100%.

Shuichi Hoshita immediately felt as if his brain was electrified, and his consciousness was blank for a moment.

When everything was restored, he immediately stood up and took another scroll.

Sealing technique - Yin seal!

This was given to him by Tsunade two days ago.

There is no doubt that the complexity of this technique is far beyond the memory palace he just used.

He also went through it roughly before, and felt that it was quite difficult, so he did not continue to study it, but planned to wait until the knowledge of sealing techniques was further accumulated before talking about it.

Looking at it again now, he has a different feeling.

"It seems... it doesn't seem to be particularly, particularly difficult?"

"And, as expected, I have the ability to remember everything I see."

Shuichi Hoshita smiled.

Without cheating, he was praised by Minato Namikaze for his talent in sealing and curse seals. Now that his skills have been improved by 1 times, I wonder if he can be compared with Minato Namikaze and Tsunade.

"It seems that I will have to ask them more about sealing skills in the future..."

Putting away the scroll, Xingxia Xiuyi made hand seals.


A shadow clone was created, and then nodded to the original body and jumped out of the door and left.

This shadow clone was to practice the change of wind chakra nature.

At present, with his chakra, if he uses a shadow clone to practice, one shadow clone is more suitable and can last longer.