
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Needs extra money!

On the first day of the new year, Shuichi Hoshita, who had just opened his eyes, received a great gift.

  Focusing on the entry tree, the leaves of the [Big Eater] entry can be lit up and activated.

  Obviously, after him, no one has surpassed him.

  "Light up!"

  Shuichi Hoshita thought, and the leaves of the entry were immediately covered with blue light, and the entry effect took effect.

  Physical fitness increased by 100%, recovery ability increased by 100%, and digestion ability increased by 100%.

  The body was numb and the internal organs were hot.

  So cool!

  Shuichi Hoshita almost cried out.

  This is the first time, a pure physical improvement.

  Whether it is recovery ability or digestion ability, it is actually a part of the physical fitness.

  When the improvement was over, Shuichi Hoshita immediately felt that the chakra flowing into the Yin Seal was greatly improved.

  "According to previous estimates, my current chakra level... Dean should be about 1.5 times my chakra level, but in fact it's the same."

  Less than 10 years old, but the chakra level of Yakushi Nonoyu in his twenties is comparable, which is definitely not less.

  And if compared with Kakashi of the same age...

  "According to previous estimates, it will be 12 chakras, but in fact it should be more, and it depends on Kakashi's recent improvement."

  Hoshita Shuichi smiled: "Moreover, I can continue to tap my potential, and I can continue to improve after training."

  This New Year's gift is really good!

  Get up and wash up!

  Then pull Asuka out of the fragrant quilt and push her into the bathroom.

  10 minutes later, the two went out to train together, and as expected, they met Might Guy as always.

  So, the passionate youth started the competition mode.

  Looking at the two people who don't know how to get tired and are full of passion, Asuka wiped the sweat from her forehead, and then couldn't help but smile brightly.

  Such a day, it's great!

  At 8 o'clock in the morning, Hoshita Shuichi and Asuka went home.

  When they got home, Yakushi Nono had already prepared a hearty breakfast.

  Hoshita Shuichi ate it quickly, and then he was still not satisfied.

  Yakushi Nono looked at him and smiled, "It seems that Shuichi's appetite has become a lot bigger!"

  Hoshita Shuichi smiled and said, "I'm one year older now!"

  Asuka nodded, and then said, "Shuichi seems to have grown a little taller, he should be 140CM, in two years, he may catch up with you, sister Nono!"

  Yakushi Nono was not tall, only 155CM, unlike Asuka, who was 164CM tall.

  "Of course boys have to grow taller."

  Yakushi Nono smiled softly, "Then I'll do more in the future."

  After a pleasant breakfast, Hoshita Shuichi and the other two packed up the gifts they had bought long ago, sealed them into the seal scroll, and then took them to the orphanage.

  And this stay lasted for three days.

  Three days should be the most relaxing days for Hoshita Shuichi since he came to this world. In addition to the most basic training, he did not practice anything else.

  Three days later, Hoshita Shuichi began to visit people everywhere to "pay New Year's greetings."

  In fact, Konoha Village does not have this custom, but Shuichi Hoshita has this habit. On

  January 6, the 43rd year of Konoha, Shuichi Hoshita officially started work.

  The first task was to escort the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, as well as Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu to the Daimyo Prefecture.

  It was not just the Sarutobi team that carried out the task, but the entire team led by Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

  In addition to them, there were three four-person teams participating.

  Despite this, when Shuichi Hoshita left the village, he still separated 6 shadow clones to practice.


  After the team left the village, Shuichi Hoshita, Sarutobi Shinnosuke, and Chihiro followed behind Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other three teams, while the other three teams were distributed in the dense forests on both sides of the road. Sarutobi Hiruzen and his team

  were not like Shuichi Hoshita and others when they were carrying out their tasks. They were super fast.

  Although they were walking, their speed was comparable to riding a sedan chair.

  On the first night, everyone settled in Tansho Street.

  At 9 am the next day, they continued their journey.

  "Captain! There is an ambush ahead!"

  Shuichi Hoshita frowned slightly under the mask.

  This is too bold, ambush the Hokage? Do

  you really think the Hokage is an old man who can't move?

  With two whistles, the members of the Anbu on both sides immediately rushed forward at high speed.

  Soon, Shuichi Hoshita and others heard the sound of explosions, and there was billowing smoke and dust.

  The battle was fierce.

  "Here they come!"

  Shuichi Hoshita shouted softly.

  Someone actually broke through the blockade of the Anbu, it seems that there are two brushes.


  Shuichi Hoshita and his three appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen and his three people, and then five enemies appeared, two from the side, and three in the middle of the avenue. The seal has been completed, and the terrible storm rumbled towards Shuichi Hoshita and others.

  Shuichi Hoshita took a step forward, his hands "snapped" together, and the mouth under the mask opened and blew, and a more terrible explosion rumbled. The

  terrible fire storm rolled and swept, colliding with the storm sweeping from the opposite side, and an even stronger explosion sounded.

  Then the storm collapsed and was torn apart by Shuichi Hoshita's fire storm, drowning the three enemies.

  A shrill scream was heard, but it disappeared in an instant.

  Seeing this scene, Mito Kado En said in surprise: "Hiratsune, he is the child named Shuichi Hoshita, right?"

  Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's that child." Utatane Koharu

  praised: "It's a very amazing combination of fire and wind ninjutsu. It's really not easy at this age."

  At this time, Chihiro completed the technique.

  Dark Walk Technique!

  The two enemies attacking from both sides were instantly deprived of sight. Shuichi Hoshita and Sarutobi Shinnosuke disappeared, and then screamed and fell again.

