
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Persuasion, the blooming flower of fire!

"Even if it's an S-level confidential mission, they should give us basic information, otherwise we won't be able to accurately carry out the mission, right?"

Kurama Sanyo asked in confusion.

Hoshita Shuichi: "Because we are right on the retreat route!"

Namikaze Minato nodded: "Shuichi is right."

He thought: "Because we can't determine the time of retreat, we must remain vigilant at all times."

"In addition, although we have attracted the attention of some Sand Ninjas, we can't let them stare at us all the time."

"So, we need to split into two groups next."

"Shuichi and I are Group A, responsible for attracting the attention of the Sand Ninjas. Shisui and Sanyo, you stay behind, Shuichi, you leave a shadow clone, and notify us in time if there is any situation."

Hoshita Shuichi and the other two nodded in unison.

That is, Minato Namikaze has Flying Thunder God, so he can make such an arrangement.

After cleaning up and leaving the shadow clone, Hoshita Shuichi and Minato Namikaze acted in a swagger.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Minato Namikaze to sense that the Sand Ninjas were following him.

Yakura and Luosha were both there.

Ignoring the Sand Ninja team behind them, Shuichi Hoshita and Minato Namikaze kept moving forward.

"What do these two guys want to do?"

"In this direction, do they want to go to the mine guarded by the village?"

Yakura couldn't understand Shuichi Hoshita and the others' actions.

Luo Sha was not sure, and said: "Maybe it's just tit for tat."

Ye Cang snorted coldly after hearing this: "I think Konoha had bad intentions in letting them come. Maybe they are unwilling to accept the result of the last time."

Rosa's eyes darkened: "We have already made concessions."

"If Konoha continues to force, I think the Third Kazekage will not mind starting a war, and the Daimyo will not stop it."

Ye Cang nodded, and then snorted: "It's a pity that Hanzo retreated... The famous demigod of the ninja world has become weak."

"Let's just take this mountain!"

Namikaze Minato stood on the top of the mountain. From here, he could see a mine opposite, which was guarded by the Sand Village.

Hoshita Hideichi glanced at the mine that was still lit in the dark night, and then said: "Teacher Minato, I'll go find a water source."

Namikaze Minato nodded.

Hiroshita Hideichi turned and left, and soon found a waterfall pool.

Then the two camped by the waterfall pool.

Luosha and Ye Cang, who were watching from a distance, looked at each other in surprise.

Then the two retreated to the mine, Luosha stayed behind, and Ye Cang left to report the situation to Chiyo.

No words were spoken that night.

The next morning, Hoshita Hideichi went fishing along the stream, and unknowingly came to a small lake, where he saw many water lilies growing, which was very beautiful.

Hiroshita Hideichi caught a few fish and was about to go back, but suddenly turned around and looked at the water lilies with overlapping petals in the lake.

"Water lilies, double petals..."

Hiroshita Hideichi's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to try it out immediately.

Take a deep breath, suppress the impulse in his heart, and return to the waterfall with the fish.

While eating fish soup, Shuichi Hoshita asked: "Teacher Minato, what do you think this mission will be?"

Minato Namikaze did not answer directly, but said: "Although the River Country and Sand Village were forced to give in last time, it is a fact that the River Country is biased towards the Sand Village."

Hashita nodded: "This is determined by interests."

"Konoha is stronger than the Sand Village, so the River Country was biased towards Konoha after it broke away from the Rain Village, but now the Sand Village is beneficial to the River Country, so it naturally leans towards the Sand Village."

The key lies in the two magnetic ninjas of the Sand Village.

The third generation Kazekage, and Rasa.

According to Shuichi Hoshita's inherent impression, Rasa manipulates gold sand.

However, if he can manipulate gold sand, there is no reason why he cannot manipulate iron sand.

And why Rasa became famous in the ninja world for manipulating gold sand in the future, different from the third generation Kazekage's iron sand.

Perhaps it has something to do with the changes in the environment and his own circumstances.

But anyway, in the original work, the Fourth Kazekage used gold in the desert to make up for the lack of funds in the Sand Village, and now the Third Kazekage uses magnetic ninjutsu to prospect for minerals, which is also very reasonable.

It's still the same problem, without a full-scale war.

Killing the Daimyo of the River Country, who is now leaning towards the Sand Village, seems to be the best choice for Konoha.

Or it is the most likely choice for the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As for killing the Daimyo, the impact is too great.

