
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Not wearing any clothes?

In a room in the examination room, Minato Namikaze and Hiruzen Sarutobi watched the battle between Shuichi Hoshita and Yuto Uchiha through the surveillance screen.

"He can use the Crescent Moon Dance completely in such a short time. It seems that Shuichi has a good talent in swordsmanship."

Hiruzen Sarutobi praised.

Minato Namikaze nodded with a smile: "Yes, Third Hokage, Shuichi has indeed made great progress in swordsmanship, and his talent in nerve reaction speed gives him a great advantage in close combat."

Hiruzen Sarutobi said: "If you have perception and sensitivity in time and space, then you are the most suitable candidate to practice Flying Thunder God."

Minato Namikaze nodded: "Indeed, I have also considered this aspect, but it is too early for Shuichi at the moment."

Although Shuichi Hoshita's chakra volume has also increased significantly recently, he has not yet reached the level of practicing Flying Thunder God.

After the second exam, Shuichi Hoshita and the other two went to training again.

At noon, Shuichi Hoshita went back to Konoha Hospital to have lunch with Pharmacist Nono, and in the afternoon, he was beaten by Tsunade.

Looking at the panting Shuichi Hoshita, Tsunade shouted with a sense of evil humor: "Hey, kid, are you okay?"

Woman, you messed with the wrong person!

Shuichi Hoshita gritted his teeth secretly, took out the Bingliang pill and ate it.

Feeling his physical strength recovering quickly, Shuichi Hoshita took a deep breath, moved like a rabbit, and rushed towards Tsunade.

"Taking the initiative to attack?"

Tsunade raised her eyebrows, not really caring.

But the next moment she was shocked, because Shuichi Hoshita performed the Great Fireball Technique without forming a seal.

The fireball came towards her, and Tsunade immediately jumped back to avoid it: "It seems that I don't have enough information about you!"

"Of course, Tsunade-sama, there are many things worth exploring about me."

"Next it's my turn to attack."

"In real combat, it's impossible to defend all the time, and always think about how to prepare medical ninjutsu in advance."

As Shuichi Hoshita said this, he soared into the air, opened his mouth and spit out a large number of flames covering Tsunade.

Fire escape-Phoenix Fire Technique!

Boom boom boom!

Tsunade dodged repeatedly, but she had lost Shuichi Hoshita's trace in front of her eyes while she was in the air.


Tsunade turned around in the air and punched, but missed.

"Not good!"

Tsunade felt something behind her, but it was too late.

Hideichi Hoshita clamped Tsunade's waist with his legs, and embraced her with his arms, clamping her arms, and clasping his hands, just on the upturned peaks.

Tsunade's body immediately froze, and Hideichi Hoshita took the opportunity to exert force, causing Tsunade's body to turn upside down, head down, and fall at high speed.


Tsunade's chakra burst out, and she broke free from Hideichi Hoshita. When she fell to the ground, she lifted her hands and turned over, pounced in front of Hideichi Hoshita, and punched quickly with both fists.

Bang bang bang!

Hideichi Hoshita raised his hands to resist, but Tsunade's strength was too great. After a few punches, his movements were deformed, his arms were numb, and then he was hit in the abdomen by a punch.

Fortunately, Hideichi Hoshita accurately predicted this attack and used the unskilled Yin Healing and Destroying Technique.

But even so, the impact made him bend like a shrimp, and Tsunade made a combo, the next punch landed on his cheek, and then the next punch went straight from bottom to top, straight to the chin.

200% concentration!

Mind running at full speed!

Hoshita Shuichi eliminated all interference, twisted his body, avoided the attack, kicked Tsunade's chest with his legs, and flew out with the elastic force.

The body turned in the air, and a fire bomb hit his face when Xingxia Shui opened his mouth.

The distance was close and the speed was fast. Tsunade had no way to avoid it. Chakra light appeared on her arms and crossed in front of her.


Tsunade was blown away, and her body turned several times before landing.

There were large areas of burns on her exposed arms, but she was recovering quickly, which was obviously the Yin Yushangmie technique.

"This guy..."

"He doesn't even need to seal his fire escape!"

Staring at the panting Shuichi Hoshita on the other side, Tsunade was panting heavily, her chest rising and falling, and her physical strength was also quite exhausted.

On the other side, Shuichi Hoshita's left face was already swollen.

He used Yin Yushangmie on the punch to the abdomen, but it was too late for the punch to the face.

That is to say, Tsunade held back, otherwise this punch would definitely make his head buzz, and he would lose the ability to think, and he would not be able to use ninjutsu at all.

Just like Uchiha Shisui was attacked by Danzo with Izanagi, he was hit on the head several times, and his eyes were taken away before he had time to react.

After taking another pill of Bingliang Pill, he formed seals with his hands, and used the healing technique to reduce the swelling, then walked towards Tsunade: "Tsunade-sama, I promised not to slap you in the face."

Tsunade blushed. She had indeed promised before, but then she snorted and said confidently: "In a real battle, any part of the body is a target of attack."

"Especially the head, which is the easiest part to undermine the enemy's thinking and attack capabilities."

Hashita was speechless, then looked at the two footprints on Tsunade's chest, raised her hand and pointed.

Tsunade looked down, then casually patted it, causing a surging wave.

Hashita did not look away.

"Let's stop here today!"

Tsunade ended today's training and said: "Although your reaction is fast, your technique is not proficient enough. Continue tomorrow!"

Today, I almost flipped over in front of a Genin. It seems that I have to resume training recently.

After not fighting for a long time, my speed and reaction ability have decreased!

Looking at Tsunade's departing back, Shuichi Hoshita couldn't help but recall the past.

It seems... it seems, not wearing?

Subconsciously, Shuichi Hoshita wanted to move his hand, but Shuichi Hoshita quickly suppressed the thought.


Too perverted!

Turning around and leaving the training ground, Shuichi Hoshita went to find Kakashi.

While there is no need to go on a mission, he must brush more times from Kakashi and get the entry of [Physical Skills Expert] as soon as possible to improve his physical fitness again.

Physical fitness is the foundation of everything!

Before sunset, Shuichi Hoshita not only won a physical skills duel from Kakashi, but also won the victory required for the entry of [Swordsmanship Expert].

However, he did not win in swordsmanship, or swordsmanship skills, but in reaction.

But the result will not change, and the entry tree also acknowledges that this victory is valid.

Next, Shuichi Hoshita only needs to use the Three-Day Moon Dance skillfully, and then he can take down the entry [Swordsmanship Expert].

July 8, 39th year of Konoha, 10 am.

In the third round of the Chunin Exam, Shuichi Hoshita and his three companions fought against another team.

And what is very coincidental is that the opposing team is the team of Uchiha Yuto who lost to Shuichi Hoshita in the second round.

They are not enemies, but Uchiha Yuto stared at Shuichi Hoshita and Uchiha Shisui fiercely.

"Uchiha Shisui and that Kurama Sanyo, I will take care of that guy named Shuichi Hoshita, he is very fast!"

Uchiha Yuto said to his two teammates.

The two nodded in unison: "Don't worry!"

They watched the battle between Shuichi Hoshita and Yuto Uchiha yesterday, and knew Shuichi Hoshita's strength clearly.

On the other side, Uchiha Shisui said: "Leave Yuto to me!"

Shuichi Hoshita and Kurama Sanyo had no objection.

Sharingan vs Sharingan, it couldn't be better.