  Shuichi Hoshita killed his opponent, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke captured his opponent.

  Chihiro used illusion to interrogate, and soon the result came out.

  "Hokage-sama, it's the remnants of the air ninja!"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke reported. Mito Kado

  En snorted after hearing this: "These guys should be wiped out with all our strength."     Koharu Utatane said, "They are hiding very deep. It is not easy to wipe them out in one go."

  Hoshita Hideichi agreed with what he heard.

  Last time, they captured the leader of a base of the remnants of the Sky Ninja, but unfortunately they did not get the information of other bases of the remnants of the Sky Ninja from his brain.

  These guys are very careful, and the people in each base do not know the specific location of other bases.

  Unless the most core one, who is also the current leader of the Sky Ninja, is caught, they can be wiped out in one fell swoop.

  But that guy is hiding very deep. Hoshita Hideichi knew that the Anbu had been tracking him for a long time last year without any results.

  Although he knew that the leader of the Sky Ninja should be the guy named Shennong.

  But he didn't know where to find him.

  In addition, Hoshita Hideichi also suggested to Sarutobi Shinnosuke to check the ruins of the Sky Ninja.

  Unfortunately, the Anbu went there and found nothing.

  However, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very calm about the attack of the remnants of the Sky Ninja. He just nodded slightly to Sarutobi Shinnosuke and said, "I know, continue!"

  Then he set off.

  The team quickly restored the original formation.

  Konoha did not lose a single person, and the remnants of the Sky Ninja were all wiped out.

  And this was just a small episode.

  The team went on a safe journey and arrived at the Daimyo's Mansion in the Land of Fire on the third day.

  This time, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other two came to the Daimyo's Mansion to attend the annual routine meeting.

  In name, Konoha Village is indeed respected by the Daimyo.

  The Daimyo allocates funds, and Konoha fights.

  Now is the time to determine how much money the Land of Fire will allocate to Konoha Village in the next year.

  However, Shuichi Hoshita, who was watching this meeting on the side, found that this was really just a routine meeting.

  How much money to get seemed to have been decided long ago.

  But think about it.

  Small meetings decide big things, and big meetings decide small things.

  However, just when Shuichi Hoshita thought the meeting was about to end, the Daimyo suddenly made a request.

  Sarutobi Asuma!

  Shuichi Hoshita's heart skipped a beat.

  No way?

  Was Asuma Sarutobi, who was in his rebellious period, really instigated by the Daimyo?

  Shuichi Hoshita secretly looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, but could only see a little bit of the side.

  "Of course there is no problem with what the daimyo said, but I think this matter still needs Asuma's consent first."

  This was Sarutobi Hiruzen's answer.

  The daimyo smiled and said, "This is as it should be."

  This smile and tone clearly showed his confidence.

  Although he failed to win over Kakashi Hatake, the son of Konoha White Fang, who was more famous for his genius.

  But Sarutobi Asuma was even more surprised.

  It was all thanks to that kid Shuichi Hoshita!

  Ten million a year, it's worth it!

  Well, we have to increase the money this year!


  After the meeting, Shuichi Hoshita felt that the daimyo should increase the money this year.

  Sarutobi Asuma is really a priceless treasure for the daimyo.

  After returning to the resting place and taking off his mask, Shuichi Hoshita hurriedly asked, "Captain, Asuma..."

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke smiled bitterly and shook his head, "That kid is too worrying."

  Shuichi Hoshita was a little embarrassed, but Asuma's mind was a little different.

  He had discussed the relationship between Konoha Village and the Land of Fire, and the Hokage and the Daimyo with Kakashi and Asuma Sarutobi before... Obviously, his words were not enough, and Asuma Sarutobi had his own thoughts.

  That's great!

  Thank you for letting me make more money!

  Seeing Shuichi Hoshita's embarrassment, Sarutobi Shinnosuke quickly comforted him: "Shuichi, this has nothing to do with you."

  "Besides, it might be a good thing to let Asuma come out and see it."

  Shuichi Hoshita compared his original impression of Asuma with Asuma's current personality, and nodded.

  The next day, Shuichi Hoshita and others set off to return to Konoha.

  When they got home, Shuichi Hoshita collected an extra 20 million taels.

  Before he opened his mouth, the Daimyo had already automatically raised the price.

  Hokage's office.

  Shuichi Hoshita reported the Daimyo's price increase truthfully.

  Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded: "Just do it as usual."

  "Go ahead, Shuichi, you don't have to think too much about this."

  Hoshita Hideki nodded: "Understood!"


  After Shuichi Hoshita left, Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking whether to send one more person to the daimyo.

  But he quickly rejected this idea.

  Konoha is short of manpower now, and the daimyo's goal is genius.

  Besides, sending an ordinary boy may not be useful.

  With a sigh, Sarutobi Hiruzen smoked a big puff of cigarette and decided to let nature take its course.


  After leaving the Hokage Building, Shuichi Hoshita went to Orochimaru's experimental base.

  In the next two days of vacation, he spent the day in the experimental base in addition to basic training.

  At night, he continued to familiarize himself with the fire escape chakra mode in the yard at home.

  Although it has been cultivated, it is still a certain distance from actual combat.

  You know, he did it with full concentration and the blessing of "flash of inspiration" at that time.

  And now, he just wants to make himself complete it step by step in a normal state.

  And he must be proficient and can instantly open this mode.

  This is Shuichi Hoshita's high standard for himself!