Sorry, the River Country is just a small country and does not enjoy the treatment of the five major countries.

And Shuuichi Hoshita remembered that in the original work, the Third Tsuchikage hired the Akatsuki organization to carry out coups in many small countries!

So would the Sand Village think that the Daimyo of the River Country is in danger?

Shuuichi Hoshita felt that this was inevitable.

They are all one of the five major ninja villages, so they are naturally very clear about these methods.

"Teacher Minato, if the mission fails, everything the village has fought for will be lost."

Hideichi Hoshita said.

Minato Namikaze nodded, then smiled and said: "Don't worry, the Third Hokage must have considered it, and the person chosen to carry out the mission must be very reliable."

Hideichi Hoshita thought to himself, and then understood why the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Hatake Sakumo to complete this mission instead of the more ruthless Orochimaru.

"It seems that Chiyo is in the Daimyo's Mansion in the River Country!"

"To deal with a powerful puppeteer, a high-speed and high-attack ninja like Hatake Sakumo is the most suitable."

The Daimyo's Mansion in the River Country.

Yakura met Chiyo and reported all the circumstances.

Chiyo frowned after hearing this: "Yellow flash..."

After a moment, she immediately ordered: "You go back now, Minato Namikaze's target may be Rasa."

Ye Cang was shocked: "Rasa?"

"Because of the magnetic escape?"

"But the Third Kazekage... Does Konoha want to assassinate the Third Kazekage?"

Chiyo shook her head: "The Third Kazekage is in the village, there is no need to worry so much, go!"

Ye Cang nodded, turned around and left in a hurry.

After she left, Chiyo's brother Ebizo said, "Sister, do you really think Konoha will attack Rasa and the Third Kazekage?"

Chiyo said, "If Rasa is attacked, then it is certain that someone is trying to assassinate the Third Kazekage."

"But the Third Hokage should not have the courage to do so."

"It has not been long since the end of the last Ninja World War, and the newcomers have not grown up yet."

Ebizo's expression froze after hearing this: "So, Konoha's most likely target is the daimyo, and they will definitely come."

Chiyo said lightly, "We will know in a moment, and isn't this something we expected? If it were us, we would make the same decision."

"But we can't be careless about the Third Kazekage either. Send someone back to the village immediately to let the Third Kazekage be alert."

Ebizo nodded immediately and got up to make arrangements.


After breakfast, Hoshita Shuichi and Namikaze Minato stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the mine opposite.

While observing, Shuichi Hoshita asked: "Teacher Minato, is it possible that our presence here will be considered by the Sand Village as an attempt to attack the magnetic ninja Rasa?"

"Even an attempt to attack the Third Kazekage?"

Minato Namikaze was stunned. He really didn't think about this question.

Because the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude is very clear, he is unwilling to start a large-scale war, otherwise he should have taken the River Country in one go after gaining the upper hand last time, and not give the River Country Daimyo a chance to waver.

Minato Namikaze thought about it seriously, and said tactfully: "It is indeed possible, but the Sand Village is probably very clear about the attitude of the Third Hokage."

The implication is that the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen dare not attack the Third Kazekage.

The Sand Village will go crazy if the Kazekage of the Sand Village is killed.

Especially when the Third Kazekage is known as the strongest Kazekage and has a high prestige.

Another thing is that the Kazekage is not so easy to assassinate.

There should be no such strong man in Konoha now.

Hoshita Shuichi looked at the mine opposite and smiled: "Then, if we attack Luosha now, will it give a signal to the Sand Village?"

"We want to kill Luosha, and we also want to kill the Third Kazekage, so that the Sand Village will have no magnetic ninja."

Namikaze Minato was shocked when he heard it, and then said solemnly: "This will easily lead to a war between the two villages."

But after he finished speaking, he reacted to what Hoshita Shuichi meant, and said: "Shuiyi, you mean that we attack now, give the Sand Village a wrong signal, confuse the enemy, cause the enemy to misjudge, and reduce the difficulty of that mission."

Hoshita Shuichi nodded: "That's right."

"But as Minato said, there are indeed certain risks in this . "

"Besides, we have not been authorized by the village."

Minato Namikaze fell into deep thought, but soon made a decision and said with a smile: "Just do as you said, Shuichi. If there is any problem, the teacher will bear it."

Hiroshita Shuichi said without hesitation: "Of course, I will bear it together with you, teacher. We are one now!"

