
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Medical Ninja Tools!

"It's Shuichi and Kakashi!"

Shizune was very surprised. She hadn't seen Shuichi Hoshita for a few days.

Might Guy was full of energy: "You really can't slack off. Today I challenge you to climb the cliff 500 times. If you can't do it, you can have a duel with Shuichi!"

And Asuma Sarutobi was secretly surprised: "What a fast speed."

Being able to walk on the cliff as if it were flat ground, and such a fierce battle is enough to show that the two are very familiar with the control of chakra.

"The progress is really fast!"

Asuma Sarutobi also had the idea of ​​graduating early in his heart.

Although he has the guidance of his brother and even other tribesmen, he can continue to improve even if he doesn't graduate.

But school time is indeed a bit boring for him.

And looking at Shuichi Hoshita and Kakashi, he always feels that these two people have improved faster after graduation.


Asuma Sarutobi couldn't help but look at Yuhi Kurenai next to him.

Compared with graduation, red is more important!

On the cliff, Shuichi Hoshita and Kakashi were panting heavily, sweating profusely, and could no longer fight.

Another draw!

However, considering that Kakashi had already consumed some of his physical strength before, even if he had a period of rest, Shuichi Hoshita could judge that he was still inferior to Kakashi in terms of physical strength and energy.

If it weren't for the blessing of concentration and the blessing of the speed of thinking, most of them would not even be able to draw.

Kakashi's combat wisdom is amazing. Even though he is still young, he has already shown his brilliance.

But Shuichi Hoshita was not discouraged. After all, it was a 50-50 match.

Now that he can be evenly matched with Kakashi in physical skills, it is enough to show that the training has not been in vain, and the entries are amazing.

But at the same time, Shuichi Hoshita is more and more eager to improve his physical fitness.

Not to mention comparing with Jiraiya and Naruto, at least he can't be worse than Kakashi.

Hideichi Hoshita remembered that among all the jonins in Konoha, Kakashi was not outstanding in terms of physical strength, at least he was slightly inferior to Asuma Sarutobi.

In the ninja world, the further you go, the more important physical strength or chakra is when the combat power explodes, and it can completely build an insurmountable gap.

Without enough chakra, you can't use your ultimate moves.

Coming down from the cliff, Hideichi Hoshita greeted Shizune and the others, and was about to take water from his backpack when Shizune handed it to him.

Hideichi Hoshita took it without any hesitation: "Thank you."

Shizune looked at Hideichi Hoshita, and waited for him to finish drinking the water before saying: "Hideichi, I have a few questions about the memory palace that I want to ask you. Do you have time?"

"Of course."

Hideichi Hoshita agreed immediately, and then the two of them got together, asking questions and I answered them.

On the other side, Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yuhi teamed up to climb the cliff.

Kakashi was resting coolly, and his eyes were on Kai who was holding a big stone and doing frog jumps.

The afternoon training passed quickly without knowing it.

In the evening, after saying goodbye to Shizune and the others, Hideichi Hoshita met up with Yakushi Nono, and then returned to the orphanage with all kinds of food.

In the future, the time to go back to the orphanage will be less and less, and the people he knows will be less and less, so Hideichi Hoshita will come back when he has time.

Although he didn't stay here for a long time, Yakushi Nono regarded this place as his home, so this place would also be his home.

That night, Shuichi Hoshita talked with Yakushi Nono for a long time, and then he made a bed on the floor in Yakushi Nono's room, sniffing Yakushi Nono's unique fragrance and fell asleep peacefully.

The next day.

After bidding farewell to Yakushi Nono, Shuichi Hoshita, who was refreshed, went home to pack his backpack, and purchased another set of surgical instruments on the way to meet up with Minato Namikaze and others.

Yes, surgical instruments for medical ninjas!

As a medical ninja, it is reasonable for all kinds of surgical instruments to be classified as ninja tools, right?

Therefore, Shuichi Hoshita felt that he didn't need to practice nunchakus or long sticks at all, and the surgical instruments were enough for him to take down the [Ninja Tool Expert].

And this is much faster than practicing weapons such as nunchakus.

After meeting up with Minato Namikaze and the other two, today's training began.

In the next few days, the team had no missions, and every day was all about various training.

Traps, tracking, actual combat drills, and so on.

During the break, Shuichi Hoshita began to harm various small animals.

Rabbits, wild boars, pheasants, fish, and so on.

And it was a double kill, using them to practice medical ninjutsu and medical ninja tools while also observing the characteristics of these small animals, laying the foundation for the term [Transformation Master].

Four days passed in a flash, and April arrived quietly.

What surprised Shuichi Hoshita was that the Hyouryo Maru was actually considered a type of ninja tool.

In addition to the Senbon and the short sword that he had just mastered, and the scalpel that he had used the most in the past few days.

There were only two types of ninja tools left to master 10 types.

In the 39th year of Konoha, April 2, 9 am, at the entrance of Konoha Village.

Hideichi Hoshita appeared in front of Minato Namikaze and the others in a new outfit.

The black clothes and black pants, iron wrist guards and arm guards have not changed, but the original coat has become a black vest that is somewhat similar to the green vest worn by Minato Namikaze.

In addition to the different colors, the one worn by Shuichi Hoshita has many specially customized small pockets.

Seeing that Minato Namikaze and the other two were looking at him curiously, Shuichi Hoshita gently hooked a pocket on the vest with his right hand, and a sharp scalpel appeared.

"Shuichi, have you brought all the surgical instruments?"

Kurama Sanyo is too familiar with this scalpel.

The small animals eaten these days were all dissected with this scalpel.

Hideichi Hoshita smiled and said, "Of course."

"As a medical ninja, it is very reasonable and necessary to bring medical ninja tools, right?"

Kurama Sanyo scratched the back of his head: "That being said, you can't do the surgery alone... can you?"

Hideichi Hoshita put away the scalpel: "When there is enough chakra to use the shadow clone, it will be useful. It's better to be prepared."

Of course he can use the shadow clone now, but the chakra can't support it for too long.

Minato Namikaze stopped the chattering in time and said, "Okay, let's go!"

"Our mission this time is to be one of the patrol teams on the western border of the Land of Fire. The time is half a month. You must be mentally prepared."

Hideichi Hoshita and the other two immediately responded in unison: "Understood!"

The four of them set off immediately and headed west after leaving the village.

That evening, Hideichi Hoshita and the other four arrived at the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain, replaced a team, and became one of the patrol teams.

That night, the four of them started the boring patrol mission.

And the patrol teams arranged by Konoha on the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain are far more than those on the side of the Land of River. There are five patrol teams in total, and the patrol routes are stepped and staggered.

The reason for such a large force is that the Land of Rain was in great chaos after the Second Ninja World War.

Wandering ninjas, various bandits, and spies and ninjas from other ninja villages appeared.

And the reason for this is that one of the main battlefields of the Second Ninja World War was the Land of Rain.

At the same time, the Land of Rain is surrounded by the three major countries of the Land of Fire, the Land of Wind, and the Land of Earth.

The Land of Rain is also a place where the three major ninja villages confront each other.

Secondly, the situation in the Land of Rain is also related to Hanzo's weak spirit and shrinking power.