Minato Namikaze smiled even more after hearing this, but then he stopped smiling and said: "Leave Luosha to the teacher, and the other Sand Ninjas to you, just deal with them!"

Hiroshita Shuichi nodded solemnly: "Understood!"

Then he smiled again: "It's a good opportunity to ask the teacher to take a look at the new technique I developed."

Minato Namikaze also smiled: "Wait and see!"

After saying that, he disappeared.

Hiroshita Shuichi also disappeared, shuttled through the mountains and forests, and rushed straight to the mine where the Sand Ninjas were.

As soon as this side moved, the Sand Ninjas who had been alert immediately reacted.

Accompanied by shouts, Luo Sha and Ma Tai came up with a team.

Looking at Minato Namikaze who was coming to kill him, Luo Sha immediately shouted: "Leave Minato Namikaze to me!"

As soon as the words fell, the sand iron turned into thousands of densely packed ones and covered Minato Namikaze.

Minato Namikaze swung his hands, and a large number of Flying Thunder God Kunai were thrown out.

Ma Tai immediately reminded: "Don't get close to these Kunai!"


Before the words fell, Minato Namikaze had disappeared, avoiding Luo Sha's attack, and a Sand Ninja was kicked away by Minato Namikaze before he could react.

Rosa's attack arrived, but Minato Namikaze disappeared again.

Other Sand Ninjas dispersed, and Ma Tai supported Luo Sha and tried to catch Minato Namikaze.

Just at this time, Hoshita Shuichi came.

Standing on the tree trunk, after completing the seal, Xingxia Xiuyi's hands closed with a "snap" sound.

Fire Style - Great Fireball Technique!

Wind Style - Fierce Wind Palm!

The seal is Wind Style, and the one without the seal is Great Fireball Technique.

As Xingxia Xiuyi opened his mouth and inhaled, his chest and cheeks bulged, and then he opened his mouth and exhaled.

First there was a line of fire, but then accompanied by a roar, the flames surged, forming a terrible fire storm that swept forward.

Wind Style and Fire Style combined ninjutsu!

The three Sand Ninjas have been on guard against Xingxia Xiuyi. Although they lost the initiative, they still completed the ninjutsu quickly at the same time.

Wind Style - Great Breakthrough!


The airflow rubbed, the storm was lifted, and then collided to form an even more amazing roar, destroying the surrounding grass and trees, and raising smoke and dust.

Hideichi Hoshita then formed a seal again and performed the Three-Moon Dance. The two clones drew their swords and rushed into the rolling smoke and dust.

The only difference from the original version is that he did not create a shadow clone, but two fire clones.

After a while, when the smoke and dust dissipated, the three Sand Ninjas had been killed by the two clones of Hideichi Hoshita.

Rosa immediately shouted: "Ma Tai, I am enough here!"

Ma Tai immediately rushed towards Hideichi Hoshita.

If he stayed here, I am afraid that the other side would be wiped out.

The kid named Hideichi Hoshita has amazing melee ability and is completely capable of being a special jonin.

Ma Tai ran while forming seals with both hands.

But Hideichi Hoshita would never let him perform a large-scale wind ninjutsu. A Sushoku technique interrupted Ma Tai's ninjutsu, forcing him to burst out his wind ninjutsu chakra and blow away the flames burning on his body.

Ma Tai simply gave up the idea of ​​medium- and long-range wind escape, rushed forward, and fought with the two clones of Hoshita Shuichi.

Four against two, and there was also a senior jonin, the two clones of Hoshita Shuichi immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Soon, one of Hoshita Shuichi's fire escape clones fell into a situation where it could not be avoided.

Just when Ma Tai's attack was about to fall, Hoshita Shuichi's fire escape clone suddenly turned into a flame bud.

Ma Tai's pupils dilated, and the ninja's intuition told him that it was extremely dangerous. He did not hesitate to perform the instant body technique to retreat, and shouted: "Disperse!"

Before the voice fell, the orange-red flame bud exploded, like a blooming gorgeous flower.


Accompanied by the explosion, the three Sand Ninjas screamed and were blown away by the terrible flames.

Even Ma Tai, who was retreating at the fastest speed, was blown away by the shock wave. He landed awkwardly and turned over. He looked down at the large area of ​​burns on his arms and couldn't help sweating on his forehead.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, I'm afraid...

Ma Tai looked at the other three companions, but saw a lot of blood gushing out of their mouths and noses, and there were large areas of burns on their bodies. Even screams could not be heard.